
4442-0696-8428 || Paula (ΩR, Y)
4442-0696-8428 || Paula (ΩR, Y) || 1094, 1858

Trades (31)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (31)
1. Level Ball Slugma, Heavy Ball absol, DBHA Gligar and DBHA Aipom for DBHA Ekans,Paras,Venotat and Meowth. /u/JoseVanguard
2. DBHA Phanpy and Mawile for DBHA Chinchou Murkrow /u/MadMapManPK
3. DBHA Wynaut and Drowzee for DBHA Igglybuff and Zangoose /u/sl15221
4. Level Ball Cubone,Ponyta,Slugma for Yanma ,Karrablast and Houndour /u/shizen11037
5. DBHA Petilil, Shellder and Skorupi for DBHA Cranidos /u/storm_born_
6. DBHA Phanpy for DBHA Petilil /u/Strafingfire
7. DBHA Remoraid, Diglett ,Chimecho for DBHA Mankey, Chansey and Heracross /u/00Morph
8. DBHA Axew, DBHA Natu, DBHA Spiritomb, Moon Ball Poochyena, Level Ball Cubone, Heavy Ball Absol. for DBHA Seviper, DBHA Emolga, DBHA Bagon, DBHA Buneary, DBHA Feebas and DBHA Cleffa. /u/sl15221
9. DBHA Sentret for DBHA Pachirisu /u/emptyskyes
10. DBHA Chingling, Drowzee, Croagunk, Corsola, Wynaut,Carvanha and Mawile for DBHA Rattata ,Ledian ,Growlithe, Sunkern, Cacnea and Alomomola /u/ValkyrieG
11. DBHA Aerodactyl and Nidoran for DBHA Omanyte, Goldeen and Smoochum /u/JackRatbone
12. DB Horsea for DB Skitty /u/xDawilly
13. Shiny Female Piplup for DB Male "Happy Hour" Smeargle /u/ValkyrieG
14. DBHA Skorupi, DBHA Yanma for DBHA Krabby, DBHA Qwilfish /u/sl15221
15. DBHA Exeggcute,Mawile,Growlithe (25%)Machop (25%)YanmaMareepPinecoLarvitarMantine,Zigzagoon,Trapinch,Makuhita (25%),Snorlax (12.5%) for DBHA Wooper,Girafarig,Bellsprout,Magby (25%),Marill,MisdreavusSneaselTeddiursaSkarmorySeedotOnixSudowoodo,Meditite,Shroomish,Seel,Mr. Mime,Shieldon (12.5)Stunky /u/SoSrss
16. DBHA Torkoal, Skorupi and Pineco for DBHA Minccino, Spoink, Whismur and Joltik /u/Spekpony1
17. DBHA Corsola 5IVs for DBHA Alomola 4IVs /u/Fred-AM
18. DBHA Trapinch for DBHA Dwebble /u/sl15221
19. DBHA Mareep for DBHA Spheal /u/gemgaming
20. DBHA bellsprout, Ingrain,Synthesis,Giga Drain,Clear Smog DBHA Mankey Foresight,Reversal,Night Slash,Encore for Level Ball Mawile and Luxury Ball Larvesta /u/Alan199
21. DBHA Chingling, Remoraid, Phanpy and Croagunk for DBHA Shellder, Vanillite and Togepi /u/sl15221
22. DBHA Cubone, Perish Song,Belly Drum,Skull Bash,Iron Head for DBHA Rhyhorn, Dragon Rush, Iron Tail, Curse, Counter /u/agarvin
23. DBHA Pineco, Toxic Spikes,Flail,Endure,Power Trick for DB Koffing /u/sl15221
24. DBHA Zubat,Clamperl and Snubull for DBHA Tirtouga /u/Titorammy
25. DBHA Snorunt 5IVs missing Attack Stat for Female HA Torchic, 5IVs missing Special Attack stat /u/Nytrite
26. DBHA Aerodactyl for DBHA Combee /u/EnenAres
27. DBHA Sandile, Double-Edge, Counter,Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Chingling, Disable, Recover, Stored Power, Cosmic Power Growlithe (25%), Morning Sun, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Trash Mankey, Foresight, Reversal, Night Slash, Encore Machop (25%), Thunder Punch,Ice Punch,Fire Punch, Bullet Punch Venipede, Toxic Spikes,Spikes,Twineedle,Pin Missile Munchlax (12,5%) Whirlwind,Curse,Charm,Double-Edge Absol, Hex, Megahorn, Play Rough, Baton Pass for DBHA Onix ,Elekid (25%) Dunsparce, Wingull, Surskit, Nincada, Tympole ,Electrike, Castform, Kecleon, Luvdisc /u/neosmies
28. DBHA Emolga Timid, Motor Drive, Thunder Shock , Shock Wave, Covet, Iron Tail for DBHA Loatd with EMs: Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Teeter Dance /u/Trac777
29. DBHA Absol, Axew, and Chinchou for DBHA Tropius, Pidove, East Sea Shellos /u/kewe
30. DBHA Audino, Basculin and Druddigon for DBHA Miltank, Barboach and Cherubi /u/ValkyrieG
31. DBHA Aron for DBHA Weedle /u/canon252
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (2)

1. Ordinary Hatch /u/Dark_Lucario
2. Pokemon: B01 | 1,1 | Eevee (♀) | Modest | Anticipation | | Ground | 1094 | /u/Scairus

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 13 eggs given)

1. B01 1,6 Torchic (♂) Adamant Speed Boost Dark 1195 (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
2. B01 1,6 Torchic (♂) Adamant Speed Boost Dark 1195 (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
3. B01 2,2 Torchic (♂) Adamant Blaze Grass 0548 (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
4. B01 3,4 Torchic (♀) Adamant Speed Boost Dragon 0422 (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
5. B01 3,6 Torchic (♀) Adamant Speed Boost Dark 0761 (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
6. B01 5,1 Torchic (♂) Adamant Blaze Dark 0992 (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
7. B01 3,4 Torchic (♂) Adamant Speed Boost Steel 1852 (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
8. B01 2,3 Torchic (♀) Adamant Blaze Dragon 2190 (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
9. B01 1,4 Torchic (♂) Adamant Blaze Dragon 3838 (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
10. B01 4,2 Torchic (♂) Adamant Blaze Dark 1022 (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
11. B30 - 3,4 - Torchic (♂) - Adamant - Speed Boost - - Electric - [1011] (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
12. B30 - 2,2 - Torchic (♂) - Adamant - Speed Boost - - Electric - [3215] (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
13. B30 - 4,4 - Torchic (♂) - Adamant - Blaze - - Dark - [1886] (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


paulaabelenda's Information


I love trading, I'm currently trying to complete my pokédex and DBHA collection. Looking good so far.

Friend codes:

  • 4442-0696-8428


  • IGN: Paula TSV: 1094