
1977-0681-6297 || Anand (X, ΩR, M, UM)
1977-0681-6297 || Anand (X, ΩR, M, UM) || 1756, 0480, 1839, 3475

Trades (0)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (227)

1. Shiny Scatterbug (River pattern) /u/ninjaspidermonkey
2. Shiny Finneon /u/Chipsafari
3. Shiny Fletchling /u/Pigreco91
4. Shiny Turtwig /u/andrewlay
5. Shiny Treecko /u/javier_m2
6. Shiny Gible /u/Fad1990
7. Shiny Froakie /u/ZeroX2022
8. Shiny Klefki /u/DrMikben
9. Shiny Rotom /u/MercurialSquirrel
10. Shiny Aron /u/aquaticpanther
11. Shiny Feebas /u/9812bin
12. Shiny Gastly /u/loki1023
13. Shiny Cyndaquil /u/bi-cycle
14. Shiny Onix /u/Ze_Penguino
15. Shiny Pumpkaboo (Super Size) /u/Gio_Alkemi
16. Shiny Scatterbug (River pattern) /u/mamamia1001
17. Shiny Bagon /u/Implieslol
18. Shiny Scyther /u/Flabagaf
19. Shiny Pinsir /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
20. Shiny Froakie /u/faptastic_platypus
21. Shiny Goomy /u/slycopperr
22. Shiny Bulbasaur /u/Silver_snake7
23. Shiny Seviper /u/kyralith
24. Shiny Pancham /u/TheMourningking
25. Shiny Beldum /u/colspan
26. Shiny Bagon /u/jrdufour
27. Shiny Swablu /u/gunhak106
28. Shiny Mawile /u/RainbowPlatypus
29. Shiny Piplup /u/kinniie
30. Shiny Corphish /u/wwwaz37
31. Shiny Surskit /u/Beleniel
32. Shiny Eevee /u/harryng2103
33. Shiny Bunnelby /u/PokeCube
34. Shiny Growlithe /u/FreakBurger
35. Shiny Goomy /u/dgk3593
36. Shiny Beldum /u/muggy8
37. Shiny Froakie /u/kon0872
38. Shiny Shinx /u/eagle0100
39. Shiny Beldum /u/Beleniel
40. Shiny Gastly /u/ilocretiko
41. Shiny Abra /u/Rhino_Kneel
42. Shiny Cyndaquil /u/dhol54
43. Shiny Castform /u/newsgirl1972
44. Shiny Dedenne /u/hochi2080
45. Shiny Mime Jr. /u/rin_sei
46. Shiny Taillow /u/alfredli310
47. Shiny Delibird /u/Lukari13
48. Shiny Ralts /u/radiowarrrr
49. Shiny Foongus /u/Itsuki8
50. Shiny Hippopotas /u/tofinima
51. Shiny Pidgey /u/willster191
52. Shiny Doduo /u/Great_Plattsby
53. Shiny Clamperl /u/ffvn9
54. Shiny Glameow /u/ffvn9
55. Shiny Pidgey /u/fauxpromises
56. Shiny Mawile /u/P3DS
57. Shiny Drowzee /u/Zangoose1
58. Shiny Dratini /u/gmpsmendes
59. Shiny Charmander /u/Trogaholic
60. Shiny Scraggy /u/gmpsmendes
61. Shiny Eevee /u/ShisenAkarui
62. Shiny Wurmple /u/eraco
63. Shiny Teddiursa /u/Markus1999B
64. Shiny Miltank /u/DiamondFarm1
65. Shiny Foongus /u/jet_poke
66. Shiny Dwebble /u/Buzz6
67. Shiny Axew /u/solomon7916
68. Shiny Swinub /u/willster191
69. Shiny Eevee /u/HeySawah
70. Shiny Porygon /u/waterwingss
71. Shiny Carvanha /u/dr-spangle
72. Shiny Absol /u/chang0471
73. Shiny Dedenne /u/jem529
74. Shiny Foongus /u/Redacted1
75. Shiny Kabuto /u/sfris1992
76. Shiny Swirlix /u/sinneraki
77. Shiny Shellos /u/Booshes
78. Shiny Mudkip /u/ksk314
79. Shiny Wooper /u/FrenchGaudi
80. Shiny Litwick /u/highpawn
81. Shiny Goomy /u/shs12048
82. Shiny Magikarp /u/a0161613
83. Shiny Teddiursa /u/ShadowSkeet
84. Shiny Lapras /u/bosniangurl
85. Shiny Qwilfish /u/bosniangurl
86. Shiny Ferroseed /u/Diend01
87. Shiny Scatterbug (High Plains pattern) /u/You_Got_Jammed
88. Shiny Weedle /u/ImagineLeft
89. Shiny Shroomish /u/Interfectrix
90. Shiny Sewaddle /u/poliwhirl_sil
91. Shiny Deino /u/Tacanacy
92. Shiny Hippopotas /u/Great_Plattsby
93. Shiny Larvitar /u/EggsAway
94. Shiny Eevee /u/MarksmanMoi
95. Shiny Eevee /u/gemgaming
96. Shiny Torchic /u/paulaabelenda
97. Shiny Togepi /u/goatee64
98. Shiny Kangaskhan /u/Dodjim
99. Shiny Solosis /u/Jozcef
100. Shiny Espurr /u/SlashAgris
101. Shiny Piplup /u/theantipode
102. Shiny Stunky /u/theantipode
103. Shiny Archen /u/AlfonsoDragonlord
104. Shiny Binacle /u/basicrocketry
105. Shiny Amaura /u/Lillu89
106. Shiny Ferroseed /u/infiniteshadow
107. Shiny Eevee /u/Raevix
108. Shiny Gligar /u/Azrub
109. Shiny Larvitar /u/shibaneru_poke
110. Shiny Solosis /u/Upper90175
111. Shiny Skrelp /u/sugar8ay
112. Shiny Charmander /u/snowkae
113. Shiny Deino /u/PTSCrumbled
114. Shiny Machop /u/Xathyr
115. Shiny Axew /u/Strax_89
116. Shiny Fletchling /u/capnsafetypants
117. Shiny Pichu /u/Tacanacy
118. Shiny Gastly /u/Leezyan
119. Shiny Bagon /u/Blackballroom
120. Shiny Tynamo /u/leaf_05
121. Shiny Beldum /u/Atreides40
122. Shiny Tyrunt /u/Stale_Mate
123. Shiny Trapinch /u/dltnnm123
124. Shiny Kabuto /u/MoonlitJ
125. Shiny Clamperl /u/SomniumObscurum
126. Shiny Eevee /u/GhostyCube
127. Shiny Omanyte /u/Blackballroom
128. Shiny Slowpoke /u/HandsmeBWnderful
129. Shiny Sneasel /u/The_Ponnitor
130. Shiny Charmander /u/Markus1892
131. Shiny Totodile /u/Crystal_Shapeshifter
132. Shiny Eevee /u/Adso25
133. Shiny Vulpix /u/sabercallisto
134. Shiny Shieldon /u/Whimms
135. Shiny Scyther /u/Whimms
136. Shiny Larvitar /u/Wizli
137. Shiny Froakie /u/iamjacksvertigo
138. Shiny Diglett /u/3Anton3
139. Shiny Larvitar /u/Clyde_AOD
140. Shiny Riolu /u/Tanith5
141. Shiny Scyther /u/dyerdyens
142. Shiny Ralts /u/schwing-
143. Shiny Riolu /u/JOBOalthor
144. Shiny Yamask /u/MrVexual
145. Shiny Bulbasaur /u/Kyteday
146. Shiny Larvitar /u/GingaSmash2096
147. Shiny Omanyte /u/PandaCritic
148. Shiny Pawniard /u/ArkanPacman
149. Shiny Chinchou /u/ryanthomas917
150. Shiny Eevee /u/Wizli
151. Shiny Wooper /u/willster191
152. Shiny Tauros /u/Qweebo
153. Shiny Larvitar /u/willster191
154. Shiny Turtwig /u/chicktt
155. Shiny Roselia /u/theflamesof
156. Shiny Riolu /u/gatorz77
157. Shiny Gastly /u/gunnygae
158. Shiny Bulbasaur /u/MysticHomer
159. Shiny Fennekin /u/Unlucky-Sevens
160. Shiny Heracross /u/mahoang
161. Shiny Smoochum /u/sskies91
162. Shiny Horsea /u/HandsmeBWnderful
163. Shiny Eevee /u/vee4Phoenix
164. Shiny Litwick /u/GottaCatchEmAll04
165. Shiny Shinx /u/Tacanacy
166. Shiny Mudbray /u/chang0471
167. Shiny Buneary /u/achildofatom
168. Shiny Snivy /u/Riah8426
169. Shiny Growlithe /u/TheOnlyXdude
170. Shiny Beldum /u/Q10609
171. Shiny Drampa /u/MysticHomer
172. Shiny Morelull /u/patchespatch04
173. Shiny Charmander /u/Haruiteul
174. Shiny Growlithe /u/Mosbyyy
175. Shiny Feebas /u/MarkPrimo
176. Shiny Charmander /u/EmbersWolf
177. Shiny Piplup /u/tal0805
178. Shiny Shinx /u/xEXXYx
179. Shiny Binacle /u/vee4Phoenix
180. Shiny Riolu /u/SpiritSplicer
181. Shiny Mareanie /u/ClaCoLu95
182. Shiny Honedge /u/chang0471
183. Shiny Meditite /u/lonachu
184. Shiny Mareep /u/ariel7275
185. Shiny Flabébé (Yellow flower) /u/Grin4U
186. Shiny Axew /u/Q10609
187. Shiny Stufful /u/Lukari13
188. Shiny Carvanha /u/Q10609
189. Shiny Burmy /u/chang0471
190. Shiny Roselia /u/quiksandpull
191. Shiny Gothita /u/buckembarnes
192. Shiny Zigzagoon /u/Seankle
193. Shiny Machop /u/robyn_herbert
194. Shiny Litten /u/bowser0000
195. Shiny Froakie /u/Q10609
196. Shiny Solosis /u/tinchys
197. Shiny Phione /u/megavipersnake91
198. Shiny Litten /u/silener0502
199. Shiny Larvitar /u/cherryblossom10
200. Shiny Mawile /u/Crodriguez97
201. Shiny Tyrunt /u/cherryblossom10
202. Shiny Larvesta /u/Q10609
203. Shiny Sunkern /u/junior8686
204. Shiny Popplio /u/rapidrowlet
205. Shiny Froakie /u/imapikachu1117
206. Shiny Mr. Mime /u/junior8686
207. Shiny Taillow /u/shinybidoof11
208. Shiny Charmander /u/londeros
209. Shiny Rockruff /u/HikkiLover
210. Shiny Shinx /u/LonelyDruid
211. Shiny Charmander /u/PhalcoHS
212. Shiny Audino /u/Om4rA
213. Shiny Mantine /u/shinybidoof11
214. Shiny Eevee /u/Lord_Van-Cren
215. Shiny Aerodactyl /u/Om4rA
216. Shiny Klefki /u/stillmermaidlol
217. Shiny Mareanie /u/infernnape
218. Shiny Eevee /u/Th3M4rti4n
219. Shiny Chikorita /u/Om4rA
220. Shiny Bagon /u/Q10609
221. Shiny Flabébé (Orange flower) /u/Animekitty421
222. Shiny Mudkip /u/Om4rA
223. Shiny Remoraid /u/MisterLenz
224. Shiny Tyrunt /u/ionte11
225. Shiny Carbink /u/ionte11
226. Shiny Dunsparce /u/BlackoutSLM
227. Shiny Zigzagoon /u/chuyalove

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Om4rA Mar 28, 2019 3:18:48 AM

Great communicate and fast hatch! Thank you so much for take a moment and hatch my shiny Chikorita!

stillmermaidlol Jan 3, 2019 4:30:40 AM

Hatched my shiny Klefki, thanks so much!

infernnape Jan 3, 2019 2:42:08 AM

Thanks so much for hatching my shiny Mareanie!

Om4rA Dec 15, 2018 10:34:32 PM

Thank you so much for your help and time, great communicate and fast hatch!

Lord_Van-Cren Dec 3, 2018 2:40:43 AM

Extremely fast hatch, responded quickly, and nicknamed my shiny Eevee as requested.

They even sent a shiny Murkrow for the egg as a sign of trust.

Trustworthy and efficient.

shinybidoof11 Nov 10, 2018 1:22:31 AM

Great communicate and fast hatch, thanks for the Shiny Mantine Hatch :D

HikkiLover Aug 10, 2018 11:58:03 PM

Thanks so much for hatching my shiny Rockruff!

bowser0000 Mar 11, 2018 7:45:51 PM

Hatched my Shiny Litten extremely fast :)

EmbersWolf Jun 18, 2017 4:18:33 PM

Hatched my shiny charmander quickly. Awesome hatcher. :)

MarkPrimo Apr 27, 2017 8:50:15 PM

Hatched my shiny feebas very quickly. Thanks :D

Mosbyyy Apr 14, 2017 12:43:15 PM

helped me hatch my gold dog, fast and reliable :D

-Advice_Requested- Jan 31, 2017 4:30:03 AM

Hatched my Shiny Snivy for me super fast and alerted when it was correctly hatched! Thanks!

GingaSmash2096 Sep 10, 2016 9:18:30 PM

Hatched my shiny Larvitar very quickly. They're a very reliable hatcher.

dyerdyens Aug 30, 2016 12:27:25 PM

Hatched a shiny scyther for me. Thanks! A reliable hatcher. :-)

Clyde_AOD Aug 27, 2016 1:11:12 PM

Hatched a shiny larvitar and nicknamed it for me, thanks again :)

Tanith5 Aug 27, 2016 12:29:15 AM

Hatched a shiny Riolu for me. Fast and reliable hatcher!

Whimms Aug 7, 2016 9:39:42 PM

Got a quick, straightforward hatch on my Shieldon and Scyther, thanks again.

Markus1892 Jul 2, 2016 12:16:49 PM

Thanks for hatching my charmander :)

SomniumObscurum Jun 26, 2016 9:50:30 PM

Hatched my Clamperl in the Seafloor Cavern!

Appreciate going all the way to that desired location. :)

Tacanacy Jun 4, 2016 7:44:02 PM

Has hatched two Shiny Pokémon for me. Thanks again!

snowkae Mar 15, 2016 10:55:05 AM

Thanks for hatching my Charmander so quickly and efficiently!

basicrocketry Jan 22, 2016 12:20:25 AM

Hatched a Binacle for me, extremely fast response - thanks!

theantipode Jan 20, 2016 4:30:19 PM

Got back to me very fast and hatched two shinies for me. Thank you so much!

MarksmanMoi Jan 9, 2016 11:38:47 AM

Really nice and good guy :D help me with my hatching and very comprensive when I made a small mistake :)

bosniangurl Nov 8, 2015 1:16:59 AM

Shiny Lapras and Shiny Qwilfish hatches and fast!!

ShadowSkeet Nov 7, 2015 1:49:24 PM

Hatched my Teddiursa real fast! Thanks!

dr-spangle Aug 17, 2015 7:09:04 PM

Super speedy hatch, Thank you! :D

waterwingss Aug 16, 2015 4:44:22 PM

Hatched my Shiny Porygon. Replied very quickly. Thanks again!

P3DS May 12, 2015 1:01:59 PM

Thanks for hatching my mawile shiny for me!

radiowarrrr Apr 1, 2015 2:17:08 AM

hatched a shiny ralts for me. super quick! thanks so much !

dhol54 Mar 2, 2015 1:32:59 PM

Hatched a shiny Cyndaquil for me. Quick to hatch and respond. Thanks again!

PokeCube Feb 13, 2015 1:40:10 AM

Hatched my Bunnelby egg! Thank you very much! :)

kinniie Jan 30, 2015 12:46:04 PM

Hatched a shiny Piplup for me, thank you so much!

RainbowPlatypus Jan 24, 2015 4:50:00 PM

Fast and easy hatch. Would recommend.

Silver_snake7 Nov 24, 2014 10:56:41 PM

Hatched my shiny Bulbasaur and even sent a shiny Charmander as collateral. Trustworthy hatcher!

slycopperr Nov 10, 2014 5:14:30 PM

Thank you for the Shiny Goomy hatch, nice and fast!

GalaxyCrisis's Information


Friend codes:

  • 1977-0681-6297


  • IGN: Anand (X) TSV: 1756
  • IGN: Anand (OR) TSV: 0480
  • IGN: Kiran (AS) TSV: 3642
  • IGN: Anand (M) TSV: 1839
  • IGN: Chris (US) TSV: 2010
  • IGN: Anand (UM) TSV: 3475