
5301-3096-7488 || Alexis (US, SCA), Aria (SH)
5301-3096-7488 || Alexis (US, SCA), Aria (SH) || XXXX

Trades (48)

[+] Events (1)
1. Sneasel (Friend/Heavy/Level/Lure) Goomy(Friend/Fast/Level/Lure) Growlithe(Heavy/Dream)? for Shiny Zacian and Zamazenta codes 1 of each /u/g20richasan
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (46)
1. HA Oshawott, and a DBHA Clamperl for friend ball and Moonball /u/SirMexican
2. DBHA Meditite for DBHA kricketot /u/Menarin
3. DBHA Bidoof Taillow for friend ball Chikorita Oshawott moon ball /u/Knightinkodes
4. DBHA Sandshrew DBHA Ponyta DBHA Onix DBHA Ryhorn DBHA Teddiursa DBHA Bronzor for Heracross (4 egg moves) Ekans (4 egg moves) Venonat (4 egg moves) Duskull (4 egg moves) Eevee (4 egg moves) Gible (1 egg move) /u/NiamLeeson
5. Level HA Bellsprout Level HA Bruxish Heavy HA Clamperl Heavy HA Plusle Heavy HA Minun Friend HA Rhyhorn Level HA Comfey Heavy HA Comfey Heavy HA Trapinch Heavy HA Venipede Lure HA Venipede Fast HA Torkoal Lure HA Togedemaru Level HA Stufful Lure HA Stufful Heavy HA Spheal Level HA Spheal Heavy HA Slugma Heavy HA Sewaddle Level HA Sewaddle Lure HA Sewaddle Heavy HA Shinx for Moon HA Trubbish Love HA Trubbish Heavy HA Trubbish Moon HA Spheal Love Ha Spheal Heavy HA Numel Moon HA Numel Love HA Numel Lure HA Chinchou Level HA Chinchou Fast Ha Chinchou Moon HA Phanpy love HA Phanpy Friend HA Phanpy Heavy HA Krabby Friend HA Krabby Friend HA Weedle moon HA Weedle level HA Clamperl heavy HA Seel Love HA Seel friend HA Seel /u/lonachu
6. 1 Meltan for 2 moon 1 friend, 1 heavy lure balls /u/juniiii
7. 1 meltan for 1 lure 1 level,1 heavy, 1 love,1 moon balls /u/Adio74
8. Moon Ball Gossifleur Moon Ball Rolycoly Moon Ball Chewtle for Moon Ball HA Hatenna Moon Ball HA Milcery Love Ball HA Milcery /u/VeZuva
9. [Chewtle-Level, Love, Moon, Dream] [Applin-Fast, Heavy] [Snom-Fast, Heavy, Level] [Dreepy-Lure] for Fast Sinistea Friend Sinistea Love Sinistea Moon Sinistea Dream Sinistea Beast Sinistea Fast Silicobra Fast yamper heavy Indeedee Heavy Blipbug /u/namida7
10. Fast Ball Chewtle Friend Ball Chewtle Fast Ball Applin Fast Ball Snom Fast Ball Dreepy Heavy Ball Dreepy Love Ball Dreepy Lure Ball Dreepy for Lure Ball Gossifleur Fast Ball Sizzlipede Love Ball Toxel Friend Ball Pincurchin Leavy Ball Clobbopus Level Ball Falinks Moon Ball Rolycoly Level Ball Arrokuda /u/SCRK16
11. Friend HA chewtle for friend applin HA /u/Killua131
12. Kangaskhan: Lure, Friend Miltank: Level, Lure, Moon, Friend, Love, Heavy, Fast Electrike: Lure, Friend, Love, Heavy, Fast Skrelp: Level, Lure, Moon, Love, Heavy, Fast for Pichu: Level, Lure, Moon, Friend, Heavy, Fast Cleffa: Level, Lure, Moon, Friend, Heavy, Fast Igglybuff: Level, Lure, Moon, Friend, Love, Heavy, Fast Bagon: Level /u/BoltsFromAbove
13. Love Whismur Moon Plusle Heavy Shuckle Friend Shuckle Moon Hoppip Friend Gastly Fast Venonat Lure Staryu for Moon Hoothoot Level Ledyba, Level Ralts Lure Ralts Moon Whismur Fast Minun Friend Chatot Moon Chatot /u/Azure4405
14. Level Spheal Moon Spheal Heavy Spheal Heavy Inkay Fast Inkay Level Skrelp Love Skrelp Heavy Skrelp Fast Skrelp Friend Dedenne Level Phantump Lure Phantump Heavy Noibat Lure Crabrawler Friend Crabrawler Moon Crabrawler Love Crabrawler Fast Crabrawler Lure Cutiefly Friend Cutiefly Moon Cutiefly Heavy Cutiefly Fast Cutiefly Lure Rockruff Lure Mudbray Moon Mudbray Fast Mudbray Level Dewpider Friend Dewpider Love Dewpider for level Wobbuffet lure Wobbuffet moon Wobbuffet friend Wobbuffet love Wobbuffet heavy Wobbuffet fast Wobbuffet heavy Girafarig fast Girafarig level Gligar lure Gligar moon Gligar friend Gligar love Gligar heavy Gligar fast Gligar level Qwilfish lure Qwilfish moon Qwilfish friend Qwilfish love Qwilfish heavy Qwilfish fast Qwilfish level Stantler lure Stantler moon Stantler friend Stantler love Stantler heavy Stantler fast Stantler /u/Ness_64
15. Level Kangaskhan Friend Miltank Heavy Miltank Level Miltank Love Miltank Lure Miltank Moon Miltank Level Pikipek Lure Pikipek moon Pikipek heavy Pikipek Fast Pikipek Level Yungoos Lure Yungoos Friend Yungoos for [Omanyte Heal net repeat ][ Kabuto quick timer] [Aerodactyl Nest quick timer ] [Anorith Net ] [Tirtouga Nest quick timer repeat net heal] /u/Ness_64
16. Tauros Chinchou -Pichu -igglybuff munna blitzle maractus rufflet litleo dewpider joltik bounsweet passimian frillish skorupi barboach Corsola and K-Digglett. for Nest Omantye quick Omantye timer Omantye Nest Lileep quick Lileep timer Lileep Nest Shieldon quick Shieldon timer Shieldon Nest Anorith quick Anorith timer Anorith repeat Anorith nest Anorith heal Anorith Nest Cranidos quick Cranidos timer Cranidos /u/fernxxiii
17. Moon Bruxish Heavy, Moon Crabrawler Fast, Friend, Level Cutiefly Heavy, Level, Lure, Moon Fomantis Fast, Friend, Heavy, Level Morelull Fast, Lure Pikipek Friend, Lure Togedemaru Friend, Lure Yungoos for Cranidos, Aerodactyl, Shieldon, Kabuto, and Lileep all in Dusk, Heal, Net, and Repeat /u/Jakael10
18. tirtuga for swilix and espurr /u/yakman244
19. DBHA Glameow, Maractus, Blue Basculin, Yanma, Teddiursa and Electrike. for BD lotad BD Zangoose DB Illumise DB Plusle DB Minun DB Meditite /u/Knightinkodes
20. Love HA Ponyta DBHA Ducklett HA Fennekin DBHA Mr. Mime DBHA Swablu for DBHA Munna DBHA Karrablast DBHA Spiritomb DBHA Croagunk DBHA Burmy /u/tringuyen1121
21. 1 bottle cap for BDHA Murkrow, Poliwag and Shroomish /u/AditionalPylons
22. DBHA Remoraid, Magnemite and Hoppip for DBHA (4EM) Natu, Kricketot and Murkrow /u/valere1213
23. HA Trubbish, Klink. for DBHA Sableye DBHA Tangela /u/atm831711
24. DBHA Sandshrew DBHA Ponyta DBHA Onix DBHA Ryhorn DBHA Teddiursa DBHA Bronzor for Heracross (4 egg moves) Ekans (4 egg moves) Venonat (4 egg moves) Duskull (4 egg moves) Eevee (4 egg moves) Gible (1 egg move) /u/NiamLeeson
25. Heavy Yamper, Heavy Skwovet and Heavy Cramorant for Level & Lure HA Milcery and Fast Stonjourner. /u/providence-
26. 1 master ball for 2 lure and 1 level ball /u/lillaundrysauce
27. Fast Wooloo and a Fast Eiscue for 1 Master ball /u/providence-
28. 3 Master balls for 2 fast ball, 1 friend ball, lure ball, 3 level ball, 2 dream balls /u/Corruptsoul01
29. 6 master Balls for 6 heavy 1 friend 4 moon 2 dream 5 beast /u/Corruptsoul01
30. 1 meltan for 1 moon ball /u/EntireWolverine5
31. 1 meltan for 1 lure ball /u/TheMemeMaster4
32. melmetal for 2 heavy and 2 love balls /u/Golisuine
33. 1 melmetal for 1 masterball /u/vanKessZak
34. Safari HA Marill for Love Marill /u/Klondike232
35. Friend Torchic Lure Aron Heavy Zubat Lure Zubat Dream Zubat Lure Oddish for Moon Omanyte Friend Lileep Safari Anorith Friend Anorith Heavy Tirtouga Level Tyrunt /u/toxxmeg09
36. Friend Tangela, Beast Pinsir, Fast Yamper, and Level Pancham. for Lure Aerodactyl, Heavy Tyrunt, Beast Tyrunt, and Moon Amaura /u/mynisau
37. Beast Ball Dunsparce for sport ball popplio /u/flclreddit
38. 5 Max Mushroom for fast Lileep lure Lileep 3. heavy Lileep 4. moon Lileep 5. beast Lileep 6. fast Anorith 7. level Anorith 8. lure Anorith 9. dream Tyrunt /u/BitterHoney_
39. safari Omanyte sport kabuto sport tyrunt safari Anorith safari Barboach safari Croagunk safari Roselia for [Sport, love lileep] [beast, safari tyrunt] [ dream, moon, safari amaura] /u/AcehunterX
40. HA Kantonian Slowpoke, HA Alolan Sandshrew for 2 heavy balls /u/anonxanemone
41. fast HA Toxel friend HA Toxel heavy HA Toxel level HA Toxel lure HA Toxel fast HA Chewtle friend HA Chewtle heavy HA Chewtle level HA Chewtle for fast HA Porygon friend HA Porygon heavy HA Porygon level HA Porygon love HA Porygon moon HA Porygon lure HA Porygon moon HA Lapras level HA Tauros /u/CrazyNek0
42. trade back 4 pumpkaboo for 1 beast ball 1 adamant 1 modest mint /u/oliviarose15
43. 3 moon balls for 2 sports 1 sarfari balls /u/UpsideDownToast1
44. nothing for beast HA super-size pumpkaboo riend ball HA croagunk /u/TheMadCollector
45. love HA Onix lure HA Onix for sarfari HA Tirtouga lure HA Tirtouga moon HA Pumpkaboo-Super dream HA Pumpkaboo-Super love HA Pumpkaboo-Super lure HA Pumpkaboo-Super /u/Tomek900
46. HA Fast Salandit for HA Safari Bulbasaur /u/AccursedShield
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Heavy HA Smoochum for Level Croagunk /u/AccursedShield

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


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123alexis123's Information


Friend codes:
