Hatched a Dhelmise for me. First gen 7 hatch. Congratulations, and thanks again!
Hatched my Togepi shiny for me, thanks again! :)
Hatched a shiny Ralts for me. Thank you!
Hatched shiny scatterbug for me. Very quick response! :D thank you <3
Hatched not one but three of my pokemon at once. Amazing hatcher, forever grateful!
Hatched a shiny Growlithe for me. Thanks again!
Quickly responded to my hatch request and hatched my Growlithe shiny for me!
Hatched my shiny Cacnea. Thank you again :)
Excellent hatcher! Hatched a shiny Electrike for me really fast! Thanks! :D
Hatched a drifloon for me, very polite and responded quickly. Thanks again!
Hatched a larvitar for me, very professional and fast :D thanks again!
Hatched my scatterbug. Thanks so much!
He hatched my shiny porygon
Hatched a shiny scraggy for me, thanks very much!
A perfect shiny Frillish hatch. Thank you!
Hatched my Cubchoo and Chespin! Thanks a lot!
Thank you for an excellent shiny hatch:)
He hatched already two of my Pokemon very nice person ,thank you again
Hatched a shiny Poochyena for me. Fast and reliable hatcher!
Hatched my shiny pawniard, as always really quick, thanks again hartyls!
Hatched a tympole for me, really fast and efficient hatch, thank you so much!
Hatched my Shiny Litwick many thanks for that also for the quick reply
Received a bunch of eggs from them in a giveaway. They were super generous, patient during my fc ordeal and extremely kind. Thank you so much again! :,D
Hatched a shiny Froakie and nicknamed it for me. Very nice, quick and efficient hatcher. Thanks again!
Replied super fast and even though I made a mistake with my egg's ESV, she soft reset it and sent it back. Very nice person!
Hatched my shiny gastly, reliable and fast hatcher and nice person, thanks again!
Thanks again for hatching my shiny Flabébé! <3
Hatched my shiny Kangaskahn for me! Thank you so much! :D
I made a mistake with the egg hatching and she was very understanding and friendly. Sorry for the mishap and thanks for hatching my shiny Charmander. :)
Thanks for the ★ Zubat egg hatch. Very friendly and quick.
Hatched my egg, nice and easy, thanks! 10/10, would trade again.
Postponed her sleep for a few minutes to help me hatch an egg. Awesome person. :)
Kindly helped hatch a Smeargle Egg for me. Was very prompt and friendly as well. Thank you very much again!
She hatched a Numel egg for me and the whole process was quick, easy, and enjoyable. Would definitely ask her to hatch an egg for me again.
Kindly hatched a egg for me, thank you again :]
Great hatcher, very friendly :)
gave me an egg from her giveaway and it was a shiny Swirlix. ty so much!
kindly gave me a shiny Treecko from her giveaway. Friendly, prompt to reply and reliable. Thanks again!
hatched my shiny female shroomish ty so much \o\
Gave me one shiny Mudkip-Egg! Very kind and responsive, thanks again <3
I got two eggs which match my TSV from her giveaway. Such a lovely person. Thank you <3.
Hosting such a great giveaway. Give me 2 matching eggs Thank you very much :)
Gave me 7 eggs which I match from her giveaway. It was awesome. Your game really loves me :D
Thanks so much again for the eggs!
Hatched my Houndour and Snover for me :3 Always willingly to help <3 Thanks again for the hatches!!!
Hatched me a shiny togepi. Went extremely fast and quick. Couldn't be better!
received an egg for shiny treecko through the giveaway. Thanks for holding this giveaway event!
Gave me a 6 IV shiny treecko egg from a giveaway, Thanks again! :)
A very kind hatcher, thanks a lot for helping me with my Rattata! :)
Hatched my shiny Pineco, thank you so much :D
Hatched my shiny Spritzee, thanks again! Very fast hatcher!
Hatched a shiny Porygon for me. Thanks again
Hatched a shiny Rotom for me. Thanks again
Hatched a shiny Marill and nicknamed it for me. Quick response and reliable. Thanks again!
So kind and helped me as quick as he could :) Definitly would recomment him for shiny hatchs
Hatched my Shiny Snivy for me. Always kind and quick to help!
Hatched a Shiny Oddish for me, thanks a lot! Very kind user!
Hatched a shiny eevee for me and nicknamed him. Haru was very quick and responded to my hatch request in less than 2 hours. Very kind and trustworthy user!
Hatched a shiny Solosis for me. very quick and kind, thanks a lot! :)
Thanks for the hatch! :3
Hatched my Shiny Buneary for me. Always friendly and quick to reply. Thanks again!
Gave birth to my Pawniard as shiny~ Very fast too!
Hatched my Shiny Staryu for me. Thanks again for hatching another egg for me :)
This user hatched my Shiny Mawile, and gave it the correct nickname. Thanks again!
Hatched a Zorua egg, very patient and kind :D
Hatched my Shiny Mareep! Very reliable hatcher! Thanks again!
Hatched a shiny Porygon and nicknamed it for me. Quick response and reliable. Thanks again!
Hatched my Shiny Pinsir for me! Thanks again!
Thanks for hatching my shiny Snivy.
Hatched a shiny rattata for me and was very quick to reply and hatch.
Tahanks for the chikorita egg. It hatched shiny
Hatched my shiny Machop, thanks!
Hatched my shiny Machop, thanks!
Thanks so much for the egg, it means a lot to me! Fantastic giveaway.
awesome giveaway! thanks so much for the 2 cyndaquil eggs :), 10/10! he even waited for me to hop onto 2nd game cartridge
Thanks for the massive egg giveaway! :)
Gave me eggs in a giveaway, one of them a shiny Charmander. Thanks again!
Gave me eggs in a giveaway, one of them a shiny Charmander. Thanks again!
Held an awesome ESV Giveaway! Gave me a Charmander egg! Thanks again!
Hatched a shiny Luvdics for me. Very fast and helpful. Thanks again!
Responded quickly to my hatch request and hatched my Scatterbug shiny for me!
Thanks for hatching my Horsea! :)
Hatched a Shiny Squirtle for me very quickly! Thank you for your time! <3
Hatched my Shiny Porygon, thanks!
Hatched my Ralts. Quick response and very friendly. Thank you!
Was very quick and nicknamed my pokemon properly
Very fast and friendly hatcher - thanks! :)
Super speedy hatch, Thank you! :D
Once again a speedy response and hatch of a shiny Sneasel this time!
Very fast response to my hatch request! Thanks so much for the help :)
Super fast response to my hatch request yet again! Hatched my Mankey shiny for me this time XD
Quickly responded to my hatch request and hatched my Scatterbug shiny for me!
Hatched a shiny Sableye for me. Thanks :3
Got an Aron egg and it hatched shiny! Thank you for the fast responses and thank you for waiting for me! :) Awesome trader~
Gave me a 5IV shiny aron egg, was quick to respond and cooperative. 10/10
Got a dream ball Aron egg from their giveaway! Really nice, thank you!
Quick response and hatch. Thanks!
Gave me a DBHA Snorunt from their giveaway. Really helpful as my first choice FFA egg was taken. Thanks so much :)
Gave me three Totodile eggs from their giveaway, very nice. Thanks again! :)
Got a DBHA Snorunt egg from their giveaway, thanks again! :3
Gave me two eggs from their giveaway that did not have active matches. Pleasant to talk to and very kind, thank you!
Gave me an egg that didn't match my TSV, after showing that there were no active hatchers. Thank you very much for letting me claim it! :D
Gave me an egg in a giveaway that hatched into a shiny Snorunt :)
Very nice and patient. Overall excellent. Thank you!
Received a shiny snorunt. Very kind person :)
Give me a egg which hatched into a beautiful green totodile :)
Gave me an egg that matched my TSV!
hatched shiny cleffa for me very fast friend hatch THANKS
Hatched a shiny scatterbug for me. Nice and quick hatcher. Thanks so much!! :D 10/10
Gave me a Cyndaquil egg that matched my TSV. Thanks again!
awesome! :) best giveaway!
I asked /u/hartlys (FlairHQ) to hatch a shiny swablu for me. They were very fast and nice in responding. I sent them the wrong egg by mistake too but they were very patient with me and we were able to get the right egg in the end. A great hatcher, would recommend to anyone. :)
received an egg for shiny tepig through the giveaway. Thanks for holding this giveaway event!
My name's Emmy. I like cyndaquils and ice cream
Kindly hatched my shiny wimpod for me and was a fast replier, thanks!