
4098-4809-7730 || Hugo (M)
4098-4809-7730 || Hugo (M) || 0036

Trades (1)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Love Chinchou, Friend Teddiursa, Heavy Stantler, Heavy Starly & Level Carnivine for Love Aipom, Moon Barboach, Safari Corphish, Level Hoothoot, Friend Igglybuff, Love Lapras, Love Meowth, Heavy Phanpy, Dream Scyther, Safari Shuppet, Friend Skarmory & Heavy Venonat /u/alypalyola

Egg Hatches (120)

1. Shiny Zubat Hatch, 2207 /u/emchun
2. Shiny Swablu Hatch, 2207 /u/infiniteshadow
3. Shiny Furfrou Hatch, 2286 /u/3Anton3
4. Shiny Spheal Hatch, 2286 /u/hurisode
5. Shiny Gible Hatch, 2207 /u/Steveperez12
6. Shiny Magikarp Hatch, 2286 /u/TheGenesect
7. Shiny Rotom Hatch, 2286 /u/Jiracev
8. Shiny Misdreavus Hatch, 2286 /u/Yerrmom
9. Shiny Dedenne Hatch, 1044 /u/ProfessoreOak
10. Shiny Slowpoke Hatch, 0366 /u/pantera771
11. Shiny Sneasel Hatch, 2286 /u/Pipi_S2
12. Shiny Cubone Hatch, 0739 /u/MerryFellows
13. Shiny Gible Hatch, 0739 /u/mikavalentine
14. Shiny Scraggy Hatch, 3491 /u/Neckes
15. Shiny Houndour Hatch, 1556 /u/wuyi317605
16. Shiny Mareep Hatch, 2286 /u/Strax_89
17. Shiny Cacnea Hatch, 2286 /u/IKilledSlendyGames
18. Shiny Inkay Hatch, 2207 /u/infiniteshadow
19. Shiny Igglybuff Hatch, 1556 /u/wuyi317605
20. Shiny Houndour Hatch, 0655 /u/wuyi317605
21. Shiny Tyrunt Hatch, 0655 /u/Menezjul
22. Shiny Blitzle Hatch, 1556 /u/patchespatch04
23. Shiny Something Hatch, 2286 /u/giathuan2707
24. Shiny Sableye Hatch, 0655 /u/Strax_89
25. Shiny Ralts Hatch, 1070 /u/beekachuu
26. Shiny Riolu Hatch, 0646 /u/LuxrayShiny
27. Shiny Charmander Hatch, 0646 /u/L1quid_Ic3
28. Shiny Eevee Hatch, 0646 /u/IPatan
29. Shiny Charmander Hatch, 2286 /u/wingzerocats
30. Shiny Zorua Hatch, 0646 /u/frank0789
31. Shiny Totodile Hatch, 2207 /u/skuggeland
32. Shiny Honedge Hatch, 0739 /u/zelstad
33. Shiny Beldum Hatch, 0366 /u/zelstad
34. Shiny Magnemite Hatch, 1556 /u/BairnOwl
35. Shiny Larvesta Hatch, 1070 /u/GalaxyHunter17
36. Shiny Scraggy Hatch, 2286 /u/peatsahad
37. Shiny Makuhita Hatch, 0655 /u/-Scepty
38. Shiny Poliwag Hatch, 0366 /u/Interfectrix
39. Shiny Mienfoo Hatch, 1070 /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
40. Shiny Mienfoo Hatch, 1070 /u/CapsFan1989
41. Shiny Cleffa Hatch, 2207 /u/Mayuzumipo
42. Shiny Bulbasaur Hatch, 0646 /u/PencilFrog
43. Shiny Froakie Hatch, 0878 /u/Tetrasurge
44. Shiny Beldum Hatch, 3491 /u/Interfectrix
45. Shiny Dratini Hatch, 0878 /u/seadrop
46. Shiny Shellos Hatch, 3415 /u/infiniteshadow
47. Shiny Aerodactyl Hatch, 0811 /u/whiskeymikie
48. Shiny Houndour Hatch, 0238 /u/KaiTheLoneWolf
49. Shiny Venipede Hatch, 1556 /u/wuyi317605
50. Shiny Kabuto Hatch, 3415 /u/aleexs
51. Shiny Vulpix Hatch, 3415 /u/Blood_Diet
52. Shiny Pidgey Hatch, 3065 /u/thekikurihime
53. Shiny Petilil Hatch, 0878 /u/Haruiteul
54. Shiny Sewaddle Hatch, 0148 /u/wwwaz37
55. Shiny Skarmory Hatch, 0148 /u/Great_Plattsby
56. Shiny Weedle Hatch, 0148 /u/wingzerocats
57. Shiny Piplup Hatch, 3850 /u/wuyi317605
58. Shiny Eevee Hatch, 0238 /u/histronics
59. Shiny Gible Hatch, 0878 /u/9812bin
60. Shiny Spritzee Hatch, 1556 /u/smmac135
61. Shiny Kabuto Hatch, 0811 /u/gododgers2002
62. Shiny Shroomish Hatch, 0148 /u/woohyun9303
63. Shiny Charmander Hatch, 3491 /u/13oomz
64. Shiny Marill Hatch, 0148 /u/KingAllant
65. Shiny Drilbur Hatch, 0238 /u/wingzerocats
66. Shiny Gastly Hatch, 2207 /u/Mushy_64
67. Shiny Tynamo Hatch, 0148 /u/infiniteshadow
68. Shiny Shuppet Hatch, 3995 /u/alienowitch
69. Shiny Hatch Magnemite, 0878 /u/BairnOwl
70. Shiny Starly Hatch, 3741 /u/aleexs
71. Shiny Klefki Hatch, 2207 /u/The-Dusk
72. Shiny Abra Hatch, 2207 /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
73. Shiny Phione Hatch, 2207 /u/jtpirate30
74. Shiny Cottonne Hatch, 2286 /u/gyungsir
75. Shiny Larvitar Hatch, 2286 /u/EggsAway
76. Shiny Aerodactyl Hatch, 2286 /u/Interfectrix
77. Shiny Honedge Hatch, 2286 /u/LuxrayShiny
78. Shiny Buneary Hatch, 0366 /u/mike15835
79. Shiny Scatterbug-Marine Hatch, 0366 /u/Lillu89
80. Shiny Ralts Hatch, 0366 /u/Q10609
81. Shiny Aerodactyl Hatch, 1044 /u/wingzerocats
82. Shiny Timburr Hatch, 1044 /u/Q10609
83. Shiny Poochyena Hatch, 1556 /u/ekaiel
84. Shiny Nidoran♀ Hatch, 1556 /u/3Anton3
85. Shiny Staryu Hatch, 1556 /u/mheyman
86. Shiny Gastly Hatch, 0655 /u/shizen11037
87. Shiny Bulbasaur Hatch, 1070 /u/Great_Plattsby
88. Shiny Mankey Hatch, 1070 /u/Jihyo00816
89. Shiny Cyndaquil Hatch, 0646 /u/cubanpete26
90. Shiny Shellder Hatch, 0646 /u/s_10
91. Shiny Shroomish Hatch, 0878 /u/Wizli
92. Shiny Snorlax Hatch, 0148 /u/not_an_aardvark
93. Shiny Klefki Hatch, 1070 /u/Lillu89
94. Shiny Cleffa Hatch, 0238 /u/d0gun87
95. Shiny Alomomola Hatch, 0238 /u/FraudulentDimetrodon
96. Shiny Magnemite Hatch, 3065 /u/fersht
97. Shiny Bulbasaur Hatch, 3065 /u/Reock
98. Shiny Scatterbug Hatch, 3065 /u/Whatzittooya__
99. Shiny Togepi Hatch, 3415 /u/FraudulentDimetrodon
100. Shiny Torchic Hatch, 3415 /u/rudolfpk
101. Shiny Eevee Hatch, 3850 /u/PencilFrog
102. Shiny Kecleon Hatch, 3850 /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
103. Shiny Eevee Hatch, 3995 /u/RIMAN2209
104. Shiny Larvesta Hatch, 3995 /u/TheZypher
105. Shiny Timburr Hatch, 3995 /u/Wizli
106. Shiny Eevee Hatch, 3995 /u/Basilhorx99
107. Shiny Skrelp Hatch, 3897 /u/Malinhion
108. Shiny Beldum Hatch, 3897 /u/ekaiel
109. Shiny Joltik Hatch, 3897 /u/MegaRoselia
110. Shiny Honedge Hatch, 3897 /u/SlashAgris
111. Shiny Scatterbug Hatch, 3897 /u/Master_Lagikarp
112. Shiny Aipom Hatch, 3897 /u/KingAllant
113. Shiny Pancham Hatch, 3897 /u/oodachi
114. Shiny Charmander Hatch, 3897 /u/sugar8ay
115. Shiny Corsola Hatch, 3897 /u/patchespatch04
116. Shiny Sawk Hatch, 3897 /u/savannah_allie
117. Shiny Eevee Hatch, 3741 /u/RIMAN2209
118. Shiny Mawile Hatch, 3741 /u/jy7468
119. Shiny Buneary Hatch, 3741 /u/Q10609
120. Shiny Shellos Hatch, 3741 /u/Teh_Kniight

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 107 eggs given)

1. Joltik eggs Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 107 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Tacanacy Jun 4, 2016 6:21:23 PM

Hatched two eggs for me. Thanks again!

mike15835 May 21, 2016 5:32:51 PM

Hatched my Hoppip egg! Awesome hatcher Thanks again!

Crystal_Shapeshifter May 9, 2016 10:52:16 PM

Hatched my shiny Trapinch within an hour of the request, and was very kind and understanding when I kept giving him the wrong eggs. 10/10, would recommend to hatch with =)

Velideon May 7, 2016 10:34:50 PM

Hatched a shiny Charmander for me. Thanks again!

kojicarlos May 7, 2016 2:02:00 AM

Hatched a shiny Shellos for me. Thank you!

Velideon Apr 28, 2016 1:08:39 AM

Hatched a shiny Froakie for me. Fast and reliable hatcher!

__MegaMan__ Mar 12, 2016 1:00:46 AM

Hatched my Ponyta! Very prompt! Thank you again!

Snipeclips Mar 8, 2016 3:20:11 AM

Hatched my Clauncher. It went very well!

theshyghost Feb 8, 2016 11:37:02 PM

Hatched my shiny Ralts. Thank you!

s_10 Jan 23, 2016 6:54:31 AM

Hatched a shiny shellder for me in a specific location. Very nice and quick hatcher! Thanks so much!! :D 10/10

Q10609 Jan 23, 2016 4:27:12 AM

Hatched two shiny eggs for me. Thank you!

mheyman Jan 23, 2016 1:38:13 AM

Thanks for hatching my Staryu for me!! Awesome person!

IAMADeinonychusAMA Jan 22, 2016 12:17:54 AM

Thanks for the hatch!

Q10609 Jan 16, 2016 3:17:25 AM

Hatched a shiny Buneary and nicknamed it for me. Quick response and reliable. Thanks again!

PencilFrog Jan 14, 2016 1:50:10 AM

Hatched a shiny Eevee for me. Thanks for hatching another egg of mine!

wingzerocats Jan 10, 2016 1:31:28 AM

Hatched my Shiny Aerodactyl for me. Thanks for taking the time to hatch : )

The-Dusk Jan 8, 2016 2:34:59 AM

Hatched Klefki for me. Thank you!

d0gun87 Jan 7, 2016 1:53:36 AM

Fast and kind. :) thank you

fersht Jan 6, 2016 12:44:46 AM

Good hatcher! Fast, friendly. Thanks again!

mike15835 Jan 3, 2016 5:07:25 AM

Hatched my Buneary egg for me. Quick to respond and reliable hatcher! Thanks again.

KingAllant Dec 30, 2015 8:16:21 PM

Hatched a Shiny Vulpix for me. Thanks a lot :)

wingzerocats Dec 30, 2015 8:08:23 PM

Hatched a shiny drilbur and weedle for me. Thanks for taking the time to hatch for me!

PencilFrog Dec 13, 2015 1:30:36 AM

Hatched a shiny Bulbasaur for me. Thanks once again :D

wingzerocats Nov 27, 2015 2:25:14 AM

Hatched my shiny charmander for me. thanks again!

beekachuu Nov 21, 2015 6:12:03 PM

This user hatched a Shiny Ralts for me that matched their TSV. Thanks again!!

wuyi317605 Oct 26, 2015 11:20:34 PM

nice one help me hatch my dark dog quickly~

RedditBlakDragon Sep 18, 2015 5:42:54 PM

This is pretty late, but I'm another person who received a Joltik* from his past givwaway.Thanks again!

Vemje Sep 11, 2015 6:42:47 PM

Traded me a shiny Joltik, very patient! Thank you again :)

KosukeAoi Sep 4, 2015 12:24:07 AM

Thanks for the joltik egg again! :)

salamence32 Aug 31, 2015 7:51:39 PM

Gave me a Joltik egg from a giveaway, very nice. Thanks again!

Pikamilk Aug 28, 2015 6:57:13 PM

Very nice and fast in response. Such an awesome giveaway. Matching ball and with 4EMs, plus Joltik is just so adorable!

Tabychan Aug 27, 2015 11:45:35 PM

Very nice and fast :D He gave me a Joltik egg during a giveaway!

hashimotosan's Information


GameFAQs and reddit user, not much to say.

Friend codes:

  • 4098-4809-7730


  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 2207
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 2286
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 0366
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 0811
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 1044
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 0739
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 3491
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 0655
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 1556
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 1070
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 0148
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 0238
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 0646
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 0878
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 3065
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 3415
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 3897
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 3741
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 2579
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 3995
  • IGN: Hugo TSV: 3850