
0302-0618-7505 || ArkanFaust (ΩR), Arkan (X)
0302-0618-7505 || ArkanFaust (ΩR), Arkan (X) || 2152, 3247

Trades (61)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (10)
1. Shiny chimchar for 5iv HA frokie + 5iv HA Goomey /u/Native_CSGO
2. Shiny 5iv chimchar for 5iv HA Purloin + 5iv Feebas /u/MysticUmbreonB
3. Pidove for Moonball Snorlax /u/Dragweird
4. Shiny Dratini for 3 5iv pokemon /u/deltalaser99
5. Shiny Charmander for Shiny Cranidos /u/deltalaser99
6. Pawnaird, Beldum + ferroseed 5ivs for Shiny 2iv ditto /u/vasdark
7. Shiny horsea for Shiny Swirlix /u/Harshul1
8. Shiny Larvitar Xai: 11042 for Shiny Bulbasaur /u/Trainer_AJ
9. Ferroseed + slowpoke for Shiny Skamory /u/MoonlapseOfficial
10. 2 shiny growlithes for shiny wurple, Teddiursa, Trapinch, and Growlithe /u/bi-cycle
[+] Competitive / Casual (51)
1. Waterstone for Vapereon /u/Krank55
2. Dawn Stone for Gible with EM /u/Dracon984
3. tradeback service on 6 pokemon + items for DBHA Ralts + Eevee + Klefki /u/Extrascript
4. Charizard x Mega Stone for Shiny Pelipper /u/Daxteranarchy
5. Charmander 5 iv for Rotom 5 iv /u/Harrybo
6. 5iv HA Charmander for 5iv HA Shroomish /u/Sandman4999
7. Charizard Y megastone for Charmander 5iv w/ 1 EM /u/MildlyCaucasian
8. Metal Coat for Hoppip /u/Ingi_
9. Charmander 5iv for Larvitar 5iv /u/BrosufMartin
10. 5iv Flabebe for 5iv HA Chimchar /u/senorjavi
11. 5iv HA Charmander for 5iv HA Frokie /u/Hashtaghades
12. Moonball Sneasel for Moonball Gastly /u/binnev
13. Moonball Sneasel for Moonball Growlithe /u/Chivas_1906
14. Moonball Sneasel for Moonball Shinx /u/IceQueenAbby
15. Ability Capsule for Hawlucha /u/Begiant
16. Shniy 5iv Sneasel for 5iv HA beldum + gible /u/Trainer_AJ
17. Moonball Sneasel for Moonball Ralts /u/zericherry
18. 5iv larvitar for 5iv Phanpy /u/eel145
19. 2 leftovers for moonball Houndour + Heracross /u/WillZg
20. Larvitar for Marill /u/cwillaz
21. HA abra for HA torchic /u/renji351
22. 3 competive 5iv Pokemon for 3 competive 5 iv Pokemon /u/jvmendes012
23. 5iv Flabebe for 5iv Absol /u/DrConradVerner
24. 3 firestones for 3 breedjects /u/poshblobfish
25. Moonball Sneseal for Moonball poochyena /u/Syptox
26. Moonball Snorlax for Moonball Stantler /u/puddlejumper7187
27. Shroomish + Beldum for Slowpoke + Fletching /u/KairuX
28. Seasnel for Drilbur /u/deltalaser99
29. Slowpoke for Caterpie Egg /u/deltalaser99
30. 4 HA pokemon for 4 Pokemon (1 HA) /u/tempterall
31. 5iv flabebe for 5iv Starly /u/thirstgod
32. 5iv Sneseal for 5iv Gastly /u/tpeasetiger
33. 5iv Feebas for Aron + EM /u/craftyWordsmith
34. Moonball Absol for Dreamball Lapras /u/scricciolo72luca
35. DBHA 5iv Wooper for DBHA 5iv Kangaskhan /u/heyimapotato
36. 5iv moonball Sneseal for 5iv Herracross /u/AJBliz
37. 4iv Tynamo for 5iv Electrike /u/Harshul1
38. 4iv bronzor for 5IV frillish /u/Trainer_AJ
39. Ferroseed for Charmander /u/GingaSmash2096
40. rhyhorn for Nidoran /u/sagejonathan
41. Growlithe for Togepi /u/StardualDragon
42. 5IV kangaskhan for 5iv Mareep /u/Laguatonatetona
43. DBHA Wooper + Adaptability Skrelp. for Larvesta + Deino /u/-NovaStar-
44. Dratini for Baltoy /u/Sakisd7
45. totodile + Pidgey + 3 ability capsules for Mawile + Cottonee + Zubat /u/cladeus
46. Dreamball gligar and starly. for Dreamball heracross + drilbur /u/Barson420
47. DBHA wooper and gligar for FastBall Elekid /u/ffernii
48. DBHA Pawniard and DBHA Bagon for Carbink + Rotom /u/Sakisd7
49. Absol for Misdreavus /u/Kerstrom
50. wooper, sandile and bronzor for Krabby, Ekans and Weedle /u/Jakarott
51. rhyhorn totodile, pidgey, poliwag, and horsea for hoothoot, Carvanha, sandshrew, ekans , tentacool /u/pillimehu
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (5)

1. Aerodactyl hatch /u/savannah_allie
2. Meditite hatch /u/ijjimilan
3. ralts /u/MaxInve
4. Litwick Hatch /u/jh4107
5. Kabuto /u/Malinhion

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 310 eggs given)

1. #001 Bulbasaur Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 85 given)
2. giveaway #002 (Sub: SVExchange, 83 given)
3. #3 89 egg giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 40 given)
4. #4 210 egg giveaway, ended up 300 egg giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 102 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (6)

1. Onix Tradeback /u/SaintRocker96
2. Rhydon into Rhyperior /u/zeldafan511
3. Gurdurr -> Conkledurr /u/Krishna-mahtani
4. Swirlix evolve trade /u/nooobzocker
5. Aromatisse tradeback /u/Namboto
6. Trade evo scyther /u/whitebluered

Misc (4)

1. Thick Club for trash
2. Blazikenite for trash
3. Egg for trash
4. Taught 2 move tutor moves for free


Imgneiss Oct 3, 2016 1:19:40 PM

Gave me a shiny Rhyhorn egg matching my TSV. Quick and easy trade :)

Pepito91 Sep 23, 2016 10:43:55 AM

Got a matching Caterpie egg from him. Thanks a lot :D

dyerdyens Sep 20, 2016 9:48:11 PM

Got a shiny battle ready Gastly egg from this guy. A very friendly and kind person. :-)

thedorkesthour Aug 25, 2016 12:46:06 AM

Got a matching Larvitar egg from the guy. Also very patient since I errored during the handoff. :) Thank you again!

slowerthanzero Aug 21, 2016 3:45:40 PM

Got a sweet shiny Hoppip egg thanks to Arkan's generous giveaway. They are a very friendly and patient person to deal with. Thanks, yo! =)

-Minosse Aug 21, 2016 2:41:28 PM

He gave me a shiny egg of Charmander. Thanks so much! : )

Taeshi Aug 20, 2016 7:42:09 PM

Matched two eggs in a giveaway!! Very fast and friendly trader, got a response within a minute!! They all hatched shiny and I was given a hatching power as well to help with the charmander, very sweet!! Thank you so so much again!!

StardualDragon Jul 30, 2016 6:54:20 PM

Arkan was fast and friendly, really kind as well. Thank you!

laristie Jul 30, 2016 8:33:02 AM

Received a Bulbasaur egg that hatched shiny, thank you again! Arkan was quick to respond and trade too :)

Sandbo Jul 30, 2016 4:06:27 AM

Thanks again Arkan for hosting such an awesome giveaway. Quick to respond and set up a trade - even though I was unavailable for a few days of the giveaway. Thank you for reserving the egg for such a long time, as well!

Leon_zz Jul 25, 2016 3:32:51 PM

Gave me really nice Bulbasaur, hatched shiny. Really fast answer, thanks!

bruno787b Jul 25, 2016 1:24:36 AM

Arkhan make a outstanding giveaway,i really thanks for the Bulbassaur xD.

Quickly to respond and very nice xD.

ByakkoNoMiko17 Jul 25, 2016 12:40:33 AM

Just wanted to say that Arkan is wonderful for doing such a large giveaway and that he was extremely quick with messaging me back and trading, which was very nice. Thank you again Arkan! I really appreciate all the work you're putting into giving people shiny Pokemon. (:

ArkanPacman's Information


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