
2810-0343-3843 || X (Y), Ruby (αS)
2810-0343-3843 || X (Y), Ruby (αS) || 0702, 0406

Trades (32)

[+] Events (10)
1. NA Diancie Code for 2 Steven's Beldums and 1 OCT2104 Gengar /u/InHelixWeGust
2. Miltank and shiny Skuntank for NA Diancie Code /u/PerkeleCrow
3. 1 CoroCoro RayRay for 1 GAMEzard code /u/a_casserole
4. 1 CoroCoro RayRay for 1 GAMEzard Code /u/Mortifer_Ultor
5. 1 CoroCoro RayRay Code for 7 scrap codes /u/Triceratops5
6. 1 FBKang Code for 2 CoroCoro RayRay Codes /u/koto_om
7. Comp. Shiny Gastly for Serena's Fennekin /u/dantelukas
8. 1 Diancie for Shiny Comp. Froakie and Goomy, and Shiny Semi-Comp Larvitar /u/J-AnideM
9. Comp Thundurus for FB Kang /u/Broadsword117
10. CoroRay Code for 3 GameRai codes and 5 comp shinies /u/DiamondFarm
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (21)
1. A Rocky Helmet for A 4IV female Protean Froakie /u/Zertolurian
2. Shiny 4IV Mawile for 5IV Gastly /u/hoogeezand
3. 4 Evolutions for Satisfaction /u/Jka22419
4. 2 Evolutions for Satisfaction /u/mem88
5. Pumpkaboo for Chikorita /u/wes2les
6. Flabébé for Sableye /u/charlesd11
7. Mawile for Buneary /u/cyoid
8. Mawile for Miltank /u/mist0624
9. Drilbur for Honedge /u/maplewars
10. Larvitar for Joltik /u/RooskyDoosky
11. DB Kang for DB Scyther /u/ragnaroq
12. Fast Ball Meowth and Friend Ball Machop for Fast Ball Growlithe and DB Solosis /u/DiamondFarm
13. Comp. Joltik for DB Ha Shroomish /u/Lyelt
14. Protean Froakie for Speed Boost Torchic /u/Ichigowins
15. DB HA Roselia and DB HA Kabuto for DB HA Sableye and DB HA Riolu /u/Rashe
16. Feebas and Pinsir for Aerodactyl /u/nekomaroo
17. Riolu for Honedge /u/jlmonkey7
18. Comp. Suicune and Yveltal for M18 Arceus /u/WreckItMike
19. Machop, Pinsir, Pawniard, Magikarp, and Tyrunt for Cherubi, Venipede, Murkrow, and Togetic /u/Fad1990
20. 2 Sniper Horseas for A Fennekin with dank EMs /u/FoxOfTwilight
21. DBHA Riolu for Marill and Rotom /u/AgentKazy
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Diancie for Spring 2012 Reshiram /u/aaronfaren

Egg Hatches (18)

1. Hatched a Cottonee, nicknamed "T-Religion" /u/hinanaitenpoke
2. Hatched a Deino /u/sylgrace
3. Hatched a Scyther, nicknamed "Skojar du" /u/spirit_wasa
4. Hatched a Buneary in Littleroot Town /u/LovelyMagickUnicorn
5. No clue what Pokemon it was, I've forgotten /u/ShadowSkeet
6. Hatched a Gligar in the Pokemon League /u/willster191
7. Hatched a Dratini in the Pokemon League /u/willster191
8. Hatched a Magikarp /u/Beleniel
9. Hatched an Axew /u/WenSnake
10. Hatched a Murkrow /u/haroo0929
11. Hatched a Tundra Scatterbug /u/thrran
12. Hatched a Totodile /u/iWarnock
13. Hatched 2 Ferroseeds, one nicknamed "Regalia" /u/Menezjul
14. Hatched a Pawniard /u/Pancham4
15. Hatched a Onix, nicknamed "Pyriteix" /u/AussieBc
16. Hatched a Shellos /u/Jozcef
17. Hatched a Beldum /u/redsludge
18. Hatched a Cottonee, nicknamed "Daya H" /u/Pancham4

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. richi3f posted 9 NA Diancie Codes, first come first serve (Sub: pokemontrades)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (1)

1. "Tradebacks or trade evolutions where at least one user is given a reward." I was given a shiny Vulpix for 33 tradebacks


Mortifer_Ultor Apr 5, 2015 12:06:54 PM

Very professional trader. I received Pokemon + very thorough documentation near instantenously!

DsrwLetters's Information


Friend codes:
