
SW-6335-9352-7225 || Gloria (SW)
SW-6335-9352-7225 || Gloria (SW) || XXXX

Trades (45)

[+] Events (2)
1. Pokemon 20th Event Anniversary Jirachi and Celebi for 2 Pokemon 20th Anniversary Genesect Codes /u/Dragon8989
2. XYZ Yveltal for Type: Null /u/TofuMapo
[+] Shinies (5)
1. 5IV Shiny Hakamo-o for Shiny Mareanie /u/anw32194
2. Shiny Hattena and Gyarados for 2 Masterballs /u/Waterbrokebro
3. Shiny Torkoal for Shiny Roselia /u/thedoctor1236
4. Friend Ball for Shiny Duosion /u/Maxwell_Beard
5. Shiny Hakamo-o for Eternatus /u/DeanMaverick
[+] Competitive / Casual (38)
1. HA Female Snivy for lots of tradebacks. /u/cathyespino
2. HA Mild Snivy for Nidoran (Female) /u/Kingalingma
3. HA Male Hasty Snivy for 4IV Female 4EM Horsea /u/RickSanz
4. 3IV Male Quirky Togepi for Whismur @Lucky Egg /u/Daxyz
5. Tradebacks for 5 IV Love Ball Grimer /u/magua4
6. Love Ball 4 EM Female Vulpix for 5 IV Female Popplio /u/arsenxci
7. HA Love Ball 4EM Vulpix for 4IV JPN Ditto /u/DevilSteel
8. 4 IV 4 EM Popplio for 5 IV Gible /u/brvxton
9. Modest 3 IV Popplio for 5 IV HA Dratini /u/b0dygotb0died
10. 2 Bottle Caps for 5 IV 4 EM Jangmo-o /u/somethingfound
11. 4 IV Carvanha for 1 IV A-Geodude /u/Acedel
12. Love Ball 5 IV 4 EM Grimer, Beast Ball 5 IV 4 EM Wishiwashi for BB HA Mareanie, BB 5 IV Swift Swim Magikarp /u/overScheduled
13. 5 IV 4 EM Beast Ball Wishiwashi, 5 IV 4 EM Popplio for 5IV HA Sandygast, HA Adamant Dratini /u/Natsu3923
14. 2 IV HA Love Ball Vulpix for 5 IV Lure Ball Deino /u/fun-prohibited
15. HA Adamant Dratini for 5IV Jolly Sneasel /u/zaytoe
16. Lure Ball Deino, Level Ball HA Mudbray for HA Drampa 4IV and Beast Ball Bruxish /u/CrawlingBacon
17. BB Wimpod/BB HA 5IV Mareanie/Love Ball HA Vulpix/Friend Ball HA Comfey for 6IV French Mimikyu/Lure Ball Dhelmises /u/Dragweird
18. HA Level Ball Mudbray for HA Heavy Ball Riolu /u/BasedGuppy
19. HA Moon Ball Jangmo-o for 5 IV Love Ball Bounsweet /u/bujuhh
20. 5IV Lure Ball Deino for 5 IV Love Ball Comfey /u/seadrop
21. Friend Ball Comfey for Heavy Ball 5IV Geodude /u/ShadySableye
22. Lure Ball Deino for Choice Scarf /u/TheButteryNipple
23. HA BB Bruxish for BB Totodile /u/Kev13579
24. Heavy Ball HA Riolu 5IV 4 EM, HA Love Ball Vulpix for Friend Ball Exeggute, Love Ball Grubbin /u/expiredjellybean
25. 6IV Fast Ball Pichu 3EM for Fast Ball Cyndaquil /u/applesaucemachine
26. Level Ball HA Mudbray for Level Ball HA Morelull /u/chickenknife
27. Level Ball Mudbray for Heavy Ball Honedge /u/froslassy
28. 4EM 4IV Popplio for 4EM Heavy Ball Snorunt /u/Amber_Mary
29. 2 Scorbunnies for Grookey and Sobble /u/Stealth745
30. 4IV Dreepy and Ralts for Oranguru and Lunatone /u/MrJeef
31. 4IV Ralts for Vullaby /u/Jm588
32. 5IV Honedge for 5IV HA Modest Hattena /u/MoeKz
33. Passimian and Rhyperior for Dream Ball Dreepy /u/Alithographica
34. 0IV Speed HA Hattena for Moon Ball 5IV Rookidee /u/TheOriginalNexuz
35. 5 Hattenas w/XL Candies for Beast Ball Morpeko and Rotom /u/Desertfreak10
36. Beast Ball Rotom, Heavy Ball Larvitar for Friend Ball Darumaka, Moon Ball Cottonee /u/ogreel
37. Fast Ball Vanillite, Moon Ball Cottonee for Friend Ball Applin, Dream Ball Mimikyu /u/xShay__
38. 0IV Spe HA Hatenna for 6IV HA Snom /u/Daiken18
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (1)

1. Hatched a Shiny Jangmo-o /u/Megagross

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. I traded a pokemon (I forgot) for his Tornadus and Groudon and traded it back. /u/Mystonic

Misc (0)


Cilantropod's Information


Friend codes:
