
3926-9456-8424 || CrimsonFists (M)
3926-9456-8424 || CrimsonFists (M) || XXXX

Trades (16)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (16)
1. gengarite for HA Timid Abra /u/Swagtrain123
2. HA 5 IV Mareanie, love ball for HA Geodude /u/Freshboi214
3. Hondew berry (held by Charmander) for HA Torchic /u/BKO1809
4. HA Gligar for HA Froakie /u/XciteCOM
5. Metal Coat for HA Swinub /u/BBallhunter
6. Assault Vest for Pawniard /u/Shinizter
7. 4 IV HA Geodude for 5 IV Chansey, EM /u/thegrumpydwarf
8. 3 IV Careful DItto + Bottle Cap for 6 IV Larvesta /u/doloresphase
9. HA Exeggcute for HA Taillow /u/mahpsal
10. Silver bottle cap (and two carrier HA Swinubs) for HA Lileep and HA Cutiefly /u/DeathEmerald
11. 4 Silver bottle caps (carried by 4EM growlithes) for Latias + 3 fillers /u/DeathEmerald
12. HA Swinub for Relaxed Ditto /u/rocket_vibes
13. Adamant Kabuto for Lotad /u/Erikwave
14. 5 IV A-Grimer with 3 EM + 5 IV HA Mareanie with 4 EM for HA Vulpix and HA Ralts /u/Michael_Iedon
15. Silver bottle cap for Dusk Stone /u/StuffWeAllGet
16. 10 virtual console original for 10 silver bottle caps, virtual console caterpies /u/Marante
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. We both tradebacked an A-Graveller each. /u/Keyster_

Misc (0)


Crimsonfists849's Information


Friend codes:

  • 3926-9456-8424
