
4897-6414-4292 || Michael (US), Jessiquanda (SH)
4897-6414-4292 || Michael (US), Jessiquanda (SH) || XXXX

Trades (44)

[+] Events (5)
1. FAL2010 Mew for Hoopa /u/moose_VI
2. Oblivia Heatran for Alexander Hoopa /u/eddiespaghetti1234
3. Galileo Rayquaza, 20th Anniversary Arceus for Zarude Code, Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi /u/gone_kamping
4. WISHMKR Jirachi for Lure Ball Glameow w/ HA /u/ScarfShock
5. WISHMKR Jirachi for Moon Ball Glameow /u/lifedew
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Shiny Porygon -> Porygon 2 -> Porygon Z trade evolution for Shiny Heracross /u/Originjx
[+] Competitive / Casual (21)
1. HA Squirtle for HA Snom /u/pr0th1
2. Mimikyu for HA Vaporeon /u/nikolai_moesgaard
3. HA Ponyta, Goomy for HA Grookey, HA Scorbunny /u/Koilio76
4. Farfetch'd, Scraggy, Gothita, Mawile, Turtonator, Solrock, Darumaka, Stonjourner, Jangmo-o for 8x Milcrey, Snorlax /u/ultrapalemooner
5. Goomy, HA Galarian Ponyta for Gigalith, Rhyperior /u/Jaett27
6. Scraggy, Karrablast for HA Cleffa, HA Mareanie /u/jay-sub
7. Ultra Sun Fossils for Ultra Moon Fossils /u/giov1130
8. Gothita,Drampa,Turtonator for Mime Jr, Shiinotic, Kommo-o /u/Tru7Prodigy
9. Karrablast, Evolved Shelmet for Shelmet, Evolved Karrablast /u/swords112288
10. Oranguru for 5IV pawniard /u/VanguardGames
11. HA Mudkip in Heavy Ball, Bouffalant, Milcery for 2 Master Balls (Equipped to Pikachu), Dwebble /u/LigerZ3r0
12. Zamazenta w/ Rusted Shield for Zacian with Rusted Sword /u/Ryanbrave02
13. Love Ball Own Tempo Rockruff for Lure Ball HA Applin /u/stinkynate
14. (All HA) Heavy Mudkip, Friend Chikorita, Lure Treecko, Friend Chespin for (All HA) Unova Starters, Totodile /u/Busty_Magicians
15. Spanish Ditto for JPN Larvitar /u/Jambtl
16. Own Tempo Rockruff, Friend Ball Hidden Ability Torchic, Friend Ball Hidden Ability Spinda for HA Hoppip, Kecleon, and Pachirisu /u/Joecheve13
17. Lure HA Treecko, Love Own Tempo Rockruff, Lure HA Applin for HA Moon Amaura, Heavy Clear Body Beldum, Beast Honedge /u/Jose4502
18. HA Heavy Ball Mudkip for HA Apriball Bagon, Omanyte, Galar Darumaka /u/TheMadCollector
19. Pokemon XD Teddiursa for Fast Ball (Ultra Sun) /u/CLearyMcCarthy
20. HA Friend Ball Spinda for HA Phantump /u/Loyellow
21. Blaze Breed Tauros with Malicious Armor for Aqua Breed Tauros with Auspicious Armor /u/edotd11
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (17)
1. Wishmaker Jirachi for Galar Slowpoke w/ MB /u/geoplasma
2. Wishmaker Jirachi for 1x masterball /u/ahammmmbone
3. Wishmaker Jirachi for 4x apriballs /u/nightmareofflame101
4. Wishmaker Jirachi for Shiny Seismitoed /u/cwpred3
5. Wishmaker Jirachi for (All HA) Lure Treecko, Level Fennekin, Friend Chespin /u/Klondike232
6. Wishmaker Jirachi, Spanish Ditto for (All HA): Moon Froakie, Friend Chikorita, Friend Torchic, Dream Chimchar, Moon Piplup /u/eddiespaghetti1234
7. Wishmaker Jirachi for (All HA) Totodile, Tepig, Dream Turtwig, Level Cyndaquil /u/BG_the_Great
8. Wishmaker Jirachi for 9 Items moved from Spanish Profile to Main Profile /u/santibolson
9. Wishmaker Jirachi for 2 Shiny Hidden Ability Pokemon (Krookodile and Seadra), 3 Sport Balls, 1 Love Ball /u/JuJu_Smith_Rooster
10. Wishmaker Jirachi for 5 Dream, 3 Sport, 1 Safari Balls /u/Rmartinez7457
11. 3 Wishmaker Jirachi for 4 Abilility Patches, 9 Sport Balls, Sport HA Hoenn Starters, Sport HA Spiritomb, Sport HA Bagon, Beast HA Litwick /u/Evthe420
12. Wishmaker Jirachi for 3 Ability Patches /u/Pyrobut11
13. Wishmaker Jirachi for 3 love, 1 friend, 1 lure,1 level, 1 heavy, 1 fast, and 1 moon balls /u/-Shiny_Star-
14. Wishmaker Jirachi for 3 Ability Patches /u/nahuel_c05ta
15. WISHMKR Jirachi for 9 apriballs /u/best-nerd
16. 2 WISHMKR Jirachi for Love Ball, Fast Ball /u/_Skitttles
17. WISHMKR Jirachi for Apriball, Spinda /u/Abraxas1643

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (109 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Nickname Contest for Jirachi (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)
2. Another Jirachi Nickname Contest (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. Giving Away Breedject Apriball Cyndaquil (Sub: pokemontrades, 13 given)
4. Did a Jirachi Giveaway after a GBI Test (Sub: pokemontrades, 24 given)
5. Spanish Dittos (Sub: pokemontrades, 12 given)
6. Giveaway of Jirachi (Sub: pokemontrades, 57 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (13)

1. Swirlix->Slurpuff /u/seasidewoman
2. Appletun for Dex /u/Elite-Four-Luke
3. Tradeback of 11 Pokemon /u/giov1130
4. Zamazenta touch trade /u/bevinborales
5. Sableye, Eiscue, and Zamazenta for dex /u/TsunamicTunic61
6. Shelmet&Karrablast/Spritzee->Their Evos /u/Greekktofreakk2
7. 5 Pokemon For Dex /u/chrischinator
8. Gave Pokemon for this user's dex /u/TheInanMan
9. Trade Evolve Kadabra /u/mamado21
10. Trade Evos for Ultra Sun /u/soonerfan237
11. Tradebacks for Dex Completion /u/AnjingLebay
12. Haunter and Kadabra evolution help LGPE /u/butchpangoro
13. Trade Evolved Graveler and Haunter in Let's Go /u/12udy

Misc (0)


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