
0748-2789-0841 || Joel (X) || 3447

Trades (0)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (63)

1. Shiny Zubat /u/mz_valkyrie
2. Shiny Snover /u/evan0913
3. Shiny Heatmor /u/Chipsafari
4. Shiny Shellder /u/dennsby
5. Shiny Petilil /u/Zeverand
6. Shiny Deino /u/Otterpawps
7. Shiny Buneary /u/Nokkelborth
8. Shiny Squirtle /u/Jazzylaw
9. Shiny Totodile /u/Lvoire
10. Shiny Charmander /u/imkrystal
11. Shiny Yamask /u/Maybe_Im_Spartacus
12. Shiny Charmander /u/ninjadogggg
13. Shiny Froakie /u/kitana8
14. Shiny Feebas /u/Team_Plasma_N
15. Shiny Cranidos /u/kee0322
16. Shiny Ponyta /u/Vore-
17. Shiny Mudkip /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
18. Shiny Gothita /u/suzakutrading
19. Shiny Togepi /u/maerade
20. Shiny Hoppip /u/ffvn9
21. Shiny Bagon /u/lameguy14
22. Shiny Poliwag /u/subdues
23. Shiny Tirtouga /u/harooharoo
24. Shiny Ralts /u/eagle0100
25. Shiny Inkay /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
26. Shiny Shellos (East) /u/ochazuke1147
27. Shiny Helioptile /u/Awful_Person
28. Shiny Shellos (West) /u/eddiy
29. Shiny Ponyta /u/iWarnock
30. Shiny Ralts /u/HatsuneLuka
31. Shiny Shuppet /u/ash12367
32. Shiny Dratini /u/Fluicor
33. Shiny Buneary /u/Parting_Gift
34. Shiny Weedle /u/Willystronka
35. Shiny Gligar /u/Haunani14
36. Shiny Mawile /u/nugrom12
37. Shiny Cottonee /u/mikavalentine
38. Shiny Zorua /u/TsukikoSuzuki94
39. Shiny Weedle /u/wuyi317605
40. Shiny Kangaskhan /u/infiniteshadow
41. Shiny Shinx /u/MerryFellows
42. Shiny Totodile /u/s_10
43. Shiny Bagon /u/gabriel_983
44. Shiny Magnemite /u/PhoenixAegolius
45. Shiny Zorua /u/mamababo
46. Shiny Rotom /u/dhgkrtn
47. Shiny Hawlucha /u/Mystrel_chan
48. Shiny Rotom /u/Aviram6661
49. Shiny Chikorita /u/plastreaka
50. Shiny Shroomish /u/CalmKlefki
51. Shiny Beldum /u/wilkins1952
52. Shiny Eevee /u/RIMAN2209
53. Shiny Doduo /u/Tacanacy
54. Shiny Axew /u/radiowarrrr
55. Shiny Zubat /u/MiguelYx
56. Shiny Gible /u/Wizli
57. Shiny Noibat /u/Beta_323
58. Shiny Zangoose /u/Rroro
59. Shiny Helioptile /u/goldenmel
60. Shiny Paras /u/YOLO-til-I-die
61. Shiny Drifloon /u/CapsFan1989
62. Shiny Shroomish /u/shima_poke
63. Shiny Spiritomb /u/oohoneydukesoo

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (96 threads, 510 given)

1. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
2. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
3. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
4. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
5. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (4 checked)
6. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
7. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
8. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
9. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
10. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (2 checked)
11. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
12. Battle Check for ESVs (3 battles) (17 checked)
13. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (1 checked)
14. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
15. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
16. Battle Check for ESVs (2 battles) (7 checked)
17. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
18. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
19. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
20. Battle Check for ESVs (3 battles) (18 checked)
21. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
22. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
23. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
24. Battle Check for ESVs (3 battles) (15 checked)
25. Battle Check for ESVs (2 battles) (8 checked)
26. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
27. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (3 checked)
28. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
29. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (1 checked)
30. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
31. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (2 checked)
32. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (1 checked)
33. Battle Check for ESVs (2 battles) (10 checked)
34. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
35. Battle Check for ESVs (3 battles) (16 checked)
36. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
37. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
38. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
39. Battle Check for TSV and ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
40. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
41. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
42. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
43. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
44. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
45. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
46. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (1 checked)
47. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (3 checked)
48. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (4 checked)
49. Battle Check for TSVs and ESVs (3 battles) (13 checked)
50. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle)
51. Battle Check for ESVs (2 battles) (12 checked)
52. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
53. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
54. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
55. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
56. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
57. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
58. Battle Check for ESVs (4 battles) (24 checked)
59. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
60. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
61. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
62. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
63. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
64. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
65. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (2 checked)
66. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
67. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
68. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
69. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
70. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
71. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
72. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (4 checked)
73. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (4 checked)
74. Battle Check for ESVs (2 battles) (10 checked)
75. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (2 checked)
76. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
77. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
78. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (4 checked)
79. Battle Check for ESVs (2 battles) (10 checked)
80. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (2 checked)
81. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (1 checked)
82. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (6 checked)
83. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (2 checked)
84. Battle Check for ESVs (2 battles) (7 checked)
85. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
86. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (4 checked)
87. Battle Check for ESVs (5 battles) (25 checked)
88. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (1 checked)
89. Battle Check for ESVs (2 battles) (10 checked)
90. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
91. Battle Check for TSV (1 battle) (1 checked)
92. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
93. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
94. Battle Check for TSV and ESVs (1 battle) (2 checked)
95. Battle Check for ESVs (1 battle) (5 checked)
96. Battle Check for ESVs (1 Battle) (5 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


oohoneydukesoo May 30, 2016 2:56:31 PM

Hatched my Spiritomb for me! Quick and helpful! :)

Beta_323 Mar 13, 2016 5:43:21 PM

Hatch my Noivern, nice and easy :)

Mystrel_chan Jan 2, 2016 8:14:00 PM

I accidentally deleted my file and this hatcher is a very understanding and willing to help me re-hatch it. An amazing hatcher, I highly recommend~

Mystrel_chan Jan 1, 2016 9:54:12 AM

Hatched a shiny Hawlucha for me. Was very flexible in scheduling for me. A great and quick hatcher!

s_10 Nov 1, 2015 6:04:35 PM

Hatched a shiny totodile for me in a specific location. Very nice and quick hatcher. Thanks so much!! :D 10/10

Awful_Person Mar 31, 2015 6:31:52 PM

Stayed up late to hatch a Helioptile for me. Excellent hatcher, highly recommended.

ochazuke1147 Mar 18, 2015 11:22:05 AM

Hatched me a shiny shellos. Thank you very much!! :D

suzakutrading Jan 21, 2015 1:54:31 PM

thanks for hatching my Gothita

Team_Plasma_N Dec 2, 2014 3:21:19 PM

Hatched a shiny Feebas for me. Thank you so much :D!

bedworm's Information


Friend codes:

  • 0748-2789-0841


  • IGN: Joel TSV: 3447