
SW-0989-2752-9913 || ChrisDoukas (VIO, UM)
SW-0989-2752-9913 || ChrisDoukas (VIO, UM) || XXXX

Trades (62)

[+] Events (28)
1. 2 pal xerneas/yental codes for JPN Shiny poipole /u/Nluck7
2. Line rotom for KOR Generation zygarde /u/huimini
3. JPN Shiny ultra poipole for Bullseye charizard /u/ZiR1402
4. Happy meowth for 2018 Legends palkia /u/heliogfonseca
5. SSB Greninja and tetra rotom for Olleh tv shiny charizard /u/samstator
6. Shiny JPN necrozma for Channel jirachi /u/ilovedynamicqueue
7. Kor pre-order shiny gengar and JPN Shiny halloween Gengar for 1 KOR preorder necrozma code /u/Qpplea
8. Cythias Garchomp for Pokemon bank primarina /u/AceRene
9. Shiny Channel jirachi for VC JPN celebi /u/sobblethelizard
10. Shiny necrozma event for Shiny arctovish /u/sendme6ivditto
11. Line rotom and preorder vc celebi for 1 scrap genesect code and 1 donut chancey code /u/notyourmama12
12. PCNY gloom for PCSG milcery code /u/TwisterPika
13. corocoro rayquaza for 1 dada zarude code /u/Stridel
14. DW Porygon for Retail rng gen 3 shiny flaafy /u/Porta_14
15. 1 Set zarude/celebi code for 1 set gigantamax crystal pikachu/eevee /u/ShaikhAndBake
16. G-Mr mime event for Marked solosis /u/rufusdrumknott
17. Z/Z 1 set code for 2 sets of apricorn balls /u/nawadizo
18. 1 Zacian code for 1 set of apricorn balls /u/nawadizo
19. GF Sing pikachu for 10 love balls /u/Cjone3107
20. Shiny galarian articuno for shiny galarian moltres /u/AussiTheSham
21. Generations Zygarde for 1 KOR pichu code /u/koode0823
22. Kor Generations Zygarde for H-Zoroark code /u/thedecimated
23. Shiny dusk-lycanroc with destiny mark for H-Zoroark code /u/ceramicsun
24. Yasuharu Shimizu's Bronzong for 1 H-Zoroark code /u/christian-sheen
25. Plasma genesect for 2 H-Zoroark codes 2 Mimikyu codes /u/Typical-Thyme
26. H-Zoroark for Master rank ribbon help /u/PopTartManic
27. Corocoro Roaring moon for Master Rank ribbon help /u/PopTartManic
28. H-Zoroark event for Iron leaves /u/Terryus1
[+] Shinies (12)
1. GF 20TH Keldeo and genesect for Shiny gen 3 flaffy and colosseum shiny dunsparce /u/absol_ow
2. GF 20TH shaymin for Shiny gen 3 gulpin /u/absol_ow
3. GF 20TH melloetta for Gen 3 shiny spinda /u/iSlaiter
4. Shiny joltik for 1 Master ball 1 Ability patch /u/-Shiny_Star-
5. Shiny sinistea for 1 master ball 1 ability patch /u/Rmartinez7457
6. 1 shiny Hattena 1 shiny Blipbug 1 shiny sinistea for 3 master balls 3 ability patches /u/MirandaSanFrancisco
7. Shiny sinistea for 2 Ability patches /u/Regigigas29
8. Shiny dusk Lycanroc with destiny mark for 10 Love balls /u/Dcarroza14
9. 2 Shiny Iron Valiant with uncommon and destiny marks for 13 Love balls /u/Dcarroza14
10. Shiny marked iron thorns for 5 Dream balls /u/platokie
11. Shiny uncommon mark tarountula for 6 fast balls /u/platokie
12. Shiny destiny mark rockruff for 3 sports balls 2 level balls /u/FreezeShock
[+] Competitive / Casual (22)
1. 1 Master ball for Gmax eevee /u/LadySilvie
2. Gmax Hattere for 1 Fast ball /u/lambo_mercy88
3. Gmax duradulon for 1 fast ball /u/McKanye0051
4. Gmax Hattere for 1 master ball /u/djo1989
5. Gmax gengar for 1 master ball and 1 in game trade npc impidimp /u/Captain_JohnBrown
6. Marked Jangmo-o for Marked gible /u/InstaMegatron
7. Marked pikachu, marked ghastly, marked noibat for 2 Marked galarian ponytas /u/emil-nhg
8. Marked hattena, marked swirlix for Marked croagunk /u/pillimehu
9. Marked horsea for Great ball /u/Marowakawaka
10. Marked darumaka for Marked corsola /u/pillimehu
11. Rare mark horsea for Pokedex help /u/TheRedCans1
12. Apri balls for Pokemons for pokedex /u/gb_rezende
13. 1 Friend Ball 1 Lure ball for 1 snivy, 1 froakie, 1 Tepig, 1 rowlet, 1 grookey, 1 fennekin, 1 scorbunny /u/Seewell_13
14. 1 moon ball for 1 Litten, 1 Chespin, 1 Popplio, 1 sobble /u/Ryguy0130
15. 2 Friend balls for 1 Quilava, 1 Monferno /u/DRUNK__SOULS
16. 1 Dream ball for 1 Bulbasaur /u/Lavante
17. 1 Dream ball for 1 Beldum, 1 Seel, 1 Lapras, 1 Solosis /u/efek1995
18. 2 moon balls for 1 alola vulpix, 1 vulpix, 1 qwilfish, 1 overqwil /u/XxLava_Lamp_LoverxX
19. 2 moon balls for Porygon, porygon2, porygonZ, A-Sandshrew, Joltik, Cranidos, Shieldon /u/platokie
20. 3 Apri balls for 1 Tentacruel, 1 Cottone, 1 Inkay /u/Regigigas29
21. 1 Heavy 1 moon ball for Doduo, milcery /u/platokie
22. 1 Moon ball for Rhyperior /u/BurgundyRedFreckles
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Pokedex help /u/PopTartManic

Misc (0)


ChrisDoukas's Information


Friend codes:
