
2380-6400-1908 || Hideaki (S)
2380-6400-1908 || Hideaki (S) || XXXX

Trades (73)

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[+] Competitive / Casual (73)
1. Darumaka and Charmander for Cranidos and Omanyte /u/HippoLowercase
2. Dratini, Totodile, and Froakie for Aerodactyl, Lileep, and Tirtouga /u/jayk1406
3. Mienfoo for Shieldon /u/atm831711
4. Lileep for Zangoose /u/catsandfrogs3000
5. Mawile for Anorith /u/Memorisia
6. Chikorita and Chimchar for Wimpod and Cubone /u/OG6Rizzo
7. Lileep, Totodile, and Rockruff for Pinsir, Hippopotas, and Roselia /u/NiamLeeson
8. Darumaka for Chespin /u/Gazier
9. Mawile for Vulpix /u/emmessjee8
10. Dratini, Abra, Tepig, Crabrawler, Kangaskhan, and Togedemaru for Pidove, Solosis, Grimer, Karrablast, Shieldon, and Qwilfish /u/hexmaniacgloomy
11. Lileep for Absol /u/KovAcevich7
12. Aerodactyl for Squirtle /u/KickBoxCube
13. Darumaka for Hoothoot /u/Memorisia
14. Lileep and Murkrow for Stufful and Mimikyu /u/Killer_Whale_Penguin
15. Chikorita for Mudkip /u/kianna4
16. Murkrow, Wimpod, and Aerodactyl for Turtwig, Tepig, and Oshawott /u/MystMyst
17. Torchic for Bergmite /u/JTB2014MCK
18. Carvanha for Treecko /u/SmithKurosaki
19. Aerodactyl and Drilbur for Starly and 48BP /u/rongrimer
20. Amaura for Piplup /u/mcmeaningoflife42
21. Lileep, Murkrow, Mareanie, Aerodactyl, Mawile, Pidgey, Totodile, Absol, Zangoose, and Riolu for Shuckle, Weedle, Nincada, Sewaddle, Spinarak, Caterpie, Masquerain, Paras, Woobat, Liepard and 144BP /u/My_Immortl
22. Pidgey for Nidoran /u/Memorisia
23. Totodile and Froakie for Larvesta /u/Jncf
24. Amaura for 48BP /u/jayk1406
25. Froakie for Starly /u/ffernii
26. Aerodactyl for Turtwig /u/SpiritSplicer
27. Lileep for 48BP /u/DarkBlastoise09
28. Amaura, Aerodactyl, and Pidgey for Combee, Dwebble, and Venomoth /u/diogokasai
29. Mawile and Pidgey for 96BP /u/almatrainee
30. Aerodactyl for 64BP /u/DrMuggy
31. Heracross for 64BP /u/zarubert
32. Torchic and Mawile for 96BP /u/Brojosefat
33. Totodile for Porygon /u/faceofprogress
34. Torchic for Ledyba /u/Axem380
35. Aerodactyl for Cleffa /u/grave03
36. Omanyte for Timburr /u/SpiritSplicer
37. Pidgey for Magnemite /u/Knightinkodes
38. Rockruff, Omanyte, and Murkrow for Chinchou, Mareep, and Wooper /u/grave03
39. Mawile for Bellsprout /u/wyau90
40. Omanyte and Gligar for 128BP /u/otakustratosx
41. Tyrunt for Rockruff /u/The_Kindlegarden
42. Aerodactyl for 64BP /u/Yinside
43. Totodile, Mawile, Absol, Pidgey, Anonrith, Zangoose, and Magnemite for Basculin, Elegym, Golett, Kricketot, Doduo, Stunky, and Audino /u/WooperIsGod
44. Pidgey for Horsea /u/BuraPiittoo
45. Aerodatyl, Omanyte, Anorith, Gligar, Kabuto, Shieldon, Skorupi, Hippopotas, and Dratini for 3 Lucky Eggs /u/Gaiden325
46. Turtwig for Skarmory /u/qweligator
47. Totodile for Scyther /u/uyvuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
48. Totodile, Chimchar, Heracross, and Dratini for 256BP /u/cdp_97
49. Kabuto, Cranidos, Shieldon, Karrablast, and Roselia for Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Chimchar, and Piplup /u/DBN7
50. Magnemite, Hippopotas, and Elgyem for Mudbray, Bruxish, and Salandit /u/TheGreenDecidueye
51. Amaura for Stufful /u/MadMatik
52. Pikipek for Bounsweet /u/Milady_Snowdrop
53. Hippopotas, Pikipek, Larvesta, Tirtouga, and Zangoose for Yanma, Houndour, Drowzee, Weedle, and Phanpy /u/SonGoku1992
54. Totodile for Sandygast /u/rmenegaldo
55. Houndour, Yanma, Pinsir, Aipom, Rhyhorn, and Magnemite for Chansey, Driffloon, Alomomola, Teddiursa, Misdreavus, and Cherrim /u/nahcap
56. Drowzee for Togepi /u/shamaela
57. Pinsir, Wimpod, and Oshawott for Snorunt, Glameow, and Snubbull /u/rouge-lilith
58. Amaura and Shelmet for Torchic and Chimchar /u/TheGreenDecidueye
59. Chikorita, Treecko, Mudkip, Chimchar, Piplup, Kabuto, Omanyte, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos, and Shieldon for Makuhita, Spearow, Glameow, Snorunt, Driffloon, Chansey, Togepi, Alomomola, and Remoraid /u/Pokemonbro1122
60. Zangoose and Larvesta for Vulpix and Cubone /u/slipcan
61. Houndour and Pinsir for Dhelmise and Fennekin /u/JasmineofWinter
62. Aerodactyl and Gligar for Formantis /u/Mannicroft
63. Darumaka, Rhyhorn, and Shieldon for Tentacool, Cutiefly, and Hippopotas /u/TheGreenDecidueye
64. Turtwig for Comfey /u/OoFirePrinceoO
65. Roselia and Magnemite for Solosis and Makuhita /u/JohnR1993
66. Oshawott, Solosis, and Croagunnk for Sandshrew, Crabrawler, and Roggenrola /u/Howlo
67. Larvesta and Roselia for Scyther /u/Tony_Solo
68. Hippopotas, Glameow, Golett, and Cherubi for Corphish, Buizel, Ekans, and Gothita, /u/LucasFromStateFarm
69. Starly for Croagunk /u/qweligator
70. Larvesta and Karrablast for Jangmo-o /u/slipcan
71. Tangela, Yanma, and Amaura for Diglett, Alomomola, and Bronzor /u/JKiiro
72. Starly for Jangmo-o /u/Mannicroft
73. Starly and Houndour for Mawile and Wingull /u/rmenegaldo
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