
0774-4425-6593, SW-3453-4002-1836 || Arizu (αS, SH)
0774-4425-6593, SW-3453-4002-1836 || Arizu (αS, SH) || 0250

Trades (0)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (34)

1. Roselia (♀) - Gym_Leader_Erika /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
2. Riolu (♂) - Rope8592 /u/Rope8592
3. Fletchling (♀) - Jamie-McL /u/Jamie-McL
4. Scyther (♀) - AkoranBrighteye /u/AkoranBrighteye
5. Shellder (♀) - 9812bin /u/9812bin
6. Joltik (♀) - MegaRoselia /u/MegaRoselia
7. Electrike (♀) - unclewil /u/unclewil
8. Scyther (♂) - dash_justice /u/dash_justice
9. Charmander (♂) - wingzerocats /u/wingzerocats
10. Totodile (♂) - sugar8ay /u/sugar8ay
11. Aipom (♂) - Tacanacy /u/Tacanacy
12. Shuckle (♀) - OddishGirl /u/OddishGirl
13. Treecko (♂) - soulwyvern /u/soulwyvern
14. Exeggcute (♂) - kuladiamond2000 /u/kuladiamond2000
15. Cottonee (♂) - LuxrayShiny /u/LuxrayShiny
16. Zubat (♀) - dltmdguq25 /u/dltmdguq25
17. Rotom (-) - CapsFan1989 /u/CapsFan1989
18. Cleffa (♂) - wwwaz37 /u/wwwaz37
19. Poliwag (♀) - AkoranBrighteye /u/AkoranBrighteye
20. Caterpie (♀) - KiritoRX /u/KiritoRX
21. Beldum (-) Nachito625 /u/Nachito625
22. Bagon (♀) - ObjectOpera /u/ObjectOpera
23. Exeggcute (♀) - imp3rf3ct /u/imp3rf3ct
24. Doduo (♀) - willster191 /u/willster191
25. Chansey (F) - dharlette /u/dharlette
26. Spritzee (♀) - Haunani14 /u/Haunani14
27. Ralts (♂) - fostja6tus /u/fostja6tus
28. Deerling (♀) - savannah_allie /u/savannah_allie
29. Scyther (♀) - Pence95 /u/Pence95
30. Farfetch’d (♀) - Great_Plattsby /u/Great_Plattsby
31. Vulpix (♀) - goldenmel /u/goldenmel
32. Caterpie (♀) - unclewil /u/unclewil
33. Carbink (-) - dvader0 /u/dvader0
34. Pansage (♂) - Tacanacy /u/Tacanacy

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 105 eggs given)

1. DB Trapinch & Heal Snorunt (Sub: SVExchange, 27 given)
2. Shinx, phantump & nidoran (Sub: SVExchange, 78 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (35 threads, 277 given)

1. TheHappiestAlex - 0779 - Y (1 checked)
2. cubanpete26 - Foongus (♂) (4 checked)
3. seadrop - Espurr (6 checked)
4. pokefan01 - Beldum (-) (10 checked)
5. Blood_Diet - 0421 - X (1 checked)
6. Vlm1998 - 3956 - ΩR (1 checked)
7. Caedei - Chansey (♀) (6 checked)
8. giggilygoose - 3297 - αS (1 checked)
9. kerberoswhiskers - 0980 - X (1 checked)
10. InfinitySyrup - Scatterbug-Monsoon (6 checked)
11. raju810 - Vulpix (8 checked)
12. SlashAgris - Notes (12 checked)
13. paulaabelenda - Swablu (4 checked)
14. Blood_Diet - Beldum & Goomy (12 checked)
15. kewe - 3185 - X (1 checked)
16. cubanpete26 - Pichu (1 checked)
17. paulaabelenda - Swablu (7 checked)
18. sl15221 - 2038 - X (1 checked)
19. kibajiang - 4045 - Y (1 checked)
20. Hoopa_Hipster - 3983 - αS (1 checked)
21. Currygravy - 1720 - ΩR (1 checked)
22. username---password - Notes (6 checked)
23. Currygravy - Beldum / 3066 (6 checked)
24. neosmies - Furfrou (6 checked)
25. MvllyJvlly - Weedle & Tentacool (48 checked)
26. giggilygoose - Eevee (4 checked)
27. HatsuneLuka - Koffing & Kabuto (6 checked)
28. lawtrafalgar02 - Bagon & Ferroseed (12 checked)
29. babylamar33 - 2565/1707/0285 (3 checked)
30. lawtrafalgar02 - Beldum (6 checked)
31. raju810 - Goomy (5 checked)
32. MvllyJvlly - Petilil & Qwilfish (60 checked)
33. dvader0 - Staryu (2 checked)
34. KTcat_89 - Dratini (♂) (3 checked)
35. Velideon - Notes (24 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Tacanacy Jun 4, 2016 9:39:41 PM

Has hatched two Shiny Pokémon for me. Thanks again!

Haunani14 Mar 18, 2016 12:32:17 PM

Kindly hatched my shiny spirztee, she's very pretty thanks for your time in hatching her!

JaguarShadow Feb 17, 2016 12:25:02 PM

Sent me a Shinx from the giveaway, he's so cute and shiny, Thanks so much! Very fast!

Taeshi Feb 14, 2016 11:19:22 PM

Got a shiny TSV-matching Phantump on their giveaway! Very prompt response, thank you so much again~!

wingzerocats Jan 14, 2016 11:14:26 PM

Hatched a Shiny Charmander for me. Thanks again for taking the time to hatch!

dash_justice Jan 13, 2016 10:17:19 PM

Hatched my Scyther shiny for me, provided requested nickname. Very happy!

Ynewi's Information


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