
SW-6174-5317-0424 || Stl (BD)
SW-6174-5317-0424 || Stl (BD) || XXXX

Trades (44)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (44)
1. Scyther Adamant with technician for Shelgon /u/ShedPH93
2. Pokerus Pokemon for Gible Adamant 5 IV /u/NAS_92
3. Gligar 5IV for Gastly 5IV /u/USA_CrAZzY
4. Shroomish 4IV for Magikarp 5IV /u/DerAryan
5. Razor Claw for Ekans 5IV /u/HRMisHere
6. Growlithe for Feebas /u/Striking-Function-84
7. Shroomish for Elekid /u/Less-Soil8744
8. Shroomish 5IV for Shellder 5IV /u/syjte
9. Omanyte for Feebas 5IV /u/a_din_
10. Razor Claw + Razor Fang for Power Anklet + Power /u/kikihero
11. Technician Scyther for 5IV Marill /u/akamj7
12. Earthquake TM for Gible /u/NinjaBunny_01
13. Vulpix for Sandshrew /u/mYmQONEEE
14. HeartScale for Spinda /u/Juanma
15. Ability Patch for Several SP exclusives /u/hideonrusty
16. Heat Rock for Sudowoodo + Purugly /u/Character_Sleep_4906
17. Ability Patch + Rare Candy for Aprimons /u/raiko39
18. moon lunatone and lure rotom for moon lunatone and lure rotom /u/rainbowbows
19. friend ha Sudowoodo for friend ha heracross /u/Aethryu
20. Level Chikorita for Lure Heracross /u/Fun-Let4458
21. Lure HA Tangela & Moon HA Snubbul for Moon HA Chatot & Porygon /u/ryanzhou1998
22. Lure Voltorb, Moon Wurmple, Moon Slakoth, Friend Treecko for timid mint, ability capsule /u/pwnd05
23. Big number of Aprimon for Big number of Aprimon /u/xJemma24
24. Moon Shellos for Fast Squirtle with rain dish /u/willfreddo9
25. Moon HA Shellos for Moon Misdreavous /u/Negative_Selection_9
26. Lure Luvdisc for Fast HA Clamperl /u/TheGeminiTwins
27. Several Aprimons for Several Aprimons /u/phamant
28. Lure Chatot and Friend HA Magikarp for Lure HA Treecko /u/Tee_heehee224
29. Moon Horsea, Moon Shellos, Lure Poliwag, HA Fast Abra, Friend Lotad, Level Makuhita, Heavy Beldum for Fast Shuckle, HA Moon Rhyhorn, Love Marill, Love Staryu, heavy HA Swinub, Fast Sneasel, Love HA Finneon 1 /u/donteatmybacon
30. heavy Mudkip HA and Lure Tangela HA. for love Illumise HA and r fast Teddiursa HA /u/Any-Transition3415
31. Love HA Caterpie, Love HA Dratini, Lure HA Luvdisc, Fast Rotom, and Friend Rotom for Level HA Heracross, Love HA Skitty, Fast HA Houndour, Level HA Starly, and Love Slakoth /u/AccursedShield
32. HA moon ball gible for lure ball piplup /u/MysteriousResource3
33. HA Moon Ball Horsea, Moon Ball Croagunk, and HA Fast Ball Abra for HA Love Ball Aipom, Level Ball Chimecho, and HA Friend Ball Burmy /u/hi1417
34. moon ha chatot, lure ha luvdisc, lure ha voltorb, moon ha drifloon, and love ha hoppip for level ha starly, love ha murkrow, friend ha makuhita, friend ha houndour, heavy ha phanpy /u/bad_at__naming
35. Friend Magikarp, Love Sandshrew for Friend Scyther /u/Chingstah117
36. Moon HA Wurmple and Friend HA Magikarp for Moon HA Cubone and Heavy HA Gible /u/bcookiesd
37. Lure Chatot, Lure Poliwag, Friend Magikarp for Love Lotad, Moon Farfetched /u/OnePointPi
38. Moon Chatot, Love Sandshrew for Moon Snover /u/Goblyssark
39. HA Love Volbeat, HA Love Caterpie, HA Lure Tangela, and HA Lure Chatot for HA Lure Porygon and HA Love Chansey /u/Vanillon
40. Big number of Aprimons for Big number of Aprimons /u/the_cake_baker_00
41. heavy ha plusle & minun for level ha stantler and fast ha dratini /u/ryanzhou1998
42. heavy skarmory for Moonball HA chimchar /u/d17wow19
43. Moon HA Cubone and Moon HA Chikorita for Heavy and Lure HA Spiritomb /u/ChsHymme
44. Thirteen Aprimons for Thirteen Aprimons /u/Ringu-
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (2)

1. the mod team says this one doesn't count
2. For some reason the user's comments are invisible(even though they are visible in his profile)


Bran37's Information


Friend codes:
