Although a communication soft ban happened during initial trade, but the rest goes smoothly, Thx for the patient and hatched a shiny Togedemaru for me :)
Quick and easy hatch, thanks!
Hatched a shiny Squirtle for me very quickly and politely. Thank you so much!
Hatched a Shiny Hippopotas for me. Thanks again.
She hatched an egg for me. It was super quick and easy, thanks so much!
Very nice hatcher who answered me super quick and hatched my Carbink. Thank you so much!
Very nice and responsive hatcher, even went through the effort of a second trade to nickname it! 10/10, would trade again!
Hatched my shiny phione! Thank you very much <3
[tsv] jasmineofwinter hatched a froakie egg for me and was very patient even after i goffed and gave the wrong egg the first time. She was very nice as well. :)
Hatched shiny Sneasel for me :)
Hatched a Shiny Hippopotas for me. Thank you very much ♥
Hatched my shiny Slowpoke for me. Thanks again!
Responded and traded quickly and didn't forget my requested nickname. Great hatcher!
Very fast and efficient hatcher. Thanks!
Hatched my Shiny Beldum and Ferroseed for me. Thanks for your time and help : )
Kindly hatched an egg for me in a timely manner. Was very polite and quick to respond. Recommended!
Hatched my shiny Cyndaquil, thank you!
Hatched kindly the buneary egg!!
Hatched a shiny Burmy for me!
Hatched my shiny TSAR (Zigzagoon). Responded really fast and was very polite!
Really fast response, glad that I had the matching Shiny Value
Was fast in responding and hatching.
Was fast in responding and hatching. Thank you again for the shiny Slowpoke! :)
Hatched my Tyrogue. Really fast and trustworthy.
Very quickly helped me hatch a Shiny Phanpy. Very professional and alert.
Helped me hatched a shiny feroseed. Thanks!
Quickly responded to my request to hatch a shiny Froakie for me. Thanks! :D
Hatched my Charmander quickly. Thank you so much!
Hatched my shellder and Honedge - thanks
Hatched my Shiny Scraggy, Thank you millions
Hatched my Shiny Marill! Quick and reliable. Thanks again!
Hatched my shiny Karrablast for me. Quick and professional.
Hatched a shiny Bagon for me :) Thanks again :)
Hatched a shiny Weedle for me :D Very nice hatcher :)
Hatched a shiny elekid for me 10/10
Yoooooo, this trader is "da bomb". Or "the shiz" or "the bee's knees". Whatever it is the kids are saying these days. "Fo sho."
A very patient & polite hatcher, thanks for hatching Staryu!