
4613-6390-7938 || Cobolt

Trades (45)

[+] Events (36)
1. Pokeball Vivillion for VCG Mamoswine and CoroZard /u/DherMeister
2. Game code for 3x Sum Heracross, 1x Fancy Viv and 1x Bank Celebi /u/SilverBlossom
3. Game Magmar for 1 Heracross, 1 Pinisir, 2 Fancy Vivs and 1 Pokeball Viv /u/WildNig
4. Fancy Viv for SUM Heracross /u/wojtaso9
5. UK Game code for Torchic and 2 Poke Vivs /u/Demosthenes13
6. 3x Diancie codes for 7x Stevens' Shiny Beldum (region set) /u/Rimon-Hanit
7. Gengar code for Focus Sash, Toxic Orb and Flame Orb /u/dirtyninja09
8. 5x Diancie codes for 8x Shiny Steven Beldum, 1x XY Torchic and 1x Bank Celebi /u/Alkar188
9. 4x Diancie Codes for 1x Scrap Shaymin Code /u/dirtyninja09
10. 2x Darkrai Codes for 6x Scrap Codes /u/joelrjohnson
11. 2x Darkrai Codes for Keldeo Code /u/Upper90175
12. 5x Darkrai Codes for Tretta Rotom + Heart Stamp Pika /u/pikasang
13. 7x Darkrai Code for 1x Shaymin, 1x Keldeo, 1x Victini (all codes) /u/harryng2103
14. 1x Darkrai Code for 3x Scrap Codes /u/AlexGdu94
15. 4x Darkrai Codes for Scrap Keldeo /u/Sockernater
16. Diancie Code for Shiny Competative Goomy /u/Shiny_Emboar
17. 6x Diancie Codes for 2x Scrap Shaymin /u/za3root
18. 2x Darkrai Codes for 7x Scrap Codes /u/Expo911
19. 1x Darkrai Code for 3x Scrap Codes /u/BasedNoface
20. 1x Darkrai Code for 3x Scrap Codes /u/koto_om
21. 2x Darkrai Codes for 6x Scrap Codes /u/jaimeg7
22. 2x Scrap Code for Victini redemption, and 3 Comp. Shinies /u/eraco
23. 1x Scrap Victini Code for Gamebuzz + 1 scrap + HA UNOVA set + darkrai code /u/za3root
24. 4x Darkrai Codes for UT PC Tokyo Shiny Pikachu /u/cubanpete26
25. 7x Darkrai Codes for 1x bank Celebi (good IVs) /u/blackaurora
26. 1x Darkrai Code for 1x Serena's Fennekin and 1x Shiny Phantump /u/Beleniel
27. 4x Darkrai Codes for 7x Fancy Vivillion (language set) /u/Teh_Kniight
28. 6x Darkrai Codes for 7x Pokeball Vivillion (language set) /u/Teh_Kniight
29. 4x Scrap Codes for 1x M18 Arceus /u/harryng2103
30. 3x Scraps, 2x Darkrai Codes, 1x GameZard Code for 1x Coro rayquaza Code /u/Teh_Kniight
31. 2x Darkrai Code for 1x Present Trio (Serperior, Emboar, Samurott) /u/Admiral_Fish
32. 1x Keldeo Code, 1x Poke Viv, 1x Bank Celebi for 1x Coro Ray Code /u/a_casserole
33. 3x Darkrai code, 1x GameZard for 1x Coro Rayquaza Code /u/Xenial6
34. 1 Keldeo code, 3 Darkrai codes and 2 Charizard code for 2x rayquaza code /u/Teh_Kniight
35. 3x Darkrai Codes and 1x UK Charizard Code for 1x Coro Rayquaza Code /u/Pichu20
36. 2x Darkrai Codes, 1x Charizard Code, 1x Careful Celebi for M18 Arceus /u/sleepywings
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (7)
1. 5IV Yanma for 5IV Ralts /u/Apatheee
2. Matching Balll Zigzagoon, Larvitar and Sudowoodo for Matching Ball Jynx, Squirtle and Swablu /u/turtleofsorrows
3. 6x Mystery Eggs for Luxury Ball Furfrou /u/MegaEevee
4. DB Feebas for DB Smoochum /u/J-AnideM
5. Matching Ball Skitty, Growlithe and 2x Aipom for Matching Ball Mr. Mime, Aipom, Onix, Bellsprout and Ponyta /u/Akrisn
6. DB Sudowoodo for Moon Ball Teddiursa /u/shivcrane
7. Dream Ball HA females: Drifloon, Skitty and Sudowoodo, Luxury Ball HA female Murkrow and Love Ball female Ralts for DB HA Female: Kanga, Karrablast, Scyther and Pinsir /u/nothing-creative
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (2)
1. Game Code for WISHMKR Jirachi /u/ajkyle56
2. 2x Game Code for Hayleys Mew + Phione (with proof), 2 Pokevivs, one Sum Pinsir and one Fancy Viv /u/Crasac

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


za3root Feb 23, 2015 9:36:08 PM

Second trade and still an Awesome trader. Gave me a Victini code. I have been looking for it for ages. Thanks!

za3root Feb 23, 2015 9:35:37 PM

Second trade and still an Awesome trader. Gave me a Victini code. I have been looking for it for ages. Thanks!

za3root Feb 23, 2015 9:35:32 PM

Second trade and still an Awesome trader. Gave me a Victini code. I have been looking for it for ages. Thanks!

za3root Feb 21, 2015 9:06:20 PM

Gave me 6 PAL Diance codes. Thanks a lot! A very patient and kind trader. Would definitely trade with him/her again.

Cobolt's Information


Friend codes:
