
SW-6652-7464-8117 || Anna (VIO)
SW-6652-7464-8117 || Anna (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (101)

[+] Events (11)
1. 4 NA Mew Codes for Shiny GAMDzard Charizard /u/Teh_Kniight
2. 6 NA Mew codes for Shiny XYZ JPN Event set /u/Cubanpete26
3. 2 NA Mew codes for Pokeball Vivillion and Fancy Vivillion /u/Zang33
4. Shiny Charmander, shiny Totodile, shiny Treecko and 1 NA Mew code for PGL Deli Bird code /u/Mattfred88
5. NA Mew code for 6IV German Ditto /u/Jingsel
6. 2 NA New codes for 6IV Shiny Froakie /u/HowYouSoGudd
7. 2 NA Mew codes for Shiny Ralts, shiny Houndour, shiny Magikarp /u/DeathMTX
8. 5IV Shiny Ralts for NA Darkrai Event Code /u/Dragonstorm55
9. 6IV Froakie for HA Moltres /u/Jbk91
10. Shiny Onix for Happy Hour Meowth /u/Opelucid
11. 1 Marshadow code for 1 Bullseye Charizard code /u/Jerickson88
[+] Shinies (2)
1. Shiny Ponyta for Eevee, larvitar /u/Piedle1
2. Comp. shiny Durant for Comp. shiny Mawile /u/Granite_grizz
[+] Competitive / Casual (88)
1. Dragonite, Heliolisk, Aurorus, & Tyratrum for Vullaby, Yamask, Kriketot, & Stantler /u/Goldsmith69
2. 5 IV Lapras for 5 IV HA Abra /u/Mattfred88
3. 5 IV HA Swablu with EMs hyper voice and roost for 5 IV flash fire Growlith with EMs morning sun, crunch, close combat, and flare blitz /u/ASentret
4. 5 IV HA Swablu for 5 IV Feebas /u/Omni_Omega
5. 5 IV HA Swablu with EMs hyper voice and roost for 5 IV HA eevee with wish /u/Keaver21
6. Pachirisu for 5 IV Fennekin /u/Quantania
7. 5 IV sassy Lapras for 5 IV Gible /u/CorinneDuyvis
8. Seel for Eevee /u/Keaver21
9. Clefairy and Persian for Haunter and Sentret /u/Pokefan75674
10. Clefairy and Pachirisu for Alakazam and Machoke /u/AnotherAngryAussie
11. HA Amaura, HA Torchic, HA Bulbasaur, Piplup, and Chimchar for Houndoom, Delibird, Quilfish, Victreebell, and Beedrill /u/Lymanax
12. HA Totodile for 5 IV Goodra /u/Papaneville
13. HA Lapras with 4 EMs and HA Sableye for 4 IV HA Magikarp and 4 IV HA Fletchling /u/KinqRi
14. 4 IV HA Lapras with 4 EMs for 5 IV HA Gible with 4 EMs /u/Uglyasablasphemy
15. Sableye, nidoran, spearow, ekans, bulbasaur, scyther, meowth, venonat and paras for 5 IV Bagon, 5 IV Charmander, 5 IV Treecko /u/Jonathan0y
16. DBHA 5 IV Dratini for HA 5 IV Bagon /u/NinjaDazed
17. Male Kirlia for Amaura /u/Ttrq
18. Munchlax for Larvesta /u/Deathbypun
19. Cacturne, Gogoat, Vivillion, Beautify, Golurk for Basculin, Ferroseed, Bibarel, Venipede, Swoobat /u/Pokefan75674
20. Male Haunter for Chatot /u/HansOmaicock
21. DBHA Dratini 4 EMs for 5 IV Ryhorn /u/Esspee39
22. Bulbasaur and Squirtle for Feebas and Eevee /u/Deathbypun
23. 3IV DBHA Female Dratini 4 EMs for 5IV Kangaskhan /u/SpawN1q
24. HA male Togepi for HA female Feebas /u/Klala1
25. HA Goomy for 5 IV Gastly /u/Jolly5000
26. 6IV female netball Ducklett for 6IV male moonball Ralts /u/Dragweird
27. Snorunt, Turtwig, Oshowatt, Mawile, Sheildon for Tyrunt, Lunatone, Remoraid, Minun, Heracross /u/Mariguanadon
28. DBHA Alomomola for Nosepass /u/Paintedknights
29. Female HA 4EM Phantump for DBHA Ryhorn /u/Alan199
30. Maractus and Cherubi for Aurorus and Talonflame /u/Skiddz_
31. HA Phantump for DBHA 4EM Sableye /u/Quantania
32. Magikarp Pair for Spiritomb Pair /u/FoReVeR_0515
33. HA Emolga for DBHA Kangaskhan /u/CounterZer0
34. DBHA Slowpoke for 5IV HA Charmander /u/Theflamenite29
35. DBHA Lileep and DBHA Slowpoke for HA Gligar and HA Tyrogue /u/ItsHowITroll
36. Timid Gastly for 5IV Misdreavus /u/KiLLcOuRsE
37. DBHA Eevee for DBHA Absol and DBHA Heracross /u/Alan199
38. DBHA Dratini for DBHA Onix /u/Melonherald
39. HA Abra for Staryu /u/rbmaclean
40. Female friendball Absol for DBHA female Cleffa /u/Imponderabls
41. 5IV DBHA Abra for Safariball Aron /u/GoldenGengarGG
42. DBHA Rhyhorn and DBHA Kangaskhan for Heavyball Snorlax and DBHA Sneasel /u/imp3rf3ct
43. HA moon ball Gible for HA luxury ball Sliggoo /u/Phumez
44. HA moon ball Gible for HA friend ball Charmander /u/FlakySalary
45. HA moon ball Charcadet for Moon ball Eevee /u/Chansay
46. HA moon ball Charcadet for Lure ball Finizen /u/RudyGolden
47. HA moon ball Charcadet for HA Heavy ball Orthworm /u/Significant-Field
48. HA moon ball Gible for HA dream ball Tinkatink /u/Teejaymac
49. HA moon ball Charmander for Haunter /u/YungGanjha
50. HA dream ball Flittle for HA moon ball Frigibax /u/Anubis2525
51. HA moon ball Pawniard & HA dream ball Flittle for HA moon ball Cetoddle & HA dream ball Charcadet /u/TheJace15
52. HA beast ball Charcadet & HA dream ball Tatsugiri for HA moon ball Greavard & HA fast ball Pawmi /u/Nateznate6
53. HA love ball Shroodle & HA heavy ball Orthworm for HA moon ball Pawmi & HA friend ball Charcadet /u/Kresslia
54. HA moon ball Eevee for Moon ball Deino /u/Zapplabob
55. HA beast ball Charcadet for HA love ball Fidough /u/BlueRaven506
56. HA beast ball Charcadet for HA love ball Charmander /u/Syberous
57. HA dream ball Flittle for HA lure ball Tadbulb /u/CherryBlossomx
58. HA love ball Frigibax for HA Love Tinkatink /u/ShaikhAndBake
59. HA dream ball Tatsugiri & HA dream ball Flittle for HA beast ball Frigibax & HA dream ball Shroodle /u/PreviousChildhood463
60. HA level ball Charcadet for HA beast ball Tandemaus /u/Zapplabob
61. HA dream ball Tatsugiri, HA love ball Shroodle & fast ball Rotom for HA friend ball Goomy, HA lure ball Skrelp & HA dream ball Flabébé /u/Burntnoodleofficial
62. HA heavy ball Nacli, fast ball Rotom, love ball Azurill & HA friend ball Shroomish for Moon ball Gastly, HA beast ball Frigibax, lure ball Tatsugiri & HA moon ball Murkrow /u/QuagsireDummyThicc
63. Beast & level ball dreepy for Beast ball Glimmet & dream ball Azurill /u/Corviin
64. HA love ball Tinkatink for HA level ball Larvitar /u/DSjawa90
65. HA moon ball white Squawkabilly & HA love ball blue Squawkabilly for Dream & love ball Greavard, love ball Dondozo & love ball Flittle /u/Rainbowbows
66. HA Quaxly & HA Fuecoco for HA Bombirdier /u/Awkward_Leg4404
67. HA dream ball Tatsugiri stretchy & HA love ball Pawmi for HA beast ball Cyclizar & HA Rookidee /u/Ewh1t3
68. 22 HA Apriball Pokémon for 16 HA Apriball Pokémon /u/The_cake_baker_00
69. HA friend ball Charmander for Friend ball Eevee /u/Fryeguy01
70. HA love ball Frigibax & HA lure ball Tadbulb for HA moon ball Tatsugiri curly & HA fast ball Frigibax /u/Rabidsnork
71. HA lure ball Charmander for HA lure ball Pawmi /u/Letta
72. HA lure ball Tadbulb & HA dream ball Tatsugiri droopy for HA love ball Lechonk & HA lure ball blue Squawkabilly /u/Captain_JohnBrown
73. HA moon ball Charcadet for HA Indeedee /u/Exvas18
74. 6 HA aprimon for 15 HA aprimon /u/TheRemusLupins
75. HA lure ball Charmander for HA love ball Ralts /u/Seductive-Ducky
76. HA friend ball Bagon for HA lure ball aqua Tauros /u/InfinityDonuts
77. HA moon ball Pawniard & HA level ball Charmander for HA moon ball Nymble & HA level ball Nacli /u/51101g
78. HA moon ball Cetoddle for HA moon ball Dratini /u/ChsHymme
79. HA heavy ball Rookidee for HA dream ball Flamigo /u/Gazier
80. Fast ball Rotom for HA fast ball Eevee /u/Wolfedood
81. HA dream ball Eevee & HA lure ball Tadbulb for HA fast & heavy ball green Squawkabilly /u/joshgora757
82. HA love ball blue Squawkabilly & HA love ball Frigibax for HA friend ball green Squawkabilly & HA love ball Tatsugiri curly /u/Jennweiteh
83. HA moon ball Charcadet for HA friend ball Fomantis /u/BlackJay413
84. HA heavy ball Nacli for HA heavy ball Tandemaus /u/ffernii
85. 3 HA apriball Pokémon for 6 HA apriball Pokémon /u/TheGeminiTwins
86. 3 HA apriball Pokémon for 9 HA apriball Pokémon /u/TheRemusLupins
87. HA heavy ball Dondozo for HA level ball Dratini /u/IFeelLikeShit515
88. HA moon ball Bombirdier & HA lure ball curly and stretchy Tatsugiri for HA love ball Cetoddle, HA dream ball Wattrel and HA moon ball Tadbulb /u/Bnp863
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (60)

1. Hatched shiny Larvesta /u/Infiniteshadow
2. Hatched a shiny Ducklett /u/Patchespatch04
3. Hatched a shiny Eevee /u/Wingzerocats
4. Hatched shiny Bunnelby /u/Wingzerocats
5. Hatched shiny Pidgey /u/3Anton3
6. Hatched shiny Rufflet /u/MegaRoselia
7. Hatched shiny Pidgey /u/Plastreaka
8. Hatched shiny Venonat /u/KiritoRX
9. Hatched shiny Cubone /u/RIMAN2209
10. Hatched shiny Drilbur /u/AlbertSoa
11. Hatched shiny Weedle /u/KakashiSensei69
12. Hatched shiny Fletchling /u/patchespatch04
13. Hatched Shiny Charmander /u/wuyi317605
14. Hatched shiny Gastly /u/Brtgmz01
15. Hatched shiny Amaura /u/Blackballroom
16. Hatched shiny Espurr /u/Capnsafetypants
17. Hatched shiny Koffing /u/dltnnm123
18. Hatched shiny Wailmer /u/Nachito625
19. Hatched shiny Snover /u/colspan
20. Hatched shiny Ponyta /u/Savannah_allie
21. Hatched shiny Litleo /u/peatsahad
22. Hatched shiny Froakie /u/Brickmaster32000
23. Hatched shiny Noibat /u/bubblegumgoblin
24. Hatched shiny Ralts /u/tripl35oul
25. Hatched shiny Scyther /u/Crash2desktop
26. Hatched shiny Lapras /u/Ryanthomas917
27. Hatched shiny Zubat /u/Ryanthomas917
28. Hatched shiny Scyther /u/Gatorz77
29. Hatched shiny Roggenrola /u/Vegeta25
30. Hatched shiny Squirtle /u/Qweebo
31. Hatched shiny Goomy /u/Whimms
32. Hatched shiny Gligar /u/henrxv
33. Hatched shiny Miltank /u/MiguelYx
34. Hatched shiny Jangmo-o /u/Vinefire
35. Hatched shiny Gible /u/Men334
36. Hatched shiny Wimpod /u/Sazakutrading
37. Hatched shiny Stufful /u/JonJafariWins
38. Hatched shiny Fletchling /u/Admiral_FIsh
39. Hatched shiny Onix /u/ClaCoLu95
40. Hatched shiny Mareep /u/Zeltior
41. Hatched shiny Duskull /u/robyn_herbert
42. Hatched shiny Ralts /u/Q10609
43. Hatched shiny Beldum /u/JaredTheRedd
44. Hatched shiny Riolu /u/lisa_smrts
45. Hatched shiny Charmander /u/shinybidoof11
46. Hatched shiny Swablu /u/thisonewasnotaken
47. Hatched shiny Pokemon /u/ariel7275
48. Hatched shiny Rockruff /u/Kwaiden11
49. Hatched shiny Oricorio /u/Jayhaynes
50. Hatched shiny Sandygast /u/dharlette
51. Hatched shiny Rowlett /u/cherryblossom10
52. Hatched shiny Scatterbug /u/TheUsualpleasee
53. Hatched shiny Feebas /u/Pink__mango
54. Hatched shiny Larvitar /u/ProjectROXO
55. Hatched shiny Cubone /u/JuniOR
56. Hatched shiny Buneary /u/Cherryblossom10
57. Hatched shiny Ferroseed /u/8030jun
58. Hatched shiny Goomy /u/Kutoros
59. Hatched shiny Gulpin /u/DillaDawg
60. Hatched shiny Riolu /u/DillaDawg

Giveaways/Contests (216 Pokémon given, 42 eggs given)

1. Gave a Dratini with Extreme Speed (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
2. Gave Feebas (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. Gave away 42 breedjects (Sub: pokemontrades, 42 given)
4. Eevee, Growlithe, Lapras GA (Sub: pokemontrades, 27 given)
5. Lapras Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 42 given)
6. HA heal ball Goomy & HA moon ball Charmander giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 32 given)
7. Aprimon giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 113 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (12)

1. Help gaining entries /u/PokeChar
2. Helped evolve Syther into Scizor /u/Storm_z
3. Help completing pokèdex /u/Kingzomp
4. Helped evolve Machoke into Machamp /u/Richi11
5. Helped evolve Feebas into Milotic /u/Brodakon
6. Helped evolve Porygon /u/LeRozita
7. Helped evolve 9 Pokémon /u/taks_hat
8. Helped evolve Phantump /u/AF1106
9. Helped gain Groudon entry /u/xKyo
10. Helped evolve Gurdurr /u/Chr1an
11. Helped evolve Kadabra /u/Mrobertholt
12. Traded Gholdengo for Miraidon /u/Bilbowe

Misc (0)


sleepysoundvoice Jan 25, 2023 4:26:26 AM

Super friendly trade!

vinefire Dec 4, 2016 2:46:30 AM

Hatched a shiny Jangmo-o for me, was very polite and quick. Thanks a bunch :)

Anna_hamlin's Information


Friend codes:
