
3110-9292-7659 || Depression (M)
3110-9292-7659 || Depression (M) || 1343

Trades (19)

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[+] Competitive / Casual (19)
1. Ice stone for Level Ball /u/HaxmanVGC
2. DBHA Tympole and DBHA Taillow for DBHA Vulpix-kanto and DBHA Snover /u/Woofqt
3. DBHA Wingull and DBHA Marill for DBHA Hippotopas and DBHA Cacnea /u/Jehan5000
4. DBHA Alomomola and Level ball Skarmory for DBHA Phanpy and DBHA Poochyena /u/Valere1213
5. Friend ball Solosis, Level ball Oricorio, and Love ball Cottonee for DBHA Natu, DBHA Numel, HA Scraggy /u/Gazier
6. Friend HA Rockruff, Lure HA Bounsweet, Moon Deino, Beast HA Rockruff for DBHA Omanyte, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Heavy Slakoth /u/Kirakori
7. 2 lucky eggs for DBHA Pineco, DBHA Ponyta, DBHA venonat, DBHA ekans, lure ball koffing, DBHA weedle, and Moon geodude /u/Gazier
8. 1 GBC, 2 BC for Adamant Groudon /u/yuhang8849
9. DBHA Tympole, alomomola, spiritomb, and turtwig for DBHA Dunsparce, DBHA porygon, Moon HA snorunt and levitate bronzor in a dream ball. /u/ClaCoLu95
10. Heavy Ball Onix, Moon Ball Vullaby, Moon Ball Honedge, Moon Ball Deino, or Sport Ball Scyther for Friend ball HA shroomish, DBHA Golett, DBHA Elgyem, Lux ball HA Remoraid, and Fast Ball Buizel. /u/Catsandfrogs3000
11. Lure Ball Totodile for DBHA Poliwag /u/OJC_94
12. Starf berry for HA nest ball deerling /u/dncrrnz
13. DBHA Venonat, DBHA Heracross, and DBHA Numel for sport ball HA weedle, DBHA Kabuto, and friend ball HA yanma. /u/KingLaksh
14. jolly sheer force bagon in a lure ball with em dragon dance, hydro pump, thrash, and fire fang for HA lotad /u/katl14
15. Breedject DB Slakoth with 4 em for 6 iv HA swirlix /u/Yggdrasil-IX
16. moon HA scyther and friend magic guard solosis for Love ball HA Swablu and your Lure ball HA Carvanha /u/lexxikoala
17. Friend spearow and friend chatot for Heavy Ball HA Swinub and DBHA Aimpom /u/sagejonathan
18. Lure HA Bounsweet for DBHA zangoose /u/jeuxinterdits
19. Scyther & Moon Ball HA Spheal for SportBall HA Paras and Venonat /u/Palossand96
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

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1Three2Four's Information


Hello! I am a Pokemon apri-ball trader. I'm willing to trade 1-3 pokemon for pokemon that I am looking for.

Friend codes:

  • 3110-9292-7659


  • IGN: Depression TSV: 1343