
2337-8035-0290 || Arieques (Y)
2337-8035-0290 || Arieques (Y) || 1142

Trades (10)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (10)
1. 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Gible, Sand Veil Larvitar for 31/x/31/31/31/31 Calm Rotom, 31/x/31/31/31/31 Bold Klefki /u/Riemt
2. Hydration Barbroach for 5 IV Petilil, 5 IV Beldum /u/Octopusmilk1
3. Swirlix with Whipped Dream for Samurott /u/PrimeZard
4. Dubious Disc for 5 IV Magic Guard Abra /u/JimiZeppelin4
5. Light Clay for 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Mold Breaker Drilbur /u/tickle-me-azathoth
6. Two Lansat Berries for 4IV Safari Ball Scyther /u/Ho-ohsMeMoney
7. Ability Capsule for 5IV HA Chimchar /u/SpiritBomb42
8. 5IV HA Gligar for 5IV Porygon /u/SpiritBomb42
9. Heart Scale for HA Chikorita /u/blackaurora
10. HA Premier Ball Delibird for 5IV HA Turtwig /u/PikaCuber
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (71)

1. Hatched a shiny Scyther for /u/ajkyle56 /u/ajkyle56
2. Hatched a shiny Cyndaquil for /u/Fredosauce831 /u/Fredosauce831
3. Hatched a shiny Aerodactyl for /u/eraco /u/eraco
4. Hatched a shiny for /u/Vore- /u/Vore-
5. Hatched a shiny Emolga for /u/SilverSkylark /u/SilverSkylark
6. Hatched a shiny for /u/kkang1014 /u/kkang1014
7. Hatched a shiny for /u/Asoico /u/Asoico
8. Hatched a shiny Slowpoke for /u/steelfather /u/steelfather
9. Hatched a shiny Ralts for /u/littlefabi /u/littlefabi
10. Hatched a shiny Snorunt for /u/allyoucanteat /u/allyoucanteat
11. Hatched a shiny Eevee for /u/Blassie098 /u/Blassie098
12. Hatched a shiny Weedle for /u/hanjh0101 /u/hanjh0101
13. Hatched a shiny Gastly for /u/Cu4utl3 /u/Cu4utl3
14. Hatched a shiny Electrike for /u/pladagirl4 /u/pladagirl4
15. Hatched a shiny Zangoose for /u/wwwaz37 /u/wwwaz37
16. Hatched a shiny Trapinch for /u/comty77 /u/comty77
17. Hatched a shiny Larvesta for /u/pantera771 /u/pantera771
18. Hatched a shiny Hippopotas for /u/star2k1213 /u/star2k1213
19. Hatched a shiny Fennekin for /u/B_czar /u/B_czar
20. Hatched a shiny Ralts for /u/Dunkarse /u/Dunkarse
21. Hatched a Shiny Treecko for /u/Xavus7 /u/Xavus7
22. Hatched a shiny Koffing for /u/smmac135 /u/smmac135
23. Hatched a shiny Zubat for /u/ReinierVGC /u/ReinierVGC
24. Hatched a shiny Gastly for /u/FreakBurger /u/FreakBurger
25. Hatched a shiny Ferroseed for /u/Umbra-Profess /u/Umbra-Profess
26. Hatched a shiny Caterpie for /u/eddiy /u/eddiy
27. Hatched a shiny Bulbasaur for /u/Yelena25 /u/Yelena25
28. Hatched a shiny Zorua for /u/fidofishy5 /u/fidofishy5
29. Hatched a shiny Taillow for /u/lompkins /u/lompkins
30. Hatched a shiny Foongus for /u/Fatty_Tompkins /u/Fatty_Tompkins
31. Hatched a shiny Spinda for /u/Pancham4 /u/Pancham4
32. Hatched a shiny for /u/Fad1990 /u/Fad1990
33. Hatched a shiny Swirlix for /u/xiera0725 /u/xiera0725
34. Hatched a shiny Mawile for /u/frostchain /u/frostchain
35. Hatched a shiny Honedge for /u/ozone-poke /u/ozone-poke
36. Hatched a shiny Tirtouga for /u/Bouncer2085 /u/Bouncer2085
37. Hatched a shiny Ralts for /u/rmsgurzhd /u/rmsgurzhd
38. Hatched a shiny Oshawott for /u/Mushy_64 /u/Mushy_64
39. Htached a shiny Shellder for /u/KiroTelexia /u/KiroTelexia
40. Hatched a shiny Anorith for /u/Fruit_Loopita /u/Fruit_Loopita
41. Hatched a shiny Vulpix for /u/endy1102 /u/endy1102
42. Hatched a shiny Cubone for /u/TheDecimated /u/TheDecimated
43. Hatched a shiny Growlithe for /u/niftynat /u/niftynat
44. Hatched a shiny Noibat for /u/sinneraki /u/sinneraki
45. Hatched a shiny Porygon for /u/BlueExor12 /u/BlueExor12
46. Hatched a shiny Gible for /u/Gym_Leader_Erika /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
47. Hatched a shiny Torchic for /u/Cwindaquil /u/Cwindaquil
48. Hatched a shiny Duskull for /u/willster191 /u/willster191
49. Hatched a shiny Meowth for /u/Booshes /u/Booshes
50. Hatched a shiny Drilbur for /u/Nightcore12 /u/Nightcore12
51. Hatched a shiny Shellder for /u/Neckes /u/Neckes
52. Hatched a shiny Swinub for /u/Tiara_poke /u/Tiara_poke
53. Hatched a shiny Omanyte for /u/thrgnfJS /u/thrgnfJS
54. Hatched a shiny Swirlix for /u/VenusGuy /u/VenusGuy
55. Hatched a shiny Shuckle for /u/LadyLucario /u/LadyLucario
56. Hatched a shiny Kangaskhan for /u/Mayuzumipo /u/Mayuzumipo
57. Hatched a shiny Rotom for /u/jackson0522 /u/jackson0522
58. Hatched a shiny Gastly for /u/CalmKlefki /u/CalmKlefki
59. Hatched a shiny Torchic for /u/MegaRoselia /u/MegaRoselia
60. Hatched a shiny Vulpix for /u/3Anton3 /u/3Anton3
61. Hatched a shiny Croagunk for /u/AlfonsoDragonlord /u/AlfonsoDragonlord
62. Hatched a shiny Abra for /u/Blackballroom /u/Blackballroom
63. Hatched a shiny Pidgey for /u/plastreaka /u/plastreaka
64. Hatched a shiny Beldum for /u/miher1 /u/miher1
65. Hatched a shiny Bulbasaur for /u/Blackballroom /u/Blackballroom
66. Hatched a shiny Binacle for /u/savannah_allie /u/savannah_allie
67. Hatched a shiny Drilbur for /u/KiritoRX /u/KiritoRX
68. Hatched a shiny Pinsir for /u/Wizli /u/Wizli
69. Hatched a shiny Dratini for /u/Brtgmz01 /u/Brtgmz01
70. Hatched a shiny Mareep for /u/Seankle /u/Seankle
71. Hatched a shiny Gible for /u/ShinyHunterPanos /u/ShinyHunterPanos

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (6 threads, 31 given)

1. Checked 5 eggs for /u/Alpha_Arrowz (5 checked)
2. Checked 4 eggs for /u/RawkingKid (4 checked)
3. Checked 1 egg for /u/TacoMan901 (1 checked)
4. Checked 12 eggs for /u/Ridelm (12 checked)
5. Checked 4 eggs for /u/michaelsaurs90 (4 checked)
6. Checked 5 eggs for /u/AkoranBrighteye (5 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


go4ino Nov 27, 2019 7:21:38 PM

I'm behind the Denny's dumpster do you see me?

Booshes Oct 7, 2015 9:11:09 PM

Just hatched my Meowth! Very quick to reply and locate a good time to hatch :)

Booshes Oct 7, 2015 9:11:04 PM

Just hatched my Meowth! Very quick to reply and locate a good time to hatch :)

SnowPhoenix9999's Information


  • 3DS Mii name: Xephion
  • In-game name: Arieques
  • Friend Safari: Flying (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Tropius)

Friend codes:

  • 1676-4126-9883


  • IGN: Arieques TSV: 1142