
0104-2338-3067 || Jasmine (S), May (αS)
0104-2338-3067 || Jasmine (S), May (αS) || 1438, 2594

Trades (110)

[+] Events (7)
1. 2 Ekans, Petilil, Riolu, Sableye, Shuppet, Swablu, and Cyndaquill for 2 Event Codes /u/Catalune
2. Shiny Cyndaquil for Redeemed Game Code Magmar /u/Defy_Juice
3. Shiny Honedge for Redeemed Game Code Electabuzz /u/MyNansAppleCrumble
4. Shiny Absol for NA Mew Code /u/ttrq
5. Shiny Gastly and 5IV Bold HA Lileep for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/proofoak
6. Jirachi, Suicune, Entei, and Raikou for Tapu Fini /u/TheOnlyXdude
7. 15 Breedables for Get TV Serperior and SPA Happy Meowth /u/mizudomi
[+] Shinies (7)
1. Shiny Sableye for Fletchling, Staryu, Totodile, and Togepi /u/wingedzerocats
2. Shiny Swablu for Shiny Squirtle /u/calvin835
3. Shiny Swablu for Shiny Magikarp /u/quiksandpull
4. Shiny Chikorita for Shiny Litleo /u/shuael34
5. 5IV shiny Goomy, 6IV shiny Magikarp, and 5IV shiny Riolu for RNG'd 6IV Reshiram /u/ProlificPooper
6. Shiny Swablu for Female Charmander, female Chespin, and female Fennekin /u/Elbryan629
7. Shiny Totodile for Salamencite and Ability Capsule /u/TheFourKings
[+] Competitive / Casual (96)
1. Mawile for Eevee /u/mfray
2. Cottonee for Croagunk /u/ant3h
3. Feebas for Gligar /u/eraco
4. Goomy, Gligar, and Mareep for Swablu, Noibat, and Chimchar /u/nurialp
5. Natu for Totodile /u/skullhound
6. Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone for Rotom /u/TwixClub
7. Mareep and Munna for Lickitung and Venipede /u/Parkimus
8. Chansey, Buizel, and Bellsprout for Miltank and Munna /u/miki_ms
9. Buizel for Mareep /u/AnnAsazuki
10. Chansey for Shellos /u/geraldpunk
11. 6IV Munna for HP Ice Helioptile /u/Jodzysip
12. Swablu for Scatterbug /u/TheDerpingWalrus
13. Cleffa for Cottonee /u/Marjoly
14. Spearow, Chansey, and Purrloin for Exeggcute, Stantler, and Shuppet /u/Raxos
15. 6IV Swablu for Foreign 5IV Growlithe /u/Zyrokon
16. Elgyem for Absol /u/kyuubi95
17. Axew and Spearow for HP Ground Larvesta /u/Dyoxer
18. Fast Ball Buizel, Fast Ball Ponyta, and Friend Ball Larvitar for 5IV Totodile /u/darwinistic
19. Dive Ball Totodile for Friend Ball Roselia /u/crookedvulture95
20. Dive Ball Totodile and Dream Ball Alomomola for HP Grass Feebas /u/GrizzOut
21. Dream Ball Spearow for Dream Ball Snubbull /u/waterwingss
22. Aipom, Exeggcute, and Gligar for Vulpix and Anorith /u/RainBooom
23. Aipom and Sentret for Dratini and Finneon /u/Raxos
24. Dream Ball Sentret and Dream Ball Natu for Dream Ball Buneary and Dive Ball Tentacool /u/RainBooom
25. Alomomola and Snubbull for Female Squirtle /u/key_blader8
26. Alomomola and Petilil for Female Chikorita /u/_greenie
27. Alomomola and Snubbull for Skitty and Glameow /u/MagicKitsune
28. Zubat for Farfetch'd /u/Slaying_Dragons
29. Axew and Miltank for 5IV Abra /u/Epoke28
30. Tentacool and Castform for Female Cyndaquil /u/basler04
31. Poochyena and Skitty for Shinx and Goldeen /u/patchespatch04
32. Corphish for Skarmory /u/Brimst
33. Tentacool for Chinchou /u/Slaying_Dragons
34. Tentacool for Venipede /u/Fredosauce831
35. Leftovers and Sun Stone for 5IV Shellder /u/skillionaire26
36. Shellos, Farfetch'd, Venipede, Exeggcute, and Feebas for Bagon, Houndour, Wooper, Ekans, and Weedle /u/xkarlzx
37. Ralts for Sneasel /u/sameold12
38. Igglybuff and Horsea for Drifloon and Misdreavus /u/viosdr
39. Poochyena, Farfetch'd, Alomomola for Female Cyndaquil and Ekans /u/basler04
40. Cottonee, Farfetch'd, Skitty, Buizel, and Zubat for Remoraid, Cubone, Phanpy, Chinchou, and Chatot /u/Kbhuchar
41. Weedle for Shuckle /u/hafiyhalim
42. Aipom, Feebas, and Exeggcute for Karrablast, Shellder, and Koffing /u/patchespatch04
43. Caterpie, Zigzagoon, and Spoink for Snorunt, Clamperl, and Ducklett /u/Pkmn0614
44. Growlithe for Pawniard /u/killanarwhal
45. Wooper and Dratini for French 5IV Gligar /u/SimplyJordan
46. Chikorita for Houndour /u/Justinevj
47. Zubat for Corsola /u/Xeith
48. Female Lileep and Farfetch'd for Gible, Shellmet, and Surskit /u/hafiyhalim
49. Exeggcute for Chinchou /u/Pram96
50. Teddiursa, Chinchou, and female Anorith for Poliwag, Carvanha, Mantine, and Murkrow /u/Scizormaster94
51. Ralts for Starly /u/patchespatch04
52. Exeggcute, Weedle, and Gligar for Ponyta, Marill, and Spinda /u/firezpirit
53. Petilil and Snorunt for Kangaskhan and Smeargle /u/Luilke
54. Dream Ball HA female Feebas and Dream Ball HA female Ducklett for Luxury Ball female Deerling and Premier Ball female Deerling /u/MegaEevee
55. Totodile for Machop /u/Scizormaster94
56. Aipom, Audino, and Alomomola for Ledyba, Cubone, Luvdisk /u/pb05
57. Leftovers and Choice Specs for Charmander, Kecleon, Mr. Mime /u/NotGarrett
58. 5IV Chikorita, Magikarp, Goomy, and Tentacool for Honedge and HP Ice Electrike /u/SimplyJordan
59. Ability Capsule for Seel, Sudowoodo, and Minun /u/amapoet
60. Venipede for Heracronite /u/Joenaruto
61. Nidoran and Tentacool for Female Aerodactyl /u/marvino59
62. Snubbull for Krabby /u/ChiefRunningH20
63. Swinub, Sunkern, and Durant for Corphish, Shellos, and Spoink /u/Luilke
64. Leftovers for Qualot Berry, Hondew Berry, Tomato Berry, and 2 Enigma Berries /u/MarkingOut44
65. Alomomola for Foongus /u/btmatsu
66. Chinchou and Shuppet for Hippopotas and Makuhita /u/Umbra-Profess
67. 5IV Kecleon for 5IV Klefki /u/Aurnion
68. Marill for Klefki /u/Beckthebeetle
69. 6IV Totodile Egg for 6IV Clefairy /u/king-boo
70. 5IV Totodile for 5IV Gible /u/MRBlobbable
71. 6IV Swablu for 6IV Snorunt /u/lompkins
72. HP Rock Petilil for HP Fire Horsea /u/Mushy_64
73. Marill and Spinda for Sudowoodo and Geodude /u/tlatham86
74. Ducklett for Phanpy /u/TaiTaiX
75. Mareep, Makuhita, Chimecho, Delibird, Spoink for Teddiursa, Tropius, Bidoof, Hoppip, Kecleon /u/effieSC
76. Carnivine, Cherubi, Lapras, Spinarak, Castform, Burmy for Rhyhorn, Horsea, Delibird, Magby, Kecleon /u/Patoan91
77. Corphish for Nosepass /u/deurim
78. Pinsir for Basculin /u/DarthBaelfire
79. Ducklett and Buizel for Gulpin and Delibird /u/savannah_allie
80. Cranidos and Meowth for Combee and Electrike /u/vheress
81. Basculin for Dunsparce /u/Spekpony1
82. Numel, Illumise, and Tympole for Makuhita and Dwebble /u/Patoan91
83. Nosepass for Yanma /u/Patoan91
84. Snorlax for Krabby /u/YTolun
85. Lileep for Relicanth /u/Mystica_
86. Mareanie for Jangmo-o /u/ObeisanceProse
87. Chespin for Bounsweet /u/Pandagami
88. Snubbull for Sawk /u/Oshinoke
89. Illumise for Pansage /u/Dhyago
90. Sawk for Beldum /u/shugo405
91. Torkoal for Caterpie and Marill /u/Skatinmark
92. Eevee for Cyndaquil /u/Yagamii-Yokai
93. Petilil for Tauros and Throh /u/username---password
94. Klink, Solosis, and Tympole for Kyogre /u/Palossand96
95. Mr. Mime for Chimecho /u/troysmitt
96. Komala for Durant and Minior /u/waffleboardist
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (128)

1. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/aliski007
2. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Smbr1
3. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/GlassesMonday
4. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/PhantomMilkMan
5. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/zetraex
6. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/GlassesMonday
7. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/_Vote_
8. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Ackrylic
9. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/kkang1014
10. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/MangusKN
11. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/molecularminding
12. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/shuael34
13. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Schwarzmilan
14. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Fad1990
15. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Kbhuchar
16. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/uzith
17. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Tipir713
18. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/ashay6
19. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/dutchjojo
20. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/campk09
21. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Bladerail
22. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/clawnchair
23. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/SrMomo
24. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/d3ftw
25. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/awiec
26. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/jinzy1206
27. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/yakitorisushi
28. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/trevs93
29. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/littlefabi
30. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/MasterGohan
31. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/kkang1014
32. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Pancham4
33. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/L3monL1me
34. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Centaurion
35. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/quiksandpull
36. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/MasterGohan
37. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/fnvl995
38. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Maletix
39. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Kalas7
40. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/allyoucanteat
41. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/allyoucanteat
42. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/yakitorisushi
43. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/bruhmanchillin
44. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/awwdreyyy
45. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/ezelking
46. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Jazmaa
47. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/abcdefghijk12374
48. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/antonioemo
49. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/tuagre
50. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/faptastic_platypus
51. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Octopifondler
52. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Lazh
53. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/go4ino
54. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/10gyt
55. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Olphelvan
56. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/crocokid
57. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/HarliquinTrainer96
58. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/smmac135
59. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Seankle
60. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/vcube12
61. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/NiteGem
62. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/WinglessParakoopa
63. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/SilverWolf3432
64. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Sharp93
65. Hatched 3 eggs matching my TSV /u/x-astrogrrl-x
66. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Alisailiah
67. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/willster191
68. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/smmac135
69. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/tofinima
70. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/emeril322
71. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Yelena25
72. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/primeknight20
73. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/life_orb_halbert
74. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/BritBlitz532
75. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/peatsahad
76. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Neckes
77. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Tyaeth
78. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/LeoTalon
79. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/BlueExor12
80. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/RStrikerNB
81. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/_eyephone
82. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/shibaneru_poke
83. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Pancham4
84. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/chuni_pok
85. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Jodzysip
86. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/andrewlay
87. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/dgk3593
88. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/willster191
89. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Pancham4
90. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
91. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/skuggeland
92. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Shiny_Sylveon
93. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/QThatOneGuy
94. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Heichou_Austria
95. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Master_Lagikarp
96. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/willster191
97. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/FreakBurger
98. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/evilsneasel
99. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/HalaMadrid97
100. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/UmiMizuAi
101. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/ShisenAkarui
102. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/solomon7916
103. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/alsrb789
104. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/alsrb789
105. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/chang0471
106. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/tal0805
107. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/infiniteshadow
108. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/willster191
109. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/garoku
110. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/TheDecimated
111. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/hurisode
112. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/MjrAwsm
113. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Nachito625
114. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/fiskpotatis98
115. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Numblebee
116. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Booshes
117. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Fighui
118. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/highpawn
119. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/dwnes
120. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Jamie-McL
121. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Flareblitz12
122. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/flowenflower
123. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/MerryFellows
124. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/IPatan
125. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/OddishGirl
126. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/Kosaji
127. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/thrgnfJS
128. Hatched an egg matching my TSV /u/RIMAN2209

Giveaways/Contests (30 Pokémon given, 50 eggs given)

1. Battle Ship Mawile Giveaway (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 25 given)
2. Female Dive Ball Totodile Giveaway (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 55 given)
3. Luxury Ball 4EMs Adamant 4-5IV Female Charmanders with Items Giveaway (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 24 given)
4. First Giveaway - No Match Needed (Sub: SVExchange, 26 given)
5. Various Box of Eggs (Sub: SVExchange, 24 given)
6. Gave away 5IV HA Apricorn/Safari Ball Pokemon (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. Did a tradeback for a Boldore so the user could evolve it. /u/route119
2. Did a tradeback for a Machamp so the user could evolve it. /u/Scientific_Railgun
3. Did a tradeback for a Silvally so someone could register it in their Pokedex /u/Littlest_Bean
4. Did a tradeback for a shiny Poliwhirl so the user could eveolve it. /u/Ogley18
5. Did a tradeback for Type: Null so someone could register it in their Pokedex /u/DiablosKotA
6. Did a tradeback for a Jirachi so someone could register it in their Pokedex /u/fryterbad
7. Did a tradeback for a Porygon so the user could evolve it /u/Orange-Falco
8. Did a tradeback for a Lunala so someone could register it in their Pokedex /u/GeoCommanderp
9. Did a tradeback for a Kadabra so the user could evolve it /u/Icerhikoui
10. Did a tradeback for Cosmog and Cosmoem so someone could register it in their Pokedex /u/paledinosaur

Misc (0)


richi3f Jan 23, 2017 6:56:33 AM

A very patient & polite hatcher, thanks for hatching Staryu!

dexter228 Jan 12, 2017 6:26:16 AM

Although a communication soft ban happened during initial trade, but the rest goes smoothly, Thx for the patient and hatched a shiny Togedemaru for me :)

KookyKracks Nov 8, 2016 6:03:12 PM

Quick and easy hatch, thanks!

Kmlzb4-Mekare Aug 18, 2016 2:06:50 AM

Hatched a shiny Squirtle for me very quickly and politely. Thank you so much!

Tacanacy Jun 4, 2016 10:44:11 PM

Hatched a Shiny Hippopotas for me. Thanks again.

dharlette May 21, 2016 4:13:25 AM

She hatched an egg for me. It was super quick and easy, thanks so much!

GammaVector Mar 27, 2016 12:04:07 AM

Very nice hatcher who answered me super quick and hatched my Carbink. Thank you so much!

Beta_323 Mar 10, 2016 1:35:57 AM

Very nice and responsive hatcher, even went through the effort of a second trade to nickname it! 10/10, would trade again!

proflayton123 Mar 10, 2016 1:34:31 AM

Hatched my shiny phione! Thank you very much <3

Dark_embrace Feb 28, 2016 6:43:00 PM

[tsv] jasmineofwinter hatched a froakie egg for me and was very patient even after i goffed and gave the wrong egg the first time. She was very nice as well. :)

wanghis Feb 26, 2016 6:42:32 PM

Hatched shiny Sneasel for me :)

Tacanacy Feb 23, 2016 9:13:28 AM

Hatched a Shiny Hippopotas for me. Thank you very much ♥

Valeoncry Feb 15, 2016 1:31:56 AM

Hatched my shiny Slowpoke for me. Thanks again!

Solidplasmus Jan 28, 2016 1:53:36 AM

Responded and traded quickly and didn't forget my requested nickname. Great hatcher!

RIMAN2209 Jan 5, 2016 5:23:06 PM

Very fast and efficient hatcher. Thanks!

wingzerocats Dec 9, 2015 7:53:14 PM

Hatched my Shiny Beldum and Ferroseed for me. Thanks for your time and help : )

MerryFellows Nov 14, 2015 4:49:23 AM

Kindly hatched an egg for me in a timely manner. Was very polite and quick to respond. Recommended!

Jamie-McL Sep 18, 2015 11:35:30 PM

Hatched my shiny Cyndaquil, thank you!

dwnes Sep 13, 2015 5:35:55 AM

Hatched kindly the buneary egg!!

Booshes Sep 6, 2015 2:48:09 AM

Hatched a shiny Burmy for me!

fiskpotatis98 Sep 4, 2015 11:00:29 PM

Hatched my shiny TSAR (Zigzagoon). Responded really fast and was very polite!

garoku Aug 12, 2015 3:32:13 AM

Really fast response, glad that I had the matching Shiny Value

evilsneasel Jun 21, 2015 11:36:01 PM

Was fast in responding and hatching.

Shiny_Sylveon May 11, 2015 1:49:13 AM

Was fast in responding and hatching. Thank you again for the shiny Slowpoke! :)

dgk3593 Apr 11, 2015 9:17:16 PM

Hatched my Tyrogue. Really fast and trustworthy.

BritBlitz532 Mar 12, 2015 10:45:18 PM

Very quickly helped me hatch a Shiny Phanpy. Very professional and alert.

primeknight20 Mar 3, 2015 11:54:09 PM

Helped me hatched a shiny feroseed. Thanks!

emeril322 Feb 27, 2015 1:41:52 AM

Quickly responded to my request to hatch a shiny Froakie for me. Thanks! :D

Alisailiah Feb 5, 2015 12:24:02 AM

Hatched my Charmander quickly. Thank you so much!

x-astrogrrl-x Feb 4, 2015 3:41:47 AM

Hatched my shellder and Honedge - thanks

Sharp93 Jan 29, 2015 12:03:36 AM

Hatched my Shiny Scraggy, Thank you millions

vcube12 Jan 12, 2015 3:34:42 AM

Hatched my Shiny Marill! Quick and reliable. Thanks again!

Seankle Jan 5, 2015 4:56:13 AM

Hatched my shiny Karrablast for me. Quick and professional.

crocokid Dec 30, 2014 6:23:15 AM

Hatched a shiny Bagon for me :) Thanks again :)

Octopifondler Nov 16, 2014 9:59:57 PM

Hatched a shiny Weedle for me :D Very nice hatcher :)

antonioemo Nov 7, 2014 6:15:54 AM

Hatched a shiny elekid for me 10/10

yineedname Nov 3, 2014 2:26:40 AM

Yoooooo, this trader is "da bomb". Or "the shiz" or "the bee's knees". Whatever it is the kids are saying these days. "Fo sho."

JasmineofWinter's Information


Friend codes:

  • 5069-4150-5964


  • IGN: Serena TSV: 0271
  • IGN: Jasmine TSV: 1698