
1590-4865-4028 || Alex (αS)
1590-4865-4028 || Alex (αS) || 3449

Trades (17)

[+] Events (3)
1. Tyrunt code for 5x PAL Darkrai codes /u/Xenial6
2. Darkrai code for (All Shiny) riolu, swinub, houndour, khangaskhan /u/Schwarzmilan
3. 2 Darkrai codes for 7 Various Comp Shinies /u/kewligirl95
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (13)
1. Ralts for Ralts /u/guiltyleaf
2. Egg for Cacnea /u/byser0435
3. Knock off to Scrafty for Yamask /u/Between40and50
4. various pokemon for Axew(10) /u/DrZeroH
5. Various pokemon for Axew(12) /u/DrZeroH
6. 6IV TR Duskull for 5IV HA Treeko 5IV slowpoke /u/killerangel1121
7. BP for Dratini /u/mm245
8. HA 5IV Cacnea for 5IV snorunt 5iv marill /u/okamihakumei
9. axew for growlithe /u/jumbogerman
10. corphish for skrelp /u/sylgrace
11. corphish for chansey /u/antauri007
12. cacnea for lileep /u/sylgrace
13. axew/duskull for squirtle/charmander/amaura /u/Nakaizumi
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. 2 Darkrai codes for RNG'd Shiny Heatran /u/Boltbeam

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (1)

1. masterball for a 5 iv Tyrunt and Togepi


BAckwaterRifle's Information


Friend codes:
