
SW-3463-0014-6827 || Leoplureodon (SW)
SW-3463-0014-6827 || Leoplureodon (SW) || XXXX

Trades (0)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (38)

1. K1ingdra, Requested a trade via PM, completed in a thread /u/DaydreamerAdam
2. Emolga egg /u/kmelfina
3. Excadrill "Red Drill" egg /u/jermsinarocket
4. Fennekin egg /u/kla38
5. Shiny hatch /u/louisiana123
6. Shiny hatch /u/asheli2014
7. Shiny hatch /u/valenzjo
8. PM Trade /u/xAgonistx
9. PM Trade /u/123poke
10. Shiny hatch /u/soulsquall
11. Clawitzer "Clawitzer★" /u/javier_m2
12. Spinarak egg /u/Growleet
13. Teddiursa egg /u/Calisigner
14. Froakie egg /u/MilesPikachu
15. Sandile egg /u/ANTONIOYVELTAL
16. Shiny hatch /u/Fad1990
17. Lunatone "Epimetheus" egg /u/Fad1990
18. Vulpix egg /u/clawnchair
19. Shiny hatch /u/shivermenipple
20. Electrike /u/Umbra-Profess
21. Honedge egg /u/Demosthenes13
22. Shiny hatch /u/Gjones18
23. Shiny hatch /u/Golga10
24. Shiny hatch /u/theantipode
25. Mawile egg /u/SoulHunter_
26. Charmander "Nova" egg /u/PrimalSharpedo
27. Ralts "Gawain" egg /u/KenichiK
28. Honedge egg /u/jaymonsun
29. Swablu egg /u/Neckes
30. Snover egg /u/Awful_Person
31. Spritzee egg /u/TAFly
32. Scatterbug egg /u/Ellie_1
33. Sandile egg /u/betopoyet
34. Eevee "Pinky" egg /u/wunsug
35. Weedle egg /u/noniza
36. Gible egg /u/Vairbear
37. Onix egg /u/zndjtmvlf
38. Slowpoke egg /u/emchun

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 70 eggs given)

1. SVeX Charmander Giveaway (Physical) (Sub: SVExchange, 31 given)
2. SVeX Charmander Giveaway (Special) (Sub: SVExchange, 39 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (3 threads, 6 given)

1. Daily check for /u/Kazzum (4 checked)
2. Finding TSV for /u/HoisinBurger (1 checked)
3. Finding TSV for /u/Chivita_07 (1 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


betopoyet Jan 7, 2015 3:53:24 PM

On time with the planned schedule, quick to respond to trade request. Thanks for the great job!

Ellie_1 Jan 7, 2015 3:41:26 PM

Fast response, Great Hatcher. Thanks again!

Leoplureodon's Information


It's a Leoplureodon Charlie?

Friend codes:

  • 0662-3457-3355


  • IGN: Leoplureodon TSV: 4036
  • IGN: Amber TSV: 3051
  • IGN: Leoplureodon TSV: 3280