
4656-7637-6561 || Lisa Marie (Y), Louis (αS)
4656-7637-6561 || Lisa Marie (Y), Louis (αS) || 2993, 3943

Trades (124)

[+] Events (8)
1. HA Unova Starters language set for misc. items /u/Galamidor
2. 4 Steven's shiny Beldums for comp shiny Frillish /u/KuraiValo
3. scrap code for 3 custom comp shinies /u/xBsh3rx
4. 2 HA Serperior and Emboar language sets for 2 HA HP fire comp shiny Froakies /u/doritoburrrito
5. 28 Steven's shiny Beldums for comp shiny Vulpix, Kabuto, Riolu, Skarmory, Magby, Pawniard and Snover /u/doritoburrrito
6. SR Steven's shiny Beldum for comp shiny Diglett /u/Awful_Person
7. 10 SR Steven's shiny Beldums for comp shiny HP fire Froakie, comp shiny Scyther and comp shiny Honedge /u/Awful_Person
8. 8 Steven's Beldums and 5 comp shinies for 3 scrap codes /u/lurkerton3000
[+] Shinies (22)
1. comp shiny Klefki and comp shiny Gligar for ESV checks on 30 eggs /u/underpantscannon
2. 4 perfect DB breedables for comp shiny Venipede /u/Awful_Person
3. comp shiny Gligar for comp shiny Growlithe /u/Statue_left
4. 3 perfect and 1 imperfect breedable for comp shiny Shrromish /u/Raikiri_san
5. 2 perfect Tepig eggs for comp shiny Roggenrola /u/Tatertot74
6. comp shiny Skarmory for comp shiny Hawlucha /u/Awful_Person
7. 8 HA DB females for custom comp shiny Tentacool /u/plasmagica
8. comp shiny Tepig for comp shiny Trevenant /u/smmac135
9. 4 perfect breedables for comp shiny Gligar and Shuckle /u/WindgraceSV
10. comp shiny Snover for comp shiny Staryu /u/Sancheztadore
11. comp shiny Kabuto for comp shiny Tyrunt /u/Mushy_64
12. 5 perfect breedables for comp shiny Venonat /u/Awful_Person
13. comp shiny Pawniard for come shiny Scraggy /u/MisterLemon
14. Swablu and Growlithe breedables for comp shiny Drilbur /u/fire_Damage
15. 9 perfect breedables for BR HP grass Camerupt and comp shiny Audino /u/Awful_Person
16. 6 IV comp shiny HP ice Volt Tackle Pichu for comp shiny Slowpoke and Tyranitar /u/Kfloria
17. perfect Riolu and HA Spiritomb for comp shiny Joltik /u/NightHawk364
18. 6 IV HA comp shiny Magby for 6 IV HP ice Volt Tackle Pichu /u/Magnezomniac
19. HA DB Riolu and HA DB Gible for comp shiny Buneary /u/fire_Damage
20. perfect HA DB Gligar for comp shiny HP fire Magnemite /u/WindgraceSV
21. 6 custom breedables for comp shiny HP grass Numel /u/MRBlobbable
22. 3 perfect breedables for comp shiny Barboach /u/bi-cycle
[+] Competitive / Casual (83)
1. comp Klefki for comp Scatterbug /u/mm245
2. move tutor move for rare candy /u/gmpsmendes
3. random egg for heart scale /u/darkninja96
4. HA DB Abra for HA DB Magikarp, BB Numel /u/lucas1867
5. Fletchling breedable for Bagon breedable /u/DaisukeLight
6. many perfect breedables for many perfect breedable /u/jaimeg7
7. many breedables and comp shiny Timburr for many perfect breedables /u/giokiwi
8. trophy Zekrom for custom 4 EM Espurr /u/AnimaWish
9. Oshawott breedable for Scatterbug breedable /u/Loe151
10. 4 BB breedables for Toxic Orb and Black Sludge /u/hatsunemiku598
11. BB Shinx breedable for HA Piplup breedable /u/Oogalicious
12. HP ground Eevee for HP grass Cyndaquil /u/GoodMuse
13. DB Seedot for Mienfoo breedable /u/primeknight20
14. Light Clay for Deino breedable /u/sylgrace
15. HA Kabuto for 6 IV Golett /u/maiqtheprevaricator
16. BB Shinx and DB Riolu for speedy EV training /u/TheMachoMannn
17. 4 HA fossils for trophy gen 6 Zapdos /u/Tykuts0
18. Goomy breedable for Torchic breedable /u/naiveness
19. Choice Specs for trophy shiny Corphish /u/the13ninjaman
20. HA Eevee breedable for heart scale /u/Fluxing1955
21. HA DB Timburr for Pinsir breedable /u/key_blader8
22. HA DB Riolu breedable for HA Carbink breedable /u/Crimsonskydeath
23. misc. imperfect breedables for misc. imperfect breedables /u/sinaloalo
24. 4 EM Lapras for 4 EM Aipom /u/TheSillyCee
25. HA Riolu breedable for HA Staryu /u/Kumquatterie
26. HA Foongus breedable for HA Gothita breedable /u/pg_goldfrost
27. HA DB Tentacool and Lapras for HA DB Buneary and Fletchling breedable /u/LuxrayShiny
28. Hawlucha breedable for Torchic breedable /u/Drake_Bugatti
29. Grimer breedable for HA DB Shinx /u/MapleSyrup17
30. heart scale for HA Tyrunt breedable /u/blackaurora
31. 3 HA DB females for 3 HP ground Eevee eggs /u/Dont_You_Dare_PM_Me
32. HA DB Sentret and Hippopotas for HA DB Drilbur and Larvitar /u/Sykopathh
33. HA Foongus breedable for BB Marill /u/unpublishedNovel
34. HA Hoppip for 4 EM Cubone /u/Jeannettix
35. HA Chimchar for Chespin breedable /u/Akrisn
36. move tutor service for Horsea breedable /u/learningtarot
37. HA Chimchar breedable for HA DB Tentacool /u/Chrismas95
38. HA DB Cleffa for HA DB Sableye /u/pg_goldfrost
39. BB Larvitar for BB Venonat /u/Cyberdrac
40. HA Cottonee and Electrike for HA DB Venipede and Zangoose breeedable /u/iPippy
41. HA DB Chinchou for HA DB Shuppet /u/KawaiiKitsuneh
42. bulk HA DB breedables for bulk HA DB breedables /u/Kobi2604
43. Boldore breedable for BB Koffing /u/Sushiimiii
44. DB Ralts, Skitty and Exeggcute breedables for Clauncher, Zorua, Flabebe breedables /u/plasmagica
45. 6 BB female breedables for Cyndaquil and Omanyte female breedables /u/MayoBeam
46. Upgrade and Dubious Disc for (illegal HA) BB Dratini /u/giraffe196
47. HA Chimchar breedable for Leftovers /u/LeFrancePerson
48. Red Card for Destiny Knot /u/youaskedfurret
49. misc. breedables for misc. breedables /u/maquinaazul
50. Trubbish breedable for BB Dunsparce /u/Jozcef
51. Pansear breedable for BB Onix /u/derickyong
52. HA Porygon for Cyndaquil breedable /u/Evanarblez
53. BB Magikarp for BB Sneasel /u/jaimeg7
54. Eevee breedable for HA DB Shroomish /u/GoodMuse
55. HA DB Cleffa for Skrelp breedable /u/LuxrayShiny
56. bulk HA DB females for bulk HA DB females /u/DuskLordX
57. HA DB Pineco for Spiritomb breedable /u/SNB43
58. BB Magikarp for DB Cottonee /u/MegaActarus
59. Ducklett breedables for HA DB Karrablast /u/Lunick
60. HA DB Aerodactyl for HA DB Luvdisc /u/Acrylami
61. perfect HA Poliwag for Bank Celebi (no proof) /u/rugglesman
62. perfect HA Poliwag for masterball /u/drowningseason
63. Eevee breedable for Volt Tackle Pichu /u/goodguyguitarist
64. HA Goomy breedable for HA DB Kangaskhan /u/lepancake
65. HA Tepig breedable for heart scale /u/QuantumQuetzal
66. HA Oshawott breedable for HA DB Vanillite /u/derickyong
67. bulk HA DB female for bulk HA DB females /u/Acrylami
68. bulk BB females for bulk BB females /u/ShinyShonnie
69. HA DB Timburr for Snover and Cleffa breedables /u/paedosinspeedos
70. DB Roselia for HA DB Eevee /u/LuxrayShiny
71. HA Noibat and Litleo breedables for HA DB Cranidos /u/kath0601
72. HA Turtwig for HA Oshawott /u/JTYGAH49
73. HA DB Exeggcute for Dusk Stone /u/icefalconmitch1
74. Tyrunt breedable for Ferroseed breedable /u/kcawz
75. 6 HA DB breedables for 6 HA DB breedables /u/maquinaazul
76. HA DB Slowpoke for HA DB Goldeen /u/derickyong
77. Light Clay and Choice Specs for Masterball and breedable /u/kayuotter
78. 2 BB breedables for trophy Moltres /u/gman998
79. Shinx breedable for Carvanha breedable /u/DioCatt
80. 5 BB breedables for 5 BB breedables /u/TAFly
81. Masterball for HP fire Snivy /u/Apathee
82. Tyrunt breedable for BB Skarmory /u/Dantemaycry1314
83. HA DB Timburr for BB Nidoran and Trapinch /u/LermanCT
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (11)
1. Steven's Beldum for WISHMKR Jirachi /u/lastminotaur
2. comp shiny Hawlucha, Charmander and HP Ground Pidgey for Haley's Mew /u/MrIcepick
3. Custom HA Johto starter event set for RNGed Latios, Cresselia and 2 Dittos /u/Admiral_Fish
4. NA Diancie for WISHMKR Jirachi /u/xchicowx
5. 5 GS Dragonite codes for 2 Haley's Mews /u/MGV2013
6. 15 Dragonite codes for RNGed shiny Ranger Manaphy /u/ninjaspidermonkey
7. Haley's Mew for 7 RNGed Dittos /u/eraco
8. Haley's Mew for 3 custom RNGed Dittos /u/not_an_aardvark
9. XY&Z set and 6 comp shinies for SUM2013 trio /u/Y_Hellscythe
10. 2 PGL Miltanks w/redeem, 7 NA Darkrai codes, 1 NA HA Aldora code set, semicomp shiny Lapras for SPR2013 Meleotta, touched Plasma Genesect /u/CukiieMonstaa
11. Jarvis's Gengar, CoroCoro Ray, Chymia's Gardevoir, Steven's Beldum for WIN2011 trio /u/Neceron

Egg Hatches (103)

1. hatched shiny Torchic /u/Zigglief
2. hatched shiny Tyranitar /u/Jozcef
3. hatched shiny Mudkip /u/Colev0
4. hatched shiny Absol /u/harbinger086
5. hatched shiny Eevee /u/patchespatch04
6. hatched shiny Rotom /u/mz_valkyrie
7. hatched shiny Chimchar /u/Itsuki8
8. hatched shiny Snivy /u/dhkim613
9. hatched shiny Honedge /u/mewt_90
10. hatched shiny Zubat /u/lavaburst14
11. hatched shiny Relicanth /u/oswld
12. hatched shiny Kabuto /u/Neckes
13. hatched 2 eggs shiny /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
14. hatched shiny Vulpix /u/hubbabubble
15. hatched shiny Vanillite /u/Pancham4
16. hatched shiny Charmander /u/fauxpromises
17. hatched shiny Froakie /u/HeySawah
18. hatched shiny Dratini /u/idk
19. hatched shiny Espurr /u/ghjkl-pokemon
20. hatched shiny Shroomish /u/noniza
21. hatched shiny Tyranitar /u/johnsonWWW
22. hatched shiny Mienfoo /u/believingunbeliever
23. hatched a comp shiny Sneasel /u/minccino27
24. hatched comp shiny Buneary /u/SOfB
25. hatched shiny Slowpoke /u/Bubblegum87
26. hatched comp shiny Spheal /u/infiniteshadow
27. hatched comp shiny Venipede /u/Zangoose1
28. hatched shiny Kangaskhan /u/r-scarlet
29. hatched comp shiny Chimchar /u/gmpsmendes
30. hatched shiny Riolu /u/Mushy_64
31. hatched shiny Charmander /u/irontower9999
32. hatched comp shiny Fennekin /u/Cwindaquil
33. hatched shiny Meowth /u/BlueDryBones1
34. hatched shiny Trapinch /u/Potato5lyfe
35. hatched comp shiny Gothita /u/RoastinRaichu
36. hatched shiny Aipom /u/GoldenGengarGG
37. hatched comp shiny Ferroseed /u/aleexs
38. hatched shiny Deino /u/pokemytatas
39. hatched comp shiny Togepi /u/Wizli
40. hatched shiny Patrat /u/shinyhunterXY
41. hatched shiny Doduo /u/theantipode
42. hatched comp shiny Skrelp /u/Aarux
43. hatched comp shiny Buneary /u/Strax_89
44. hatched comp shiny Woobat /u/MisterLenz
45. hatched comp shiny Zorua /u/puriburY
46. hatched comp shiny Aerodactyl /u/sharmaopankaj
47. hatched shiny Bellsprout /u/ryanthomas917
48. hatched shiny Flabebe /u/MisterLenz
49. hatched comp shiny Spinarak /u/Great_Plattsby
50. hatched comp shiny Electrike /u/KoRayven
51. hatched comp shiny Swablu /u/infiniteshadow
52. hatched comp shiny Onix /u/GamerTehness
53. hatched comp shiny Torchic /u/MisterLenz
54. hatched shiny Lapras /u/Goulde
55. hatched comp shiny Froakie /u/OC_Haunter
56. hatched comp shiny Mareep /u/v3220
57. hatched shiny Skrelp /u/chicktt
58. hatched comp shiny Trubbish /u/MaxInve
59. hatched comp shiny Snorlax /u/kojicarlos
60. hatched comp shiny Fletchling /u/Mushy_64
61. hatched comp shiny Venonat /u/RIMAN2209
62. hatched comp shiny Lotad /u/MrUsamaKhan
63. hatched comp shiny Noibat /u/Wizli
64. hatched shiny Gothita /u/Tacanacy
65. hatched comp shiny Klink /u/patchespatch04
66. hatched comp shiny Magikarp /u/kwon3558
67. hatched comp shiny Scyther /u/dharlette
68. hatched comp shiny Froakie /u/Ultimau
69. hatched comp shiny Farfetch'd /u/puriburY
70. hatched comp shiny Drowzee /u/kewligirl95
71. hatched shiny Deino /u/derpingtoaster
72. hatched shiny Lickitung /u/MisterLenz
73. hatched comp shiny Eevee /u/infiniteshadow
74. hatched comp shiny Honedge /u/toujours_poke
75. hatched shiny Eevee /u/Beta_323
76. hatched comp shiny Deerling /u/patchespatch04
77. hatched comp shiny Horsea /u/puriburY
78. hatched shiny Timburr /u/KTcat_89
79. hatched shiny Shellder /u/kickwitkowskiass
80. hatched shiny Rotom /u/Seankle
81. hatched shiny Hippopotas /u/shinyhunterXY
82. hatched shiny Clauncher /u/Blackballroom
83. hatched shiny Pichu /u/irontower9999
84. hatched comp shiny Igglybuff /u/Strax_89
85. hatched shiny Dratini /u/AdfertMortem
86. hatched shiny Hoppip /u/KookyKracks
87. hatched comp shiny Omanyte /u/MasterGohan
88. hatched shiny Togepi /u/MisterLenz
89. hatched comp shiny Tyrunt /u/soulwyvern
90. hatched comp shiny Kecleon /u/MisterLenz
91. hatched shiny Mareep /u/SevenCardStud
92. hatched shiny Shinx /u/lunarcallisto
93. hatched comp shiny Aipom /u/alsrb789
94. hatched shiny Zorua /u/puriburY
95. hatched shiny Ponyta /u/KoRayven
96. hatched shiny Wobbuffet /u/lisushka
97. hatched shiny Bulbasaur /u/deviltaker
98. hatched shiny Brozor /u/Blackballroom
99. hatched shiny Ralts /u/MAgux
100. hatched shiny Kabuto /u/thrgnfJS
101. hatched comp shiny Chansey /u/savannah_allie
102. hatched comp shiny Fletchling /u/pandaglassjaw
103. hatched comp shiny Noibat /u/DethZero

Giveaways/Contests (136 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. gave away a bunch of HA DB females and other BB females (Sub: pokemontrades, 65 given)
2. gave comp shinies for inventive badger Pokemon creations (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)
3. caught breedables in FS upon request (Sub: pokemontrades, 26 given)
4. guessing game to win some shiny Pokes (Sub: pokemontrades, 8 given)
5. gave away custom HP shinies/breedables for original HP ideas (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)
6. caught custom 'Mons from the Friend Safari (Sub: pokemontrades, 27 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (40 threads, 300 given)

1. checked TSV (1 checked)
2. checked TSV (1 checked)
3. egg checks and 1 TSV check (13 checked)
4. ESV checks (11 checked)
5. egg checks (12 checked)
6. egg checks (12 checked)
7. TSV checks (2 checked)
8. egg checks (15 checked)
9. ESV checks (15 checked)
10. egg checks (10 checked)
11. egg checks (15 checked)
12. egg checks (15 checked)
13. TSV check (1 checked)
14. egg checks (10 checked)
15. egg checks (5 checked)
16. egg checks (9 checked)
17. TSV check (1 checked)
18. checked ESV (1 checked)
19. TSV check (1 checked)
20. egg checks (15 checked)
21. egg checks (5 checked)
22. egg checks (11 checked)
23. ESV checks (15 checked)
24. TSV and egg checks (7 checked)
25. TSV check (1 checked)
26. egg checks (15 checked)
27. egg checks (15 checked)
28. egg checks (15 checked)
29. egg checks (12 checked)
30. checked some eggs (5 checked)
31. TSV check (1 checked)
32. egg checks (4 checked)
33. egg checks (5 checked)
34. ESV checks (6 checked)
35. egg checks (2 checked)
36. TSV check (1 checked)
37. egg checks (2 checked)
38. egg checks (6 checked)
39. egg checks (5 checked)
40. egg checks (2 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (20)

1. helped evolve Haunter /u/TheFruitShopOwner
2. Lileep touch trade /u/The_Strict_Nein
3. trade evolved comp shiny Scyther /u/Awful_Person
4. trade evolved a comp Haunter /u/NecroXN
5. trade evolved Onix /u/coolguy9001
6. helped evolve 5 trade-evolve 'Mons /u/Ancel3
7. helped trade evolve a Gurdurr and Electabuzz /u/Tepig05
8. helped trade evolve a Dusclops and Electabuzz /u/Jfinlay
9. helped trade evolve comp Scyther /u/crahs8
10. trade evolved Porygon-2 /u/Nekon281
11. trade evolved a Scyther /u/Ljt216
12. helped transfer Poke and mega stone to other cart /u/Dreambasher
13. trade evolved Rhydon and Seadra /u/Grimmjaws
14. trade evolved Machoke, Gurdurr and Scyther /u/GaryMuhfuknOak
15. trade evolved Kadabra /u/Spenedge
16. helped evolve Rhydon /u/IDK
17. helped trade evolve a Slowpoke /u/Mr_Propane
18. trade evolved Scyther /u/robber138
19. trade evolved Kadabra /u/stear541
20. trade evolved a Haunter /u/Nehxas

Misc (0)


IAMADeinonychusAMA Nov 17, 2016 5:04:08 AM

Always a pleasure to trade with.

Serancahe Jun 13, 2016 2:03:53 AM

Hatched and nicknamed my shiny honedge, really nice person and efficient hatcher, thanks again!

Tacanacy Jun 4, 2016 10:18:50 PM

Has hatched two Shiny Pokémon for me. Thanks again!

Seankle May 22, 2016 7:50:41 AM

Hatched both my shiny bulbasaur and shiny rotom for me! Very Patient and works to make sure you get your egg hatched, at any time of the day!

10/10 would hatch with again

lisushka Apr 20, 2016 12:05:37 AM

Hatched and named my Wobbuffet for me. Thank you. <3

Kanniin Jan 22, 2016 6:21:49 AM

SR'ed a HKJ for an high IV spread for him, he's a very kind person and he's really understanding! 10/10 would trade again any day!

Garguns Jun 3, 2015 5:50:19 AM

This person is so amazing! _^

Colev0 Jun 2, 2015 4:24:34 AM

I can't commend this person enough: they're always a pleasure to trade with!

3Anton3's Information


Friend codes:
