
0817-4173-9721 || Shock (Y)

Trades (42)

[+] Events (14)
1. UT Jolly Torchic w/ Mega Stone for Shiny HP Fighting Litwick /u/AceLifeOx
2. Wishmaker Jirachi for Shaymin/Keldeo Redemptions /u/froakiedokie
3. Scrap Keldeo for SSB Greninja Code /u/ajkyle56
4. SSB Greninja Code for Scrap Victini /u/Baldomaro
5. Scrap Victini for Scrap Keldeo Code /u/Rimon-Hanit
6. Bank Celebi for Scrap Keldeo Redemption /u/mastergrumpus
7. Plasma Deoxys for 4 Game Darkrai redemptions /u/Raesear
8. 1 Scrap Code for Scrap Shaymin Redemption /u/WreckItMike
9. Scrap Shaymin for a NA Diancie Code and a Shiny Phione /u/Beleniel
10. 2 Diancie Redemptions for NA Diancie Code /u/KuraiValo
11. 2 SR'd Diancie for 2 Game Darkrai codes /u/Acrylami
12. M17 Darkrai for M18 Arceus code /u/KaitoGL
13. Pokescrap Victini for 5 Arceus codes /u/Ju-da-su
14. 9 NA Mew Codes for Shiny Diancie /u/kuronon
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (28)
1. RNG'd Cresselia for 6 Comp. Shinies /u/Roguedaddy
2. RNG'd SUM2013 Creation Trio Set for 16 Pokescrap Codes /u/kurttr
3. RNG'd Decolora Jirachi for RNG'd Shiny Manaphy /u/ek93922
4. RNG'd Decolora Jirachi for RNG'd SPR2013 Meloetta /u/goldsushi44
5. RNG'd Meloetta for M17 Darkrai, Meloetta, Scrap Code Set /u/ajkyle56
6. WIN2011 Celebi for 2012MAY Darkrai /u/Arylas
7. SMR2012 Keldeo for Plasma Genesect /u/bigdawg_89
8. Plasma Genesect for 2012MAY Darkrai /u/HighMans
9. 2012MAY Darkrai for Plasma Genesect /u/xSince86x
10. RNG'd Cresselia for 5 Comp Shinies and 1 Scrap Code /u/TAFly
11. 1 Scrap Code for 2 Wishmaker Jirachis /u/BasedNoFace
12. RNG'd SUM2013 Creation Trio Set for Diancie and a Hayley's Mew /u/huehuehuehuehuehu
13. WIN2013 Keldeo for Hayley's Mew /u/canteen_boy
14. RNG'd SUM2013 Creation Trio Set for 10 Game Darkrai Codes /u/YaManicKill
15. SPR2013 Meloetta for 2 Hayley's Mew and 2 Wishmaker Jirachi /u/MrIcepick
16. 2012MAY Darkrai for Scrap Shaymin Code + 2 Scraps /u/BasedNoface
17. Event Gengar and Wishmaker Jirachi for NA Diancie Code /u/KuraiValo
18. M14 Victini for Game Darkrai redemption /u/EzyLy
19. 4 Game Darkrai codes for TRU Arceus /u/xXD3sT1nYXx
20. RNG'd Lugia for RNG'd Rayquaza /u/Epoke28
21. Hayley's Mew for Game Darkrai redemption /u/Dan202903
22. Game Darkrai for 7 Wishmaker Jirachis and Bank Celebi /u/Upper90175
23. Wishmaker Jirachi for Shiny Charmander /u/Zenophilious
24. Wishmaker Jirachi for Arceus code redemption /u/ajkyle56
25. Scrap code for 2 Wishmaker Jirachis /u/knifeof11
26. DW Gothorita, DW Porygon, Halloween Banette and PGL Mamoswine for Game Darkrai redemption /u/KaitoGL
27. Wishmaker Jirachi for M18 Arceus /u/Geistowl
28. TRU Arceus for Scrap Victini /u/ltimebombl

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. 3 Arceus redemptions /u/blackaurora

Misc (0)


AerialBlast's Information


Friend codes:
