
3823-8527-1863 || Tommy (X, αS)
3823-8527-1863 || Tommy (X, αS) || 2773, 0323

Trades (100)

[+] Events (20)
1. Mudkip, Dratini, Sableye, Kangaskan for Halloween Shiny Gengar /u/Zwolley
2. Hippopotas, Shellder, Starly, Venipede, Dunsparce, Gothita, Honedge, Lotad, Murkrow, and Zigzagoon for NA Diancie Code /u/Kinggcruz
3. 2 scrap codes for Game Electabuzz and Game Magmar /u/Rodnazics
4. 8 scrap codes for HP Ice Thundurus /u/Turtlesrock5
5. 3 Scrap codes =( for Shaymin and Keldeo redemption /u/ParaQuant
6. Shiny Litwick, Starly, and Houndour for Victini redemption /u/Awful_Person
7. Scrap code for Game Darkria redemption /u/Broadsword117
8. BR Ludicolo, Politoed, Aegislash, Assault Vest, and Choice Scarf for Darkria code /u/PacmanxD
9. 6 Scrap codes for 2 Game Darkria codes /u/weaponess
10. Shiny Rotom for X/Y Torchic /u/Epoke28
11. Shiny Eevee and Shiny Snivy for HA Emboar event and HA Serperior event /u/Earendil503
12. Scrap Shaymin code and Game Darkria code for 2 WCSK Linoones /u/endy1102
13. Shiny Gastly for Facebook Kangaskhan redemption /u/Xenial6
14. 3 arceus codes, 1 amaura code, and 1 rayquaza code for 2 scrap redemptions with ivs and nature /u/westmelon
15. Scrap Keldeo and FB Kangaskan for Hp Ice Calm Thundurus /u/erublack
16. 2 HK Jirachi codes and Scrap Shaymin for VGC Pachirisu, Mac Hoopa, and Shiny Machop /u/xchicowx
17. HK Shiny Jirachi Code for XYZ Set /u/Ayanette
18. Shiny HK Jirachi code for 2 Shiny HK Jirachi redemptions /u/Kanniin
19. 2 Manesh Arceus codes for Dahara City Giratina, shiny kangaskhan, feebas, pinsir, and rotom /u/Tiddlywinchs
20. 2 Shiny HK Jirachi codes for Galileo Rayquaza /u/vinhamous
[+] Shinies (7)
1. NA Diance Code for Shiny Sandile /u/javier_m2
2. gible, gothita, litwick, pawniard, pinsir, scyther, sableye, zigzagoon for Shiny Timburr /u/Cu4utl3
3. NA Shiny Gengar code for Shiny Poliwag and Shiny Onix /u/Baldomaro
4. NA Shiny Gengar code for Shiny Charmander and Shiny Froakie /u/Baldomaro
5. Shiny Pawniard for HP Ice pichu and togepi /u/ThePokeBro
6. Gastly for Foongus /u/MasterGohan
7. Totodile for Togepi /u/sonofstannis
[+] Competitive / Casual (68)
1. Scyther for Shroomish /u/yineedname
2. Evolved Shiny Gengar for Foongus /u/oswld
3. Shroomish for Scyther /u/Zari01
4. Scyther and Shroomish for Drilbur /u/coopboyd
5. Marill for Life Orb and Assault Vest /u/sunnyxi
6. Scyther, ZigZagoon, and Shroomish for Abra, Chancey, and Skarmory /u/MangoFarmerLOL
7. Skarmory for Cleffa /u/aquametal
8. Zigzagoon for Bagon /u/AceLifeOx
9. Drilbur for Froakie /u/septim1402
10. Shroomish for Dratini /u/samizda
11. Zigzagoon for Lotad /u/comandanteraven
12. Zigzagoon for Charmander /u/Dinklebeeerrg
13. Chansey for Poliwag /u/jred26
14. Shroomish for Feebas /u/shanduro
15. Scyther for Helioptile /u/bibz95
16. Abra for Gastly /u/xschorchedx
17. Dratini for Helioptile /u/4forglencoco
18. Drilbur for Larvesta /u/mora94
19. Scyther for Electrike /u/ernestocid
20. Heart Scale for Shroomish /u/talhatoot
21. Scyther for Shroomish /u/HNT33
22. Fletchling for Magikarp /u/HeavyWater20
23. Scyther for Eevee /u/micmanguy
24. Kangaskan for Slowpoke /u/mcaquaman
25. Dratini for Rotom /u/gigglechris2
26. Chansey for Zorua /u/aurnion
27. Shroomish for Treecko /u/milkyman
28. Charmander for Chimchar /u/BestBulbasaurWorld
29. Charmander for Charizardite Y /u/KaitoGL
30. Froakie for Bulbasaur /u/nikonors
31. Dratini for Squirtle /u/OSURaider
32. Zubat for 2x Leftovers /u/bgw92
33. Sableye for Gastly /u/Kobi2604
34. Carvanha for Marill /u/Myrrth
35. shroomish for rotom /u/Lanky_Guy
36. Honedge for Whimsicott /u/guardianofeden
37. Zigzagoon for Ponyta and Ability Capsule /u/blessed80
38. Carvahna and Murkrow for Eevee /u/tifamaroo
39. Zigzagoon, Gothita, Murkrow, Zorua, Slowpoke,Lotad for 2 Ability Capsules /u/nekski19
40. Zigzagoon, Meditite, Pinsir, Sableye for Ability Capsule /u/TAFly
41. Marill, Charmander, Skarmory for Ability Capsule /u/Civilian_Proper
42. scyther, carvana, murkrow, meditite, sableye, shroomish , and venipede for Starly /u/DarkDimensions
43. Sableye, Venipede, and Zigzagoon for 2 PPmax /u/iPippy
44. Sableye, Venipede, Meditite, Carvahan, Pawinard, and Scyther for 2 PP Max /u/maquinaazul
45. Venipede for Weedle /u/asaf719
46. Meditite, Venipede, and Sableye for Bulbasaur /u/ieatants23
47. Poliwag and Fletchling for Lotad and Feebas /u/Ustrina
48. Carvanha for Shelder /u/skillionaire26
49. Venipede for Torkoal /u/iIIidAn
50. Froakie, Marill, Sableye, Poliwag and Shroomish for Item transfer /u/Xpecialkronos1337
51. Leftovers for Vullaby /u/xBsh3rx
52. Drillbur and Scyther for Master Ball /u/ru995
53. Zigzagoon for Cleffa /u/ieatants23
54. Shroomish and Leftovers for Master Ball /u/ThePetermanaccount
55. Meditite, Murkrow, Pinsir, Skarmory, Gastly, Lotad, and Venipede for 2 Master Balls /u/Dantemaycry1314
56. 10 PP Max for Shuckle, Smeargle, Smoochum, Slackoth, Wailmer, Trapinch, Petilil, Ralts, Honedge, and Corphish /u/Awful_Person
57. 4 PP Max for Abra, Hippopotas, and Houndour /u/Awful_Person
58. Venipede for Poliwag /u/pac-mayne
59. Sableye for Choice Specs /u/cadari
60. Sableye for Ralts /u/Adeln
61. Lotad for Eject Button /u/konohanashuffler
62. Fletchling, Gothita, Sabyeye, and Carvanha for Shroomish /u/Ic_1030
63. Houndour for Assault vest /u/nekomaroo
64. sableye for heracross /u/jrat6447
65. Meditite and Shellder for Mawile and Growlith /u/Hubbymon
66. Slowpoke for Beldum /u/JoseVanguard
67. Abra and Shroomish for Cleffa and Tyrogue /u/Golyat
68. 2 PP max for Scraggy /u/makesumnoize
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (5)
1. NA Diance Code for Wish Maker Jirachi /u/knifeof11
2. RNGed Meloetta for Worlds Aegislash, PC Shiny Charizard, RNG DR Ho-oh, and 16 shinies /u/Awful_Person
3. Scrap code for 3 RNGed Dittos /u/Onizuak31
4. Holloween Gengar for Hayley's Phione and Mew /u/xchicowx
5. WCSK15 Linoon for Rnged HP Ice Zapdos /u/dragonite153

Egg Hatches (33)

1. Spritzee /u/kitana8
2. Marill /u/Neckes
3. Buizel /u/jeauk0128
4. Slowpoke /u/trikx_insane
5. Cubone /u/fire_Damage
6. Sandshrew /u/togawe
7. Pokemon /u/Schwarzmilan
8. Aron /u/NoOtherNick
9. Swinub /u/Q10609
10. Klefki /u/not_an_aardvark
11. Pidgey /u/Zangoose1
12. Scyther /u/Arcuslester
13. Skiddo /u/chang0471
14. Drilbur /u/Mushy_64
15. Machop /u/UmiMizuAi
16. Torchic /u/highpawn
17. Koffing /u/UmiMizuAi
18. Eevee /u/MRBlobbable
19. Marill /u/myystogan
20. Amaura /u/GaryMuhfuknOak
21. Barboach /u/Ellie_1
22. Charmander /u/metal2015
23. Pidgey /u/AkoranBrighteye
24. Eevee /u/histronics
25. Machop /u/Fruit_Loopita
26. Pumkaboo /u/MasterGohan
27. Honedge /u/SchpaceMountain
28. Vulpix /u/lawtrafalgar02
29. Scatterbug /u/InfinitySyrup
30. Horsea /u/Asurge
31. Larvesta /u/PencilFrog
32. Riolu /u/RIMAN2209
33. Cottonee /u/MerryFellows

Giveaways/Contests (54 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Various breejects (Sub: pokemontrades, 19 given)
2. Breeject giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 35 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (1)

1. FB Kangaskan code, PGL Amarua code, and $15 for Rng Plasma Deoxys


PencilFrog Jan 22, 2016 1:23:24 AM

Hatched a shiny Larvesta for me! Thank you so much :D

Kanniin Jan 3, 2016 3:05:08 PM

Traded me a Shiny Comp Machop & a HK Jirachi code for 2 HK Jirachi Redemptions w/ IV placement! Very nice user and nice trade! 10/10 would trade again!

histronics Jan 2, 2016 10:29:37 PM

Hatched a shiny eevee for me, patient and reliable hatcher.

Asurge Dec 27, 2015 11:09:18 PM

Hatched a shiny Horsea for me, thanks again!

myystogan Sep 22, 2015 12:58:35 AM

Hatched my Marill egg for me! Thanks a lot for the shiny :-]

Fast and reliable hatcher, would definitely recommend.

capnsafetypants Sep 16, 2015 10:31:35 PM

awesome trader :), quick easy brofessional, thanks so much for the bank ball females :)!

lavaburst14 Jul 22, 2015 8:29:13 PM

Hatched my Pidgey shiny! Thank you so much again! :D 10/10 service!

BetaWolf3's Information


Friend codes:

  • 3823-8527-1863


  • IGN: Tommy TSV: 0000