Got a matching Caterpie egg from him. Thanks a lot :D
Got a shiny battle ready Gastly egg from this guy. A very friendly and kind person. :-)
Got a matching Larvitar egg from the guy. Also very patient since I errored during the handoff. :) Thank you again!
Got a sweet shiny Hoppip egg thanks to Arkan's generous giveaway. They are a very friendly and patient person to deal with. Thanks, yo! =)
He gave me a shiny egg of Charmander. Thanks so much! : )
Matched two eggs in a giveaway!! Very fast and friendly trader, got a response within a minute!! They all hatched shiny and I was given a hatching power as well to help with the charmander, very sweet!! Thank you so so much again!!
Arkan was fast and friendly, really kind as well. Thank you!
Received a Bulbasaur egg that hatched shiny, thank you again! Arkan was quick to respond and trade too :)
Thanks again Arkan for hosting such an awesome giveaway. Quick to respond and set up a trade - even though I was unavailable for a few days of the giveaway. Thank you for reserving the egg for such a long time, as well!
Gave me really nice Bulbasaur, hatched shiny. Really fast answer, thanks!
Arkhan make a outstanding giveaway,i really thanks for the Bulbassaur xD.
Quickly to respond and very nice xD.
Just wanted to say that Arkan is wonderful for doing such a large giveaway and that he was extremely quick with messaging me back and trading, which was very nice. Thank you again Arkan! I really appreciate all the work you're putting into giving people shiny Pokemon. (:
Gave me a shiny Rhyhorn egg matching my TSV. Quick and easy trade :)