
5172-1160-8657 || Alice (Y), Solia (M), 솔리아 (ΩR)
5172-1160-8657 || Alice (Y), Solia (M), 솔리아 (ΩR) || 1811, 3591

Trades (80)

[+] Events (37)
1. HA Ttrio Birds (Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos) from Korean Event for PAL Xerneas serial code from Norway /u/Alexanker
2. flawless (-att) 4em dive male zorua for NA Arceus code /u/abedsayo
3. shiny axew for NA Arceus code /u/Rizoriku
4. Redeemed KOR Spa Pikachu for Lux HA female Starly, Repeat HA female Riolu, Lux HA female Buneary and Quck HA female Carvanha /u/Pikacuber
5. Trophy Shiny Lampent(+Dusk Stone) and Krabby for 2 Bank Celebi /u/YaManicKill
6. KOR Shiny Diancie from Monaco Space for 2 Skytree Rayquazas /u/vincentasm
7. Happy Hour Meowth custom set for Galileo Ray /u/user1288
8. DBHA Horsea and Axew for PAL Darkrai code /u/Serotine
9. Happy Hour Meowth Language Set for DBHA Grimer, Poliwag, Onix, Drowzee, Rhyhorn, Magikarp, Natu, Corsola and Munchlax /u/sirweiss
10. Happy Hour Meowth Language Set for DBHA caterpie, chanasey, cubone, dodou, ducklett, druddigon and dunsparce. /u/xellly
11. 2 Happy Hour Meowth (JPN and KOR) for DBHA spiritomb and shroomish /u/jeuxinterdits
12. 2 NA Arceus Codes for DBHA female - Starly, Lotad, Hippopotas, Scraggy, Numel, Blue Shellos, Ducklett, Teddiursa and Luxury HA female - Shelmet, Purrloin /u/Alan199
13. 1 N's Darmanitan Code + free custom Shiny Yveltal PAL Code redeem for Gallileo Ray /u/unanify
14. 2 SPA Pikachu custom redemption for TW Pre-order Mew code /u/xtakeru
15. SPA Pikachu custom redemption for Shiny SV hatched Furfrou /u/iviviana
16. 2 XY&Z Gardevoir for 2 Alexander Hoopa /u/diddykong419
17. XY&Z Garde lang set for Alexander Hoopa lang set /u/xellly
18. XY&Z Gardevoir lang set for Alexander Hoopa lang set /u/Strafingfire
19. 7 XY&Z Gardevoir for 7 Alexander Hoopa /u/henrxv
20. GF Victini, GF Darkrai and HH Meowth Lang set for 4 WISHMKR Jirachi /u/TailsMegamanX
21. 7 XY&Z Gardevoir for Tough Pinsir, Tough Heracross, SUM2014 Vivillon and GTS Vivillon /u/TheDecimated
22. 2 XY&Z Gardevoir (KOR) for Friend Skamory and Lux Honedge /u/PikaCuber
23. XY&Z Gardevoir, Gengar, Tyranitar and Mawile for GF Keldeo custom lang set /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
24. XY&Z Mawile for 2 PAL Volcanion codes /u/robertoxmed
25. 2 KOR XY&Z Event set (Gardevoir, Gengar, Mawile, Tyranitar) for WCSK15 Linoone, NA Wifi Zoroark and GF Keldeo /u/shady6121
26. XY&Z Event (Mawile, Tyranitar, Gengar, Gardevoir) for 3 Darkrai and 2 Present (Emboar and Samurott) /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
27. XY&Z Gardevoir x1, Mawile x2, Tyranitar x2, Gengar x2 for 4 PAL Volcanion codes /u/xellly
28. XY&Z Gardevoir, Mawile, Tyranitar and Gengar + KOR Victini redeem for 2 Serena's Fennekin (KOR) and 1 PAL Volcanion code /u/blackaurora
29. DBHA Absol, Axew, Chatot, Drilbur, Horsea and Houndour for 2 PAL Volcanion codes /u/Quantum_Crisp
30. 1 Korean Shiny Mimikyu (KOR) for CoroCoro Rayquaza and HK Rayquaza /u/blackaurora
31. Korean Shiny Mimikyu for RNG-ed Maxsoft Shiny Ray and Gen4 RNG Timid 5iv shiny ray both in .pk6 format /u/mizudomi
32. 2 Korean Shiny Mimiku for RNG-ed PC Victini /u/ThreeSpooky5Me
33. Korean shiny Mimikyu (save file) for RNG-ed PC Tohoku Victini /u/KookyKracks
34. Korean Shiny Mimikyu for Skytree JPN Rayquaza /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
35. 3 Korean Shiny Mimikyu saves (saves provided by the user) for 1 Corocoro ray, 1 Gallileo ray and 3 JPN Silvally codes /u/rayquaza_black
36. Korean Shiny Mimikyu (KOR) for Maxsoft Rayquaza (JPN) /u/joelrjohnson
37. Redeemed Pre-order Korean Shiny Silvally for JPN Shiny Silvally /u/blackaurora
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (43)
1. DBHA female Crandios, DBHA female Oddish, DBHA female Gastly for DBHA female Shinx, DBHA nidoran(f), DBHA female Axew, DBHA Snorunt, DBHA female Petilil /u/kirakori
2. DBHA female Tirtouga for DBHA female Cranidos /u/Kosaji
3. DBHA femaleTirtouga for DBHA female Omanyte /u/Kirakori
4. DBHA female Tirtouga, DBHA female Shieldon for DBHA female Aerodactyl, DBHA female Kabuto(w/4EM) /u/Aunna
5. DBHA female Tirtouga for DBHA female Shieldon /u/kojicarlos
6. DBHA female Tirtouga and DBHA female Nosepass for DBHA Abra, DBHA female Feebas and DBHA Pachirisu /u/Vegeta25
7. DBHA female Nosepass, DBHA female Oddish, DBHA female Tirtouga for DBHA female Eevee, DBHA female Swablu, DBHA female Chatot /u/wanderingscribe
8. DBHA female Togepi. DBHA female Nosepass, DBHA female Shinx for DBHA Ponyta, Dive ball female Totodile w/4EM and DB Koffing /u/Worldtraveller2016
9. DBHA female Nosepass for DBHA female Roselia /u/Takeonzach
10. DBHA female Togepi, DBHA female Nosepass and Sports ball female Scyther + Metal Coat for DBHA Igglypuff and HA Amaura /u/rukim
11. HA Pancham in Dusk Ball for HA female Dratini /u/ButterWindsor
12. Lure ball Vulpix, Moon ball Vulpix, DBHA female Cottonee, DBHA female Chatot and DBHA female Carvanha for Dive Ball HA female Omanyte and Nest ball female Lileep /u/Worldtraveller2016
13. DBHA female Horsea and DBHA female Nosepass for Fast ball female Pichu and DBHA female Sableye /u/kgf321
14. Dive ball HA 5IV 4EM Zorua for Nest HA female Lileep /u/hkg_teddy
15. shiny igglybuff for NA Mew code /u/ashabaejoy
16. Dusk ball HA female Pikachu for 6IV 4em male bulbasaur /u/playinginfire
17. DBHA 5iv 4m -att igglybuff for DBHA female mankey /u/yoris123
18. luxury axew, dusk axew and dive psyduck for dbha lapras, dbha drilbur and dbha snover /u/moomooreporter
19. dbha female axew for dvha female vulpix /u/poshblobfish
20. 15 Heart Scales + DBHA Igglybuff for DBHA Cleffa, Scyther, Houndour, Slugma and Hoothoot /u/Novical
21. DBHA female Axew for DBHA female Bellsprout /u/texaspokemon
22. DBHA female Axew, Dive female HA Psyduck, Dive female Zorua and Luxury HA Riolu for DBHA female Skitty, Glameow, Wailmer and Sentret /u/skiddos
23. perfect ha axew for perfect ha vulpix /u/34loppyxsoko
24. DBHA female Axew for DBHA female Pysduck /u/daekashi
25. Dive Psyduck, Dive Zorua, DBHA Absol for DBHA Aron, Sneasel, Slopoke, Exeggcute, Psyduck, Lickitung /u/danghoang
26. DBHA female Drifloon and Dive ball female Zorua for Safari ball Electrike and Heal ball female HA Aerodactyl /u/Mega-Mew
27. DBHA female drifloon for flawless HA male Chimchar (pokeball) /u/senorjavi
28. DBHA Bagon, Horsea, Axew, Igglybuff for DBHA Taillow, Pawniard, Burmy, Durant /u/FailingBrain
29. 9 Yache Berries for DBHA Aipom, Lapras and Gible /u/MegaEevee
30. shiny lampent and DBHA female Horsea for Lux HA Cranidos /u/slytherinhouse8
31. egg for Heal HA female Karrablast /u/pkmntrainerkayla
32. DBHA Nosepass, Chatot and Drilbur for DBHA Sandshrew, Ekans and Barboach /u/xdfubar
33. DBHA female Axew for DBHA female Snorlax /u/Gazier
34. Fast ball female 4em Growlithe for DBHA female Skarmory /u/Groenendael
35. DBHA Horsea for DBHA Shelmet /u/sagejonathan
36. DBHA female Axew for DBHA female Solosis /u/pc229342
37. DBHA Absol and Axew, Fast ball 5IV Growlithe for DBHA Timburr and Perfect Level Ball Sandshrew /u/VolumedAF
38. DBHA Axew for DBHA Druddrigon /u/ChiefNeckbeard43
39. Pokemon with Pokerus (Makuhita) for HA Vulpix /u/wasubi1
40. HA Abra for HA Bagon /u/dropthatgame
41. perfect HA love Pichu for perfect HA Beast Mareanie /u/ubernuke
42. Love HA 4EM Pichu for Lure HA 4EM Eevee /u/ffernii
43. Heavy HA female Riolu (Adamant 5iv -spa) and Beast HA female Abra (Timid -att) for lure shellos-east, moon grimer, heavy ha rockruff and fast sandile /u/Dragynfyre
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (15)

1. Froakie HA (Protean), Timid /u/Level5Misaka
2. Cottonee, Prankster, Timid /u/MerryFellows
3. Torchic HA (Speed Boost), Adamant, 6IV /u/Serancahe
4. Shiny Absol hatch on route 7 /u/Anki96
5. shiny piplup hatch /u/qweligator
6. shiny totodile /u/timberjacke
7. shiny onix /u/Ayy_Llamao
8. shiny fennekin /u/neoh99
9. Shiny Carvanha /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
10. Shiny Absol in love ball /u/miher1
11. Shiny Tyanmo in Parfum Palace /u/xyxit
12. shiny slowpoke /u/lazytv8
13. shiny brumy /u/mose_cat
14. Shiny Charmander /u/Silarcta
15. Shiny slakoth hatch /u/Tacanacy

Giveaways/Contests (65 Pokémon given, 30 eggs given)

1. Jolly HA (Prankster) Riolu + 4EM Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 30 given)
2. Breedjects giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 65 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (11)

1. Trade-evolved her Pokemon. /u/Flirtations
2. Trade-evolved Kadabra to Alakazam /u/LePhildo
3. Trade-evolved Scyther + Metal Coat to Scizor /u/honeywholewheat
4. Redeemed an PAL/Euro Hoopa /u/euthanizedCanine
5. Helping to fill up National Pokedex /u/jayron2319
6. gave ability capsule /u/Austran
7. trade-backed articuno, moltres and ho-oh to fill up nat dex /u/driggor
8. trade-backed Landorus to complete nat dex /u/zilligster
9. Redeemed New Adventure Victini KOR /u/TheDecimated
10. Redeemed New Adventure Victini x2 /u/TheDecimated
11. Redeemed Korean GS VC Celebi /u/blackaurora

Misc (1)

1. Did a free JPN Corocoro Charizard redeem for me


sakudono Apr 2, 2017 1:55:19 AM

Always a pleasure to trade with :)

Tacanacy Feb 1, 2017 6:16:44 PM

Has hatched two Shiny Pokémon for me. Thanks again for your help and patience!

miher1 Nov 1, 2016 12:28:57 PM

One of the fastest responses i have ever got. Really friendly too. Thank you for the shiny Absol.

IAMADeinonychusAMA Oct 24, 2016 2:33:45 PM

Very friendly and easy to deal with!

timberjacke Sep 10, 2016 10:46:00 AM

Hatched my shiny Totodile! Thanks :D

qweligator Sep 3, 2016 6:18:28 PM

Hatched my shiny Piplup!

Mega-Mew Aug 25, 2016 1:25:18 AM

Always very nice and efficient.

Will happily continue to communicate with them!

PikaCuber Aug 21, 2016 9:36:47 AM

Quickly did my redeem, really fast too. Thanks, Akashini! :D

Serancahe May 23, 2016 7:13:15 PM

Hatched my shiny torchic, really quick response and trade, very efficient. Also very kind, saved me from hatching it nameless, thank you very much!

Akashini's Information


Friend codes:

  • 5172-1160-8657


  • IGN: Alice TSV: 1811