
SW-3243-6171-7440 || Ellie (SW), Zari (SCA)
SW-3243-6171-7440 || Ellie (SW), Zari (SCA) || XXXX

Trades (4)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (4)
1. HA Cyndaquil for HA Rattata /u/Dneydude
2. HA Snivy for HA Alolan Ratta /u/Kschubauer26
3. HA Snivy for HA Alolan Vulpix /u/The_capture_god
4. HA Pidgey, HA Rattata for HA Geodude. HA Alolan Geodude /u/Acetone15
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (584)

1. Hatched a Shiny Bulbasaur for them. /u/frox_is_okay
2. I hatched their shiny houndour /u/skilleater
3. Hatched their shiny froakie /u/Bwibb
4. hatched a shiny skiddo for them /u/TheTalkingAbsol
5. hatched a shiny scraggy for them /u/wwwaz37
6. hatched a shiny fletchling for them /u/17ttk
7. hatched a shiny froakie for them /u/tofinima
8. hatched a shiny eevee /u/Morga95
9. hatched a shiny emolga for them /u/thrran
10. hatched their shiny pokemon /u/crocokid
11. Hatched a shiny eevee for them /u/urbancats
12. hatched a shiny aerodactyl for them /u/Tatertot74
13. hatched a shiny honedge for them /u/spain2008
14. hatched their shiny machop for them /u/Itsuki8
15. hatched a shiny cottonee for them /u/Propallor
16. hatched a shiny scatterbug for them /u/toughlilpony
17. hatched a shiny charmander for them /u/Epoke28
18. hatched a shiny onix for them /u/123zc
19. hatched a shiny wooper for them /u/WenSnake
20. I hatched a shiny swablu for them /u/Sketchmaniac
21. hatched a shiny cubone for them /u/Epoke28
22. hatched a shiny sableye /u/Godreig
23. hatched a shiny amaura for them /u/justTDUBBit
24. hatched a shiny aerodactyl for them /u/willster191
25. hatched a shiny doduo for them /u/Il_Lupey
26. hatched a shiny magnemite for them /u/harryng2103
27. hatched a shiny horsea for them /u/eddiy
28. hatched a shiny pumpkaboo for them /u/Beleniel
29. hatched a shiny starly for them /u/radiowarrrr
30. hatched a shiny horsea for them /u/Mushy_64
31. hatched a shiny scatterbug for them /u/s_10
32. hatched a shiny inkay for them /u/harryng2103
33. hatched a shiny cleffa for them /u/chance206
34. hatched a shiny tyrunt for them /u/leisrbags
35. hatched a shiny mine jr for them /u/erublack
36. hatched a shiny pachirisu for them /u/willster191
37. hatched a shiny larvitar for them /u/ProjectROXO
38. hatched a shiny psyduck for them /u/harryng2103
39. hatched a shiny tyrunt for them /u/3Anton3
40. hatched a shiny froakie for them /u/gmpsmendes
41. hatched a shiny feebas for them /u/gmpsmendes
42. hatched a shiny honedge for them /u/ozone-poke
43. hatched a shiny bulbasaur /u/Hegarol
44. hatched a shiny eevee /u/ShisenAkarui
45. hatched a shiny absol /u/radiowarrrr
46. hatched a shiny squirtle /u/willster191
47. hatched a shiny gastly /u/infiniteshadow
48. hatched a shiny machop /u/togawe
49. hatched a shiny charmander /u/Zangoose1
50. hatched a shiny gligar /u/fleepter
51. hatched a shiny swablu /u/galironxero
52. hatched a shiny shroomish /u/Tiara_poke
53. hatched a shiny trapinch /u/3Anton3
54. hatched a shiny mawile /u/Imponderabls
55. hatched a shiny zubat /u/UmiMizuAi
56. hatched a shiny mawile /u/csmith179
57. hatched a shiny sableye /u/DrakeroSmogon
58. hatched a shiny ralts /u/umizoomy
59. hatched a shiny scatterbug /u/WenSnake
60. Hatched a shiny zorua /u/Pancham4
61. hatched a shiny happiny /u/ksk314
62. hatched a shiny larvitar /u/jun0806
63. hatched a shiny snivy /u/Alan199
64. hatched a shiny mankey /u/WenSnake
65. hatched a shiny minccino /u/chang0471
66. hatched a shiny swinub /u/dustys32
67. hatched a shiny nincada /u/ash12367
68. hatched a shiny vullaby /u/Kangsar
69. hatched a shiny nidoran /u/waterwingss
70. shiny abra /u/endy1102
71. shiny gastly /u/Tanith5
72. shiny charmander /u/Itsuki8
73. shiny ralts /u/chang0471
74. shiny feebas /u/Imponderabls
75. shiny sneasel /u/WenSnake
76. shiny snover /u/infiniteshadow
77. shiny fletchling /u/endy1102
78. shiny pichu /u/SalomonG18
79. shiny nidoran /u/infiniteshadow
80. shiny magikarp /u/GaryMuhfuknOak
81. shiny skrelp /u/alienowitch
82. shiny magnemite /u/Ceekei15
83. shiny shinx /u/sinneraki
84. shiny eevee /u/HeySawah
85. shiny pachirisu /u/sunju9216
86. shiny Carvanha /u/dr-spangle
87. shiny pichu /u/basicrocketry
88. shiny bulbasaur /u/tal0805
89. shiny ponyta /u/enriquepaz13
90. shiny charmander /u/AStart1edCat
91. shiny pinsir /u/Keeby358
92. shiny lillipup /u/awiec
93. shiny gastly /u/Grilda
94. shiny houndour /u/Fad1990
95. shiny shellder /u/Tatertot74
96. shiny kecleon /u/Khasma
97. shiny noibat /u/WildlyInsane
98. shiny chansey /u/Neckes
99. shiny amaura /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
100. shiny drilbur /u/sinneraki
101. shiny kangaskhan /u/DirtyDan257
102. shiny beldum /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
103. shiny gastly /u/eraco
104. shiny zubat /u/MelonVodka
105. shiny riolu /u/Aviram6661
106. shiny shinx /u/patchespatch04
107. shiny elgyem /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
108. shiny froakie /u/thenext_jordan
109. Shiny joltik /u/hereitis135
110. shiny swablu /u/infiniteshadow
111. shiny ralts /u/theshyghost
112. shiny porygon /u/Jamie-McL
113. shiny bulbasaur /u/infiniteshadow
114. shiny larvitar /u/Numblebee
115. shiny squirtle /u/Lilchupz
116. shiny noibat /u/Lilchupz
117. shiny chikorita /u/togawe
118. shiny bagon /u/AlfonsoDragonlord
119. shiny amaura /u/mikavalentine
120. shiny horsea /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
121. shiny sandile /u/jd94fut
122. shiny oddish /u/Zhakien
123. shiny skrelp /u/Zhakien
124. shiny starly /u/AlfonsoDragonlord
125. shiny treecko /u/jd94fut
126. shiny scatterbug /u/WenSnake
127. shiny pumpkaboo /u/Crystal_Shapeshifter
128. shiny miltank /u/bosniangurl
129. shiny gligar /u/user1288
130. shiny oshawott /u/patchespatch04
131. shiny vulpix /u/Neckes
132. shiny kangaskhan /u/DirtyDan257
133. shiny larvitar /u/Neckes
134. shiny ponyta /u/somsatang
135. shiny luvdisc /u/MasterGohan
136. shiny absol /u/hatsunemiku598
137. shiny starly /u/cubanpete26
138. shiny litwick /u/Izil13spur
139. shiny mareep /u/jun0806
140. shiny eevee /u/Alirala
141. shiny scraggy /u/Neckes
142. shiny snivy /u/Tiara_poke
143. shiny lileep /u/MasterGohan
144. shiny machop /u/Jamie-McL
145. shiny dedenne /u/deathandstrawberry
146. shiny eevee /u/pantera771
147. shiny marill /u/wuyi317605
148. shiny audino /u/hyung2129
149. shiny snivy /u/Ramen07
150. shiny anorith /u/Pochamo
151. shiny charmander /u/bosniangurl
152. shiny pawniard /u/bosniangurl
153. shiny scraggy /u/bosniangurl
154. shiny charmander /u/bosniangurl
155. shiny rattata /u/Kanrei
156. shiny eevee /u/Il_Lupey
157. shiny snivy /u/Zorblack
158. shiny pinsir /u/wingzerocats
159. shiny absol /u/Interfectrix
160. shiny vulpix /u/VenusGuy
161. shiny snivy /u/shibaneru_poke
162. shiny porygon /u/Q10609
163. shiny mareep /u/wingzerocats
164. shiny munna /u/theanitpode
165. shiny nidoran /u/theantipode
166. shiny togepi /u/Zhakien
167. shiny fletchling /u/Steveperez12
168. shiny cubchoo /u/cubanpete26
169. shiny fletchling /u/LuxrayShiny
170. shiny pichu /u/L1quid_Ic3
171. shiny cleffa /u/nemuks06
172. shiny zorua /u/Tabychan
173. shiny jigglypuff /u/theantipode
174. shiny pidgey /u/Jamie-McL
175. shiny mawile /u/beekachuu
176. shiny gligar /u/hyung2129
177. shiny munchlax /u/Pipi_S2
178. shiny zubat /u/lavaburst14
179. shiny staryu /u/wingzerocats
180. shiny pansear /u/Bouncer2085
181. shiny pawniard /u/LadyLucario
182. shiny tentacool /u/KageNoRaito
183. shiny gligar /u/Wizli
184. shuny buneary /u/wingzerocats
185. shiny mawile /u/MrBwaze
186. shiny larvitar /u/Caedei
187. shiny larvitar /u/gryffindorstudent
188. shiny Solosis /u/Strax_89
189. shiny omanyte /u/Haunani14
190. shiny scyther /u/IntentionOfAbyss
191. shiny aron /u/SlashAgris
192. shiny zorua /u/Ellie_1
193. shiny marill /u/kybart8
194. shiny eevee /u/GoodMuse
195. shiny cottonee /u/Tatertot74
196. shiny eevee /u/GoodMuse
197. shiny petilil /u/Delphi_
198. shiny oddish /u/Kanniin
199. shiny ferroseed /u/Tacanacy
200. shiny foongus /u/Tacanacy
201. shiny espurr /u/Tacanacy
202. shiny torchic /u/lost2easyplzbuff
203. shiny trapinch /u/MegaRoselia
204. shiny durant /u/FrenchGaudi
205. shiny snivy /u/wingzerocats
206. shiny cyndaquil /u/Zangoose1
207. shiny bunnelby /u/Nightcore12
208. shiny mawile /u/kuladiamond2000
209. shiny snubbull /u/darkangel14573
210. shiny scyther /u/Cheese_feet
211. shiny froakie /u/HighChiefSlapaho
212. shiny pancham /u/cubanpete26
213. shiny doduo /u/rin_sei
214. shiny smeargle /u/Zangoose1
215. shiny smeargle /u/Zangoose1
216. shiny pidgey /u/Geoless
217. shiny vulpix /u/3Anton3
218. shiny vulpix /u/giathuan2707
219. shiny deerling /u/wuyi317605
220. shiny squirtle /u/Basilhorx99
221. shiny vulpix /u/3Anton3
222. shiny barboach /u/wwwaz37
223. shiny fennekin /u/MarksmanMoi
224. shiny marill /u/Q10609
225. shiny charmander /u/MarksmanMoi
226. shiny onix /u/gemgaming
227. shiny larvitar /u/not_an_aardvark
228. shiny binacle /u/not_an_aardvark
229. shiny espurr /u/Lillu89
230. shiny rotom /u/Dark_Lucario
231. shiny mudkip /u/mouse_iz_cool
232. shiny porygon /u/Dark_Lucario
233. shiny charmander /u/Q10609
234. shiny eevee /u/Scairus
235. shiny ralts /u/KiritoRX
236. shiny /u/-Garou
237. shiny spiritzee /u/Kanniin
238. shiny pineco /u/Markus1892
239. shiny totodile /u/KTcat_89
240. shiny rattata /u/Strax_89
241. shiny zorua /u/Lizard_BL
242. shiny karrablast /u/KingAllant
243. shiny pachirisu /u/KingAllant
244. shiny fennekin /u/pologarzanavarro
245. shiny togepi /u/Berched
246. shiny pineco /u/RIMAN2209
247. shiny houndour /u/wingzerocats
248. shiny snover /u/wingzerocats
249. shiny gastly /u/jtpirate30
250. shiny torchic /u/Blood_Diet
251. shiny shroomish /u/Haunani14
252. shiny scatterbug /u/chuni_pok
253. shiny eevee /u/AkoranBrighteye
254. shiny mankey /u/patchespatch04
255. shiny feebas /u/gyu793364
256. shiny weedle /u/KiritoRX
257. shiny magnemite /u/LuxrayShiny
258. shiny shellder /u/songane
259. shiny buneary /u/aleexs
260. shiny slowpoke /u/lurkerton3000
261. shiny goomy /u/Vinz95
262. shiny deerling - fall /u/patchespatch04
263. shiny horsea /u/Great_Plattsby
264. shiny gible /u/DethZero
265. shiny lapras /u/cricketchick_2002
266. shiny totodile /u/IPatan
267. shiny eevee /u/plastreaka
268. shiny vulpix /u/bcisaidso
269. shiny skorpi /u/franciscoarq
270. shiny oshawott /u/aleexs
271. shiny magby /u/Ramen07
272. shiny bagon /u/ObjectOpera
273. shiny Numel /u/wanderingscribe
274. shiny mawile /u/Strafingfire
275. shiny swirlix /u/franciscoarq
276. shiny fletchling /u/plastreaka
277. shiny smeargle /u/Jamie-McL
278. shiny magikarp /u/SlashAgris
279. shiny treecko /u/ProjectROXO
280. shiny skarmory /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
281. shiny purrloin /u/gabriel_983
282. shiny honedge /u/imp3rf3ct
283. shiny tyrogue /u/willster191
284. shiny charmander /u/innh125
285. shiny cyndaquil /u/leaf_05
286. shiny zubat /u/jcbQL
287. shiny eevee /u/Beta_323
288. shiny margikarp /u/galironxero
289. shiny ralts /u/RIMAN2209
290. shiny snubull /u/davidxin
291. shiny eevee /u/YTolun
292. shiny eevee /u/galironxero
293. shinie froakie /u/Xenith_Shadow
294. shiny munchlax /u/gabriel_983
295. shiny foonus /u/wuyi317605
296. shiny Chimchar /u/wuyi317605
297. shiny pachirisu /u/sugar8ay
298. shiny Hippopotas /u/EternityRing
299. shiny bulbasaur /u/YTolun
300. shiny craniados /u/Whatzittooya__
301. shiny zubat /u/plastreaka
302. shiny furfrou /u/sugar8ay
303. shiny phione /u/sugar8ay
304. shiny oddish /u/unclewil
305. shiny squirtle /u/eggerson
306. shiny skorpi /u/lavaburst14
307. shiny cubchoo /u/Wizli
308. shiny ralts /u/Wizli
309. shiny charmander /u/princessdaiisy
310. shiny kangaskhan /u/skylac
311. shiny fletchling /u/KiritoRX
312. shiny goomy /u/Wizli
313. shiny charmander /u/miher1
314. shiny weedle /u/DDR_17
315. shiny zorua /u/alsrb789
316. shiny larvitar /u/Strax_89
317. shiny roselia /u/effieSC
318. shiny togepi /u/Wizli
319. shiny growlithe /u/dslay23
320. shiny skarmary /u/Jamie-McL
321. shiny bermite /u/GamerTehness
322. shiny pancham /u/Acestrike
323. shiny weedle /u/Great_Plattsby
324. shiny flabebe /u/canvasrosier
325. shiny venipede /u/ArcticWish
326. shiiny mareep /u/Wizli
327. shiny togepi /u/patchespatch04
328. shiny pinsir /u/MRnotgivinadamn
329. shiny scyther /u/Kasuomi
330. shiny phanpy /u/CaelumKrieger
331. shiny honedge /u/Wizli
332. shiny oddish /u/cricketchick_2002
333. shiny riolu /u/savannah_allie
334. shiny eevee /u/Blackballroom
335. shiny eevee /u/Blackballroom
336. shiny vulpix /u/lavaburst14
337. shiny plusle /u/Tacanacy
338. shiny poliwag /u/Tacanacy
339. shiny scatterbug /u/Leezyan
340. shiny swirlix /u/AnterDow
341. shiny eevee /u/Richi95
342. shiny oddish /u/Great_Plattsby
343. shiny bulbasaur /u/SceptileK
344. shiny meditite /u/alan1589
345. shiny carvanha /u/7saki
346. shiny mankey /u/Blackballroom
347. shiny rotom /u/Robster1908
348. shiny abra /u/jmhn
349. shiny venonat /u/theantipode
350. shiny goomy /u/Great_Plattsby
351. shiny buneary /u/lil_shorty4ever
352. shiny weedle /u/GhostyCube
353. shiny yamask /u/elfam
354. shiny igglybuff /u/Onizuak31
355. shiny swablu /u/littletaebaby
356. shiby bunnelby /u/Heavyminded
357. shiny chansey /u/snowkae
358. shiny eevee /u/mose_cat
359. shiny klink /u/june304101
360. shiny lapras /u/iPippy
361. shiny sudowoodo /u/GhostyCube
362. shiny eevee /u/Strafingfire
363. shiny magikarp /u/AnterDow
364. shiny magnemite /u/Narhok
365. shiny litwick /u/user1288
366. shiny eevee /u/dltnnm123
367. shiny froakie /u/jun3323
368. shiny froakie /u/Q10609
369. shiny aron /u/BlackoutSLM
370. shiny pidove /u/iPippy
371. shiny pawniard /u/Cherishbear
372. shiny shuppet /u/Tacanacy
373. shiny kangaskhan /u/effieSC
374. shiny litwick /u/SnekazZ
375. shiny larvitar /u/dupue
376. shiny gible /u/yonghee
377. shiny bulbasaur /u/DarthBaelfire
378. shiny tympole /u/Serancahe
379. shiny snivy /u/JoNolasco
380. shiny staryu /u/eloqenwarner
381. shiny chikorita /u/Theinfectious
382. shiny aerodactyl /u/magusblack
383. shiny skorpi /u/v3220
384. shiny pawniard /u/Serancahe
385. shiny kangaskhan /u/Strax_89
386. shiny duskull /u/Super-Sheep
387. shiny ralts /u/Draxic0r
388. shiny ralts /u/ZMatt42
389. shiny golett /u/v3220
390. shiny kecleon /u/MonkeyD-Victor
391. shiny fletchling /u/puriburY
392. shiny goomy /u/zetraex
393. shiny eevee /u/ekaiel
394. shiny smeargle /u/Fiorella2
395. shiny froakie /u/falconchurr
396. shiny riolu /u/lale796
397. shiny heracross /u/dltnnm123
398. shiny froakie /u/Lovebunnie
399. shiny charmander /u/rhuu
400. shiny poochyena /u/Tanith5
401. shiny froakie /u/Q10609
402. shiny starly /u/adx789
403. shiny eevee /u/Shodyra
404. shiny cleffa /u/savannah_allie
405. shiny tentacool /u/qweligator
406. shiny piplup /u/Cloud_Nine987
407. shiny ferroseed /u/nalch
408. shiny gastly /u/chicktt
409. shiny charmander /u/-Garou
410. shiny bouffalant /u/MonkeyD-Victor
411. shiny swinub /u/mose_cat
412. shiny furfrou /u/StefanoR92
413. shiny skorupi /u/Oizyxx
414. shiny tyrogue /u/somsatang
415. shiny ponyta /u/SnekazZ
416. shiny binacle /u/Blackballroom
417. shiny skitty /u/Sunstreaky
418. shiny smeargle /u/SilverBlossom
419. shiny cubchoo /u/chicktt
420. shiny stunky /u/oohoneydukesoo
421. shiny vanillite /u/Blackballroom
422. shiny mawile /u/v3220
423. shiny buizel /u/SlashAgris
424. shiny eevee /u/xSniiPeZ
425. shiny rotom /u/-Garou
426. shiny shieldon /u/BlackoutSLM
427. shiny binacle /u/Blackballroom
428. shiny kangaskhan /u/mazinga5
429. shiny dratini /u/MrFuji92
430. shiny litwick /u/Robin_Sparklez
431. shiny dratini /u/rhuu
432. shiny golett /u/CukiieMonstaa
433. shiny spritzee /u/neuroticweasel
434. shiny chespin /u/chicktt
435. shiny eevee /u/TeamRocketTyler
436. shiny golett /u/MonkeyD-Victor
437. shiny frillish /u/zdsmith11
438. shiny nidoran /u/mkmcdono13
439. shiny deino /u/kakesu
440. shiny scraggy /u/Haunani14
441. shiny bouffalant /u/dltnnm123
442. shiny froakie /u/EternityRing
443. shiny aerodactyl /u/goldenmel
444. shiny houndour /u/SirkovTheWanderer
445. shiny Honedge /u/mutrify
446. shiny chimcar /u/imakestupidreplies
447. shiny sandshew /u/zetraex
448. shiny wynaut /u/infiniteshadow
449. shiny swablu /u/Zangoose1
450. shiny scatterbug /u/purrmutation
451. shiny magikarp /u/schwing-
452. shiny wynaut /u/wuyi317605
453. shiny scatterbug /u/pupducky
454. shiny pidgey /u/Pichu20
455. shiny porygon /u/lokoskanker
456. shiny tyrogue /u/qweligator
457. shiny snivy /u/innh125
458. shny froakie /u/WhiteHawk93
459. shiny abra /u/Lundrity
460. shiny ralts /u/autopsia
461. shiny aerodactyl /u/Aarux
462. shiny froakie /u/ronnknee
463. shiny larvitar /u/Hibicakes
464. shiny tyrogue /u/chance206
465. shiny rhyhorn /u/Qweebo
466. shiny scatterbug /u/Ketzaren
467. shiny totodile /u/IzzyRamirez
468. shiny ralts /u/Breedloom
469. shiny froakie /u/Tokuten
470. shiny makuhita /u/cricketchick_2002
471. shiny shuppet /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
472. shiny ralts /u/therawv
473. shiny sandshrew /u/ryanthomas917
474. shiny tyrunt /u/pantera771
475. shiny zubat /u/infiniteshadow
476. shiny larvitar /u/Tabychan
477. shiny drifloon /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
478. shiny ekans /u/ryanthomas917
479. shiny totodile /u/v3220
480. shiny aerodactyl /u/MysticHomer
481. shiny ralts /u/SpiegelmannLoL
482. shiny rattata /u/savannah_allie
483. shiny ryhorn /u/ryanthomas917
484. shiny volbeat /u/v3220
485. shiny krabby /u/unclewil
486. shiny chikorita /u/crazy-cat-prince
487. shiny chimchar /u/pillimehu
488. shiny cyndaquil /u/KisekiRed
489. shiny sudowoodo /u/colspan
490. shiny roselia /u/savannah_allie
491. shiny skarmory /u/xyxit
492. shiny sableye /u/Doomhelk
493. shiny vulpix /u/zanothe
494. shiny aipom /u/xyxit
495. shiny swablu /u/Harshul1
496. shiny pawniard /u/xyxit
497. shiny yamask /u/FreakyRockz
498. shiny charmander /u/hurricane_matt
499. shiny venipede /u/Grin4U
500. shiny gastly /u/amoran5156
501. shiny electrike /u/kojicarlos
502. shiny dratini /u/Saorisen
503. shiny scyther /u/MysticHomer
504. shiny gible /u/Xoirun
505. shiny sableye /u/MysticHomer
506. shiny cacnea /u/chicktt
507. shiny growlithe /u/WenSnake
508. shiny eevee /u/crazy-cat-prince
509. shiny misdreavus /u/giraffe196
510. shiny mawile /u/Grin4U
511. shiny fennekin /u/neoh99
512. shiny squirtle /u/Night_Fallen_Wolf
513. shiny gastly /u/MysticHomer
514. shiny eevee /u/schwing-
515. shiny scyther /u/jondain
516. shiny Hoothoot /u/xyxit
517. shiny axew /u/3Anton3
518. shiny growlithe /u/kojicarlos
519. shiny gible /u/PikaCuber
520. shiny litwick /u/PikaCuber
521. shiny ledyba /u/ryanthomas917
522. shiny swinub /u/AnterDow
523. shiny porygon /u/pokemansplease
524. shiny froakie /u/lokoskanker
525. shiny paras /u/xSorah_
526. shiny trapinch /u/imp3rf3ct
527. shiny sudowoodo /u/willster191
528. shiny trapinch /u/Zain175
529. shiny inkay /u/soojong1
530. shiny Omanyte /u/Muddbat
531. shiny mareep /u/savannah_allie
532. shiny gastly /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
533. shiny gastly + smoochum /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
534. shiny koffing /u/Joker977
535. shiny honedge /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
536. shiny riolu /u/pandaglassjaw
537. shiny pawniard /u/WhiteHawk93
538. shiny cottonee /u/jinpiko
539. shiny scatterbug /u/Xpore
540. shiny pinsir /u/Qweebo
541. shiny archen /u/zetraex
542. shiny growlithe /u/Kinrai
543. shiny litwck /u/neoh99
544. shiny froakie /u/kimokkuk
545. shiny ralts /u/Luneil
546. shiny ponyta /u/X-the-Komujin
547. shiny kabuto /u/Ketzaren
548. shiny staryu /u/MysticHomer
549. shiny kangaskhan /u/takemago
550. shiny feebas /u/Klef_ki
551. shiny finneon /u/chicktt
552. shiny sewaddle /u/jh4107
553. shiny litwick /u/theflamesof
554. shiny chespin /u/pandaglassjaw
555. shiny rotom /u/Iviviana
556. shiny larvitar /u/chicktt
557. shiny lotad /u/applesaucemachine
558. shiny ralts /u/FTMystogan
559. shiny ekans /u/sskies91
560. shiny foongus /u/Azniard
561. shiny scatterbug (tundra) /u/Tanith5
562. shiny honedge /u/PokeBreederD
563. shiny solosis /u/-Cubie-
564. shiny aerodactyl /u/xyxit
565. shiny snorlax /u/xyxit
566. shiny kecleon /u/Kingddd91
567. shiny sandshrew /u/MarkPrimo
568. shiny feebas /u/Crash2Desktop
569. shiny togepi /u/QuoteMissy
570. shiny onyx /u/GottaCatchEmAll04
571. shiny chespin /u/mahoang
572. shiny vulpix /u/dvader0
573. shiny bulbasaur /u/GottaCatchEmAll04
574. shiny froakie /u/amoran5156
575. shiny scyther /u/mahoang
576. Shiny Dhelmise /u/dhol54
577. Shiny Morelull /u/giraffe196
578. shiny chansey /u/tomato-head
579. shiny gothita /u/tankinturtle
580. shiny bulbasaur /u/Dragon8989
581. shiny froakie /u/transcendentyo
582. shiny wimpod /u/Haunani14
583. shiny chespin /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
584. shiny larvitar /u/vee4Phoenix

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 851 eggs given)

1. Gave away tepig, lotad, anorith, froakie,elekid, rotom, and inkay (Sub: SVExchange, 75 given)
2. Gave away Cyndaquil and Tepig eggs (Sub: SVExchange, 106 given)
3. gave totodiles and snorunts away (Sub: SVExchange, 115 given)
4. shiny dream ball aron (Sub: SVExchange, 50 given)
5. kanto, johto starters, tepig + snorunt (Sub: SVExchange, 154 given)
6. Shiny mudkip, totodile, treecko, spiritomb, swirlix (Sub: SVExchange, 258 given)
7. Cyndaquil, Totodile, Snorunt, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Chikorita, Mudkip, Treecko, Spiritomb, Swirlix (Sub: SVExchange, 93 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (2 threads, 2 given)

1. TSV Check for /u/ohnosakura (1 checked)
2. TSV Check for /u/That_One_Cougar (1 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Haunani14 Jun 13, 2017 1:54:46 AM

Kindly hatched my shiny wimpod for me and was a fast replier, thanks!

dhol54 May 17, 2017 4:12:12 PM

Hatched a Dhelmise for me. First gen 7 hatch. Congratulations, and thanks again!

QuoteMissy Nov 14, 2016 5:30:49 PM

Hatched my Togepi shiny for me, thanks again! :)

Luneil Oct 3, 2016 4:02:33 PM

Hatched a shiny Ralts for me. Thank you!

Xpore Oct 1, 2016 4:41:43 PM

Hatched shiny scatterbug for me. Very quick response! :D thank you <3

Kmlzb4-Mekare Sep 27, 2016 1:13:41 AM

Hatched not one but three of my pokemon at once. Amazing hatcher, forever grateful!

kojicarlos Sep 18, 2016 6:39:42 PM

Hatched a shiny Growlithe for me. Thanks again!

WenSnake Sep 9, 2016 10:57:01 PM

Quickly responded to my hatch request and hatched my Growlithe shiny for me!

chicktt Sep 9, 2016 3:35:58 AM

Hatched my shiny Cacnea. Thank you again :)

kojicarlos Sep 5, 2016 12:32:52 AM

Excellent hatcher! Hatched a shiny Electrike for me really fast! Thanks! :D

Kmlzb4-Mekare Aug 21, 2016 6:19:58 PM

Hatched a drifloon for me, very polite and responded quickly. Thanks again!

Tabychan Aug 20, 2016 3:22:19 PM

Hatched a larvitar for me, very professional and fast :D thanks again!

Ketzaren Aug 13, 2016 8:44:47 PM

Hatched my scatterbug. Thanks so much!

lokoskanker Aug 7, 2016 11:46:54 PM

He hatched my shiny porygon

Haunani14 Jul 29, 2016 5:31:08 AM

Hatched a shiny scraggy for me, thanks very much!

zdsmith11 Jul 19, 2016 11:43:39 PM

A perfect shiny Frillish hatch. Thank you!

chicktt Jul 12, 2016 11:59:09 PM

Hatched my Cubchoo and Chespin! Thanks a lot!

mutrify Jul 12, 2016 11:15:43 PM

Thank you for an excellent shiny hatch:)

SnekazZ Jul 12, 2016 11:01:06 PM

He hatched already two of my Pokemon very nice person ,thank you again

Tanith5 Jun 21, 2016 1:20:43 AM

Hatched a shiny Poochyena for me. Fast and reliable hatcher!

Serancahe Jun 14, 2016 5:10:58 PM

Hatched my shiny pawniard, as always really quick, thanks again hartyls!

Serancahe Jun 12, 2016 1:45:28 AM

Hatched a tympole for me, really fast and efficient hatch, thank you so much!

SnekazZ Jun 6, 2016 5:27:18 PM

Hatched my Shiny Litwick many thanks for that also for the quick reply

jeuxinterdits Jun 4, 2016 8:16:28 PM

Received a bunch of eggs from them in a giveaway. They were super generous, patient during my fc ordeal and extremely kind. Thank you so much again! :,D

Q10609 Jun 3, 2016 3:40:09 PM

Hatched a shiny Froakie and nicknamed it for me. Very nice, quick and efficient hatcher. Thanks again!

falconchurr Jun 2, 2016 12:58:50 AM

Replied super fast and even though I made a mistake with my egg's ESV, she soft reset it and sent it back. Very nice person!

Serancahe Jun 1, 2016 6:33:17 PM

Hatched my shiny gastly, reliable and fast hatcher and nice person, thanks again!

canvasrosier Apr 8, 2016 3:11:36 AM

Thanks again for hatching my shiny Flabébé! <3

skylac Mar 22, 2016 11:01:47 PM

Hatched my shiny Kangaskahn for me! Thank you so much! :D

princessdaiisy Mar 17, 2016 11:54:50 PM

I made a mistake with the egg hatching and she was very understanding and friendly. Sorry for the mishap and thanks for hatching my shiny Charmander. :)

plastreaka Mar 13, 2016 5:10:14 PM

Thanks for the ★ Zubat egg hatch. Very friendly and quick.

Beta_323 Feb 28, 2016 5:33:58 PM

Hatched my egg, nice and easy, thanks! 10/10, would trade again.

imp3rf3ct Feb 27, 2016 7:18:53 AM

Postponed her sleep for a few minutes to help me hatch an egg. Awesome person. :)

FraudulentDimetrodon Feb 25, 2016 5:00:03 AM

Kindly helped hatch a Smeargle Egg for me. Was very prompt and friendly as well. Thank you very much again!

wanderingscribe Feb 19, 2016 1:48:45 AM

She hatched a Numel egg for me and the whole process was quick, easy, and enjoyable. Would definitely ask her to hatch an egg for me again.

aleexs Feb 16, 2016 3:19:25 AM

Kindly hatched a egg for me, thank you again :]

cricketchick_2002 Feb 11, 2016 11:50:12 PM

Great hatcher, very friendly :)

Slash0045 Feb 6, 2016 5:32:08 PM

gave me an egg from her giveaway and it was a shiny Swirlix. ty so much!

TeriyakiNinja007 Feb 4, 2016 1:51:41 AM

kindly gave me a shiny Treecko from her giveaway. Friendly, prompt to reply and reliable. Thanks again!

Haunani14 Feb 1, 2016 4:42:50 PM

hatched my shiny female shroomish ty so much \o\

Vemje Jan 30, 2016 8:18:08 PM

Gave me one shiny Mudkip-Egg! Very kind and responsive, thanks again <3

DarthBaelfire Jan 30, 2016 4:36:26 PM

I got two eggs which match my TSV from her giveaway. Such a lovely person. Thank you <3.

xterria96 Jan 30, 2016 5:08:49 AM

Hosting such a great giveaway. Give me 2 matching eggs Thank you very much :)

patchespatch04 Jan 30, 2016 3:36:27 AM

Gave me 7 eggs which I match from her giveaway. It was awesome. Your game really loves me :D

Thanks so much again for the eggs!

wingzerocats Jan 29, 2016 7:55:20 PM

Hatched my Houndour and Snover for me :3 Always willingly to help <3 Thanks again for the hatches!!!

Berched Jan 28, 2016 5:59:43 AM

Hatched me a shiny togepi. Went extremely fast and quick. Couldn't be better!

josephsk1 Jan 28, 2016 12:54:40 AM

received an egg for shiny treecko through the giveaway. Thanks for holding this giveaway event!

salamence32 Jan 27, 2016 9:09:54 PM

Gave me a 6 IV shiny treecko egg from a giveaway, Thanks again! :)

Strax_89 Jan 20, 2016 7:39:22 PM

A very kind hatcher, thanks a lot for helping me with my Rattata! :)

Markus1892 Jan 18, 2016 5:22:59 PM

Hatched my shiny Pineco, thank you so much :D

Kanniin Jan 17, 2016 5:47:04 PM

Hatched my shiny Spritzee, thanks again! Very fast hatcher!

Dark_Lucario Jan 15, 2016 7:08:48 AM

Hatched a shiny Porygon for me. Thanks again

Dark_Lucario Jan 12, 2016 10:06:31 PM

Hatched a shiny Rotom for me. Thanks again

Q10609 Jan 10, 2016 6:09:03 PM

Hatched a shiny Marill and nicknamed it for me. Quick response and reliable. Thanks again!

MarksmanMoi Jan 10, 2016 5:49:22 PM

So kind and helped me as quick as he could :) Definitly would recomment him for shiny hatchs

wingzerocats Dec 31, 2015 4:40:35 AM

Hatched my Shiny Snivy for me. Always kind and quick to help!

Kanniin Dec 25, 2015 9:13:07 PM

Hatched a Shiny Oddish for me, thanks a lot! Very kind user!

GoodMuse Dec 24, 2015 6:22:33 AM

Hatched a shiny eevee for me and nicknamed him. Haru was very quick and responded to my hatch request in less than 2 hours. Very kind and trustworthy user!

Strax_89 Dec 15, 2015 4:46:05 PM

Hatched a shiny Solosis for me. very quick and kind, thanks a lot! :)

gryffindorstudent Dec 14, 2015 11:27:50 PM

Thanks for the hatch! :3

wingzerocats Dec 12, 2015 11:08:41 PM

Hatched my Shiny Buneary for me. Always friendly and quick to reply. Thanks again!

LadyLucario Dec 9, 2015 1:06:43 AM

Gave birth to my Pawniard as shiny~ Very fast too!

wingzerocats Dec 8, 2015 10:50:00 PM

Hatched my Shiny Staryu for me. Thanks again for hatching another egg for me :)

beekachuu Dec 4, 2015 3:05:36 AM

This user hatched my Shiny Mawile, and gave it the correct nickname. Thanks again!

Tabychan Nov 30, 2015 5:00:55 PM

Hatched a Zorua egg, very patient and kind :D

wingzerocats Nov 21, 2015 7:18:24 PM

Hatched my Shiny Mareep! Very reliable hatcher! Thanks again!

Q10609 Nov 21, 2015 1:10:03 AM

Hatched a shiny Porygon and nicknamed it for me. Quick response and reliable. Thanks again!

wingzerocats Nov 17, 2015 3:48:28 AM

Hatched my Shiny Pinsir for me! Thanks again!

Zorblack Nov 16, 2015 9:04:48 PM

Thanks for hatching my shiny Snivy.

Kanrei Nov 13, 2015 10:14:26 PM

Hatched a shiny rattata for me and was very quick to reply and hatch.

Odalager18 Nov 9, 2015 2:17:55 AM

Tahanks for the chikorita egg. It hatched shiny

Jamie-McL Oct 27, 2015 8:56:05 PM

Hatched my shiny Machop, thanks!

Jamie-McL Oct 27, 2015 8:56:00 PM

Hatched my shiny Machop, thanks!

cadney-chan Oct 26, 2015 1:39:43 AM

Thanks so much for the egg, it means a lot to me! Fantastic giveaway.

capnsafetypants Oct 25, 2015 10:02:13 PM

awesome giveaway! thanks so much for the 2 cyndaquil eggs :), 10/10! he even waited for me to hop onto 2nd game cartridge

gryffindorstudent Oct 24, 2015 3:26:25 PM

Thanks for the massive egg giveaway! :)

mjoystio Oct 24, 2015 6:27:11 AM

Gave me eggs in a giveaway, one of them a shiny Charmander. Thanks again!

mjoystio Oct 24, 2015 6:27:07 AM

Gave me eggs in a giveaway, one of them a shiny Charmander. Thanks again!

mike15835 Oct 24, 2015 3:36:07 AM

Held an awesome ESV Giveaway! Gave me a Charmander egg! Thanks again!

MasterGohan Oct 17, 2015 1:46:21 AM

Hatched a shiny Luvdics for me. Very fast and helpful. Thanks again!

WenSnake Oct 7, 2015 4:56:57 PM

Responded quickly to my hatch request and hatched my Scatterbug shiny for me!

IAMADeinonychusAMA Oct 2, 2015 4:40:11 AM

Thanks for hatching my Horsea! :)

Lilchupz Sep 25, 2015 8:16:33 PM

Hatched a Shiny Squirtle for me very quickly! Thank you for your time! <3

Jamie-McL Sep 21, 2015 11:33:01 PM

Hatched my Shiny Porygon, thanks!

theshyghost Sep 21, 2015 12:43:37 AM

Hatched my Ralts. Quick response and very friendly. Thank you!

awiec Aug 23, 2015 6:50:20 PM

Was very quick and nicknamed my pokemon properly

basicrocketry Aug 18, 2015 12:51:51 AM

Very fast and friendly hatcher - thanks! :)

dr-spangle Aug 17, 2015 7:09:06 PM

Super speedy hatch, Thank you! :D

WenSnake Aug 2, 2015 1:06:19 AM

Once again a speedy response and hatch of a shiny Sneasel this time!

waterwingss Jul 26, 2015 1:21:18 AM

Very fast response to my hatch request! Thanks so much for the help :)

WenSnake Jul 20, 2015 4:32:05 PM

Super fast response to my hatch request yet again! Hatched my Mankey shiny for me this time XD

WenSnake Jul 11, 2015 10:07:44 PM

Quickly responded to my hatch request and hatched my Scatterbug shiny for me!

DrakeroSmogon Jul 10, 2015 6:37:46 PM

Hatched a shiny Sableye for me. Thanks :3

Lilchupz Jul 9, 2015 9:59:01 AM

Got an Aron egg and it hatched shiny! Thank you for the fast responses and thank you for waiting for me! :) Awesome trader~

B_czar Jul 9, 2015 3:36:45 AM

Gave me a 5IV shiny aron egg, was quick to respond and cooperative. 10/10

Ruri-Hijiribe Jul 2, 2015 4:56:00 PM

Got a dream ball Aron egg from their giveaway! Really nice, thank you!

infiniteshadow Jun 17, 2015 9:13:55 PM

Quick response and hatch. Thanks!

Hare_vs_Tortoise Jun 8, 2015 6:59:27 PM

Gave me a DBHA Snorunt from their giveaway. Really helpful as my first choice FFA egg was taken. Thanks so much :)

salamence32 Jun 1, 2015 5:02:04 PM

Gave me three Totodile eggs from their giveaway, very nice. Thanks again! :)

keskisormi May 31, 2015 8:19:13 PM

Got a DBHA Snorunt egg from their giveaway, thanks again! :3

Esmeya May 29, 2015 9:22:54 PM

Gave me two eggs from their giveaway that did not have active matches. Pleasant to talk to and very kind, thank you!

sangvoel May 27, 2015 5:26:30 AM

Gave me an egg that didn't match my TSV, after showing that there were no active hatchers. Thank you very much for letting me claim it! :D

Magna_Sol May 25, 2015 5:56:46 PM

Gave me an egg in a giveaway that hatched into a shiny Snorunt :)

Very nice and patient. Overall excellent. Thank you!

emchun May 25, 2015 3:18:42 PM

Received a shiny snorunt. Very kind person :)

Wizli May 23, 2015 4:36:28 AM

Give me a egg which hatched into a beautiful green totodile :)

safairy0 May 23, 2015 1:55:36 AM

Gave me an egg that matched my TSV!

chance206 May 12, 2015 9:44:36 PM

hatched shiny cleffa for me very fast friend hatch THANKS

s_10 May 10, 2015 12:37:24 AM

Hatched a shiny scatterbug for me. Nice and quick hatcher. Thanks so much!! :D 10/10

oscarveli Apr 2, 2015 2:42:11 AM

Gave me a Cyndaquil egg that matched my TSV. Thanks again!

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane Mar 24, 2015 6:52:34 PM

awesome! :) best giveaway!

Sketchmaniac Mar 13, 2015 4:29:15 AM

I asked /u/hartlys (FlairHQ) to hatch a shiny swablu for me. They were very fast and nice in responding. I sent them the wrong egg by mistake too but they were very patient with me and we were able to get the right egg in the end. A great hatcher, would recommend to anyone. :)

josephsk1 Feb 28, 2015 11:36:36 PM

received an egg for shiny tepig through the giveaway. Thanks for holding this giveaway event!

hartlys's Information


My name's Emmy. I like cyndaquils and ice cream

Friend codes:

  • SW-3243-6171-7440
