
0173-1563-2115 || Shiro (M), Fonbella (UM, SH)
0173-1563-2115 || Shiro (M), Fonbella (UM, SH) || 3341, 1796

Trades (51)

[+] Events (2)
1. Ho-Oh/Lugia code for Kyogre/Groudon code /u/Jloi2001
2. 2 Zeraora codes, 1 Ho-Oh/Lugia code for 1 Shiny Poipole code, 1 Reshiram/Zekrom code, 1 Kyogre/Groudon code /u/Pjay12
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Buneary for Mawile /u/Dphef
[+] Competitive / Casual (48)
1. Mareep for Absol /u/bintiez
2. Eevee for Houndour /u/Shibana
3. Spearow for Skitty /u/Alastart
4. Weedle, Spearow and Oddish for Lileep /u/HarliquinTrainer96
5. Eevee and Sentret for Chinchou, Corphish, Durant and Finneon /u/Forsaken_Uchiha
6. Pawniard for Slakoth /u/mingst
7. Meditite for Larvitar /u/richi3f
8. Bunch of Bank Ball Pokémon for Bunch of Bank Ball Pokémon /u/writingcookie43
9. Clamperl and Roselia for Skorupi /u/HeavyWater20
10. Eevee for Mankey /u/maplewars
11. Pichu and Larvesta for Corphish /u/ATFVamf
12. Bunch of Bank Ball Pokémon for Bunch of Bank Ball Pokémon /u/Cu4utl3
13. Roselia for Shuppet /u/Aurnion
14. Scyther and Nidoran for Togepi /u/AIphaGeek
15. Vulpix for Krabby /u/SitrusVictory
16. Bunch of Bank Ball Pokémon for Bunch of Bank Ball Pokémon /u/Pangotron
17. Aerodactyl for Spritzee and Swirlix /u/cinnamonice
18. Maractus for Yamask /u/qweligator
19. Corphish and Croagunk for Gible /u/Jesterboy
20. Growlithe for Koffing and Marill /u/Cu4utl3
21. Onix for Weedle /u/MiguelYx
22. Vulpix for Tropius /u/gootarts
23. Growlithe, Koffing and Larvesta for Joltik, Onix and Deino /u/Dilmah93
24. Growlithe and Machop for Froakie /u/Pangotron
25. Vulpix for Bagon /u/iShalaka
26. Maractus for Skrelp /u/bi-cycle
27. Weedle for Barboach /u/FireMeg
28. Bunch of Bank Ball Pokémon for Trapinch and Seviper /u/agarvin
29. Kangaskhan and Bagon for Shiny Beldum /u/FullMetalPaulchemist
30. Bunch of Bank Ball Pokémon for Bunch of Bank Ball Pokémon /u/cinnamonice
31. Corphish for Bagon /u/darwinistic
32. Aerodactyl for Charmander /u/Aurnion
33. Heracross, Slakoth and Roselia for Shiny Larvitar /u/ieatants23
34. Bulbasaur for Murkrow /u/za3root
35. Dewpider for Magikarp /u/VergilXV
36. Cutiefly for Eevee /u/PandaSSBM
37. Goomy for Honedge /u/hurryupthecakes
38. Grimer for Exeggcute /u/Aure_
39. Mimikyu for Rockruff /u/RelaxingRed
40. Pheromosa for Buzzwole /u/Taco_Human
41. Sewaddle and Stunky for Mareanie and Toxapex /u/Oblivions_reaper
42. Shinx for Turtonator /u/MagikDark
43. Midreavus for Sewaddle /u/Scarpowne
44. Gengarite, Choice Scarf for Jangmo-o /u/mfcisme
45. Houndour for Pinsir /u/oeco123
46. Electrike and Meditite for Jangmo-o and Froakie /u/Scarpowne
47. Dratini and Slowpoke for Inkay and Sandile /u/MC_CoyoteClan
48. Several bank ball mon for Several bank ball mon /u/Eisenheim88
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (21)

1. Hatched shiny Tympole /u/Nawrockstar
2. Hatched shiny Phantump /u/Ticcyboy
3. Hatched shiny Flabébe /u/MundaneButterfly
4. Hatched shiny Machop /u/Epoke28
5. Hatched shiny Shuppet /u/SandalsofMoses
6. Hatched shiny Scyther /u/Drinkus
7. Hatched shiny Pinsir /u/SrMomo
8. Hatched shiny Deino /u/megarozz
9. Hatched shiny Pawniard /u/Vanaeus
10. Hatched shiny Gastly /u/Kahtod
11. Hatched shiny Slowpoke /u/dgk3593
12. Hatched Shiny Lileep /u/catcf
13. Hatched shiny Spoink /u/Jozcef
14. Hatched shiny Axew /u/Implieslol
15. Hatched shiny Eevee /u/Col_Mobius
16. Hatched shiny Staryu /u/BigCMJ
17. Hatched shiny Cutiefly /u/dukethebichon
18. Hatched shiny Vulpix /u/danoobna
19. Hatched shiny Feebas /u/ssp03454
20. Hatched shiny Tepig /u/lazytv8
21. Hatched shiny Venipede /u/MementoMors

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 59 eggs given)

1. Gave away Rowlet eggs (Sub: SVExchange, 25 given)
2. Giveaway of Alolan Grimer (Sub: SVExchange, 34 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Om4rA Mar 31, 2019 3:34:46 PM

Thank you for hatch my shiny Kanga!

FishyFried Jan 11, 2017 8:57:07 PM

Thank you for the shiny purple blob! ⋆ ᴗ ⋆

danoobna Dec 31, 2016 7:54:16 PM

Thanks for the shiny vulpix

Jozcef Nov 11, 2014 1:02:02 AM

Hatched my shiny Spoink, thanks again!

UmiMizuAi Nov 8, 2014 2:49:54 AM

Hatched a shiny for me. Quick and easy-going trainer!

dgk3593 Nov 7, 2014 11:58:11 PM

Hatched my Slowpoke. Really trustworthy.

Kahtod Nov 5, 2014 8:17:01 PM

hatched a shiny gastly for me. :) thx alot

Fonbella's Information


Friend codes:

  • 0173-1563-2115
