
SW-1660-6494-8416 || Rogue (SW), Blaze (ΩR)
SW-1660-6494-8416 || Rogue (SW), Blaze (ΩR) || 1877

Trades (130)

[+] Events (60)
1. Manaphy for Volcarion /u/Tysiilion
2. Popplio and Litten for Arceus /u/ilovenoodlesevenmore
3. Ditto for Arceus /u/sleepingpyramid
4. Litten and Rowlet for 2 Genesects /u/dagabesta
5. 2 Rowlet, 1 Popplio, 1 Litten for 2 Genesect /u/wishmstr
6. rattata for Genesect /u/BeardofTalos
7. Ditto and Litten for Genesect /u/micturnal
8. Rowlet, Popplio, and a Jangmo-o for 2 Genesects /u/hanglooser
9. Litten egg and Popplio egg for 2 Volcarion /u/watch7maker
10. Popplio, Litten, and Rowlet for Mew /u/dangz90
11. Popplio and Litten for Volcanion /u/ThinkingRelative1922
12. Ditto for 2 Genesect /u/elmindredacr
13. Popplio and Litten for Volcanion /u/slayerming2
14. Jangmo-o and Vulpix for Arceus /u/yowmeister
15. 2 Genesects for Victini and Manaphy /u/mafius100
16. 2 Litten, 1 Popplio, and 2 Rowlet for Volcarion and Charmander /u/Vengeance_seeker
17. 3 popplio and 2 litten for 5 Arceus /u/xlerated
18. Carbink for Arceus /u/sw4nkween
19. Arceus and Meloetta for Meowth and Darkrai /u/ActuallyAZoroark
20. 2 Gensects for Jirachi and Celebi /u/Cilantropod
21. Volcarion for Volcarion /u/Herr_Macan
22. 4 mimikyus and 1 goomy for 1 Arceus, 1 Genesect, and 1 Mew /u/SweetStarburstx
23. Shiny Torchic, Larvitar, Growlithe, Gible, Darumaka, and Ralts for 2 Donation Pikachu codes /u/Fancy_Charizard
24. Shiny Riolu, Plusle, Minum, Combee, and Spiritomb for Meloetta, Darkrai, Metagross, Genesect, Zygrade /u/Karpthehobo
25. 20 Golden Bottlecaps for Diance /u/WintertimeMadness
26. Bulbasur, Ralts, Spiritomb, 10 love balls, 10 moonballs, 10 masterballs for Keldeo, Genesect, Magearna, Greninja /u/DrMugg
27. Treecko, Squirtle, Riolu, Bulbsaur, Torchic, Ralts for Diancie, Genesect, Serperior, Emboar /u/jayk1406
28. Bulbsaur for Victini and Keldeo /u/Leaves777
29. Ralts for Volcarion /u/-GoIden
30. Shuckle, Chatot, Larvesta, Pyukumuku for Arceus, Emboar, Serperior, Samurott /u/Karpthehobo
31. Bulbsaur and Squirtle for 2 Genesect /u/fmehlhaff
32. Ralts, Dratini, 2 Riolu, and Squirtle for Shaymin and Meloetta /u/TofuMapo
33. Mareep and Houndour for Jirachi /u/AgentFoster
34. Ralt and Minccino for Zoroark and Diancie /u/robyn_herbert
35. Amaura, Elgyem, Shelmet for Shaymin /u/Clyde1776
36. Mareep, Dratini, Poliwag, Minccino, Houndour, and Purrloin for Pikachu /u/taranteeeno
37. mareep and squirtle for 2 Genesect /u/DangerD015
38. Gligar for Keldeo /u/shaggy5402
39. minun, Purrlion and Minccino, larvesta for Darkrai and Shaymin /u/GottaHackEmAll
40. Riolu, Combee, Spiritomb, Shuckle, Chatot and Houndour, for Shaymin, Keldeo and Meloetta /u/redch0c0b0
41. Caterpie for Machamp /u/philvpham10
42. Treecko for 3 Lycanroc codes /u/ShadDragowX
43. Treecko for 3 Lycanroc codes /u/DarkBlastoise09
44. 6 Masterball for 3 Lycanroc codes /u/Tony_Solo
45. 1 Lycanroc code for 1 koko code /u/JoeyLin1215
46. Ralts for Victini /u/Battleman24
47. Minccino, Dratini, Spiritomb, Combee, and Chatot for 8 Lycanroc codes /u/jcindica
48. 6 Lycanroc codes for 3 Tapu Koko Redeems /u/Miss_LadyRed
49. Houndour, Bulbasaur, Torchic, Darumaka, Larvesta, Dratini, Poliwag, Ralts, Riolu, Larvitar for 23 lycanroc codes /u/MrRavine777
50. Dratini for 2 Lycanroc codes /u/topshot069
51. 3 Lycanroc codes for 3 Koko codes /u/jase0412
52. 137 DBHA pokemon for 7 Koko codes /u/ExiaWind
53. 6 Lycanroc codes and 10 Koko code for 9 Kokos /u/wuyi317605
54. 1 bulbsaur and 2 ponyta for Gardevoir /u/DestinySaber
55. 10 Koko codes and 3 lycanroc codes for 9 Tapu koko /u/wuyi317605
56. 2 Lycanroc codes for Lycanroc /u/Asura_Ronin
57. 5 Lycanroc codes for 1 vulpix code /u/KoRayven
58. Lucky Egg for Lycanroc code /u/VintagePanda
59. Remoraid, Hippopotas, Roggenrolla, Rhyhorn . for Lycanroc code /u/Daran39
60. 3 koko codes for 1 Lycanroc code /u/maxrexpower1
[+] Shinies (3)
1. Persian for Feebas /u/reyvax89
2. Goomy for Ditto /u/GhostGwen
3. 5 luck eggs, 4 life orbs, 3 megastones, 5 BP items for Inkay, Phaphy, Tyrunt, and Noibat /u/xchasex
[+] Competitive / Casual (67)
1. Vullaby for Popplio /u/Pikameiser
2. Litten for Caterpie /u/under3y
3. Popplio for Rowlet egg /u/redtias0v0
4. Ditto for Rowlet /u/Vashtrigun0420
5. Ditto for Gothita /u/Zerobeastly
6. Caterpie for Wimpod /u/bbshtuk
7. Cynaquil, Piplup, and Trecko for Porygon /u/surfboardoaktree
8. Litten for Archen /u/Astrochio
9. Rowlet for Chikorita /u/Ratchet_and_Dank
10. Litten for Kartana /u/teriyakiii
11. 3 Genesects for Heatran, creselia, kyurem, lugia, regigigas, regice, registeel, regirock, rayaquaza, giratina, kyogre, suicune, raikou, entei, mesprit, uxie, azelf, terrakion, cobalion, virizion /u/McpZ
12. wimpod for Passimian /u/blayzerl1
13. Paras for Turtonator /u/AtuanReddit
14. Totodile for Kartana /u/Zenros
15. Wingull for Tirtouga /u/diabeticplague
16. Wingull for Cranidos /u/BTChurch
17. vulpix for geodude /u/wasubi1
18. Mareanie for bagon /u/Kiiidd
19. Gumshoo for Nihilego /u/Djqubi
20. Murkrow for wishiwashi /u/HlGHN00N
21. Exeggcute for Mareanie /u/hroo4
22. Archen for Kartana /u/Cruril
23. Mareanie for xurkitree /u/Riah8426
24. Lillipup for Gible /u/iShalaka
25. Horsea for Axew /u/retribute
26. Mareanie for salandit /u/itsbeenabaddayplease
27. Popplio and Jangmo-o for zekrom, reshiram, and kyurem /u/toofiddyar
28. Pheromosa for Buzzwole /u/Delaser
29. Oranguru for Scyther /u/Kdintranet
30. Various dex entries for Ditto /u/Ju-da-su
31. makuhita for Pheromosa /u/crazyinabottle
32. Jolteon for Kartana /u/cabravelha
33. Pheromosa for Popplio /u/KLUTZNCUTZ
34. litwick and horsea for Litten and Popplio /u/bwstephens85
35. Gible for Destiny knot /u/sleepy_by_day
36. Gible for Abra /u/CalmBatRadio
37. Gible for Sandshrew /u/Aelaeron
38. Geodude for Jangmo-o /u/Relixae
39. 2 Volcarion for Vulpix /u/GhostyCube
40. Gible for Kartana /u/TheRabidNautilus
41. Ditto for Oshawatt /u/Sqongey
42. Trapinch, Slowpoke, and Wimpod for Wingull, Klefki, and Metagross /u/nandawin
43. Murkrow, Wingull, and Yungoos for Dratini, Sandygast, and Mareanie /u/majormoron747
44. Murkrow for Swinub and Marill /u/Muskrat01
45. Mudbray for Abra /u/dandan150
46. Sandshrew for Jangmo-o /u/-raccoon-
47. Murkrow, Oshawott, and Snivy for Chikorita, Rogenrolla, and totodile /u/BenedictRulerOfEggs
48. Houndour for Coblion and Terrakion /u/Spacemonkey0716
49. 1 Moon Ball for Growlithe and a Minum /u/Guiboulou
50. meditite and buneary for 1 Lucky egg /u/The_polar_bears
51. Pyukumuku and Growlithe for Tauros, Dweeble, Sigilyph, Tirtouga, Lotad, Shieldon, Burmy, Teddiursa, Plusle, and Minun Pansear, Pansage, Panpour, Volbeat, Illumise, Seviper, Zangoose, Tangela, Misdreavus, and Kangaskhan /u/TheRiyria
52. Poliwag,Minun, and Larvesta for Spiritomb, Sunkern, Omanyte, Wooper, Yanma, Miltank, Delibird, Corphish, Swinub Tropius, Vanillite, Gastly, Magikarp, Koffing, Chinchou, Remoraid, Mantine, Wailmer, Basculin-Red, Tentacool, Feebas, Spinarak, Meditite, Castform, Cherubi, Carnivine, Solrock, Chimecho, Bidoof /u/valere1213
53. Rocky helmet and a life orb for Sentret, Mankey, Riolu and Venipide /u/Yoris123
54. Ralts for Treecko, Lotad, Corsola, Larvitar, Shroomish, Meditite, Riolu, Snover. Heracross and Scraggy /u/Morgan-Meme-Machine
55. Plusle and Minun for Oddish, Psyduck, Abra, Drowzee, Shuckle, Slugma, Skarmory, Stantler, Miltank, Zigzagoon, Seedot, Surskit, Whismur, Sableye, Numel, Cacnea, Shinx, Munna, Pidove, Petilil. /u/xSnowCat
56. Larvesta for Ralts, Gulpin, Throh, Sawk, and Voltorb axew, Rhyhorn, togapi, and Solosis, Deino /u/TheMaskd
57. Poliwag for Snorlax, Goldeen, Mr Mime, Ponyta, drifbloom, tympole, chatot, maractus, murkrow, and Qwilfish /u/DarkBlastoise09
58. 2 heavyballs for Magby, Poochyena, Shellder, Skorupi, Turtwig, and tirtouga /u/Gazier
59. Illumise and Sawk for Doduo and gible /u/plsdontupvote
60. kangaskan, drowzee, goldeen, magikarp, murkrow and misdreavus for Charmander, Onix, Horsea, Staryu, Snorunt, and Finneon /u/1azn4baby3girl
61. psyduck, mankey, growlithe, shellder, tauros, miltank, sableye, solrock, plusle, pansage, pansear, panpour, basculin, maractus, and Corsola for geodude, Ledyba, Girafarig, Delibird, Smeargle, Makuhita, Torkoal, Spinda, Trapinch, Spheal, Budew, Hippopotas, Croagunk, Timburr, and Druddigon /u/Bouncer2085
62. 1 egg, 1 band, 1 specs, and a Scizorite for Relicanth, Roggenrola, Paras, Jynx (Smoochum) /u/Offlinelol
63. 2 lucky eggs for elekid, Nosepass, and Wingull, and geodude /u/Trainer_Alan
64. 1 loveball and 3 moonballs for A-Vulpix, Mareanie, Mimikyu, rotom, Swablu, rufflet, and Duskull /u/meltedmochi
65. Mawile, Roselia, Yanma, Gligar & Charmander for solosis, Sneasel. Bountsweet, Comfey, and Oricorio /u/Shakaro
66. Solosis and Litwick for Lucky egg /u/VersatileArsenal
67. 2 lucky eggs for solosis, Deino, and litwick /u/Miuna
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (14)

1. I hatched a shiny Rockfuff for user MysticHomer /u/MysticHomer
2. Hatched a shiny Rockruff for user Deathbot64 /u/Deathbot64
3. Hatched a shiny Sandshew for user Megagross /u/Megagross
4. Hatched a shiny cube for user ghjkl-pokemon /u/ghjkl-pokemon
5. Hatched a shiny mimkyu for user pokemonhuntersbc /u/pokemonhuntersbc
6. Hatched a shiny Popplio for user mairrai /u/mairrai
7. Hatched a shiny beldum for user curseotz /u/curseotz
8. Hatched a shiny Rowlet for Hades91 /u/Hades91
9. Hatched a shiny mimikyu for user ubernuke /u/ubernuke
10. Hatched a shiny ledyba for user GhostyCube /u/GhostyCube
11. Hatched a shiny mimikyu for user Suicune9 /u/Suicune9
12. Hatched a shiny Passiman for user dharlette /u/dharlette
13. Hatched a shiny weedle for user chang0471 /u/chang0471
14. Hatched a shiny grubin for user Kasumi_kimura /u/Kasumi_kimura

Giveaways/Contests (68 Pokémon given, 1 eggs given)

1. User GreninjaSexParty gave me a female Jangmo-O (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
2. User Slothew gave away PAL Volcanion codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. User hanglooser gave away ponytas (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
4. lavaburst14 gave away Dewpiders (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
5. Metalloprotean gave away Vikavolt (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
6. User abloopdadooda gave away Arceus codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
7. Arceus (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
8. User Hailstate253 gave away Snivys (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
9. User topcat554 gave away Arcues codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
10. User plastreaka gave me a Smeargle (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
11. User maikcampbell gave away Arceus codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
12. User TexMexWaffle gave away a goomy (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
13. BreederCK gave away Jangmo-o (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
14. LSephiroth Gaveaway Volcarion (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
15. User xyals gave away vulpix (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
16. karsaex gaveaway dratini (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
17. User ImRhinne gaveaway petilil (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
18. User coolswampert gaveaway wimpod (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
19. coolswampert gaveaway murkrow (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
20. User hungrysadhippos gaveaway Cutiefly (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
21. User Kalamitykatt gaveaway Aron and Rotom (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)
22. User Atwolf gaveaway Gible (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
23. User mdistrukt gaveaway Honedge (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
24. User MudsyKipsy gaveaway Basculin (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
25. User fern7769 gaveaway Rowlet (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
26. BreederCK gaveaway Carvanha (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
27. User PrincessOddish gaveaway mystery eggs (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
28. 15 PAL Lycanroc codes given away (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
29. 10 PAL Lycanroc codes given away (Sub: pokemontrades, 10 given)
30. PAL Lycanroc code given away (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
31. PAl Lycanroc code iven away (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (17)

1. User LotsOfProtean and I did a trade back with Hoopa, Volcanion, Genesect, Keldeo. User LotsOfProtean did not benefit, I progressed on dex. /u/LotsOfProtean
2. Helped Slothew fill dex with Latios and Groudon. /u/Slothew
3. rikrok58 did a tradeback with Kadabra, Haunter, Machoke, and Boldore; and Iand I with Kadabra to evolve. /u/rikrok58
4. User ruxeol and I did a tradeback with their Kadabra. /u/ruxeol
5. User PrinceBinman and did a tradeback with my Haunter and his Boldore /u/PrinceBinman
6. User Re_Salted and I did a tradeback with his Haunter and my Seadra /u/Re_Salted
7. User Pandaman911 and I did a tradeback with his Haunter and my Seardra /u/Pandaman911
8. User noodlejabb and I did a tradeback with his Machoke and my Seardra /u/noodlejabb
9. User Reitharn and I did a trade back with his Kadabra and my Feebas /u/Reitharn
10. User run2anywhere and I did a tradeback with his Porygon and my Seadra /u/run2anywhere
11. User NotThatNewman did a trade back with his Kadabra and my Seadra /u/NotThatNewman
12. User austin55333 and I did a tradeback with his Scyther /u/austin55333
13. User mar33n and I did a tradeback so he can evolve Magmar Electabuzz Porygon + then later on the PorygonZ trade Feebas Scyther /u/mar33n
14. User elijahelam and I did a trade back with his Porygon /u/elijahelam
15. User TheRealBc33 and I did a tradebacks with his Slowpoke and Poliwhirl /u/TheRealBc33
16. User Luho and I did a tradeback with their Kadabra /u/Luho
17. User UniLune and I did a tradeback with his electabuzz and Poliwhirl /u/UniLune

Misc (1)

1. Helped a person level a pokemon up once, then sent it back. Got a genesect code in return.


Dragon8989's Information


Friend codes:
