Hatched a shiny Vulpix for me. Responded quick and hatched very quickly. Thank you for hatching my egg :)
This person responded to me almost immediately. Can't believe he kept his service up for 3 months and going! Thank you!
Excellent and quick service. A really kind person that helps without asking for anything back
Checked over 200 eggs for me so far. So fast and accommodating. Wonderful character in the Pokemon subreddits. Thanks a bundle.
Hatched a shiny lapras for me. Replied right after I posted and hatched very quickly. Awesome hatcher. THanks so much!! :D
Super quick response and hatch. Awesome hatcher, can't get much better. Highly recommended!
Has checked eggs for me a number of time. A wonderful member of the TSV subreddit.
Checked my TSV. Thank you very much!
Absolutely a pillar of the community with his helpful SV checks.
Hatched a Gastly for me, thanks again!
Helped me check 19 eggs. A kind, helpful person! :) Thank you!
Helped check 14 eggs for me again, very helpful person.
Checked 3 boxes of eggs for me, really nice person (:
Has checked countless eggs for me, and also hatched a shiny for me as well. Thanks :)
Checked 30 eggs for me really quick! Thank you so very much!
Checked 150 eggs. Very grateful to the guy. Thank you, see you around.
Checked 120 eggs for me very quickly, am very grateful to his service :)
TEA Method checked 176 eggs for me extremely quickly (I was sloppy in preparation, but Basil came through). Thanks a bundle.
Checked my TSV for me. Did it swiftly and succinctly! Thank you!
Hatched my shiny Ralts!!Thank you so much :)
Thank you so much for checking my two boxes. Quick and reliable!
You're the best; you have checked probably 900 eggs for me so far.
checked 10 eggs in total so far excellent service! :D
Checked 90 eggs for me. Was very friendly and helpful. Thanks a lot again :)
Super Helpful and reliable! :D
This friendly user is very kind and is willing to go out of his way to help others. Thank you for the egg checks! :D
Very helpful and willing to assist a noobie. Thanks again!
Extremely helpful, and extremely patient. Thank you so much!
Quick, friendly, and helpful. Thank you for checking all those eggs for me!
Really appreciated your help! Thank you so much!
Super helpful, thanks so much!
Super helpful & friendly. Thank you for checking my TSV for me!
Thanks for TSV check!
thanks for the shiny hatch :3
Thanks for the tsv check! :)
Running an awesome shiny value checking service rn :)
Really friendly, fast service! /u/Basilhorx99 (FlairHQ), thank you! A very patient and kind reddit user!
I appreciate the time that /u/Basilhorx99 (FlairHQ) took to check my eggs for me! Very kind and trustworthy Reddit user!
Checked 3 boxes for me, super nice n helpful! :)
Has helped me with 3 boxes of eggs so far! Fast, easy and friendly, thanks a lot!
Checked my TSV. Quick and easy!! Dependable person :)
Shiny-hatched a Litleo for me despite timezone differences, thanks again! :3
Helped me check 8 boxes of eggs! Great help and awesome! :D
Always helping the community. Awesome user!
He's just awesome. He has checked my ESVs and TSVs multiple times and he's always been very polite and fast. Very recommended ESV/TSV checking service.
Checked my TSV and ESV of some of my eggs! Very Helpful. :D
Hatched a shiny Flabébé for me. Great and patient hatcher
Checked a box for me, was super-helpful :D
Checked a whole box for me, very fast too. Would recommend 10/10 :)
This person helped me check my TSV without anything in return. He works very fast and is easy to talk to. Would recommend his services 10/10 :)
Checked 2 boxes of eggs for me, Amazing and Quick service!! Can not enough good thing about Basilhorx99, 11/10 would recommend to a friend!! Thank You!
Helped me checked some eggs. Was very patient since it was my first time asking for ESV checks. Will definitely come back for more egg checks :)
Very generous, kind, and quick--checked two boxes of my eggs, not to mention how many countless more they have checked for others. Super nice person =)
Very helpful with checking my TSV!
Thanks for being so quick and awesome!
Very patient and very quick - overall a great help.
Was very patient, quick responding and friendly. Eventhough, we had a miscount (due to me repeating the same egg), he/she tried his/her best to find the cause and do the esv recheck. Thank you very much!
Was quick responding and friendly, checked a box of eggs for me quickly and was a big help!
Was patient with a noob to esv checks like me.
Generously took the time to check 20 eggs for me. Thank's so much!!! SVexchange would die without folk like you <3
Very generous and efficient! Also really clear and no confusion during trades and such!! Very awesome person
Quick response, very patient and quite nice as well— I express my gratitude for the time and effort they put in to helping out people. Thank you friend c:
Very helpful and quick with my TSV check! I can't believe they handle so many requests. SVExchange superhero.
Great resource to the community. Offered help from the Daily thread and figured out my TSV for both of my games. I'll be sure to pay it forward.
Very prompt and helpful. Would recommend anytime. Thanks for helping the community.
Checked my TSV super quickly and was really nice :)
Super quick to respond, and patiently checked 33 eggs :)
Kindly helped me check 10 eggs, very nice person and quickly responded! thanks :)
Checked my tsv in no time, thank you!
Very fast response. Thanks for the hatch!
Awesome guy! Checked my eggs :D :D
Checked a ton of eggs, so helpful! So generous with their time. Amazing!
Checks eggs for me whenever I need them checked. A great contributor to the community, and a very kind person. Thanks again! :)
Very nice person, should have left a comment much earlier, she checked my tsv in no time!
Such an amazing person. Always volunteers to help out those in need of a TSV check or to look at ESVs. I haven't seen anyone on this subreddit with as much generosity. Thank you SO MUCH for your services!!! They are VERY appreciated.
Thank you for checking some ESVs :D!
Thank you for checking my TSV and some ESVs!
THANK YOU! You are the greatest ever! You totally helped me learn how this all goes and got my TSV for me! You deserve a medal. 10 medals. <3
Thank you for checking my TSV.
One of a kind! You're by far the most dedicated ESV/TSV checker on this site!
Consistently helped me check multiple ESVs. I appreciate all the help man.
The most helpful person i've met on reddit so far.
Thanks man, you're the best
Checked 3 of my TSV's for me. Super nice and helpful!
Checked a whole box full of eggs for me! Thanks a lot for the help, you're awesome! :D
Thanks so much for checking my TSV! You're awesome!
Really Good! Thanks for checking my ESV's!
top notch and really awesome
Awesome user! Always checking ESVs for me!
thanks a lot for checking my tsv!
Thanks for checking my TSV! :)
He/She/It checked the TSV of my AS. Thanks for that.
Checked 6 eggs for me. Thanks for always be willing to help the community! :D
Checked 8 esv's even though pretty late, thanks :))
Super quick on checking my TSV for two IGN! Thank you!!
Very responsive. It only took about 15 min to get my egg checked. Would highly recommend, and plan on using again in the future.
Checked my TSV and many eggs for me!
checked 5 for me. just adding to the fire here this user is the hero of the sub
Provided me an addition two TSV checks. He is: the coolest guy!
awesome egg checks. 12 eggs, done as quickly as possible. i don't know how basil manages it!
damn basil, back at it again with the awesome egg checks. :D
Provided me two TSV checks. A truly awesome person.
Checked my TSV. Thanks for using your time helping people!
Hatched my Buneary, went well with no problems. Thanks again.
Checked 60 eggs for me, which took over two hours of his time so I don't know how to thank him properly. Really nice person! ~
Really cool and kind guy. Checked my TSV.
Checked my tsv, no hassles. Great guy!
Checked a bunch of eggs for me. There were a couple of delays on both sides; mainly due to having different timezones, but all-in-all a quick, helpful & friendly experience! :)
checked multiple eggs for me. thank you! :3
Nice guy, checked for my TSV thank you!
This person has in fact checked ESVs before, I now have a shiny Chespin.
Helped me checking 2 eggs, thank you
Helped me check the ESVs for many eggs! Super nice and polite!
Thank you again :D
Helped me check a good amount of ESVs on multiple occasions! Always a pleasure to trade with :)
Helped trade my 19 pokemon from my ORAS version to my Y version! Very quick and reliable, even through a few setbacks on my part (ORAS megastones and movesets not allowed in Y)
Thanks for the Egg Giveaway :)
Thank you for the egg.
Got Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Caterpie eggs on their giveaway. All Special Balls :) Quick and easy to communicate with. Cheers!
Gave me an egg from their giveaway on /SVExchange. Very fast trader and efficient trader. Thank you again. :)
Got an egg from his giveaway! Very nice! :)
helped check some eggs for me ty so much!
Quick and efficient for TSV checking!
Great help by ESV checking :)
Very helpful and very quick with tsv/esv checking :)
Very quick, friendly and helpful! Checked my TSV in no time at all! I definitely recommend!
Very fast with ESV checking, I would highly recommend!
First day on these subs, still figuring everything out--having my TSV checked and receiving some awesome eggs from a giveaway was a HUGE help. A most excellent human being. Many thanks!
Checked my TSV for me, he was really fast and friendly :) thumbs up to this man!
Checked 14 eggs for me and my TSV. He did it really quickly and was online quick too. Very excellent work he does and he is a nice person overall. Definetly a good member of this community!
Checked 6 eggs for me and my TSV :D
Checked my ESV for 10 eggs. Was really fast and displayed the results. Would Trust Him With Eggs
Checked my TSV for me good and fast trade.
Checked a group of 12 eggs. Very Excellent!
Day 3 of basil graciously checking yet another box full of eggs for me (read: I am overworking him) and basil still continues to be top notch. He is very patient and understanding and 11/10 recommended.
Checked 25 eggs for me. very patient. Thank you very much bro! 10/10
I'm back :) once again Basil graciously checked a box of eevees for me and once again was very helpful and agsjdjdk I now have the eevees I wanted time to move on to breeding for Jolteon :3
He checked a box full of eggs for me and was overall really helpful :D
Helped me find my TSV very quickly. Thanks!
very patient and helpful. checked 30 eggs for me. Kudos to you bro!
Skipped Gen VII, but back in Gen VIII at full power. Trying to finish aprimon collection breedable in SwSh. Let's help each other out, from one breeder to another. Hajimemashite!!!
Hatched a Shiny Charmander, replied immediately, thanks a lot!