
SW-3332-6236-4430 || Andrew (VIO)
SW-3332-6236-4430 || Andrew (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (73)

[+] Events (7)
1. 3 NA 20th Anniversary Mew Codes for Reshiram, Tornadus, and Ho-oh /u/tawmie123
2. Newsletter Mew Code for Comp Bogon /u/CukiieMonstaa
3. two NA arceus codes for Shiny Togepi and Shiny Zubat /u/henrxv
4. 2 NA Arceus Code for Shiny Fletchling and Shiny Kangaskhan /u/henrxv
5. 6 NA Arceus Codes for Comp Shiny Scizor, Honedge, Dratini, Charmander, Gible, Pawniard /u/jis33785
6. 2 NA Arceus Codes for Shiny Riolu /u/Wizli
7. 2 NA Volcanion Codes for Shiny Vulpix and Shiny Abra /u/Great_Plattsby
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Shiny Iron Treads and Shiny Iron Bundle for Shiny Stonjourner and Shiny Zweilous /u/humthegumbo
[+] Competitive / Casual (65)
1. Wooper for Togetic /u/NerdyOtaku
2. Bulbasaur for Vullaby /u/A7xforlifes
3. Nosepass for Spritzee /u/AerialQ
4. kabuto, joltik for Skrelp, Amaura /u/jst0077
5. snorunt w/dawn stone, snorunt w/dusk stone for charmander w/electrizer, charmander w/magmarizer /u/Chivas_1906
6. petilil for Shiny HA Snivy /u/Crystal1501
7. Breedject HA 5IV Froakie X3 Scyther X3 for Breedject (HA/EM/BB) Chatot, Cranidos, Elekid, Hoppip, Koffing, Raltz /u/Kuri721
8. 5IV HA Froakie, 5 IV Scyther, Thundurus for HA Tepig, HA Cyndaquil, HA Torchic /u/Awmg_Ryan
9. 5 IV Scyther for HA Dratini /u/Iviviana
10. HA 5IV female Froakie for HA female Gible /u/sirweiss
11. Scyther w/technician for HA Fletchling /u/3DSROFLKnife
12. 5IV Growlithe for HA female Fletchling /u/wiicamastah
13. HA EM 5iv Raltz and 5iv Growlithe for 2x 0iv honedge /u/Lyriq88
14. HA Froakie for 5IV Adamant Growlithe /u/Adriarix
15. 5IV Growlithe and 4 IV HA dratini for 5IV vulpix moonball and 5IV amaurus /u/CultHero666
16. Female DBHA raltz for Moonball 5IV Shinx with 4 EM /u/Emm1096
17. HA female Dratini for HA 5IV Froslass /u/brandoli
18. moon ball ghastly and DBHA 4 EM raltz for Heavy Ball 5IV HA EM Skarmory and 5IV HA EM Gligar /u/ntgardner
19. HA female Dratini for 4IV Squirtel /u/Jeremy070
20. HA Cyndaquil for HA Chikorita /u/shoe838
21. HA Tepig for HA Treecko /u/montythefox
22. Moon Ball Ghastly for HA Chespin /u/Pokemon_Trainer_Shay
23. HA Chimchar, HA Cyndaquil, HA Dratini, Moon ball Ghastly for HA Squirtle, HA Piplup, HA Oshawott, HA Mudkip /u/Anihsarog
24. Male Bulbasaur for Ditto /u/BeardExquisite
25. Squirtle for Dratini /u/xRegrets
26. male Krabby for Jolly Mudkip /u/e001mek
27. Noibat for Eevee w/ pokerus /u/KoreanEwok
28. HA Bulbasaur, HA Cyndaquil for HA Turtwig /u/GodzillaInAPokeball
29. HA Snivy, Fennekin, Totodile for Drilbur, Skarmory, and Snorlax /u/Bloodyred4
30. ha chikorita, ha mudkip, ha piplup, ha torchic, scyther, ha oshawott for kangaskan, ferroseed, drapion, electabuzz, mawile, togepi, leftovers /u/danghoang
31. HA Mudkip for HA Pichu /u/Radeonisgaming
32. NA Event XYZ Shiny Xerneas for HA NA Articuno Code /u/SamEatsSteak
33. ha chikorita, ha totodile, timid pidgey for Axem, F Mawile, Sableye /u/TeamRocketTyler
34. 5IV Eevee for Forretress /u/GodKefka
35. Noibat for Donphan /u/krypto_ghost
36. noibat for chimchar /u/zigle4
37. Mewtwo for Tornadus /u/Punchyyy
38. dusk stone for shiny stone /u/beanlyone25
39. comp bulbasaur for comp magikarp /u/OMGWTFMATZE
40. Comp Bulbasaur for Comp Deino /u/enemy-of-state
41. 4IV Scyther for ES HA 2IV Dratini /u/BlackBeard-Corsairs
42. 5IV Growlithe for 5IV HA ES Dratini /u/ricardete987
43. 5IV DB F Eevee for 6IV Luxury Ball Bagon /u/aussiemuso
44. HA Mudkip for 5IV Chansey /u/eavila95
45. 5IV popplio for Comp Pichu /u/asphyxiati0n76
46. HA Tepig for Synchronize Timid Raltz /u/JarreBarre
47. Blacephalon for Stakataka /u/Jared10262002
48. Ditto for Ditto /u/vietcoffeepapi
49. 2 dittos for Fast ball HA Charcadet, Moon HA Flittle /u/Time2Clown
50. HA Moon Ball Flittle for HA Level Ball Cyclizar /u/ffernii
51. Jolly Ditto for HA Dream Ball Tandemaus /u/xmakisexkurisux
52. 2 dittos for HA Love Ball Bramblin, HA Beast Ball Frigibax /u/starturneddust
53. Ha moon ball flittle for Ha level ball scorbunny /u/champloo_express
54. Stonjourner for Ha moon ball rellor and love ball finizen /u/LiquidySoap
55. HA Klawf for Auspicious armor /u/InternationalZebra88
56. HA moonball flittle for HA fastball scorbunny /u/Dolarius
57. HA level ball wattrel for HA heavy ball tinkatink /u/jmarsh1324
58. 4 XL experience candies for 6IV HA heavy ball orthworm /u/bladestormkey
59. HA Rellor moon ball, HA Orthworm heavy ball, HA Charcadet fast ball, HA Flittle moon ball, HA Cyclizar level ball, HA Capsikid friend ballend ball for HA Nymble heavy ball, HA greavard moon ball, HA Frigibax heavy ball, HA Tinkatink love ball, HA Mankey moon ball, HA Charcadet moon ball /u/chowzilla100
60. 11 HA Aprimons for 11 HA Aprimons /u/kate_kane355
61. Moon HA Mankey for Lure HA Droopy Tatsugitri /u/AccursedShield
62. love ball ha tinkatink for Heavy ball HA tandemaus /u/WhereasEvery
63. level wattrel, beast Varoom, Dream Toedscool for HAs dream flittle / moon maschiff / beast rellor /u/FruitDogs89
64. Love and Dream Tandemaus for HA Dream and Heavy ball Cetoddle /u/Airachnid01
65. Dream Toedscool for Beast Ball Varoom /u/MajorNefariousness40
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. Tradeback to help evolve Kadabra /u/autiger24
2. tradeback to evolve a number of pokemon including ryhorn and karablast /u/ShadowSneaky
3. Helped evolve kadabra /u/CatholicFury
4. Tradeback to evolve slowpoke /u/Zekestreke
5. helped trade an egg to a different version /u/Islands
6. Helped tradeback for seadra evolution /u/NickMiamiHeat
7. Tradeback to evolve onyx /u/The_Ides
8. Tradeback to help evolve feebass and scyther /u/jametze
9. Tradeback help to evolve 6 pokemon /u/PCouto_92
10. Tradeback to evolve Kadabra /u/ConceptrunAway

Misc (0)


Crikit47's Information


Friend codes:
