
2552-1772-9987 || MIKE (ΩR)
2552-1772-9987 || MIKE (ΩR) || 1556

Trades (269)

[+] Events (95)
1. Mew Redeem for HK Infernape Redeem /u/ajkyle56
2. 3 NA MEW codes for 6iv Shiny RNG'd Landorus /u/DeathMTX
3. 2 NA Mew Codes for RNG'd Thundurus w/ HP Ice /u/DeathMTX
4. 3 NA Mew Codes for HK Shiny Jirachi /u/PikaCuber
5. Palkia for 1 NA Mew Code /u/wals2537
6. Deoxys, Charmander, Cyndaquil and Torchic for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/Odesuma
7. 1 NA Mew Code for Smeargle /u/uglyasablasphemy
8. 3 Legendary Birds for 1 NA Mew Code /u/tarot15
9. Legendary Birds for 3 NA Mew Codes /u/crux-of-the-biscuit
10. Kyogre, 3 Legendary Birds, Lugia, Dialga, Zekrom, and Thunderus for 5 NA Mew Codes /u/Cpt_O
11. Kyogre and Zekrom for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/crux-of-the-biscuit
12. Zapdos and Articuno for 1 NA Mew Code /u/Mishichi
13. Heatran for 1 NA Mew Code /u/TrainToMuch
14. Kyogre, Zekrom for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/Sonic228365
15. 3 Mew Codes for Shiny RNG Terrakion /u/Laer_Uial
16. Groudon for 1 NA Mew Code /u/Chardii
17. Bird Trio, Dog Trio, Lugia and Ho-oh for 3 NA Mew Codes /u/slyf0xh0und
18. 6 NA Mew Codes for Shiny RNG Cobalion and Virizion /u/Laer_Uial
19. Palkia, Reshiram, Tornadus for 3 PAL CODES /u/CrossedOutName
20. Moltres for 1 NA Mew Code /u/crux-of-the-biscuit
21. 2 ability capsules, 3 ppmax, assault vest, life orb, focus sash, expert belt, leftovers, aerodactite, charizardite Y. for 7 NA Mew Codes /u/Alphafro
22. Mewtwo for 1 NA Mew Code /u/a_FREAK_like_me
23. houndour and mankey for 1 NA Mew Code /u/a_FREAK_like_me
24. palkia and reshiram for 2 PAL Mew Codes /u/SirKoriban
25. Kyogre, Latios, Ho-oh, Thundurus for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/the_seventh_cohort
26. 1 bird trio, 1 mewtwo for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/the_seventh_cohort
27. 7 Mew Codes for RNG Zapdos and Cleffa /u/Upper90175
28. Moltres and Groudon for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/Jayszeman
29. 1 Raikou for 1 NA Mew Code /u/PandaGrahams
30. Entei, Deoxys, Ho-oh for 3 NA Mew Codes /u/crux-of-the-biscuit
31. 6 NA Mew Codes for Custom SR HK Jolly Jirachi /u/IntentionOfAbyss
32. Kyogre and Mewtwo for 1 NA Mew Code /u/ayefnk
33. Groudon for 1 NA Mew Code /u/Daedylus_legacy
34. 6 NA Mew Codes for Scrap Shaymin and JP Event Beldum /u/blackaurora
35. Unova Trio Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion for 1 NA Mew Code /u/Pengda
36. Yveltal for 1 PAL Mew Code /u/Wombohead
37. Scizorite and Alakazite for 1 NA Mew Code /u/ohmygodimonfire4
38. Shiny Dedenne, Smeargle, Drudiggon, Riolu for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/B3AnDaDDy69
39. Shiny Vanilluxe, Goodra for 1 NA Mew Code /u/apr292000
40. rapidash, druddigon, chestnaught, greninja, charizard, and ferrothorn for 3 NA Mew Codes /u/kilometreman
41. Groudon, Zekrom, Latios and Latias for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/ganondoom403
42. 3 NA Mew Codes for 1 PGL Delibird Code /u/tokieda
43. 5iv Dratini for 1 NA Mew Code /u/edo_punk
44. Shiny Dratini for 1 NA Mew Code /u/SquirrelyB
45. Shiny Drapion and Excadrill for 1 NA Mew Code /u/Doctor_Red
46. 6 NA Mew Codes for 1 French GAME Darkrai /u/jaimeg7
47. Shiny Steelix and Shiny Scraggy for 1 PAL Mew Code /u/Ayden123
48. Landorus, Palkia, Ho-oh, and Reshiram for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/Kittsu
49. Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Latios and Latias for 2 PAL Mew Codes /u/ParadoxAU
50. 6th Gen Rayquaza for 1 NA Mew Code /u/ProjectLegend
51. 1 Mewtwo and 1 Rayquaza for 1 NA Mew Code /u/XXTemoXUnleashxX
52. 1 Female HA Lileep for 1 NA Mew Code /u/elijahelam
53. Japanese Lake Trio, Jap Regi Trio, Jap Thundorus, Jap Landorus, and Jap Regigigas for 5iv CALM nature MEW and 1 NA Mew Code /u/Virtuali
54. 4 NA Mew Codes for Manesh Arceus /u/SmellyFartado
55. Uxie Mesprit and Azelf Trio, Cobalion Virizion and Terrakion Trio, Raikou Entei and Suicune Trio, Giratina, Landorus, Kyurem, Latias, Lugia, Shiny Lucario for 4 NA Mew Codes /u/House_Daynek
56. 9 Shiny Pokemon for 1 NA Mew Code /u/QUUAARRY
57. Dialga and Latias for 1 NA Mew Code /u/ayefnk
58. 6 HA Starters for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/Enfreakinrique
59. 1 Mewtwo with mewtwonite Y for 1 NA Mew Code /u/marlinsfanert
60. 6 Power Items for 2 PAL Mew Codes /u/ParadoxAU
61. 2 PAL Mew Codes for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/Zeck00
62. 2 NA Mew Codes for 1 PGL Delibird Code /u/ghlyt
63. 10 Custom Wifi Jirachi for 2 Jap. Manesh Arceus /u/jaimeg7
64. 15 Custom 20th Anniv. Jirachi for M18 Arceus and Custom Scrap Eevee /u/ajkyle56
65. 4 SEA Mew Codes for 1 JPN Scrap Eevee /u/ajkyle56
66. 1 PGL Dragonite Code for 1 RNG HP Ice Shiny Thundurus /u/capnsafetypants
67. 3 NA Darkrai Codes for 1 Jpn Serena's Fennekin /u/chuni_pok
68. 5 NA Darkrai Codes for GAME Magmar and GAME Electabuzz /u/wuyi317605
69. 4 NA Darkrai Codes for Shiny Comp. Porygon, Larvitar, Machop and Zubat /u/MrIcepick
70. NA HA Bird code set for Jpn PC Shiny Ho-oh /u/rgq_exsl8971
71. 5 NA Darkrai codes for 5 NA Mew codes /u/tellu_poke
72. 1 PGL Delibird for 3 NA Darkrai Codes /u/Schauby93
73. 7 Shiny Gardevoir Codes for 1 PGL Miltank code and 1 PGL Landorous code /u/XecoX
74. 5 Wifi Manaphy for RNG Shiny HP Ice Zapdos /u/Admiral_Fish
75. 15 Wifi Manaphy for RNG Shiny HP Ice Raikou, RNG Shiny Entei, and RNG Shiny Suicune /u/Admiral_Fish
76. Gamestop Dragonite and Tough Pinsir for 1 Pal Xerneas Code /u/tawmie123
77. 1 Celebi Language set for Dahara City Giratina, Shiny Eevee and Larvesta /u/flamezone
78. 1 Miltank code for RNG HP Ice Shiny Zapdos and RNG Shiny Ho-oh /u/Admiral_Fish
79. Galileo Shiny Rayquaza, Sly Zoroark, Spooky Pumkaboo, and Gamestop Gengar for 1 Miltank code /u/Tai_Lop3z
80. NA Shiny Xerneas for PAL Shiny Xerneas code Redemption /u/toughlilpony
81. 1 NA Zygarde for 1 PAL Zygarde /u/toughlilpony
82. Gamestop Gengar and Spooky Pumkaboo event for 4 NA Newsletter codes /u/tawmie123
83. Fancy Vivillon for 2 NA Newsletter Mew Codes /u/ThatDarnSJDoubleW
84. 1 Spooky Pumkaboo for 1 NA Newsletter Mew Code /u/Emm1096
85. Pokeball Vivillon for 3 NA Newsletter Mew Codes /u/CyanideShotgun
86. Spooky Pumkaboo for 1 NA Newsletter Mew code /u/Mintcinno
87. PC Shiny Ho-oh for PC Simisear /u/radioactive28
88. HA Unova Trio for Shaymin Language Set /u/KeVeTeX
89. 15 NA Newsletter Mew Codes for 1 Cafe Pikachu Code and 2 Gardevoir Codes /u/XecoX
90. 4 NA Arceus codes for 1 Happy Hour Meowth /u/HashG8
91. 10 NA Arceus Codes for 5 NA Volcanion Codes /u/Kerstrom
92. Shaymin Language Set for 5 NA Volcanion Codes /u/Regigigas29
93. Shaymin Language Set for 6 NA Volcanion Codes /u/kuyakhris
94. 1 Pal Yveltal Code for KOR XY&Z Set /u/V1C1OU5LY
95. Fancy Vivillon for Original Cap Pikachu /u/FMRC93
[+] Shinies (29)
1. Shiny Raikou, Shiny Entei and Shiny Suicune for XYZ Events (All 3) /u/robertoxmed
2. Move tutored 14 competitive pokemon for Shiny Bulbasaur and Shiny Scyther /u/histronics
3. Premier Ball Totodile, Repeat and Ultra Ball Cyndaquil for Shiny Froakie /u/Scairus
4. Articuno and Zapdos for Shiny Dratini /u/Blood_Diet
5. 3 NA Mew Codes for Shiny Porygon and Shiny Snorlax /u/robertoxmed
6. 5 PAL MEW Codes for Shiny Snivy and Shiny Deerling /u/robertoxmed
7. 4 NA Mew Codes for RNG Shiny Latias /u/Teh_Kniight
8. 1 NA Mew Code for Shiny Houndour /u/ShadowSkeet
9. 1 NA Mew Code for 1 Shiny Charmander /u/Level5Misaka
10. 3 NA Mew Codes for 2 shiny rotoms and 1 shiny treeko /u/Parkimus
11. 1 NA Mew Code for 1 Shiny Eevee /u/PencilFrog
12. 2 NA Mew Codes for Shiny Slowpoke and Shiny Deino /u/XiaoXiaoo
13. 1 NA Mew Code for Shiny Tyrunt /u/SlashAgris
14. HA Sinnoh Starters, Female for 1 Shiny Gastly /u/MadMapManPK
15. 1 NA Mew Code for Shiny Koffing /u/ProjectROXO
16. 1 NA Mew Code for 6iv Shiny Staryu /u/LeFishyDerps
17. 1 PAL Mew Code for 1 Shiny Ralts /u/cherrycakez
18. 2 NA Mew Codes for Shiny Tepig and Shiny Phanpy /u/chuni_pok
19. 2 PAL Mew Codes for Shiny Smeargle /u/robertoxmed
20. 2 Pal Codes for Shiny Pichu and Shiny Fennekin /u/robertoxmed
21. 6 NA Mew Codes for Shiny Comp. Cleffa, Geodude, Growlithe, Grimer, Shellder and Venonat /u/willster191
22. 1 NA Mew Code for Shiny Abra /u/BetaWolf3
23. 1 NA Mew Code for Shiny Adamant Growlithe /u/infiniteshadow
24. 1 NA Mew Code for 2 shiny beldums /u/xchicowx
25. 12 NA Mew Codes for 2 Comp. Shiny RNG'd Mewtwos /u/Upper90175
26. 11 Custom Shinies for RNG Shiny Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza /u/Upper90175
27. 6 NA Darkrai Codes for 6 Competitive Shinies /u/user1288
28. 5 NA Darkrai Codes for COMP Shiny Marill, Goomy, Bagon, Sneasel /u/andyjim
29. 1 Miltank code and 2 Gardevoir codes for 4 Shiny Comp Mons. Mareep, Magnemite, Feebas and Numel /u/v3220
[+] Competitive / Casual (137)
1. repeat ball cyndaquil and luxury ball totodile for premier ball chikorita and timer ball cyndaquil /u/AgentKazy
2. DBHA Shinx for DBHA Sentret /u/ValkyrieG
3. DBHA Sigilyph for DBHA Sableye /u/PikaCuber
4. Ability Capsule for Female Dive Ball Totodile /u/maiqtheprevaricator
5. Nest Ball Chikorita for Luxury Ball Chikorita /u/Mcgumbo42
6. Premier Ball Cyndaquil for Nest Ball Chikorita /u/evinrude12
7. Premier Ball Cyndaquil for Luxury Ball Cyndaquil /u/tbiztec
8. DBHA Drifloon for DBHA Exeggcute /u/LeRozita
9. DBHA Snover, Shinx, Ralts for DBHA Scraggy, Nidoran (F), Koffing /u/Belegwethon
10. DBHA Riolu, Snover, Shinx, Drifloon for DBHA Trapinch, Gligar, Shellos , Pachirisu /u/kibajiang
11. DBHA Snover for DBHA Larvitar /u/JoseVanguard
12. DBHA Drifloon for DBHA Vulpix /u/sl15221
13. DBHA Shinx for DBHA Audino /u/mamababo
14. DBHA Shuppet, Sigilyph, Shinx and Snover for DBHA Eevee, Feebas /u/storm_born_
15. DBHA Shinx for DBHA Swablu /u/ashleychenz
16. DBHA Shinx, Driftloon , Ralts for DBHA Pidgey, Starly, Doduo /u/HernV
17. Black Sludge Item for Premier Ball Cyndaquil /u/Mystica_
18. Moon Ball F Abra, Moon Ball F Machop for DBHA F Axew, Bagon, Lapras, Phanpy /u/seadrop
19. HA Tepig and Oshawott for HA Treecko and Mudkip /u/pb05
20. HA Chimchar for Destiny Knot item /u/Beadzaria
21. HA Tangela for HA Turtwig /u/ShinriNoHikari
22. HA Tepig, HA Oshawott for Treeko and Heracross /u/skewtr
23. Chimchar for Mawile /u/klydon35
24. 2 choice specs and 1 life orb for HA Chimchar, Snivy, Tepig /u/kumail786
25. DBHA sableye for DBHA slowpoke /u/PKFire813
26. snover and sableye for swinub and poliwag /u/LermanCT
27. drilbur for abra /u/fluffysilverunicorn
28. DBHA Sableye and Riolu for DBHA Munna and Aerodactyl /u/knightshade17
29. Female Shinx for Vulpix /u/lekingfish
30. Nest Ball Chikorita and Dive Ball Totodile for DBHA Tirtouga, Kabuto /u/HernV
31. DBHA snover, ralts for Net Ball Cyndaquil /u/slytherinhouse8
32. Luxury Ball Cyndaquil and Dive Ball Totodile for DBHA Combee and Love Ball Snorlax /u/theweirdsoul
33. DBHA Shuppet and Sableye for DBHA Buneary and Murkrow /u/aldhinn
34. Net Ball Cyndaquil for Premier Ball Totodile /u/AgentKazy
35. DBHA tirtouga, dratini, abra and shuppet for great ball totodile and net ball totodile /u/slytherinhouse8
36. HA Abra for 5IV Charmander /u/butters22
37. Klefki for 5IV Honedge /u/masterzombehhh
38. Combusken for Dusk Stone /u/Niklassonaren
39. Luxury Ball Totodile for Lure Ball Snorlax /u/seadrop
40. premier ball cyndaquil for dbha lileep /u/blabel3
41. DBHA Tirtouga for DBHA Anorith /u/maiqtheprevaricator
42. DBHA Tirtouga for DBHA Numel, DBHA Aipom, and Heavy Rhyhorn /u/PikaCuber
43. DBHA Ralts for DBHA Horsea /u/NapalmOmega
44. Net Ball Cyndaquil and DBHA Phanpy for DBHA Torkoal with 4EMs and Snivy HA with 4 EMs /u/HernV
45. DBHA dratini, shinx for DBHA skitty, sneasel /u/PaperSkirt
46. DBHA Tirtouga for DBHA Togepi /u/ValkyrieG
47. Luxury Ball Chikorita for Dive Ball Cyndaquil /u/seadrop
48. DBHA Phanpy, Moon Ball Abra, Moon Ball Diglett and Lure Ball Krabby for 4 Moonstones, 1 firestone, and 1 leaf stone /u/Trac777
49. Dive Ball Cyndaquil, Moon Ball Shinx, Moon Ball Nidoran F, Love Ball Nidoran F for Safari ball Riolu and Nest Ball Totodile /u/AgentKazy
50. DBHA Shinx and Swablu for DBHA Stantler and Tailow /u/Fred-AM
51. Luxury Ball Cyndaquil, Dive Ball Totodile for DBHA Magby, Elekid, Omanyte /u/JoseVanguard
52. Nest Ball Chikorita for DBHA Zubat, Cleffa, Teddiursa /u/theweirdsoul
53. Fast Ball Chatot, Machop, Carnivine, Hoppip. Moon Ball Lickitung, plusle, whismur. Level ball Tangela for DBHA Shieldon, Cranidos. Dive Ball Chikorita /u/seadrop
54. 1 Pokemon with Air Cutter for DBHA mawile, fineon, cubone, roselia, and numel /u/sl15221
55. 5IV Chikorita for 5IV Drudigon /u/Threexbb
56. 5iv Chikorita for DBHA Heracross, Mankey, and Houndour /u/Scairus
57. 5IV Chikorita for DBHA Gible, Aipom, and Smeargle /u/PikaCuber
58. 5IV Chikorita for 5IV Dratini /u/quipstafishie
59. 5IV Chikorita for 3 Evolution Stones /u/Trac777
60. 5IV Chikorita for 5IV Growlithe /u/Haunani14
61. 5IV Chikorita for 5IV Shellder /u/Chandelord
62. 5IV Chikorita for Love Ball Mawile w/ 4 egg moves /u/happygirl848
63. 5IV Chikorita for 5IV Lapras /u/Scarshield
64. 5iv Chikorita for 5iv Charmander /u/XenocideCS
65. 5iv Chikorita for 5iv Starly /u/3Anton3
66. 5iv Chikorita for DBHA Smeargle with Dark Void and Happy Hour /u/tbiztec
67. 5IV Chikorita for DBHA Makuhita and Timburr /u/JoseVanguard
68. DBHA Exeggcute for DBHA Caterpie /u/Fred-AM
69. DBHA Exeggcute for DBHA Weedle /u/DinnersReadyx
70. 5IV Chikorita for dream ball mareep, DBHA Chansey and Lotad /u/alan1589
71. Lure Ball Rhyhorn and Wobbufet, Heavy Ball Mr Mime and Bidoof, and Level Ball Jynx and Mr Mime for Timer and Net Ball Chikorita /u/seadrop
72. DBHA Shinx for DBHA Delibird /u/spaceminer47
73. Dive Ball Cyndaquil for Great Ball Chikorita /u/Mystica_
74. Salamencite for Repeat Ball Chikorita /u/lavaburst14
75. DBHA Riolu for HA Tyrunt /u/Kleurendove
76. DBHA Schuckle, Drilbur, Exeggcute, Drifloon, and Sableye for DBHA Absol, Carvahna, illumise, Tentacool, Pinsir /u/canon252
77. Ultra Ball Cyndaquil for Dive Ball Squirtle /u/Mystica_
78. DBHA Drilbur for 5iv Bagon /u/Lizards99
79. Dive Ball Totodile for HP Ground Charmander /u/Scairus
80. jolly Pikachu for 5iv Carvanha /u/--lazerhead--
81. 6iv Chikorita for 6iv Dratini /u/Scarshield
82. DBHA Venipede for Leaf Stone /u/sasslefrass416
83. DBHA Venipede for 5IV Foongus /u/AndyCharuto
84. An Ability Capsule for 5iv Squirtle, 5iv Darumaka, 5iv ralts /u/dvader0
85. 6iv Chikorita for 6iv Tyrunt /u/Dragweird
86. HA Bulbasaur for 1 shiny stone, dusk stone, dawn stone /u/vulture789
87. HA Oshawott for Moon Stone /u/JoseVanguard
88. HA Piplup for DBHA Aron /u/canon252
89. Female HA Bulbasaur for Dusk, Shiny, and Dawn Stones /u/wanderingscribe
90. Male HA: Piplup, Squirtle, Charmander, Torchic. Female HA: Turtwig, Mudkip for Shiny Dratini, 5iv Klefki /u/Mattfred88
91. Masterball for DBHA Starly, Mareep /u/mipanda3
92. HA Squirtle, Froakie, Torchic for 2 leaf stones and 1 thunderstone /u/firebender__
93. Female HA Mudkip for Dawn stone, thunderstone, sun stone /u/henrxv
94. 5iv Chikorita for 5iv Phanpy and 5 iv Larvitar /u/michaelsaurs90
95. Mewtwonite Y for Mewtwonite X /u/founzo
96. DBHA Delibird, Audino, Magikarp for DBHA Cacnea, Spearow, Lediba /u/mipanda3
97. DBHA Sableye for DBHA Croagunk /u/winnie9004
98. DBHA Audino, Sableye for DBHA Ducklett, Joltik /u/PaperSkirt
99. PP Up for Polar Pattern Scatterbug /u/lavaburst14
100. Lure Ball Abra for Icy Snow Scatterbug /u/neosmies
101. Sun and River Pattern Vivillon for Ocean and Sandstorm Pattern Vivillon /u/Mystica_
102. Light Ball for 5iv Timid Gastly /u/TheOriginalPaulyC
103. Yveltal for Xerneas /u/ProjectLegend
104. 1 Choice Band for 1 6iv Staryu /u/Falco_Lau
105. 1 power item for level ball tailow /u/Mariguanadon
106. HA Fennekin for Level Ball Shinx /u/txeptirea
107. Level Ball Elekid for Lure Ball Lapras and Shellder /u/driesiwiesi
108. DBHA Sigilyph and Exeggute for Level Ball Mareep and Aipom /u/Pac0theTaco
109. Magmarizer for Level Ball Rattata /u/mexican_honey_badger
110. I Power Item for Power Belt Item /u/CounterZer0
111. Toxic Orb for Lure Ball Horsea /u/Mariguanadon
112. DBHA Shieldon for Level Ball Rhyhorn, Mawile, and Weedle /u/maiqtheprevaricator
113. DBHA Combee and Weedle for Level Ball Numel, Cubone, Ponyta, and Kangaskhan /u/Fred-AM
114. Female Totodile in Dive Ball and Net, Cyndaquil in Luxury and Timer, and Chikorita in Nest and Repeat for 18 Level Ball Pokemon /u/ValkyrieG
115. Level Ball Heracross for Level Ball Growlithe /u/LordKaishi
116. DBHA: Growlithe, Sandile, Combee, Tirtouga for Level Ball kricketot, swablu, slugma, gligar, yanma, and doduo /u/imp3rf3ct
117. Level Ball Ralts for Level Ball Drowzee /u/RIMAN2209
118. MoonBall Poliwag, Ralts and Nidoran F for MoonBall Pidgey, LoveBall Cleffa and HeavyBall Larvitar /u/txeptirea
119. Great Ball Cyndaquil for Levelball Marill, Vulpix, Magikarp /u/Scairus
120. Level Ball Swablu for Level Ball Spearow /u/chuen1672636
121. DBHA Caterpie and Weedle for Fast Ball Growlithe, Heavy Ball Onix /u/Vegeta25
122. DBHA Weedle for Level Ball Meditite /u/Patoan91
123. Level Ball Delibird for Level Ball Sudowoodo /u/qweligator
124. Level Ball Gligar for Level Ball Snubull /u/JessaWott
125. Level Ball Kangaskhan for Level Ball Paras /u/effieSC
126. Luxury Ball Female Cyndaquil for Level Ball Snorlax /u/gabriel_983
127. DBHA Ducklett for DBHA Pidove /u/maiqtheprevaricator
128. DBHA Sandile, Pinsir, Aron, Pawniard, Axew, East Sea Shellos, Drillbur. DBHA Weedle, DBHA Caterpie, DBHA Omanyte, DBHA Kabuto, DBHA Anorith, DBHA Tirtouga, DBHA Cranidos, Moon Ball Diglett, Moon Ball Poliwag, Moon Ball Sandshrew, Level Ball Pidgey, Level Ball Slugma, Level Ball Hoothoot, Level Ball Rhyhorn, and Level Ball Kricketot for Level ball Chansey, Murkrow, Ledyba, shinx, venonat. DBHA: Bellsprout, Miltank, Snorunt, Panpour, Vanillite, Swinub, Durant, Scyther, Paras, Goldeen, Elgyem, Maractus, Gulpin, Spiritomb, Wobbuffett, Spinda, Grimer, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Nincada, Burmy, Glameow, Corsola. DB (Non HA) Gastly. Sportball Paras /u/savannah_allie
129. DBHA Sableye for Sport Ball Paras /u/GammaVector
130. DBHA Tentacool, Cubone, Larvitar, Koffing, Pinsir for DBHA Meowth, Ponyta, Farfetch'd, Mime Jr, Karrablast /u/gabriel_983
131. DBHA Pachirisu and Spinda for DBHA Stunfisk and Emolga /u/JessaWott
132. DBHA Ralts, Lapras, Sableye for DBHA Petilil, Spheal and Shellder /u/kojicarlos
133. DB Cottonee for DBHA PetiliL /u/ryujelly
134. DBHA Omanyte, Aerodactyl, Skitty, Torkoal for DBHA Onix, Sandshrew, Shroomish, Solosis, Spinarak, Surskit, Wailmer, Whismur /u/HKG_Teddy
135. 1 Ability Capsule for 2 Breedables /u/CanelasReddit
136. 6IV Female Chikorita for Two 5iv Bagons /u/GoodMuse
137. Timer Ball Chikorita for Luxury Ball Anorith /u/Hare_vs_Tortoise
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (8)
1. Goone's Scizor for PC Shiny Diancie and PC Lucario /u/ajkyle56
2. Shiny Crown Beast Trio for 9 NA Darkrai codes /u/DatoneHamster
3. 1 Wishmaker Jirachi for 1 NA Darkrai code /u/kurimu-san
4. Shiny Crown Beast Trio for 12 NA Darkrai codes /u/Free-Brownies
5. 6 WishMaker Jirachis for 10 NA Darkrai codes /u/PommVG
6. Dream Radar Set for 12 NA Darkrai codes /u/serenechaos1
7. 3 Wishmaker Jirachis for 3 NA Darkrai Codes /u/Heatwave490
8. Shiny Creation Trio for 1 VGC Shiny Machamp /u/toughlilpony

Egg Hatches (11)

1. Shiny Riolu /u/ghgonzales
2. Shiny Caterpie /u/davidxin
3. Shiny Charmander /u/fedefire
4. Shiny Murkrow /u/Tacanacy
5. Shiny Tyrunt /u/pokemytatas
6. Shiny Electrike /u/gaara090389
7. Shiny Magikarp /u/davidxin
8. Shiny Rhyhorn /u/Ayra_Underfoot
9. Shiny Joltik /u/DanCenturion
10. Shiny Eevee /u/RIMAN2209
11. Shiny Pichu /u/theantipode

Giveaways/Contests (26 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away NA Mew Codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)
2. Gave Away NA Darkrai Codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 4 given)
3. Gave away a NA HA Bird code set (Sub: pokemontrades, 3 given)
4. Gave away 5 Shiny Pokemon (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)
5. Gave away 9 NA Codes (Mix of Darkrai and Mew) (Sub: pokemontrades, 9 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (17)

1. Evolve Rhydon /u/yomanbrodude
2. Evolve Scyther /u/Nkmks
3. TM tutor two Pokemon /u/robyn_herbert
4. Evolve Kadabra /u/Pokefan75674
5. Evolve Scyther /u/FissMortune
6. Evolve Kadabra /u/BiyikHernandez
7. Two Pokemon for Pokedex Entry /u/fissy09
8. Aromatisse for Pokedex Entry /u/argyilan
9. Evolve Scyther and Haunter /u/blergtronica
10. Evolve Machoke and Scyther /u/door_of_doom
11. Evolve Haunter /u/swalbi
12. Evolve Haunter /u/Jormel
13. Evolve Haunter /u/Adso25
14. Helped evolve 3 Pokemon /u/Cyerdous
15. Evolve Kadabra /u/Kymac6
16. Help transfer an item /u/Gidonka
17. Evolve Shiny Machoke /u/The-Tempest-22

Misc (2)

1. PKMN Exchange Trade: 3 HA NA Bird codes for Custom PC Shiny Ho-oh
2. PKMN Exchange Trade: 10 NA Darkrai codes for 1 Masuda's Psyduck


Tacanacy Jun 4, 2016 10:05:11 PM

Hatched a Shiny Murkrow for me. Thanks again.

Ayra_Underfoot Apr 17, 2016 1:30:41 PM

Replied right away (within 5mins) And had my shiny ready in a flash! Highly recommended. :)

histronics Jan 11, 2016 8:08:25 AM

Move tutored 14 of my competitive pokemon including several comp shinies. Mike has proven to be a patient and trustworthy trader whom i can't recommend enough.

BigMike510's Information


Pokemon Collector

Friend codes:

  • 2552-1772-9987


  • IGN: MIKE TSV: 1556