
4914-5380-1888 || Tim (ΩR), fersht (S)
4914-5380-1888 || Tim (ΩR), fersht (S) || 0340, 3116

Trades (30)

[+] Events (2)
1. Shiny Foongus for 1 NA Darkrai Code /u/Canandaxe
2. Shiny Klefki for NA Darkrai Code /u/bogiefresh44
[+] Shinies (11)
1. Shiny Lapras for Shiny Petilil /u/effieSC
2. Shiny Golett for Shiny Flabebe /u/MisterLenz
3. Shiny Nidoran(M) for Shiny Bulbasaur /u/JporterMC
4. Shiny Weedle for Shiny Meowth, Shiny Starly /u/MarksmanMoi
5. Shiny Staryu for Shiny Aron /u/alan1589
6. Shiny Lapras for Shiny Audino /u/granite_grizz
7. Shiny Golett for Shiny Fletchling /u/Jbk91
8. Shiny Golett, Shiny Weedle, Shiny Tepig, Shiny Klefki for Shiny Seviper, Shiny Carvanha, Shiny Shellder, Shiny Trapinch /u/savannah_allie
9. Shiny Tepig, Shiny Chinchou, Shiny Klefki, Shiny Wurmple for Shiny Eevee, Shiny Dratini, Shiny Sunkern, Shiny Bagon, Shiny Wingull, Shiny Kecleon, Shiny Basculin, Shiny Luvdisc /u/tawmie123
10. Shiny Lileep for Shiny Goldeen, Shiny Barboarch /u/benweinrib
11. Shiny Weedle for Egg Elekid with my ESV /u/ssharma123
[+] Competitive / Casual (17)
1. Ditto for Wurmple /u/ProfessorShroom
2. 12 pokemons for 12 pokemons /u/Zertolurian
3. 14 pokemon for 14 pokemon /u/maltrab
4. HA togepi and HA hoppip for 20 ferroseeds /u/RisingHero
5. Shelmet for Snubbull /u/maltrab
6. Sneasel, Heatmor for Sigilyph, Basculin /u/maltrab
7. HA Staryu for Scyther /u/LFHAPokemon
8. HA Shelmet, HA Heatmor for Shiny Totodile /u/mmmjabzig
9. HA Staryu, perfect for HA Patrat /u/maltrab
10. Perfect HA Golett for Perfect Elekid /u/TacoMan901
11. HA Shelmet for Shiny Foongus /u/Guyindenial
12. Destiny knot and everstone for DBHA Swinub and Pawniard /u/PKMNTrainerKayla
13. HA Burmy, HA Basculin, HA Shieldon, HA Qwilfish for 2 Pokeball Vivillons /u/solomon7916
14. HA Hoppip for Drifloon with EMs /u/Disolia
15. Female HA Snorlax, Female HA Shelmet for Female HA Zangoose, Female HA Combee /u/TheAlternative23
16. Pokeball Vivillon for Fancy Vivillon /u/dawn_catchonly
17. HA Lileep for 6IV Chansey /u/kickwitkowskiass
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (32)

1. Scatterbug - River /u/WenSnake
2. Starly /u/tysc1412
3. Shroomish /u/Kainushi
4. Horsea /u/Laer_Uial
5. Treecko /u/wingzerocats
6. Flabebe /u/MisterLenz
7. Scatterbug - Monsoon /u/MisterLenz
8. Zubat /u/RIMAN2209
9. Gastly /u/Velideon
10. Yamask /u/seinfeldspartan1
11. Gible /u/7saki
12. Caterpie /u/puriburY
13. Goomy /u/beekachuu
14. Zorua /u/peatsahad
15. Honedge /u/cruiserg
16. Spearow /u/Emanon_394
17. Pawniard /u/3Anton3
18. Lotad /u/KookyKracks
19. Charmander /u/toonkirby
20. Mawile /u/Slaying_Dragons
21. Kanghaskhan /u/CharsDeleted
22. Venipede /u/Grin4U
23. Vulpix /u/flautomark
24. Sunkern /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
25. Treecko /u/jinpiko
26. Bulbasaur /u/xyxit
27. Seedot /u/willster191
28. Skarmory /u/xyxit
29. Cranidos /u/-Cubie-
30. Mudkip /u/pandaglassjaw
31. Chespin /u/henrxv
32. Tyrunt /u/CharsDeleted

Giveaways/Contests (80 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. giveaway of HA snorlax/mudkip/spritzee (Sub: pokemontrades, 8 given)
2. HA Snorlax/Mudkip/Staryu/Spritzee giveaways (Sub: pokemontrades, 16 given)
3. HA Golett Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 10 given)
4. HA Snorlax, for free (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
5. Omanyte, for free (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
6. Giveaway of HA Pokemons Breedjects (Sub: pokemontrades, 24 given)
7. Mystery Egg given (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
8. HA Swirlix (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
9. HA Pokemon giveaways (Sub: pokemontrades, 11 given)
10. Suggest Poke to Breed and Win an Egg! (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)
11. Comp Blastoise (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
12. Given 1 HA Omanyte, for free (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (12 threads, 54 given)

1. eggs check for ArchangelIPT (5 checked)
2. Eggs check for Haunani14 (25 checked)
3. egg check for wendago (5 checked)
4. TSV check for WadeyWilson42
5. egg check for sandbo (1 checked)
6. egg check for ilias_ (1 checked)
7. egg check for Crystal_Shapeshifter (6 checked)
8. TSV check for WadeyWilson42 (1 checked)
9. Pokemon check for Sandbo (1 checked)
10. TSV check for TheDecimated (1 checked)
11. Egg check for Lukari13 (1 checked)
12. Egg check for MasterGohan (7 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


KookyKracks Jul 29, 2016 12:33:57 PM

Very helpful in hatching my egg!

Velideon Mar 6, 2016 1:15:20 AM

Hatched a shiny Gastly for me. Fast and reliable hatcher!

wingzerocats Feb 7, 2016 12:03:39 AM

Kindly hatched my shiny Treecko :3 Thanks for taking the time to hatch!

WenSnake Aug 31, 2015 3:16:42 AM

Made time to hatch my Scatterbug shiny for me! Quick and easy!

fersht's Information


Friend codes:
