
1865-0766-5446 || Fire (X)
1865-0766-5446 || Fire (X) || 2267

Trades (18)

[+] Events (9)
1. 25 dex filler for Wifi Vivillion /u/besoden
2. Heracross for Pinsir /u/Tsea23
3. Pinsir + 2 Wifi Vivillions for Gastrodon, Exploud RNG'd /u/Darkcollector
4. Comp Timburr Egg for 2 NA PokeVivs /u/ajkyle56
5. Comp Timburr egg w/ match + Perfect Swirlix breedable for 2 NA Pokeviv + Heracross /u/ajkyle56
6. Comp shiny Aerodactyl + 1 NA Pokeviv for HP Perfect swablu /u/KoD304
7. 2 Heracross for Comp shiny Teddiursa /u/LeeSin4theLoss
8. 2 customs for 1 NA gengar code + 3 bank Celebi /u/ajkyle56
9. 2 NA gengar Codes for 2 comp shinies /u/believingunbeliever
[+] Shinies (9)
1. 25 Dex Filler for Jap Electrike /u/Super-Poke-Bros
2. 180 Dex Filler for Virizion, Zekrom and 7 shinies /u/Cruiserg
3. 49 Dex Filler for Machamp /u/Indomat64
4. 6iv Shroomish for Corsola /u/Tacocat777
5. Chimchar breedable for ponyta /u/ibundrawhard
6. Uxie + Raikou Dex filler for Golem /u/Lucambd
7. Shroomish Breedable for Espurr /u/Banzai_Bruce
8. Enigma Berry for Charmander /u/Ottof
9. Cubchoo for Hoppip /u/LionNP
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (13)

1. Hatched mudkip /u/Mariichan
2. Chansey /u/sentony93
3. Audino /u/Umbra-Profess
4. Venipede /u/Sh4dowlord66
5. Chansey /u/vectri
6. Roselia /u/ajkyle56
7. eevee /u/BriarRose29
8. ?? Not sure /u/WildNig
9. aron /u/yakitorisushi
10. Sableye /u/Demosthenes13
11. Aerodactyl /u/Sheeptur
12. Magnus the Abra /u/sheeptur
13. larvitar /u/Dakkon426

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


WenSnake Oct 20, 2014 4:24:23 AM

Great Person! Helped me complete my dex a while back!

Firefist135's Information


Friend Safari: Teddiursa, Minccino, Smeargle

Timezone: GMT - 5

My spreadsheet:

OTHER TSV's FOR IRC USERS ONLY (27 total so far)

Friend codes:

  • 1865-0766-5446


  • IGN: Fire TSV: 2267