
SW-4938-4165-3887 || Clifford (SW), Emily (SH)
SW-4938-4165-3887 || Clifford (SW), Emily (SH) || XXXX

Trades (103)

[+] Events (10)
1. NA Darkrai Code for NA Mew Code /u/ghgonzales
2. XYZ Shiny Yveltal for Descartes Zygarde /u/Crux_101
3. XYZ Shiny Yveltal for XYZ Shiny Xerneas /u/Jtpk88
4. NA Darkrai Code for 20th Event Celebi /u/wuyi317605
5. NA Darkrai Code for NA Mew Code /u/uglyasablasphemy
6. Shiny Whimsur OT: Emily ID:56257 for NA Mew Code /u/AmphigoryandChill
7. NA XYZ Shiny Yveltal 05206 for Mcdonalds Hoopa /u/MidnaKoopa
8. 2 shiny Yveltal OT:XYZ for 2 NA Darkrai Codes /u/ShadowMoses05
9. NA Darkrai Code for Regigigas and Mesprit /u/Cruderball
10. XYZ Yveltal for Celebi /u/SkyyOtter
[+] Shinies (8)
1. Gold Bottle Cap and 2 Bottle Cap for Shiny Pangoro /u/JacooBiee
2. 7 Apriballs and an Ability Capsule for Shiny Dreepy and Shiny Hakamo-o /u/ZsushiX
3. 5 mints and an ability capsule for Shiny Weavile and Shiny Indeedee /u/Salamiwaffel
4. 4 mints for Shiny Avalugg and shiny Perrserker /u/Acekicker33
5. 3 Ability Capsule and a Friend Ball for Shiny HA Seismitoad /u/Moarliek
6. 2 Love, 2 Friend, 1 Fast Ball for Shiny Koffing /u/Danny_OwO
7. 2 level ball, 2 heavy ball for shiny excadrill /u/TMNTerps
8. HA Shiny Excadrill for Master Ball /u/boweslightyear
[+] Competitive / Casual (85)
1. 5IV HA Froakie for 4IV HA Fletchling /u/reynosocali
2. 5IV HA Froakie for 5IV Deino w/ Earth Power /u/Friuti
3. HA Froakie and HA Dratini for HA Turtwig and HA Cyndaquil /u/Namonkey97
4. HA Totodile and HA Turtwig for HA Eevee and HA Chickorita /u/Shadow_Vixen
5. HA Froakie 5IV(No ATK) for 6IV Charmander /u/BlazeTheTitan
6. HA Dratini for HA Snivy /u/V1t1
7. 5HA Starters for 4 HA Pokemon and a Shellder /u/frb2609
8. AH Chikorite, Turtwig, and Snivy for HA Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and MArril /u/Carinail
9. HA turtwig for HA oshawott /u/MarUlberg
10. 3 HA Starters for 3 Legendaries /u/Hader102
11. 5IV HA Timid Froakie for Thundurus /u/saucequach
12. HA bulbasaur for HA Vulpix /u/datweavedoe
13. HA Squirtle and HA Snivy for 5IV Jolly HA Gible /u/JadioGCity
14. Modern Vivillon for Polar Vivillon /u/Chicoramero
15. larvitar for meowth /u/KorroKodama
16. HA chikorita and turtwig for HA Tepig and Torchic /u/Scarletfire56
17. 4 HA Starters for 4 HA Pokemon /u/RocketJumper64
18. HA fletchling 5IV for 5IV Kangaskhan /u/tmoneyfans
19. 5IV adamant kangaskahn for 6IV totodile /u/Pughhead13
20. HA Snivy for HA Gligar /u/Sylvestrax
21. Scorbunny w/ Tart Apple for applin with sweet apple /u/TheKnightsEnd
22. Braviary and sobble for rotom and dreepy /u/Bogdanovicz
23. G-Farfetch'd with leek for Accelgor /u/N8_Blueberry
24. dhelmise for turtonator /u/LaxRobbie2550
25. solosis for goomy /u/zenYEETa21
26. 4IV Jolly Ditto for 4IV Timid Ditto /u/ATran504
27. solrock for lunatone /u/Aquamoth
28. 4IV solosis for 4IV Vulpix /u/Sir__Kull
29. grookey and sobble for G-corsola and eevee /u/Aquamoth
30. HA darumaka for HA Snom /u/jarrahead
31. gothita, solrock, and nuzleaf for eiscue, drampa, and spritzee /u/SKUNKAPE529
32. HA Darukama breedject for Mimikyu with egg moves /u/FoxesOnMars
33. HA darumaka for HA corphish /u/dontesydnor
34. HA Magikarp for HA Mareanie /u/aaronxflores
35. Love Ball anf Friend Ball for 3IV JPN Ditto /u/-NovaStar-
36. Seedot, Gothita, and Mime Jr for 4IV CHT Ditto /u/Ryusei24
37. pokerus'd pupitar for Beast Ball Honedge /u/invaesion
38. Grookey for snorunt /u/shadow999991
39. HA Drilbur for 6IV Rotom /u/Neiltard
40. Moon ball Lapras for HA Drilbur /u/Skye1852
41. Lapras w/ Freeeze Dry Egg Move for G Max Dreadnaw /u/Zumkehr54
42. 5IV Comp Darumaka for 5IV Comp Mareanie /u/wassabi_0
43. Master Ball and 2 Bottle Caps for 6IV ENG Ditto /u/batmanismyconstant
44. HA darumaka for HA Riolu in Beast Ball /u/Hoggyawesome365
45. 6IV G-Darumaka for ^IV Trapinch /u/spyleader111
46. TImid Mint for 5 Aprimon (in notes) /u/TrueEcstasy
47. 6IV G-Darumaka for 6IV G-Ponyta /u/selegend
48. solosis breedject for 5IV Rookidee with Egg Moves /u/graham_cake
49. HA Drilbur for Shellos /u/Ggjeed
50. HABB Magikarp for HABB Charmander /u/titandildodestroyer
51. HA Darumaka for HA mincinno /u/staysimple25
52. 6IV ditto for Master Ball /u/Qazxl
53. g Darumaka for togepi /u/HotelSponge
54. BB HA Charmander for Moon Ball HA Dusclops /u/DaniDamn1
55. HA Friend Ball Caterpie for HA BB G-Darumaka /u/pphia
56. Moon Ball HA Lapras for BBHA Lapras /u/mildfruit
57. BBHA Charmander for Friend Ball HA Caterpie /u/sc00ba_steve
58. HA Dreamball Corsola,, HA Moonball Lapras, BBHA Mareanie for BBHA Eevee, BB Bronzor, DBHA Indeedee /u/Taquitothetito
59. DBHA Corsola for BBHA Snorlax /u/gymleader-misty
60. HA Moon Ball Lapras and HA Friend Ball caterpie for HA Level Ball Darumaka and Ha Moon Ball Darumaka /u/nhindian
61. Master Ball for 4IV 0ATK 0Speed Ditto /u/SwitchShape
62. HA rookidee in Luxury Ball for HA Bunnelby in Level Ball /u/Emgimusic
63. HA Moon Ball Darumaka for 6IV BB Larvitar /u/Krul24
64. GMAX Alcremie Ruby Swirl for GMAX Alcremie Vanilla /u/AmiiboPuff
65. 5IV BBHA Mareanie breedject for 6IV BB Dreepy /u/J_Kendrew
66. 7 Beast Ball Mons for 7 Beast Ball Mons /u/Twostarjones
67. GMAX Ruby Swirl Alcremie for GMAX Mint Alcremie /u/Sachisuki
68. HA Moon Ball Darumaka for HA Moon Ball Togepi /u/SkyeDrawsBangtan
69. Moon Ball Lapras w/ Egg Moves for Dream Ball Gossifleur /u/Luxmar1
70. BBHA Snorlax, BBHA Solosis, Moon Ball HA Darumaka for 6IV Heavyy Ball Zigzagoon 6IV Fast Ball Cramorant 5IV Comp Dream Ball Rookidee /u/aerro955
71. 5IV Comp Darumaka for 5IV Moon Ball Rotom /u/shwimz
72. 4IV JPN Ditto for Ruby Swirl GMax Alcremie with Gold bottle cap /u/galarian_zigzagoon
73. HA BB Roggeenrola for HA BB Combee /u/gamervizion
74. HA Moon Ball Lapras for HA Beast Ball Sableye /u/Annoch
75. HA Friend Ball Caterpie for HA BB Goomy /u/LinkyBulba
76. BB Trapinch for BB Turtonator /u/maltrab
77. 5IV HA Dream Ball G-Corsola for Love Ball HA Timburr w/ Egg Moves /u/TheClaw4rmToyStory3
78. BB Trapinch and BB roggenrola for BB Pyumuku and Level Ball Silicobra /u/battlor12
79. Moon Ball Rotom for Moon Ball HA Drilbur /u/pokemontrader8374758
80. Moon Ball Darumaka for Lure Ball /u/TheThirdPersonEver
81. Level Ball Skwovet for Beast Ball Bunnelby /u/jayhaynes
82. Moon ball HA Dusckull for Beast Ball HA Tympole /u/crossmeetsarrows
83. HA Level Ball Bunnelby for HA BB Salandit /u/QuagsireDummyThicc
84. Moon Ball HA Lapras, Moon Ball Rotom, Moon Ball G-Darumaka for BB Growlithe, BBHA Rookidee, BBHA Dreepy /u/Exthalian
85. HA Moon Ball Duskull for HA Moon Ball Ralts /u/xXMercuriusXx
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (1)

1. Shiny Cyndaquil hatch /u/giraffe196

Giveaways/Contests (2 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave 1 HA Froakie (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
2. gave a HA chikorita (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (11)

1. haunter evolution tradeback /u/IAmBestPony
2. Seadra Evolution Tradeback /u/ishavehomelesspeople
3. Kadabra and Haunter Evolution Tradebacks /u/tatmanbingo
4. NA Darkrai Code Redemption /u/Valmorgan1801
5. Evolve Kadabra TTradeback /u/gorocz
6. Scyther evolve tradeback /u/evinrude12
7. Evolve poliwhirl tradeback /u/Darkelf9905
8. 3 Evolution Tradeback /u/Tartancal
9. Haunter evolve tradeback /u/russmzdel
10. Xerneas Tradeback for Pokedex /u/GemmaAbigail
11. Quick 2 mon tradeback to finish their dex /u/Trainer_Alan

Misc (0)


CliffordTBRD's Information


Friend codes:
