
1564-8426-4462 || Derwin (UM)
1564-8426-4462 || Derwin (UM) || 3487

Trades (0)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (581)

1. #2000 /u/duxenmx
2. #0937 /u/tails03
3. #3367 /u/Kikit245
4. #3367 /u/unicornica
5. #0937 /u/Ryo93
6. #2000 /u/yori07
7. #2000 /u/ek93922
8. #0937 /u/inn0cent_b
9. #0937 /u/Pika_Powerrr
10. #3367 /u/nicola87
11. #2000 /u/kenken28
12. #3367 /u/sumemr
13. #2730 /u/kurttr
14. #2000 /u/pypylongo
15. #0937 /u/Burgkrieg
16. #0937 /u/queyote
17. #2730 /u/Sir_Nameless
18. #0937 /u/MangusKN
19. #2000 /u/jaytaco7
20. #3367 /u/Skore_Smogon
21. #2000 /u/egilbert605
22. #2000 /u/kkang1014
23. #0937 /u/MewMew1029
24. #2000 /u/Rynn_Malkavian
25. #2000 /u/Inabaa
26. #3367 /u/TammyDanny
27. #2000 /u/Keanes10
28. #0937 /u/Defy_Juice
29. #0937 /u/PikachuAteYou
30. #2000 /u/quickscoping
31. #2730 /u/CazadorV
32. #3367 (Custom Breeding Service) /u/superlissarae
33. #2000 /u/cyrusen
34. #0937 /u/shivermenipple
35. #0937 /u/tzinhu
36. #2000 /u/Noriegan
37. #3367 /u/uzith
38. #2000 /u/Defy_Juice
39. #2000 /u/invictawave
40. #2730 /u/tzinhu
41. #3367 /u/EnteiTheSwift
42. #0937 /u/quiksandpull
43. #0937 /u/ChaoselementX
44. #2000 (Last comment of old format before 6 month limit) /u/newudam123
45. #0937 deleted comment /u/?
46. #0937 (New format) /u/joelrjohnson
47. #0937 /u/Heavyminded
48. #2000 /u/richard218
49. #2000 /u/Deathbot64
50. #3367 /u/cassiopc
51. #2000 (Manaphy Egg) /u/ShadowEvilHero
52. #2730 /u/QueenNala
53. #0937 /u/aliski007
54. #0937 /u/eraco
55. #2730 /u/kimori
56. #2000 /u/PrincesseDia
57. #2730 /u/ambrosius23
58. #2000 /u/faptastic_platypus
59. #0937 /u/FellOnMyHead
60. #3367 /u/Heavyminded
61. #2000 /u/victini007
62. #2730 /u/psiaken
63. #0937 /u/iansarria
64. #0361 Temporary TSV /u/whiskeymikie
65. #1086 Temporary TSV /u/spentah
66. #2000 /u/hesshiram
67. #1086 Temporary TSV /u/kingofsouls
68. #3367 /u/llwyt
69. #3367 /u/charun310
70. #2730 /u/EpsilonTheGreat
71. #0937 /u/Koog330
72. #2730 /u/canopus12
73. #2730 /u/alan321
74. #2730 /u/rosybluu
75. #3367 /u/bperki11
76. #2000 /u/bruhmanchillin
77. #3367 /u/2rdit2
78. #3367 /u/Kalas7
79. #3367 /u/Sb4ll4t0
80. #2730 /u/natnana
81. #2730 /u/Sun5eeker
82. #0937 /u/miya9812
83. #2000 /u/jettylife
84. #3367 /u/dutch_lb
85. #3367 /u/evan0913
86. #2000 /u/MangusKN
87. #3367 /u/MiguelYx
88. #2000 /u/BigGoron
89. #2000 /u/don_Juan_oven
90. #2000 /u/s_10
91. #2000 /u/ajkyle56
92. #3367 /u/Sh4dowlord66
93. #0937 /u/Reithar
94. #2000 /u/MangusKN
95. #2730 /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
96. #3367 /u/peatsahad
97. #3367 /u/Umbra-Profess
98. #0937 /u/Jazmaa
99. #2730 /u/Zebuh
100. #2000 /u/KoD304
101. #3367 (Egg Cup) /u/zapzap29
102. #0937 /u/Fad1990
103. #3367 deleted comment /u/khhasky
104. #3367 /u/lucariojr
105. #0937 /u/CazadorV
106. #2269 Temporary TSV /u/shuael34
107. #2730 /u/Fad1990
108. #3367 /u/bruhmanchillin
109. #0937 /u/emagreek
110. #3367 /u/pupducky
111. #2730 /u/yakitorisushi
112. #3367 /u/velthomer
113. #0937 /u/WildNig
114. #2730 /u/wojtaso9
115. #3367 /u/kdj2413
116. #3491 Temporary TSV /u/Awful_Person
117. #3491 Temporary TSV /u/Chipsafari
118. #3367 /u/inkypi
119. #2730 /u/Shinjuni
120. #3491 Temporary TSV /u/rufusdrumknott
121. #3491 Temporary TSV /u/abcdefghijk12374
122. #0937 /u/Pancham4
123. #0937 Pumpkaboo /u/BlindOctopus
124. #0937 Pawniard /u/BlindOctopus
125. #3367 Riolu /u/BlindOctopus
126. #2730 /u/BigBadSpice
127. #3367 /u/littlefabi
128. #0937 /u/sulpha10
129. #2730 /u/antonioemo
130. #0937 /u/Ho-ohsMeMoney
131. #0937 /u/WenSnake
132. #2730 /u/Feeshay
133. #0937 Last comment before archival /u/wwwaz37
134. #2730 /u/dkmzzang
135. #2000 /u/TAFly
136. #0937 /u/blk_hwk
137. #2730 /u/ramenrider_555
138. #3367 /u/thrran
139. #2000 /u/CrownedAce
140. #0454 /u/TwixClub
141. #2730 /u/icedfrappe
142. #3367 /u/Fredosauce831
143. #0012 /u/Cartito123
144. #0454 /u/Baldomaro
145. #0937 /u/crocokid
146. #0454 /u/chessfreak93
147. #0012 /u/clawnchair
148. #2730 /u/MightyMawile
149. #0937 /u/patchespatch04
150. #2730 /u/ghjkl-pokemon
151. #3367 /u/PyroTurtlezzz
152. #2000 /u/Seankle
153. #3367 /u/KHP747
154. #0937 Combee /u/UmiMizuAi
155. #0937 Shuckle /u/UmiMizuAi
156. #0454 /u/DSentry
157. #0012 /u/wwwaz37
158. #0012 /u/MiguelYx
159. #2730 /u/bobeinu
160. #2000 /u/thrran
161. #0012 /u/LordPineapples
162. #2600 Temporary TSV /u/UmiMizuAi
163. #2730 /u/WenSnake
164. #2000 /u/manaty_poke
165. #0937 /u/resdfg
166. #2000 /u/Statue_left
167. #0454 /u/quiksandpull
168. #2730 /u/GodOfGhosts
169. #3367 /u/gkrwls0123
170. #2730 /u/Davogoalkeeper
171. #2600 Temporary TSV /u/alypalyola
172. #2000 /u/Soukiri
173. #2730 /u/palmspringsmaid
174. #2000 /u/wreckingphantom
175. #3367 /u/chidokid
176. #0937 /u/hberniz98
177. #3367 /u/manaty_poke
178. #0937 /u/ShaddyPups
179. #0454 /u/kitana8
180. #0454 /u/TG_Cid
181. #3367 /u/annie3d
182. #0012 /u/manaty_poke
183. #3367 /u/left13
184. #0012 /u/pypierre
185. #0454 /u/juplus
186. #0012 /u/urbancats
187. #0012 /u/SunburstPrism
188. #3367 /u/JebusJChrist
189. #0937 /u/lucas1867
190. #0937 /u/Zangoose1
191. #0012 /u/awful_person
192. #0937 /u/thewitchofgeek
193. #2000 /u/crocokid
194. #2000 /u/neuroticweasel
195. #2730 /u/thrran
196. #3367 /u/alexroarzzz
197. #2730 /u/kamikaze17
198. #3367 /u/tntaka
199. #2000 /u/Humminglady
200. #2000 /u/Lunarys
201. #2000 /u/Pancham4
202. #0937 /u/dOoBiOuS85
203. #0454 /u/zchesley
204. #0454 /u/maybenotserious
205. #0454 /u/lolwoman1
206. #0012 /u/kahman10
207. #0454 /u/allyoucanteat
208. #0454 /u/Pancham4
209. #2730 /u/lavaburst14
210. #2730 /u/g980901
211. #0937 /u/Jelleye
212. #3367 /u/CrownedAce
213. #0012 /u/s_10
214. #0937 /u/juanperez18
215. #0012 /u/tyaeth
216. #3367 /u/harryng2103
217. #3367 /u/overworld99
218. #2730 /u/r-scarlet
219. #0012 /u/r-scarlet
220. #0012 /u/dgk3593
221. #2000 /u/red_panda3
222. #0454 /u/animawish
223. #0012 /u/overworld99
224. #2730 /u/willster191
225. #2730 /u/Fredosauce831
226. #0012 /u/ShisenAkarui
227. #0012 /u/ShisenAkarui
228. #0012 /u/ffvn9
229. #0012 /u/Pancham4
230. #0454 deleted comment /u/Akrisn
231. #0454 /u/goatee64
232. #2730 /u/nnn12511
233. #2000 /u/Grilda
234. #2730 /u/patchespatch04
235. #2730 /u/erublack
236. #3367 /u/Tanith5
237. #2000 /u/poliwhirl_sil
238. #0937 /u/Proxsome
239. #0937 /u/Heavyminded
240. #2730 /u/Bouncer2085
241. #0937 /u/fliippyy
242. #2000 /u/fliippyy
243. #3367 /u/patchespatch04
244. #0937 /u/Awful_Person
245. #0012 /u/Haunani14
246. #2000 /u/MRBlobbable
247. #2000 /u/FreakBurger
248. #0012 /u/steelfather
249. #0012 /u/believingunbeliever
250. #3367 /u/Rosedrops
251. #2730 /u/leotalon
252. #2730 /u/hadouz
253. #0937 /u/patchespatch04
254. #2730 /u/lavaburst14
255. #0012 /u/Hongdo
256. #0454 /u/patchespatch04
257. #2000 /u/hjan3312
258. #0937 /u/willster191
259. #2000 /u/evilpinkdragon
260. #2000 /u/Hongdo
261. #2730 /u/EvoBoo
262. #0937 /u/FreakBurger
263. #3367 /u/Rafat9
264. #3367 /u/Mike-AU
265. #2730 /u/jackspidermonkey
266. #2000 /u/ksk314
267. #0454 /u/Rosedrops
268. #2000 /u/Pancham4
269. #3367 /u/GeumJi
270. #2000 /u/hurisode
271. #2000 /u/MidnightCritic
272. #0937 /u/alsrb789
273. #2730 /u/fersht
274. #0454 /u/soundslikearaptor
275. #3367 /u/Lilchupz
276. #0012 /u/Ap9814
277. #0454 deleted account /u/iwata3
278. #0454 /u/drachnae
279. #0454 /u/radiowarrrr
280. #0937 /u/ash12367
281. #0012 /u/madbluek
282. #0454 /u/chang0471
283. #2730 /u/seokheonYu
284. #2730 /u/Flareblitz12
285. #0454 /u/Laggers13
286. #3367 /u/kuladiamond2000
287. #3367 /u/Tatertot74
288. #0012 /u/lavaburst14
289. #2730 /u/kuladiamond2000
290. #0012 /u/sinneraki
291. #3367 /u/MarzipanSanta
292. #0937 (Lotad) /u/highpawn
293. #0937 (Poliwag) /u/highpawn
294. #3367 deleted account /u/jxshart
295. #0012 Abra #1 /u/sinneraki
296. #0012 Abra #2 /u/sinneraki
297. #3367 /u/lil_shorty4ever
298. #2000 /u/Bouncer2085
299. #0454 /u/BairnOwl
300. #3367 /u/chang0471
301. #0937 /u/chang0471
302. #0012 /u/UmiMizuAi
303. #2730 /u/Haruiteul
304. #0454 /u/Khasma
305. #0937 /u/thegenesect
306. #3367 /u/Cwindaquil
307. #0012 /u/Pochamo
308. #3367 /u/thenext_jordan
309. #0012 /u/shi_fi
310. #0454 /u/Fuhong
311. #2730 /u/samychan_sw
312. #4049 /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
313. #4049 /u/Booshes
314. #4049 /u/IPatan
315. #0012 /u/iamadeinonychusama
316. #4049 /u/silverjays
317. #2730 /u/SolotheHawk
318. #4049 /u/Steveperez12
319. #2000 /u/ksk314
320. #0012 /u/MerryFellows
321. #2000 /u/umizoomy
322. #2000 /u/bosniangurl
323. #0937 /u/gchaar
324. #4049 /u/13mjvr
325. #0937 /u/jd94fut
326. #0937 /u/granite_grizz
327. #0937 /u/luigy12
328. #2000 /u/34loppyXsoko
329. #4049 /u/daknabiwall1
330. #2000 /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
331. #2000 /u/Mushy_64
332. #0012 /u/hubbabubble
333. #2000 /u/Neckes
334. #4049 /u/bosniangurl
335. #0012 /u/bosniangurl
336. #4049 /u/ru4484
337. #0012 /u/Rubaszny_Mike
338. #2000 /u/Haruiteul
339. #3367 /u/wingzerocats
340. #3367 /u/xterria96
341. #3367 /u/Jamie-McL
342. #4049 /u/gyungsir
343. #0012 /u/RadwanX
344. #0012 /u/daknabiwall1
345. #4049 /u/meetboy13
346. #3367 /u/hochi2080
347. #2000 /u/13oomz
348. #2000 /u/Snipeclips
349. #2730 /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
350. #4049 /u/cloudypeak
351. #0937 /u/KoRayven
352. #2730 /u/Jamie-McL
353. #2000 /u/malacay24
354. #0937 /u/keichunyan
355. #2000 /u/Tacanacy
356. #0012 /u/SlashAgris
357. #0937 /u/AkoranBrighteye
358. #2000 /u/Great_Plattsby
359. #2730 /u/Tacanacy
360. #0937 Roselia #1 /u/Sono-chan
361. #0937 Roselia #2 /u/Sono-chan
362. #4049 /u/wuyi317605
363. #3367 /u/Mushy_64
364. #0937 /u/wingzerocats
365. #0937 /u/jAquaD
366. #2000 /u/noniza
367. #4049 /u/PencilFrog
368. #2000 /u/smmac135
369. #2374 /u/LuxrayShiny
370. #0454 /u/MarksmanMoi
371. #0012 /u/san96320
372. #4049 /u/wwwaz37
373. #0937 /u/Dayvlez
374. #2374 /u/soulwyvern
375. #2374 /u/Doogie_Psyduck
376. #4049 /u/CossakRose
377. #2730 /u/SlashAgris
378. #2374 /u/rudolfpk
379. #2000 /u/Lillu89
380. #2000 /u/jesusfreakette
381. #0454 /u/Strax_89
382. #4049 /u/FrenchGaudi
383. #4049 /u/wingzerocats
384. #3367 /u/kewe
385. #0012 /u/savannah_allie
386. #0937 /u/ProjectROXO
387. #2000 /u/RIMAN2209
388. #4049 /u/gabriel_983
389. #2000 /u/RIMAN2209
390. #2730 /u/SlashAgris
391. #2374 /u/henrxv
392. #1885 /u/DethZero
393. #1781 /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
394. #1781 /u/RIMAN2209
395. #3367 /u/bcisaidso
396. #1781 /u/patchespatch04
397. #2000 /u/LeFishyDerps
398. #1781 /u/willster191
399. #1781 /u/knightshade17
400. #1781 /u/togawe
401. #0454 /u/jh0533
402. #4049 /u/ws0119
403. #2730 /u/ProjectROXO
404. #1885 /u/sees4321
405. #1781 /u/patchespatch04
406. #0454 /u/alienowitch
407. #1885 /u/wonhee328
408. #0937 /u/fersht
409. #2374 /u/fersht
410. #4049 /u/soulwyvern
411. #2000 /u/Falco_Lau
412. #2374 /u/CaelumKrieger
413. #2374 /u/alterpoke
414. #2000 /u/Eeveelution16
415. #2374 /u/KiritoRX
416. #0454 /u/imp3rf3ct
417. #1885 /u/LeFishyDerps
418. #1781 /u/cbilling97
419. #2000 /u/ShinyMegaGardevoir
420. #2730 /u/gaara090389
421. #1885 /u/gaara090389
422. #3367 /u/Wizli
423. #2000 /u/cyxs-
424. #4049 /u/CaelumKrieger
425. #2000 /u/Wizli
426. #2374 /u/toughlilpony
427. #0454 /u/effieSC
428. #3367 /u/sugar8ay
429. #4049 /u/rldeph
430. #1491 Temporary TSV /u/Blackballroom
431. #1781 /u/djheinrich
432. #2374 /u/Margaretunicorn
433. #1781 /u/CaelumKrieger
434. #1885 /u/cathyespino
435. #1885 Burmy #1 /u/Robotic_Chimera
436. #1885 Burmy #2 /u/Robotic_Chimera
437. #0937 /u/PSWII
438. #3367 /u/savannah_allie
439. #0012 /u/Kasuomi
440. #0012 /u/DeathMTX
441. #0937 /u/cathyespino
442. #0937 /u/goldenmel
443. #3942 /u/BlackoutSLM
444. #1885 /u/Tacanacy
445. #3367 /u/Blackballroom
446. #3676 /u/Tacanacy
447. #3942 /u/infiniteshadow
448. #3942 /u/cimapoke
449. #3676 /u/Leezyan
450. #2000 /u/Great_Plattsby
451. #1885 /u/prettySH
452. #3676 /u/thdalswns17
453. #0937 /u/Great_Plattsby
454. #3676 /u/kalle2934
455. #1491 /u/unclewil
456. #3367 /u/Pearistotle
457. #0937 /u/dvader0
458. #1491 /u/junhyunHwang
459. #1885 /u/henrxv
460. #4049 /u/poliwhirl_sil
461. #1885 /u/Great_Plattsby
462. #3676 /u/snowkae
463. #1491 /u/Sevraine
464. #1885 /u/Blackballroom
465. #1491 /u/patchespatch04
466. #4049 /u/Eeveelution16
467. #1491 /u/Bladez177
468. #3942 /u/poliwhirl_sil
469. #0937 /u/cloudypeak
470. #2374 /u/sugar8ay
471. #3676 /u/leaf_05
472. #3676 /u/pethew
473. #3676 /u/Cherishbear
474. #1781 /u/pandaglassjaw
475. #3676 /u/Silicondario
476. #4049 /u/KisekiRed
477. #2730 /u/deviltaker
478. #3676 /u/Nessuno-Kun
479. #3676 /u/Luneil
480. #0454 /u/savannah_allie
481. #4049 /u/haozzhe
482. #3676 /u/Orochi96
483. #0937 /u/MonkeyD-Victor
484. #0937 /u/AlbertSoa
485. #0404 /u/CapsFan1989
486. #2000 /u/Malinhion
487. #0937 /u/Tobelebo9
488. #0937 /u/shinyhunterXY
489. #3942 /u/Megachips
490. #4049 /u/mose_cat
491. #4049 /u/radiowarrrr
492. #3367 /u/v3220
493. #3676 /u/Oizyxx
494. #3676 /u/pastamancer8081
495. #3367 /u/Pearistotle
496. #0454 /u/infiniteshadow
497. #3942 /u/Anki96
498. #3676 /u/Anki96
499. #3367 /u/SnekazZ
500. #0937 /u/ryanthomas917
501. #3367 /u/Yerlany
502. #3367 /u/jis33785
503. #3367 /u/ProjectROXO
504. #3367 /u/flautomark
505. #0937 /u/MysticHomer
506. #4049 /u/Neckes
507. #0454 /u/Doomhelk
508. #0454 /u/0454
509. #3676 /u/favocr
510. #3367 /u/Zangoose1
511. #3942 /u/AtomicJellos
512. #2000 /u/ronnknee
513. #0454 /u/Snipeclips
514. #0454 /u/takemago
515. #2730 /u/CKnight011
516. #3676 /u/MrFuji92
517. #2000 /u/lokoskanker
518. #3367 /u/CapsFan1989
519. #0937 /u/lokoskanker
520. #2730 /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
521. #3367 /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
522. #0937 /u/Malinhion
523. #3676 /u/kojicarlos
524. #3367 /u/shw1857
525. #3893 (Gen 7) /u/Vaerth
526. #3893 /u/s_10
527. #3893 /u/ghjkl-pokemon
528. #2054 /u/vee4Phoenix
529. #2054 /u/Paramuse2
530. #3367 /u/mahoang
531. #0937 /u/GBDetective
532. #0454 (1) /u/Tacanacy
533. #0454 (2) /u/Tacanacy
534. #2054 /u/applesaucemachine
535. #3676 /u/Tacanacy
536. #2054 /u/lsj00313
537. #2054 /u/wwwaz37
538. #0454 /u/ChewyGoomy85
539. #1781 /u/Tacanacy
540. #2054 /u/Kresslia
541. #2054 /u/Deathbot64
542. #2374 /u/lazytv8
543. #3893 /u/mahoang
544. #3893 /u/metodst
545. #3893 /u/mist0624
546. #2054 /u/Joker977
547. #2054 /u/fabiotesta94
548. #3893 /u/igrouch3
549. #2000 /u/CaptainCanuckles
550. #2054 /u/chang0471
551. #3893 /u/NPBrot
552. #3893 /u/MysticHomer
553. #3942 /u/Dinkelboob
554. #3942 /u/savannah_allie
555. #2054 /u/Aznip
556. #2054 /u/Rubaszny_Mike
557. #3893 /u/jhey-zone-bee
558. #4049 /u/Cloud_Nine987
559. #3893 /u/nattipun
560. #3893 /u/MaximumOptimizer
561. #2054 /u/NPBrot
562. #3893 /u/Dragon8989
563. #2054 deleted account /u/Aznip
564. #3893 /u/littlefabi
565. #3893 /u/kewligirl95
566. #2054 /u/trollolly
567. #3893 /u/vickso11
568. #2054 /u/robdy
569. #3054 /u/Jamie-McL
570. #2054 /u/Hyperion-OMEGA
571. #3893 /u/vee4Phoenix
572. #3487 /u/londeros
573. #3487 /u/The_Yoshi
574. #3487 /u/Q10609
575. #3713 /u/edudlive
576. #3713 /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
577. #3713 /u/HikkiLover
578. #3713 /u/MightyNico231
579. #3713 /u/Caedei
580. #2000 /u/theSlugfest
581. #3487 /u/CdeDBD

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 13743 eggs given)

1. Time to give these eggs away. (Sub: SVExchange, 2604 given)
2. Temporary One-Day (Additional) Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 200 given)
3. Bird Buddies (Sub: SVExchange, 79 given)
4. Slowpoke's Weather Report (Sub: SVExchange, 40 given)
5. Time to give these eggs away. Part two (Sub: SVExchange, 5217 given)
6. "you dun doof'd up" (Sub: SVExchange, 352 given)
7. Miniature Warmup Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 194 given)
8. A(nother) quick giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 57 given)
9. Time to give these eggs away. Part three (Sub: SVExchange, 5000 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (2)

1. Free Redemption - Zorua
2. Free Redemption - Froakie


pigpill Aug 4, 2018 1:35:58 AM

I had never been involved in trading or anything. Spent so much of his personal time helping me find my TSV and providing me with a decent amount of trade viable pokemon to get going. Thank you.

GosuSan May 16, 2018 6:50:19 AM

You are really generous person! - Thanks a lot for those 2 shinies and the explanation of how trades via Acquaintance list works in Gen6. Greatly appreciate it!

nicole636 May 16, 2018 6:50:01 AM

Thanks for being amazing and giving so generously!

londeros Mar 13, 2018 3:15:10 AM

Thank you for hatching my shiny Rockruff. And for giving me that shiny Swirlix (it's the first self hatched shiny for me ever!). This community is filled with great people. You most certainly are one of them. I'll be eternally grateful :)

littlefabi Apr 21, 2017 9:12:36 PM

Great person and helped me swiftly and nicely! Thanks a lot!

Rubaszny_Mike Mar 12, 2017 8:52:30 PM

Way to go far and beyond. Hatched a shiny Whismur for me AND gave me an egg with my SV. +rep. Never had better hatcher

Tacanacy Jan 24, 2017 4:34:59 PM

Has hatched eight Shiny Pokémon for me. I greatly appreciate it! ♥

kojicarlos Oct 2, 2016 5:09:18 AM

Thanks for hatching my shiny Snivy! :D

ryanthomas917 Sep 15, 2016 2:35:58 AM

Thank you for the eggs!

Bleghel Sep 12, 2016 3:09:35 PM

Awesome guy, checked a load off eggs for me on and off, ty!

silener0502 Sep 12, 2016 3:08:50 PM

Thanks you are the BEST and BEAST!

keskisormi Sep 2, 2016 11:59:56 AM

Gave me 4 matching shiny eggs, thank you again! :3

MysticHomer Aug 22, 2016 9:40:05 PM

Fast hatch of a shiny Fennekin, thank you very much!

Spekpony1 Aug 21, 2016 1:52:56 PM

Checked 2 boxes of eggs for me. Very fast reply and conversation via Reddit was possible during the trade. I recommend him/her to all of you who needs egg information!

Yerlany Aug 20, 2016 3:30:01 AM

Thank you so much for hatching my Shinx <3 I really appreciate you taking the time to check my eggs after I gave you the wrong one to start with!

Bafedaso Jul 9, 2016 1:35:21 PM

the best!!

Bafedaso Jun 30, 2016 10:53:48 PM

I love the pokemon that gave me:D It was fast and nice:D Has a lot of patience:D I enjoy the trade. Thank you so much:D

KisekiRed Jun 28, 2016 3:53:52 AM

Fast, Friendly and put up with me when I mixed up my eggs. Even gave my Gastly an item after hatching it! talk about going the extra mile!

pandaglassjaw Jun 25, 2016 3:27:43 PM

friendly, fast, and generous hatcher, will find another egg for him to hatch xD

Tacanacy Jun 4, 2016 7:38:50 PM

Has hatched four Shiny Pokémon for me. Many thanks!

Eeveelution16 May 29, 2016 11:54:18 PM

Kindly hatched a Skorupi for me. Quick, polite & an all around enjoyable trade partner! :)

patchespatch04 May 22, 2016 8:39:20 AM

Derwinning is the best! He not only gave me tons of eggs on his giveaway but an amazing hatcher too!

shinydelkatty May 20, 2016 9:25:04 AM

Extremely polite and well-mannered, and very, VERY generous! He kindly gave me a shiny woobat after checking my TSV to be sure that it was accurate.

All in all, a delight to interact with, both in-chat and "on business". :)

zapurr1 May 20, 2016 7:49:09 AM

Much thanks for the shiny sunkern, tympole, woobat x2, spinda x2, and carnivine <3

Ajdreams92 May 16, 2016 10:29:39 PM

This person is great, massive help to my pokemon team, i cant put it into words, genuine and helpful, definitely goes above and beyond for people, thank you for being in the community!

m_lavande9 May 15, 2016 7:26:05 AM

Derwin is an extremely generous person with one of the biggest and most amazing giveaway I have ever seen! I was lucky enough to match 3 wonderful shinies from their giveaway- Amaura, Magby & Woobat! <3 Derwin was also kind enough to provide me Magmar parents for my future breeding. Thank you once again for everything! ( :

jarffe May 8, 2016 8:39:54 PM

Thank you so much for the shiny pokemon! Great giveaway!

falconchurr May 8, 2016 7:39:54 PM

Thank you so so much for the shiny spindas (so adorable, so derpy!), tympole and chatot as well as the togepi, kabuto and munchlax! I can't imagine the time and effort it takes to organize all the eggs and check them.

infiniteshadow May 6, 2016 5:04:08 PM

Awesome member of the community

Sevraine May 1, 2016 9:17:39 AM

ty for the shinies

TeriyakiNinja007 Apr 25, 2016 1:57:24 PM

very kindly gave me 7 shinies from this massive giveaway. Super prompt to reply, friendly and just an awesome person! Thank you so much again!

lisushka Apr 20, 2016 12:26:04 PM

Awesome person. Checked my TSV for me and has provided a bunch of eggs through TSV giveaways. I love my gorgeous Magby. =D

josephsk1 Apr 19, 2016 1:58:04 PM

received an egg for shiny froakie, sunkern, tympole, chatot, magby, munna, and cranidos through the giveaway. Thanks for holding this giveaway event!

jeuxinterdits Apr 17, 2016 11:27:21 PM

Super wonderful and extremely generous! I received two eggs (Froakie & Gulpin) from them in a giveaway they were holding. Not only are they super generous but also incredibly patient. Honestly the best! Thank you so much again. :,D

Taeshi Apr 6, 2016 8:10:28 PM

What a patient, amazing and generous person to talk to! I was alerted to a matching-TSV egg on the IRC, and then I was alerted to nine more! Super intense! The trading went perfectly, I was allowed to hatch the eggs between games, and it all went without any issues at all! I’ve thanked you on so many occasions for previous giveaways and there will never be enough thank yous that you deserve for all you’ve done for me and so many people in the community! Thanks so much again!

Hibicakes Mar 15, 2016 3:08:29 PM

Amazingly generous, patient and sweet! Held a beautifully organized giveaway and gave me 2 eggs matching my tsv as well as 9 more I had interest in! Thanks again!

GBDetective Mar 12, 2016 7:31:46 PM

The supreme egg master! Gave me 18 more shiny eggs in his last giveaway, switching between multiple 3DSs. Thank you again! :D

Spekpony1 Mar 11, 2016 1:34:00 PM

Thanks a lot for giving me 8(!) eggs with matching TSVs! Very punctual, fast replies, and very very very well organized! Was online in 4 different games at the same time! Hats off!

CresseliaSol Mar 9, 2016 9:03:48 PM

Thanks so much for the infinite numbers of eggs you have given to me in the past and today, I really appreciate this, especially your excellent organisation :)

Eeveelution16 Mar 8, 2016 12:14:09 AM

On top of a quick reply to my hatch request & quick hatching of the egg, they took time to check their giveaway eggs for my TSV(s); gave me 9 eggs that matched my TSV(s)! I'd be glad to do more hatches or trades with them anytime!

CaelumKrieger Mar 6, 2016 6:54:06 AM

Awesome person! Willingly gave away eggs that matches your TSV and was a pleasure to deal with~ To add on top of that also helped hatched one of my shinies thank you!

Fred-AM Mar 5, 2016 6:19:53 AM

One of the best giveaways ever, he gave me a lot of eggs in each version and all of them were shiny! Thank you so much again!

patchespatch04 Mar 4, 2016 11:08:48 AM

Gave me a box and a half eggs that matches my tsv's! I appreciate it immensely. Always one to give thousandths of eggs <3

You're the best!

Pikamilk Mar 4, 2016 5:59:21 AM

Such an amazing giveaway - derwinning is super patient and nice. I even will go as far as saying that he's one of the best posters here!

ThePokeBro Mar 2, 2016 3:16:19 AM

Not only did this player nickname my Shiny Magnemite, but they then were nice enough to gift me with two comp eggs that matched my TSV from their giveaway! A friendly and trustworthy trainer. Truly a charitable individual.

evinrude12 Feb 28, 2016 8:37:07 PM

What a generous person, hosting a 9001 egg giveaway, amazing!! Very well organized and kindly gave me 6 eggs all which hatched shiny! thanks again!!

ryujelly Feb 27, 2016 1:09:58 PM

She was very organized and super nice. :) <3

fersht Feb 25, 2016 1:13:43 AM

Really generous! The best hatcher I've had the honour of meeting!

CossakRose Jan 22, 2016 7:36:48 AM

Was very kind and helpful. This was my first time doing anything within the community and reddit itself, he was extremly kind and welcoming. He even gave me 4 extra eggs that matched my TSVs from a giveaway he was planning on holding soon.

SlashAgris Jan 21, 2016 1:52:46 AM

Gave me 2 eggs that matched my TSV! Thank you very much!

SlashAgris Jan 21, 2016 1:05:29 AM

Hatched my shiny Axew and gave it a free Life Orb. 10/10 hatcher.

PencilFrog Jan 7, 2016 4:28:27 AM

Hatched a shiny Ralts for me & even gave him a snack for later! Thank you so much :D

wingzerocats Jan 2, 2016 6:02:18 AM

Hatched my Shiny Chespin for me. Nice and super generous. Thanks for taking the time to hatch!

RamenNinja Dec 31, 2015 9:36:51 AM

Gave me an extra egg that matched my TSV as a gift! Thanks again!

Sono-chan Dec 18, 2015 12:02:58 PM

Kindly hatched two Shiny Roselia for me! Super awesome, fast and kind hatcher!! Thank you soo much once again!!ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ ♥

realbulldog98 Dec 11, 2015 9:05:43 PM

Checked my TSV. Thanks

The-Dusk Dec 11, 2015 7:59:50 PM

Checked my TSV. Fast too. Thank you!!

Fred-AM Dec 4, 2015 1:17:09 AM

Awesome giveaway, thanks!

gryffindorstudent Dec 4, 2015 12:07:45 AM

Thanks for the eggs! :)

Jamie-McL Nov 21, 2015 9:01:59 PM

Hatched my egg and then gave me a gift! Thanks!

xterria96 Nov 19, 2015 4:59:03 PM

Very fast and patient hatcher. Thank you very much :D

wingzerocats Nov 19, 2015 1:37:27 PM

Hatched my Shiny Charmander for me and even offered me 2 eggs that matched my TSV. Just an awesome person! Thanks again!

nameless88 Nov 13, 2015 1:05:13 PM

Not only did they help me figure out my new TSV, they also gave me like...9 eggs that matched me. Took about an hour out of their time doing this, just because.

This person is totally rad. I don't know how else to express how great they are, they're just totally, absolutely rad, haha.

Rubaszny_Mike Nov 10, 2015 4:34:35 PM

Fantastic hatcher. Hatched a shiny Foongus for me with an added bonus of shiny Kabuto. Thanks again!

spectralvixen Nov 6, 2015 3:55:39 AM

Gave me seven eggs that matched my TSV! An amazing human being, thank you again!! <3333

IAMADeinonychusAMA Nov 1, 2015 5:19:06 AM

Hatched my Ralts for me, and not only that, gave me 3 TSV matches! Amazingly generous guy and one of the nicest folks on SVExchange. Very appreciative.

CapsFan1989 Oct 16, 2015 9:55:34 PM

Gave me 9 eggs which matched my TSV. Thanks again!

34loppyXsoko Oct 14, 2015 4:44:40 PM

Hatched my Shellos relativly fast and even gave me 12 eggs that matched my TSV. Thanks alot again ^ ^

luigy12 Oct 11, 2015 12:43:35 AM

Hatched a shiny electrike for me, he asked if i needed a nickname and waited for me to gave it to him, and also gave me 8 eggs that matched my TSV threads! awesome reddit user :D thanks a lotttt

13mjvr Oct 6, 2015 5:48:41 AM

This awesome reddit user helped me to hatch my shiny zorua but not only that... He gave me 4 other eggs matching my tsvs in the subreddit... Best hatcher of the subreddit!! Thank you very much

13mjvr Oct 6, 2015 5:48:41 AM

This awesome reddit user helped me to hatch my shiny zorua but not only that... He gave me 4 other eggs matching my tsvs in the subreddit... Best hatcher of the subreddit!! Thank you very much

Firevulpix1 Sep 30, 2015 2:00:20 PM

Gave me 7 shiny's, thank you so much! C:

SolotheHawk Sep 26, 2015 10:27:57 PM

Not only did he hatch my Venipede for me, he then gave me 7 other eggs he had that were my TSV. You couldn't find a nicer guy!

IAMADeinonychusAMA Sep 24, 2015 8:06:30 PM

Hatched my Starly. Cool dude, thanks so much!

Gym_Leader_Erika Sep 23, 2015 6:56:30 AM

Thanks again for the 12-egg giveaway :)

Booshes Sep 23, 2015 4:15:08 AM

Hatched a shiny Abra for me!

not_an_aardvark Sep 23, 2015 4:09:39 AM

Gave me 9 eggs matching my TSVs. Thanks!

fiskpotatis98 Sep 22, 2015 3:38:46 PM

Very cool user~ Just gave me 9 eggs that matched my TSVs, Tyvm!

shi_fi Sep 22, 2015 12:26:11 AM

Hatched my Squirtle and at the location I asked for! Super nice and quick to reply. Hope I get a match again. Thanks!! :D

Jozcef Sep 17, 2015 9:56:57 PM

Hatched my Glameow in my location of choice! Thanks again.

Taeshi Sep 11, 2015 12:34:54 AM

Always so sweet in alerting me to matching TSV eggs!! Got two shiny numel, and he even prehatched them, drwn is the epitome of generosity ;_; Thank you so much again!!

infiniteshadow Aug 30, 2015 6:08:24 AM

Frequently gives me eggs that match my TSVs. An awesome and giving person. Thanks again for all the eggs!

puriburY Aug 26, 2015 7:14:14 PM

All those people in here have already said everything to decribe derwin. only i can do is to repeat it. very kind and nice person who just sharing his happieness with random people.

thank you sir

MarzipanSanta Aug 25, 2015 9:06:08 PM

Very kind and polite, helped hatch a Kangaskhan and attached a stone to it! :)

ShadowReaper1157 Aug 12, 2015 3:13:02 AM

A amazing giveaway a kind user I have a lot of positive things to say about this user

MerryFellows Aug 11, 2015 10:01:11 PM

Derwin approached me with 8 TSV matches and gave them all to me <3 I will always be eternally grateful for my shiny Bonsly, Buneary, Lillipup, Snivy, Axew, Diglett, Barboach and Doduo! Derwin is a very kind person that is easy to talk with and that is genuine. Very trustworthy and polite, a person that truly shows us what SVexchange is all about and is a person we should all aspire to be more like.

Jamie-McL Aug 8, 2015 1:03:15 PM

Gave me 8 shiny eggs, thanks! :D

Karmacode1 Aug 8, 2015 9:59:48 AM

Nice enough to jump between 3 saves to give me 3 eggs I matched.Very generous & patient with multiple users posting at the same time.

Thorgonator Aug 8, 2015 3:52:21 AM

derwin was polite, and didn't treat me rudely despite me being an infrequent user who wasn't used to Reddit. he kindly gave me two eggs which both hatched shiny, and asked nothing in return.

stamps derwin's forehead with the Thorg seal of approval

silener0502 Aug 8, 2015 2:01:35 AM

gave me two Shiny Snivys matching my TSV and check my TSV for my as game. I really appreciate for his contribution to this community

crownofnails Aug 8, 2015 2:01:02 AM

Derwin is super nice and gives out tons of eggs on IRC and on the sub. I don't know how he is so dedicated to giving eggs away, but I am inspired by his generosity.

Thanks again for everything!

patchespatch04 Aug 8, 2015 12:44:16 AM

Gave me 5 perfect shiny eggs. Your awesome thanks a lot!

Taeshi Aug 3, 2015 11:17:03 PM

Got a shiny Aipom via IRC, he’s given away so many matching-TSV eggs before and is always a delight to talk to!! Thanks so much again ;__;!

soundslikearaptor Jul 30, 2015 7:06:49 AM

Hatched my Yanma egg AND gave me 5 eggs that matched my other TSVs! Just incredible.

fersht Jul 27, 2015 1:58:04 PM

Helped with hatching my Lapras, and then proceeded to give me a free Barboach egg that matches my TSV. Awesome person :)

Lilchupz Jul 23, 2015 7:16:41 PM

Helped me TSV hatch my Chespin, and gave me 2 other eggs that matched my TSVs for free! Super generous and awesome! :D Very satisfied! :)

jackspidermonkey Jul 14, 2015 5:11:08 AM

Gave me 6 eggs that matched my TSVs right after hatching an egg for me! A wonderful person, very kind and awesome!

RainThunder0 Jul 7, 2015 2:03:21 AM

Gave me three shiny eggs in the giveaway! Very nice!

BladeTam Jul 4, 2015 1:05:50 PM

My TSV matched one of his eggs, and he kindly offered it to me. :) It hatched into a beautiful Ducklett! Thanks again!

BladeTam Jul 4, 2015 1:05:45 PM

My TSV matched one of his eggs, and he kindly offered it to me. :) It hatched into a beautiful Ducklett! Thanks again!

Garguns Jul 3, 2015 11:18:15 PM

Amazing user! Gave me two shiny competitive pokemon in a giveaway :D One of the best people I know in this community to be polite and hold great giveaways.

13mjvr Jun 30, 2015 9:25:20 PM

Awesome breeder! Sent me two shinies during his giveaway. Thank you again!

evilpinkdragon Jun 30, 2015 10:58:18 AM

Hatched and nicknamed my Ferroseed for me - quick and reliable, 10/10!
Also informed me of five eggs that matched my TSVs and gave them to me as part of a giveaway which was incredibly lovely. Thank you so much again~ (:

fiskpotatis98 Jun 30, 2015 10:28:42 AM

Gave me five eggs that matched my TSVs as part of a giveaway! Thank you so much!

LeoTalon Jun 21, 2015 3:52:56 PM

Was very polite and understanding in helping me hatch my egg.

ThePokeBro Jun 20, 2015 4:21:02 AM

Got my Shiny Snorunt nicknamed the same day that I got it. Trustworthy and friendly trainer. I recommend.

kinniie Jun 8, 2015 2:18:16 PM

A while ago this person helped me breed a 6IV Shiny Zorua and hatched one in 1 day while it took me a week and a half without. Without their 6IV I wouldn't have gotten my own 6IV so fast so he's a great guy who always wants to help, including seeking out people who have matching TSV's with his eggs!

Tanith5 May 28, 2015 12:31:50 PM

Hatched a shiny Scatterbug for me. Fast and reliable hatcher!

bigwatermelon Apr 13, 2015 11:52:59 AM

Hatched Ferroseed for me,and even gave me a gift! Thanks again!

dgk3593 Apr 12, 2015 6:51:55 AM

Hatched my Pidove. Really trustworthy.

oscarveli Apr 2, 2015 12:59:17 AM

Gave me a Shelmet egg, an Oshawott egg, and a Slowpoke egg that matched my TSV. Thanks again!

leisrbags Mar 12, 2015 2:02:45 PM

went out of his way to find me two eggs that matched my TSV. pretty cool :)

EggsAway Mar 12, 2015 1:10:23 AM

Patient (I gave a wrongly sorted egg initially) and prompt (hatched same day as request post) :D Would highly recommend for any matching ESVs!

eskeleton22 Mar 7, 2015 8:23:51 PM

Thx again for those awesome shinies, he just gave me 3 shinies that have my STV, fully recomend this guy. :)

s_10 Mar 2, 2015 8:41:03 AM

Hatched a shiny shinx for me in a special location. Quick and nice hatcher, totally recommend. Thanks so much! 10/10 :D

hmoobtustub Feb 22, 2015 9:44:37 PM

Was kind enough to reply to my request on an old thread. User is considerate and responds promptly. Thank you for the shiny Smoochum! You're awesome!

Pancham4 Feb 16, 2015 10:45:00 AM

Hatched my Pawniard egg. Thank you very much.

fondugong Feb 14, 2015 6:01:19 AM

Gave me a shiny Oshawott! really nice and thanks a lot:D

Taeshi Feb 11, 2015 4:37:52 AM

Got a shiny Kabuto in his mystery Dome/Helix giveaway! As always a pleasure to talk to, very accommodating and kind! Thanks so much again!

skuggeland Feb 11, 2015 12:50:27 AM

Gave me 4 perfect eggs in a giveaway. Thank you!

alexroarzzz Feb 9, 2015 3:29:49 AM

This guy is amazing, gave me 6 eggs all shiny. Thanks a lot. :)

legenderic Feb 8, 2015 8:40:53 AM

Very Generous. Gave me nine eggs, four of them hatched shiny. Thanks!

SunburstPrism Feb 6, 2015 1:22:24 AM

Hatched me a Shiny Shroomish! ty!

Esmeya Feb 5, 2015 4:54:30 AM

Visited Derwin's giveaway when it first started months and months ago. Occasionally pop by now and again to see if I have any matches. Wonderful person to be so generous. Thank you for your giveaway(s)! I love highly organized and motivated people :)

GBDetective Feb 4, 2015 2:01:32 AM

Got yet another shiny from Derwin's bottomless collection of superb eggs! :D Also some amazing breeding stock. The nicest and most generous guy. Thank you!

VenusDjinni Feb 3, 2015 3:44:47 PM

Got another shiny from their giveaway! Thanks so much!

peatsahad Feb 3, 2015 12:02:52 AM

I should bookmark this reference thread, because I'm constantly getting shinies.. This time a shiny Flabébé! Thanks again. :)

Mayor_Hikari Feb 2, 2015 1:51:42 PM

Gave me Six Eggs That Match My TSV's All Hatched Shiny. Thanks Again.

AuroraTheAmaura Feb 1, 2015 2:05:37 PM

Once again, a very generous and kind person! Derwinning gave a lot of eggs that I lost count! :O But, if memory serves right, I think it's about 8 eggs! And 6 of them were shiny! :O Derwinning is also kind enough to inform me whenever I have a match among his eggs! x) Thank you very much! I'll breed a lot and give you eggs as well, so you'd better be ready! :P xD

mariigolden Feb 1, 2015 12:18:23 PM

Hatched a shiny Aipom from their giveaway. Very friendly and generous, they even gave me a hatching power! Thank you!! :)

Taeshi Feb 1, 2015 9:52:28 AM

Sent me a hatching power when I matched a flabebe from the same huge giveaway! Always lovely to talk to and excellent generous trader :D

left13 Jan 31, 2015 6:34:36 AM

Fast to reply and hatch my egg. Also gives cool giveaways! Thanks a lot man! You are awesome!

Peripherry Jan 31, 2015 3:24:15 AM

Really nice, accommodating, and gave me a shiny Oshawott! <3 Thank you!!

royalphoenix Jan 30, 2015 12:54:05 PM

awesome guy. received seven eggs from their giveaway even though i didn't match. once again thanks so much

jaykyungsoo Jan 30, 2015 8:52:16 AM

Got a bunch of eggs and a shiny Ducklett! He's one of the awesome people here on Reddit. Even with a big giveaway, he responds to every request and even makes everything clear before the trade so everything will run smoothly! He's an overall great guy.

Thanks for being awesome and stay humble and awesome as always.

A++++++ <3

Pikamilk Jan 29, 2015 4:31:25 AM

Got a shiny Numel from his giveaway. Very nice, very patient. Definitely a great guy :D!

Taeshi Jan 28, 2015 12:53:07 AM

Got a shiny Snivy and a shiny Happiny from the giveaway! We’ve traded from the giveaway before and drwn is always so patient and willing to help, even when I messed up and grabbed three eggs with the wrong TSV to my friend’s. It was all sorted out and drwn is super great!! Thanks again!

snoozypants Jan 27, 2015 5:15:33 AM

Gave me 8 shinies that matched my TSVs for hatching an egg. Very nice thank you gift - much appreciated!

magentavulpix Jan 26, 2015 12:12:54 AM

Thanks for the CharX <3

jem529 Jan 25, 2015 10:33:08 PM

Really nice and give me 2 that match a friend TSV

CrimsonClaws Jan 25, 2015 1:45:38 AM

Once again, I got another great Shiny from Derwin! This time it was a Shiny Happiny! And, not only that, but he also gave me eight other amazing eggs as well! He even traded them to me while trading with someone else, and he managed to keep everything in order which is very impressive! He also gave me a very good Shiny Snivy as well about two weeks ago that I realized I forgot to mention here! I highly appreciate him too! As always, he is an incredibly kind and generous user, and I really appreciate what he does!

Thank you so, so, so much once again for the Shiny Happiny, Shiny Snivy, and all the other amazing eggs you gave me!! :D I really appreciate it! :)

FansTurnOnYou Jan 24, 2015 5:39:00 AM

God of giveaways. Got two 5IV shinies, a 4IV shiny and another 4IV shiny for another redditor. Can't be how insanely generous and organized you are.

ShaddyPups Jan 24, 2015 4:30:03 AM

Great hatcher! I have internet issues, and they were super patient in dealing with that. Also sent my shiny Bagon back with a Sweet Heart, which was above and beyond!

ramc5 Jan 21, 2015 2:54:07 AM

Not sure if this went through so here goes again--- A huge asset to the reddit community. She took the time to trade 2 eggs to 2 different games. Thanks for your patience!!

ramc5 Jan 21, 2015 2:52:34 AM

What an asset to the redditt Pokemon community. Thank-you for the hassle of trading 2 eggs to 2 different games. You are the best. :)

jem529 Jan 21, 2015 1:00:01 AM

Gave me 4 egg all hatch shiny Ty again :)

AuroraTheAmaura Jan 19, 2015 5:18:29 AM

Gave me 4 eggs, two of which were shiny~! :D Great trainer, and super kind! :) Thank you again for the eggs!

AuroraTheAmaura Jan 19, 2015 5:18:29 AM

Gave me 4 eggs, two of which were shiny~! :D Great trainer, and super kind! :) Thank you again for the eggs!

MasterGohan Jan 18, 2015 5:07:53 PM

Has given me several eggs, 3 of which hatched shiny. Thanks again for all the eggs!

fondugong Jan 18, 2015 2:16:15 PM

Gave me 2 shiny eggs in his enormous giveaway:D Thanks!

peatsahad Jan 18, 2015 11:14:38 AM

Received another 2 (!!!) eggs which hatched shiny. Thanks again and again and again. :)

NephilV Jan 17, 2015 9:06:48 AM

Thanks for the TSV egg in your big giveaway!

animusandmangoes Jan 16, 2015 5:18:19 AM

Very helpful, polite, generous, and prompt to reply despite helping multiple people at once!

Erotophonophilia Jan 16, 2015 3:05:59 AM

Gifted me with two eggs that matched my TSV, thank you very much!

10/10 trader. c:

ambrosius23 Jan 15, 2015 7:07:42 AM

Has sent me multiple eggs that match my TSV. Great Guy.

TheHikoriOne Jan 15, 2015 5:38:05 AM

He let me know he found another egg with my TSV a few days after I last spoke with him. He really is massively kind.

Nobodyz1a Jan 14, 2015 3:12:23 AM

Excellent working on trades and hatching with you. GREAT!

GBDetective Jan 14, 2015 3:03:24 AM

Gave me yet another 2 shiny eggs in his enormous giveaway. :D Still a great guy!

RainThunder0 Jan 13, 2015 3:15:30 PM

Gave me a lot of eggs from a giveaway. You are awesome!

TheHikoriOne Jan 13, 2015 3:27:34 AM

One of the most Generous people out there. doing giveaways even when he is sick. I wish one day I could repay the favor.

Taeshi Jan 11, 2015 10:58:31 PM

Got a shiny Snivy from Derwinning’s massive giveaway. I’ve gotten shinies from this giveaway before and derwinning is as always super generous and so very patient and kind! So efficient even when dealing with such a massive giveaway, thanks again!

mizzyshazam Jan 9, 2015 4:30:05 PM

Extremely generous! He was extremely patient with me and even stayed up to trade with me! This user is a saint :)

LonelyZeta Jan 9, 2015 12:33:36 PM

derwinning let me take 6 eggs from giveaway by myself for some friends even though I am new. Very awesome and nicer than most. Very hospitable and SUPER quick at trading. Despite having to trade in between games and multiple times, it felt speedy. All hatched to be shiny. derwinning is the real deal.

TacticianMagician Jan 9, 2015 8:39:23 AM

I not only got two TSV matched Pokémon, but also a great FFA one! My schedule was a bit wonky, but derwinning was super-accommodating. derWINNING for sure.

peatsahad Jan 8, 2015 11:07:53 PM

Received another shiny egg from a giveaway. This should be the +20th egg I've received. One of the nicest users over here!

MysteriousEspeon Jan 1, 2015 6:34:51 PM

Completely awesome person! Gave me almost 30 eggs from about 5 different games very efficiently! Definitely would trade again.

coreycubed Dec 31, 2014 5:14:57 AM

Three shiny Pokemon from the egg giveaway! #derwinning

hikoboon Dec 30, 2014 8:57:13 AM

Received a shiny Audino, very nice person. I am sorry for not reading the thread. Thank you very much!!!! Also received an egg for my cousion with matched SV.

MysteriousEspeon Dec 30, 2014 7:20:14 AM

Amazing giveaway! Very considerate and patient. :)

SuesRotmg Dec 28, 2014 10:01:50 PM

Gave me three eggs that were my shiny value. Thanks!

javier_m2 Dec 28, 2014 8:27:36 PM

Most Generous and dedicated breeder i ever knew!!!

LordPineapples Dec 23, 2014 7:48:32 AM

While other's take a while to get back to me, this person got back less than 10 minutes after my initial post. Very kind as well, providing me with a Shalour Sable as well as my shiny Pokemon. Definitely recommend to anyone looking for a matching hatcher :)

zuiwatch Dec 22, 2014 4:21:05 AM

Gave me over 30 eggs 3 of which were shiny! Very friendly and patient. Great person to have in the community.

peatsahad Dec 22, 2014 3:13:02 AM

I would like to say how much eggs I've received, but I can't... There were so many, I've lost count... but it must be at least 20 eggs!!! And not only perfect spread 6 31 IVs ones, but also perfect Hidden Power spreads with 6IVs as well... Apart from a couple of matching ESV eggs as well. Thank you so much for all of these eggs, you're one of the kindest users here! Many, many thanks!!!

bobeinu Dec 22, 2014 2:03:38 AM

This guy is awesome! I just asked for a hatch, and, in addition t the hatch, he gave me an egg with my TSV that he was gaving on a Giveaway! I didn't even know about the giveaway and he offered to me! It's really a nice guy!

liehon Dec 22, 2014 1:00:33 AM

Gave me 2 egss. Hosts an amazing and extensive giveaway

DSentry Dec 17, 2014 10:53:11 PM

Hatched my Swablu and gave me a Shalour Sable (which was kind of him to do). Highly recommeneded.:D Thanks once again :3

Macrpg Dec 16, 2014 10:51:46 PM

He checked my TSV for my ORAS games, really thanks! So kind user! Thank you again!

CrimsonClaws Dec 15, 2014 6:37:47 AM

He not only gave me a very good Shiny Ducklett which I highly appreciate, but nearly a box full of very good assorted eggs as well! And, he was kind enough to trade them to me even though they were all located across several different game files! Definitely one of the most generous users I've ever seen!

Thank you so, so, so much once again for everything you've done! :D You are amazing! :)

Al_11 Dec 15, 2014 3:23:33 AM

Gave me 6 matching Eggs :)

Thank you again!

Seankle Dec 13, 2014 8:59:10 PM

Hatched my shiny Litwick for me. Quick and courteous!

VenusDjinni Dec 13, 2014 6:26:11 PM

Received a bunch of eggs from a giveaway! Very friendly and patient to trade them out of 4 different games. Thanks again!

Taeshi Dec 12, 2014 12:52:26 AM

Got a shiny Gulpin in the same giveaway that I got two shiny lillipups and a shiny shinx from. Very easygoing and generous, thanks again!

xLira03 Dec 11, 2014 9:44:50 PM

I've probably gotten a dozen eggs (and counting) from Derwin's giveaway. Some of them have made my friends particularly happy since I can get eggs that don't match myself particularly. :D His giveaway is one of the best for sure!

Malphegor Dec 4, 2014 7:56:15 PM

Helped me find my TSV, and gave me 5 eggs that matched my TSV. Thanks again! :D

AgentKiwi Nov 29, 2014 4:29:40 AM

Gifted me about 20 eggs in one of his giveaways, three of which were shiny. Very kind and reliable -- thank you so much!

peatsahad Nov 28, 2014 11:33:04 PM

As always very generous and friendly! Received 10 (!!!) perfect eggs from his ongoing giveaway. Thanks again!!!!!

Otaku98 Nov 28, 2014 12:22:10 AM

Super nice person! Received a matching Shinx egg from their amazing giveaway!! Thank you very much!!! :D

jackspidermonkey Nov 27, 2014 5:12:11 AM

Had a Lilllipup egg that matched one of my TSV's, and gave it to me simply because I gave them an egg that matched their TSV in my giveaway. Was extremely patient in working with me to finally get it to me after 18 days, keeping it safe the whole time. Thank you so much for the awesome Lillipup!

GBDetective Nov 27, 2014 12:58:52 AM

Gave me, not one, not two, but eight total matching eggs in a giveaway that all hatched shiny! Even though he had to gather them from different games and saves. And he somehow managed to keep them all straight while also dealing with a bunch of other egg trades at the same time! The giveaway itself was enormous and stayed open for an incredibly long time. The sheer number of shinies generated from just his one giveaway is mind-boggling.

Derwin: You are amazing, super generous, and a credit to this community! Thank you so much! :D

jem529 Nov 25, 2014 5:41:19 PM

Ty for the eggs from the Giveaway they both hatch shiny

Evyndarahl Nov 25, 2014 4:09:14 PM

Gave me a Bonsly matching my lost TSV for keepsake, very thoughtful trainer :)

jyang80 Nov 23, 2014 8:03:00 PM

I got three shiny pokemon from his giveaway at three separate occasions. Very quick and the biggest giveaway I have seen anywhere! Thanks!

NordlysFisk Nov 18, 2014 4:25:49 PM

Got two shinys in a giveaway, one of them with excellent IV~!

Didn't get the right eggs at first, but was superquick with finding the right eggs :) Thanks again!

blk_hwk Nov 17, 2014 5:22:37 AM

Hatched me a shiny zorua! Thank you very much :)

slycopperr Nov 17, 2014 12:58:04 AM

Thank you for the 2 shiny hatches from the continuous giveaway! :)

Magnicarp Nov 16, 2014 6:08:15 PM

Received a shiny Pachirisu egg and Abra egg from a giveaway!! As well as eggs that matched my friends' TSVs. A very nice, helpful and generous person! Thanks again!

jyang80 Nov 15, 2014 10:23:38 PM

Recieved a shiny fennekin from his giveaway. Easy and efficient trading with this trader. Thanks again!

karinasuperkul Nov 15, 2014 7:22:50 PM

I have received 2 shiny pokemon from this person from two different ESV giveaways (4 shinies total). Always very easy going and nice person to deal with and very effecient. Props to them for doing these huge giveaways :)

Taeshi Nov 14, 2014 11:04:05 PM

Got two shiny Lillipups in a giveaway as well as a shinx that my friend matches. Helpful and super quick and has impressively huge giveaways. A very generous trader, thanks again!

snoozypants Nov 14, 2014 4:49:11 AM

Received three shiny Pokemon in a giveaway - very nicely found me to give me the eggs. Thank you so much! :)

a-neverending Nov 7, 2014 10:16:51 PM

Received a shiny Audino, very generous and kind. Thanks again! :)

Ho-ohsMeMoney Oct 30, 2014 9:34:15 PM

Hatched my Ferroseed for me, a very kind and helpful trader! Thanks again :)

derwinning's Information


I am here to give back to the community. I can only wish for a special flair to recognize my success.

I am not a girl by the way. Sincerely, Derwinning

Friend codes:

  • 2896-1453-1288


  • IGN: Derwin (3) TSV: 2730
  • IGN: Derwin OR TSV: 0454
  • IGN: Derwin Moon TSV: 3893
  • IGN: Derwin AS TSV: 0012
  • IGN: Derwin USun TSV: 3713
  • IGN: Nimonoyo TSV: 1491
  • IGN: Endranroth TSV: 3676
  • IGN: Ohunei TSV: 3942
  • IGN: Mizchno TSV: 3367