
0920-4657-6572 || Calvin (S, αS)
0920-4657-6572 || Calvin (S, αS) || 3324

WARNING: This user is banned.

Trades (117)

[+] Events (74)
1. NA Genesect Code for 3 Competive/Casual Pokemon of: A-Vulpix, Mareanie, Bagon /u/Baltor
2. Mareanie, Vulpix, Rockruff, Dewpider, & Mimikyu for 2x NA Volcanion codes /u/WatsMahPots
3. Beldum and A-Vulpix for 1 NA Genesect Code /u/SuperSmash007
4. Mimikyu, Beldum, Wimpod, A-Sandshrew for 2 PAL Volcanion Codes /u/Amsler101
5. Wimpod, Jangmo-o, and Mimikyu for 1 NA Volcanion Code /u/DeadpanLaughter
6. a-vulpix, a-sandshrew, mareanie, Mimikyu, dewpider, rockruff, wimpod and jangmo-o for 2 NA Xerneas Codes /u/Heatwave490
7. Jangmo-O for 1 NA Volcanion Code /u/zhaoster
8. Sandshrew, Jungmo-O, Regenerator Mareanie, Mimikyu, Wimpod and Dewpider. for 3 PAL Volcanion Codes /u/dvader0
9. a-geodude, murkrow, dhelmise and bagon for 1 PAL Yveltal Code /u/Heatwave490
10. Beldum, Mareanie, Dewpider and Wimpod for 1 Genesect Code, 2 Pheromosa /u/sh4dowhamm3r
11. Dewpider, bagon, rockruff, A-Vulpix, A-Sandshrew, A-Geodude, Jangmo-o, mimikyu, and dhelmise for 2 VolcanionNA and 1 Genesect NA /u/ItsMiladFam
12. rockruff, dewpider (relaxed), scyther, murkrow, growlithe, gible, mimikyu, stufful, bagon for 3 NA Genesect Codes /u/pyrocat
13. wimpod, Rockruff, Scyther, Sandshrew, Murkrow, and Growlithe for 3 NA Genesect Codes /u/hanglooser
14. shiny Arcanine for XYZ Yveltal /u/DrWeeGee
15. Alolan Sandshrew, geodude, Beldum,Jangmo-o and vulpix for Arceus, Meloetta /u/MisterAxl7777777
16. bagon and Mareaine, dewpider a vulpix and wimpod for 2 NA Volcanion /u/michaelsaurs90
17. Mareanie (beast ball, regenerator), A-vulpix (beast ball), Rockruff (beast ball, steadfast), A-sandshrew (beast ball), and Jangmo-o for 2 Volcanion NA Codes /u/fryeguy01
18. Adamant marowaks for 1 NA genesect code /u/Trapus
19. NA Magearna for KOR Magearna /u/ansdj1030
20. 1 NA Volcanion Code for 1 20th Celebi /u/clareion
21. 1 NA Volcanion Code for 1 20th Darkrai /u/TagZ06
22. Vulpix for 1 NA Genesect Code /u/Scientific_Railgun
23. areanie, Wimpod, Rockruff, Dewpider, A-Sandshrew, Jangmo-o, A-Geodude, A-Vulpix, Mimikyu and Stufful for 2 NA Genesect and 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/kvnbrc
24. Riolu, Shiny Jangmo-O, Shiny Ditto for 16 NA Genesect Codes /u/DangerD015
25. HA A-Vulpix, HA Jangmo-o, HA A-Sandshrew, murkrow, and HA A-Geodude for 2 NA Genesect code /u/Slashdotdash44
26. Jangmo-O, Mimikyu for 1 NA Volcanion Code /u/Nassirdada
27. Happy Hour Meowth for 20th Keldeo /u/Kalamitykatt
28. Shiny Wimpod, Modest Abra, pair of breeding Dhelmise, pair of breeding Stuffuls for Shiny Galileo Rayquaza /u/Ninjjadragon
29. Shiny Mareanie, Shiny Cubone, Shiny Salandit for WIN2011 Trio /u/Eymou
30. Shiny Cubone, Shiny Gible for 20th Jirachi, 20th Keldeo /u/clareion
31. Shiny Wimpod for 20th Manaphy /u/Elubious
32. Mareanie, Bagon for Alexander Hoopa /u/tcklein
33. Shiny A-Cubone for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/somethingfound
34. Shiny Eevee, Buzzwole, Shiny Wimpod, Shiny Cubone for 20th Victini and 20th Keldeo /u/skiutoss
35. Shiny A-Geodude, Shiny Eevee for 20th Victini /u/vader34mt
36. Shiny A-Cubone, Shiny Trumpbeak, Shiny Murkrow for 3 NA Volcanion Codes /u/Chicoramero
37. Custom Tapu Fini for 20th Mew /u/Dragynfyre
38. Shiny Scyther for Alexander Hoopa /u/ImReddit
39. Shiny A-Cubone for WISHMKR Jirachi /u/expiredjellybean
40. 2 Shiny Eevees for XYZ KOR Mawile /u/Bibibutona
41. Set of Power Items, Destiny Knot, Everstone for Alexander Hoopa, 20th Celebi /u/stinga36
42. 5 NA Genesect Codes for 5 NA Volcanion Codes /u/XecoX
43. Shiny A-Cubone for 2 NA Genesect Codes /u/Foxypuff
44. 20th Keldeo for 20th Shaymin /u/expiredjellybean
45. 20th Meloetta for 20th Keldeo /u/Krazhii
46. Shiny Jangmo-O, Shiny Mareanie for 20th Victini, 20th Meloetta /u/geobomb
47. Helen Volcanion for 20th Manaphy /u/Zachyoona
48. 20th Keldeo for 20th Shaymin /u/Wooleyful
49. 2 Cosmogs for XYZ Yveltal and GF Jirachi /u/6poon_slayer9
50. Shiny Eevee, Alexander Hoopa for SUM2013 Palkia, SUM2013 Giratina /u/Snicklodocus
51. 3 Shiny Eevees for 4 Redeemed NA Volcanions /u/Zafphchial
52. 20th Victini for 20th Meloetta, 20th Arceus /u/GoGloat
53. 20th Genesect, Alexander Hoopa for Spooky2014 Pumkaboo, OCT2014 Gengar /u/itsessiness
54. 20th Victini for ALAMOS Darkrai /u/SeeJayC
55. 20th Manaphy, 20th Keldeo for 20th Mew, OCT2014 Gengar /u/itsessiness
56. 20th Genesect, 20th Meloetta for 20th Victini, 20th Keldeo /u/iCHAZ955
57. 20th Genesect for 20th Manaphy /u/terrorisly
58. Shiny Magnemite for 20th Jirachi /u/margig32
59. Alexander Hoopa, Shiny Wimpod for Spooky2014 Pumpkaboo, XYZ Yveltal /u/burritoxman
60. XYZ Yveltal for 20th Arceus, Alexander Hoopa /u/atm831711
61. 20th Genesect for 20th Keldeo /u/RancinPlasticBag
62. OCT2014 Gengar for 2 XY Torchics, 1 CNY Magikarp Code /u/WorstPostsEva
63. SR'ed Xurkitree, SR'ed Tapu Koko for 3 CNY Magikarp Codes /u/ExiaWind
64. Shiny Cubone, OCT2014 Gengar for WIN2011 Celebi, 2012MAY Darkrai /u/avis_celox
65. CNY Magikarp Code for 1 Jade Infernape /u/DirtyDan257
66. 1 CNY Magikarp Code for 1 OCT2014 Gengar, 1 Mac Hoopa /u/Schicklerz
67. 1 Helen Volcanion, 1 20th Keldeo for 2 CNY Magikarp Codes /u/gakushan
68. 2 CNY Magikarp Codes for 2 Jade Infernapes /u/willster191
69. XYZ KOR Mawile for 1 Alexander Hoopa, 1 Touched SUM2013 Dialga /u/teuflesburg
70. 20th Meloetta for 20th Mew /u/TheAdamastor
71. Mimikyu, Murkrow, Solgaleo, Pheromosa for 5 CNY Magikarp Codes /u/waysofmt
72. 1 CNY Magikarp code for 1 Jade Infernape /u/PikaCuber
73. 1 XYZ Yveltal for 1 CNY Magikarp Code, Dream Ball torchic, Dream Ball Piplup, and Love ball Abra /u/silvercup011
74. Shiny Eevee, Shiny Mareanie, Shiny A-Cubone, Jangmo-O, Gible, Marill for JUN2015 Dragonite, Mac Hoopa, 20th Celebi, 20th Mew, 20th Shaymin, 20th Keldeo, OCT2010 Diancie /u/Nathan_calvert4
[+] Shinies (10)
1. Murkrow, Geodude, and Scyther for Shiny Raichu /u/Kev13579
2. Growlithe, Beldum and Growlithe for Shiny Ditto and Shiny Arcanine /u/sebas678
3. Shiny Raichu for Shiny Geodude /u/vinefire
4. jangmo o, and the wimpod for shiny Mikikyu and Salandit /u/firezpirit
5. HA Cubone for Shiny Trumbeak /u/Replekia
6. Gible for Shiny Ditto /u/storylbooks
7. Shiny Murkrow for Shiny Magnemite /u/tomek53114
8. Shiny Cyndaquill, Shiny Murkrow for BR Marawak, BR Lucario /u/TheOnlyXdude
9. Shiny Mimikyu for BR Growthlithe and BR Grimer /u/cyandigo
10. Shiny Cyndaquill, Mimikyu, Beldum for Shiny Scyther, Absol /u/-BakerBro
[+] Competitive / Casual (33)
1. Mimikyu for Popplio /u/Magic_Salesman
2. Bagon and Mimikyu for Wimpod and Dewpider /u/pikameiser
3. Bagon and Mimikyu for Rockruff and Scyther /u/Photosynthesis
4. Bagon, A-Vulpix, Mimikyu, Mareanie for Modest/Adamant/Bold/Jolly/Calm Abras /u/Fennwitty
5. Bagon for Ice Stone /u/RupturedChaos
6. Bagon for Timid Abra /u/Toribyte
7. wimpod for Sandshrew /u/Hyperion4
8. Bagon for Jangmo-O /u/Draxic0r
9. Scyther for Dhelmise /u/halofunky
10. Sandshrew and Scyther for Murkrow and Riolu /u/MadBase
11. Scyther and A-Sanshrew for growlithe and marill /u/phlurk
12. Growlithe for A-Geodude and Lucky Egg /u/skewtr
13. Murkrow for Eevee /u/xBlitzwing
14. Growlithe for Flufful /u/LRDBLK
15. Dewpiper for Slakoth /u/BigKnox
16. Dewpider for Eggxecute /u/mjohnblack
17. Scyther, Marill, HA Murkrow, Slakoth for HA Cubone, HA Feebas, Turtonator, Cyndaquil /u/Skreya
18. Slakoth for A-Grimer /u/buckembarnes
19. Stufful for Tapu Koko /u/huum123
20. Growlithe,Stufful for Tapu Koko /u/anw32194
21. growlith and the meril for 2 power Anklet, 2 Power Weight, 2 power bracers /u/Supertrooper921
22. jangmo-o for power belt, power lens, power band /u/Bones_Too_Pick
23. murkrow and slakoth for power lens, power anklet, power bracer, power band, power belt /u/hjan3312
24. mareanie for power weight, power lens, power band /u/Vilvake
25. dewpider and a beldum for one of each power items /u/Vilvake
26. Jangmo-o and a Bagon for one of each power items /u/Polostick
27. All Power Items for Com. Honedge, Comp Magikarp /u/goodtaco
28. Murkrow for Masterball /u/orangegate27
29. Jangmo-O for Masterball /u/msuppnick123
30. Gible for Masterball /u/Tipsy_Gnostalgic
31. Jangmo-o for Leveled pokemon /u/WolfGirlN
32. Buzzwole for Xurkitree /u/pvpkm1
33. scyther, jangmo-o and wimpod for a set of gen 4 starters /u/Falconium_ms
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


-dark-knight-'s Information


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