
4485-1312-3888 || Foxlery (αS, X, M, LGE)
4485-1312-3888 || Foxlery (αS, X, M, LGE) || 1873

Trades (149)

[+] Events (34)
1. NA Arceus Code for Male Dream ball Jolly Aerodactyl - Rock Head 4EM 5IV -SpAtk /u/sagejonathan
2. NA Arceus Code for Male 6IV Gible with 4 EM and Male 5IV (-Atk) Abra /u/Mr-Justo
3. 2 NA Volcanion Codes for 4 5IV Perfect DBHA with 4EM: Sentret, Larvitar, Spheal, Cherubi and 2 6IV DBHA with 4EM: Goldeen and Alomomola /u/kojicarlos
4. Shiny Comp 5IV DBHA Female Omanyte for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/schmidty10
5. 1 NA Volcanion Code for DBHA Comp 5IV Heracross, DBHA Comp 5IV Timburr, 6IV Marill, 6IV Cranidos, and 6IV Shieldon all with 4EM /u/iPippy
6. 1 NA Volcanion Code for Comp 5IV DBHA Farfetch'd and Slugma each with 4EM /u/Strafingfire
7. 3 NA Volcanion Codes for 6 Comp 5IV DBHA with 4EM: Chinchou, Poocheyena, Skitty, Wurmple, Numel, and Roggenrola /u/Strafingfire
8. 1 NA Volcanion Code for Comp 5IV DBHA Glameow and Comp 5IV LuxHA Hawlucha each with 4 EM /u/Ridry
9. 1 NA Genesect Code for Comp 5IV DBHA of Mr. Mime and Karrablast each with 4EM /u/Coastey
10. 2 NA Genesect codes for Comp 5IV DBHA's of Diglett, Lickitung, Scyther, and Magikarp eachwith 4EM /u/Kalas7
11. NA Volcanin Code and Comp 5IV HA Tyrogue for Comp 5IV DBHA's of Pinsir, Krabby, and Slakoth /u/repaulyu
12. 4 NA Genesect Codes for Timid Keldeo with proof /u/MysticHomer
13. 1 NA Genesect code for 1 NA Volcanion code /u/Iviviana
14. 1 NA Genesect Code for Comp 5IV BB Mimikyu with 4EM and Imperfect 5IV Lux Mimikyu with 2 EM /u/Myzerl
15. 1 NA Genesect Code for Female Comp 5IV LuxHA Jangmo-o and Rockruff each with EM /u/Skreya
16. Play! Mewtwo for Arceus, Victini, Shaymin, Jirachi, Celebi, Mew /u/ZiR1402
17. 20th Anniversary Darkrai, Shaymin, Victini for Comp 5IV Gen 5 DBHA Starters /u/TheLorkofIslam
18. XYZ Bold Xerneas and Jolly Yveltal for Alexander Jolly Hoopa and 20th Aniv. Timid Meloetta /u/DTranscendent
19. Hardy 20th Aniv. Jirachi for Timid Demo Ash-Greninja /u/TheOnlyXdude
20. XYZ Yveltal and Xerneas for Comp Natured Mewtwo, Suicune, Mesprit, Azelf, Pheromosa, Kartana /u/Xamarqand
21. 20th Aniv. Celebi for Comp 5IV DBHA Baltoy, Comp 5IV DBHA Solrock, and Comp 5IV HP Fire DBHA Magnemite /u/silvercup011
22. 20th Aniv. Keldeo, 3 Comp 5IV, and 25 LuxHA Breedjects for Luxury Ball: Adamant Entei, Impish Regirock, Careful Registeel, Adamant Regigigas, Jolly Terrakion, Adamant Landorus, and Timid Kyruem /u/yuhang8849
23. XYZ Zygarde, 20th Arceus and Keldeo for Comp 5IV DBHA Monkeys w/ 4EM /u/GaleWindscar
24. Trophy Aldora Trio for 11 Comp 5IV DBHA Females with 4EM: Nincada, Shellos (East), Krabby, Lickitung, Chinchou, Wooper, Poochyena, Whismur, Tropius, Drifloon, and Croagunk /u/Ardrasi
25. 20th Aniv. Victini, Meloetta, and Volcanion for Comp 5IV DBHA/LuxHA with 4EM: Voltorb, Pichu, Throh, Sawk, Deerling (Summer), Deerling (Autumn), Deerling (Winter), Drampa, Bruxish, Oranguru /u/dexter228
26. Regi Trio for 11 Comp 5IV LuxHA Females with 4EM: Cubchoo, Mienfoo, Larvesta, Scatterbug (Modern), Litleo, Flabébé (White), Flabébé (Red), Flabébé (Orange), Flabébé (Yellow), Skiddo, and Inkay /u/Ardrasi
27. 20th Aniv. Jirachi, Arceus, and Darkrai for Comp 5IV LuxHA Females w/ 4EM: Fennekin, Binacle, Clauncher, Helioptile, Dedenne, Pumpkaboo (Small), Pumpkaboo (Average), Pumpkaboo (Large), and Bergmite /u/Ardrasi
28. 20th Anniversary Docile Shaymin, and Naughty Zygarde for Comp 5IV DBHA Petilil and Gothita, Comp 5IV LuxHA Patrat, Sewaddle, Darumaka, Frillish, Skrelp. /u/Ardrasi
29. 20th Anniversary Volcanion and Genesect for Sinnoh and Unova Capped Pikachus /u/RootBearr
30. SuMo Launch Munchlax for Heonn Cap Pikachu /u/DanTortuga
31. DBHA Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wurmple, Lotad, Seedot, and Taillow for Original Cap Pikachu /u/DJStarstryker
32. Comp 5IV DBHA Aerodactyl, Camperl, Spring Deerling, Spritzee, Chimecho, and Relicanth for Comp 5IV Phione /u/Chefsaltyballs69
33. 20th Anniversary Meoloetta for Alola Cap Pikachu /u/auploads
34. 20th Anniversary Genesect for Kalos Cap Pikachu /u/corysmith37
[+] Shinies (13)
1. Shiny Deino for DBHA Female Dratini with 4 EM /u/deltalaser99
2. Shiny 5IV HA Snivy for DBHA Perfect Eevee, Mawile, and Swablu each with 4 EM /u/Stonewallsorgi
3. Shiny 5IV Chimchar with 1 EM for 6 IV DBHA Female Shuppet with 4 EM and Bold 5IV Rotom /u/AugustoCSP
4. Shiny 5 IV Perfect DB Male Bagon with 4 EM for 3 5IV Perfect DBHA Females each with 4 EM, Sneasel, Marill, and Cleffa /u/Stonewallsorgi
5. Shiny Swablu for 5IV Perfect DBHA Female Venipede, 5IV Perfect Male Venipede, and 5IV Perfect Male Fennekin /u/ErrMahGad
6. Comp 5IV Shiny level 31 Male Lux Ball HP Fire Froakie with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA's of Miltank, Makuhita, and Shuckle each with 4EM, 6IV Male Koffing with 4EM, and 5IV Male Tympole with 4EM /u/Sakisd7
7. Shiny Petilil and Comp 5IV Own Tempo DB Petilil each with 4EM for 5IV DBHA Tentacool and 6IV DBHA Tympole with 4EM each /u/glatoris
8. Shiny Paras for 4IV LuxHA Goomy /u/benweinrib
9. 5 Shinies: Female Charmander, Growlithe, Voltorb, Exeggcute, and Eevee for 11 Comp 5IV Males with 1-2 EM: Growlithe, Bellsprout, Geodude, Ponyta, Goldeen, Lapras, Dratini, Mareep, Hoppip, Sunkern, and Murkrow /u/Ardrasi
10. 5 Shinies: 2 Eevees, Dratini, Wurmple, and Italian Frillish for 11 Comp 5IV Males with 1-2 EM: Shuckle, Heracross, Zigzagoon, Lotad, Shroomish, Makuhita, Mawile, Aron, Corphish, Buizel, and Buneary /u/Ardrasi
11. 5 Shinies: Feebas, Rotom x2, Comp 5IV HP Ice DBHA Petilil, and Amaura for 11 Comp 5IV Males with 1-2 EM: Spiritomb, Gible, Purrloin, Dribur, Tympole, Sigilyph, Tirtouga, Karrablast, Alomomola, Ferroseed, Pawniard, and Amaura /u/Ardrasi
12. Shiny Dratini and 18 Breedject DBHA Females with 4EM: Spearow, Bellsprout, Tentacool, Houndour, Shellos (West), Tympole, Joltik, Axew, Magikarp, Pidgey, Drowzee, Marill, Wooper, Weedle, Paras, Psyduck, Mankey, and Doduo for Comp 5IV HA Female Starters with 4EM: Totodile, Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott /u/Ardrasi
13. DBHA Seel, Krabby, Koffing, Wurmple, Lotad, Wingull, Slakoth, Whismur, Cacnea, Zangoose, Croagunk, Carnivine, Snover, Timburr, Dwebble, Scraggy, Ducklett and Shiny Rowlett for DBHA Nidoran, Kangaskhan, Horsea, Hoothoot, Mantine, Luvdisc, and Basculin (Red) and LuxHA Lillipup, Woobat, Trubbish, Deerling (Spring) /u/Ardrasi
[+] Competitive / Casual (102)
1. 5IV HA Eevee with 4 EM for 3 5IV HA with 4 EM each, Pawniard, Chansey, Fletchling /u/JuliusPrime
2. DBHA 5 IV Female Chansey 4EM, and DBHA 5 IV Female Pawniard 4EM for DBHA 4IV Female Riolu 4EM, and DBhA 5 IV Female Dratini 4EM /u/eddy4po
3. 5IV perfect DBHA Chansey with 4 EM for 5IV Bulbasaur with 4EM /u/JiaJ7N
4. DBHA 5IV perfect Chansey with 4 EM for 5IV perfect Swablu with 4 EM /u/Doomhelk
5. 5IV Perfect DBHA Chansey and Pawniard each with 4 EM for 5IV Perfect DBHA Shroomish with 4EM and 5IV Perfect Male Shroomish /u/Groenendael
6. DBHA Eevee for DBHA 5IV (-SpAtk) jolly female Gible with 4EM /u/buckembarnes
7. 5IV Perfect DBHA Female Poliwag with 4 EM for 5IV DBHA Kangaskhan with 4 EM /u/Califer
8. 5IV Perfect Male Froakie with 1 EM for 5IV Perfect Dratini /u/AmishHacker5
9. 5IV Perfect DBHA Female Pawniard with 4 EM for DBHA Female Murkrow with 4 EM and 5IV Perfect Male Snivy with 1 EM /u/Barson420
10. 5IV Perfect Female HA Torchic with 1 EM for 4IV HA Mudkip with 4 EM /u/Mikelpmr
11. 5IV DBHA Shuppet and Pidgey each with 4EM for 5IV Perfect DBHA Ralts with 4EM /u/JiaJ7N
12. 6IV Perfect HA Female Eevee with 4EM for 6IV Perfect Foongus with 4EM, 5IV Perfect DBHA's of Vulpix, Smoochum, and Feebas each with 4EM /u/34loppyXsoko
13. 6IV Female Dive Ball Tentacool with 2 EM for 6IV Minccino and 6IV DBHA Clamperl /u/ErrMahGad
14. 6IV DB Bagon with 4EM, 6IV Mawile, and 4IV Marill with 4EM for 5IV Perfect DBHA Females of Drilbur and Hippopotas each with 4EM, 5IV Perfect Squirtle with 4EM /u/Gazier
15. 5IV imperfect DBHA Female Poliwag with 4EM for 5IV HA Totadile /u/techfracture
16. Female 5IV Perfect Luxury Ball HA Fletchling with 3EM for 5IV imperfect HA Female Treecko /u/whiterice7
17. Comp 5IV HA Staryu, Comp 5IV DBHA Basculin (Blue) with 4EM, Comp LuxB Honedge wth 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA's of Rattata, Snorunt, and Sandile each with 4EM /u/Coastey
18. Comp 5IV HA Staryu, Comp 5IV DBHA Tangela with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA's of Wailmer and Torkoal each with 4EM /u/BetaWolf3
19. Comp 5IV DBHA Timid Ralts with 4EM for Comp 5IV Pichu with 4EM /u/beanlyone25
20. Comp 5IV HA Staryu for Comp 5IV DBHA Geodude with 4EM /u/erwincole
21. 5IV Perfect Female HA Froakie with 1EM for 5IV Imperfect Female HA Snivy with 4EM /u/SunCaptain
22. 5IV DBHA's of Pidgey, Gligar, Snorunt, and Ponyta with 4EM each for Comp 5IV DBHA's of Skarmory and Drifloon with 4EM each /u/Groenendael
23. Comp 5IV DBHA Feebas with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Carvahna with 4EM /u/theforbidden_one
24. Comp 5IV DBHA Drilbur with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Natu /u/__--_---_-
25. Comp 5IV DBHA Eevee with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Sableye and Shellder each with 4EM /u/LostBoyAng
26. 5IV DBHA Stantler with 4EM for 5IV DBHA Zigzagoon with 4EM /u/cirej12
27. 6IV DiveBall Female Tentacool with 2EM for 6IV LuxBall Male HA Dratini with 4EM /u/theflamesof
28. Comp 5IV DBHA Vulpix with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Corphish with 4EM /u/sharmaopankaj
29. Comp 5IV DBHA Female Tangela with 4EM and Comp 5IV DBHA Male Poliwag for 6IV Swarm Male Scyther /u/zekkas
30. 6IV Inner Focus DB Female Zubat with 4EM for 5IV Perfect DBHA Male Slowpoke with 4EM /u/bigthurm45
31. Comp 5IV DBHA Poliwag with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Smeargle /u/sharmaopankaj
32. 6 DBHA Pokemon: Marill, Torkoal, Snorunt, Spheal, Cherubi, Sandile each with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA's of Bagon, Rhyhorn, and Koffing each with 4EM /u/Califer
33. 5iV Imperfect DBHA Pawniard with 4EM for Comp 5IV Male Swinub with 3EM /u/scytherscyther
34. Comp 5IV Female DBHA Gligar with 4EM for 6IV Male Murkrow with 1EM /u/Begiant
35. 3 Comp 5IV DBHA with 4EM: Torkoal, Shuppet, and Snorunt for Comp 5IV LuxHA Squirtle with 4EM /u/eddy4po
36. Comp 5IV DBHA Spheal with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Axew with 4EM /u/JuliusPrime
37. 4 5IV imperfect DBHA's with 4EM: Chansey, Gastly, Feebas, and Ralts for 2 Comp 5IV DBHA's: Bellsprout and Aron /u/Just_Lucan
38. 5IV Imperfect DBHA Shellder and Ponyta with 4 EM for Careful Comp 5IV Aggron with 4 EM /u/eddy4po
39. Comp 5IV DBHA Ponyta with 4EM for 6IV TImburr with 4EM /u/beanlyone25
40. Comp 5IV DBHA Shellder with 4EM for Comp 5IV Exeggcute with 4EM /u/buckembarnes
41. Comp 5IV DBHA Meowth, 5IV Imperfect DBHA, Goldeen, Shellder, Sentret, Stantler, Zigzagoon, Basculin, Slugma, and Wurmple, and Imperfect 5IV HA Magnemite, and LuxHA Furfrou. All had 4EM where applicable. for Comp 5IV DBHA's with 4 EM: Buizel, Nidoran (F), Sandshrew, Spearow, Oddish, Psyduck, and Mankey. Imperfect 5IV DBHA's with 4EM: Barboach, and Joltik /u/repaulyu
42. 5IV Imperfect DBHA Chansey and Snorunt, Comp 5IV DB Togepi each with 4EM for Comp 5IV Buneary, 6IV DBHA Sabeleye, and 6IV Oddish /u/InTenSan3Lik3
43. DBHA Comp 5IV Wailmer, Skarmory, and Pachirisu each with 4 EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Eevee with 1 EM /u/Jakael10
44. 5IV DBHA Imperfecy Marill, Heracross, Absol, and Petilil with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Lapras and Mareep /u/Groenendael
45. 6IV Growlithe, Comp 5IV HP Electric Omanyte, and Comp 5IV DBHA's of Pidgey, Shroomish, Swinub, Jolly Ralts, Hippopotas, and Corphish for 6IV Togepi, 6IV HA Squirtle, 6IV HA Aerodactyl, and Comp 5IV DBHA Togepi /u/eddy4po
46. Comp 5IV DBHA Eevee with 4EM for 6IV Wooper with 4EM, Comp 5IV DBHA's of Elgyem and Munna each with 4EM /u/erwincole
47. DBHA Shellder and LuxHA Zorua with 4EM for DBHA Bidoof, DBHA Exeggcute, 6IV Goomy, and LuxHA Swirlix each with 4EM /u/JuliusPrime
48. Comp 5IV HA Male Aerodactyl for Comp 5IV HA Male Mareep, and Shuckle /u/thejamfish
49. 5IV Imperfect DBHA's of Growlithe, Pachirisu, Larvitar, Vulpix, and Feebas each with 4EM for Comp 5IV DB Plusle and Comp 5IV DBHA's of Spiritomb and Sigilyph /u/diddykong419
50. Comp 5IV DBHA's of Sandile, Larvitar, Roggenrola, Makuhita, and Aron for Comp 5IV LuxHA Physical Charmander and Special Charmander /u/Jakael10
51. 6IV Magnemite for Comp 5IV LuxHA Foongus, and Comp 5IV DBHA Seel each with 4EM /u/moomooreporter
52. Comp 5IV LuxHA Fletchling, and Comp 5IV Honedge for Comp 5IV Ferroseed and Comp 5IV DB Kecleon /u/buckembarnes
53. Comp 5IV LuxHA Hawlucha, Comp 5IV DBHA's of Swinub and Gligar all with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Lotad, Hoppip and Sunkern /u/Windtalker4life
54. 5IV Imperfect DBHA Abra with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Pineco with 4EM /u/tworjey
55. 5IV Imperfect DBHA Pawniard and Roggenrola, and LuxHA Fletchling for Comp 5IV LuxHA Minncino /u/LurkerRex
56. 6IV DBHA Wailmer, Comp 5IV DBHA Basculin, Wurmple, and Torkoal for Comp 5IV DBHA Caterpie, Paras, Doduo, Grimer, and Drowsee /u/TurtlesAllTheW4yDown
57. 6IV Korean Scraggy with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA's with 4EM of Venonat, Ekans, and Onix /u/Monkeyfuzz_
58. 5IV Imperfect DBHA Omanyte with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Cubone with 4EM /u/tworjey
59. 5IV Imperfect DBHA's with 4 EM of Mr. Mime, Roggenrola, Wailmer, Absol, Spheal and 4IV Imperfect DBHA's of Swinub and Pawniard for Comp 5IV LuxHA Chespin /u/Strontoria
60. Comp 5IV DBHA with 4EM of Mr. Mime, Skitty, and Spheal for Comp 5IV DBHA with 4EM of Roselia and Elekid /u/Nassirdada
61. 6IV DBHA German Sableye with 4EM for 6IV DBHA Cherrim with 4EM and Comp 5IV DBHA Shelmet /u/Duocell
62. Comp 5IV DBHA Buneary with 4EM for Comp 5IV Slowpoke with 4EM /u/Pedsu
63. Comp 5IV DBHA's with 4EM if: Chinchou, Jolly Ralts, Sandile, Drowzee, Stantler, Barboach, and Togepi for Comp 5IV 's with 4EM of Treecko, Piplup, Chikorita /u/Nassirdada
64. 4IV DBHA's with 4EM of Stantler, Omanyte, Tirtouga, Tangela, Lapras, Wooper, Elgyem, Aerodactyl, Kabuto, and Anorith for Comp 5IV Lux HA Purrlion and Blue Flabebe /u/pablorules5
65. 6IV Korean Pachirisu and 6IV Korean Rhyhorn each with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Wobbuffet, Duskull, Croagunk, Carnivine, Snover, and Cacnea each with 4EM /u/Gazier
66. Comp 5IV LuxHA Wartortle, 6IV DBHA Elgyem, Comp 5IV DBHA's of: Corphish, Joltik, Sandile, Stantler, Barboach, and Makuhita everything with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA's of: Snorlax, Spinarak, Teddiursa, Corsola, Misdreavus, Machop, Houndour, and Phanpy everything with 4EM /u/TurtlesAllTheW4yDown
67. Comp 5IV Hitmonlee for 6IV DBHA Shellos West /u/JuliusPrime
68. Comp 5IV DBHA Wobbuffet, and Slakoth with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Delibird, and Chimecho both with 4EM /u/TurtlesAllTheW4yDown
69. DBHA Comp 5IV Basculin, Shellder, Scyther, Male Snorlax, and DBHA 4IV Miltank, Makuhita, Pawniard, Anorith, and Karrablast everything with 4EM for LuxHA Comp 5IV Aromatisse, Pancham, Espurr, Yamask, and Blitzle everything with 4EM /u/jollytothegreen
70. 6IV Korean Fennekin, 6IV German Gloom, and 6IV Korean Litwick for DBHA Comp 5IV Kricketot, Pidove, Skourupi, Dwebble, Minun, Ducklett, Aipom, Spoink, and Male Slakoth everything with 4EM /u/Gazier
71. DBHA 4IV Torkoal, Venonat, Farfetch'd, Diglett, Grimer, Pinsir, Miltank, Makuhita, Pachirisu, Alomamola, Furfrou, Hawlucha, Goomy, Roggenrola, Purrloin, Minccino, and Flabebe everything with 4EM for DBHA Comp 5IV Cottonee, Tropius, Male Natu, Snubbull, and Qwilfish everything with 4EM /u/Marshallmallowlol
72. Comp 5IV DBHA Cleffa with 4EM for Comp 5IV Snorunt with EM /u/dante7665
73. Comp 5IV LuxHA Litwick, Zorua, and Flabebe each with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Zangoose, Whismur, Audino, Tailow, Finneon, and Krabby /u/TurtlesAllTheW4yDown
74. 3 Comp 5IV DBHA Males: Relicanth, Riolu and Snorlax each with 4EM, and 12 4IV DBHA Females with 4EM: Bagon, Burmy, Durant, Ekans, Gible, Goldeen, Mawile, Meowth, Murkrow, Rattata, Roselia, and Sandshrew for Comp 5IV Female HA Pansage, 2 Comp 5IV DBHA Clamperl, and Comp 5IV Male DBHA Machop everything with 4EM /u/Ardrasi
75. Comp 5IV DBHA Shuppet, Hippopotas, and Mawile all with 4EM for Comp 5IV HA Female Bulbasaur with 4EM /u/potemkincitylimits12
76. Comp 5IV DBHA Hippopotas, Gligar, and Buneary with 4EM for Comp 5IV Larvitar with 4EM and 6IV DBHA Zubat with 4EM /u/tworjey
77. 4IV Female DBHA's with 4EM: Abra, Absol, Alomomola, Aron, Bagon, Barboach, Basculin (Blue), Burmy, Cacnea, Carvanha, Chinchou, Cranidos, Diglett, Doduo, Durant, Ekans, Elgyem, Feebas, Gible, Goldeen, Growlithe, Hippopotas, Kabuto, Larvitar, Lotad, Machop, Mawile, Meowth, Omanyte, Pawniard, Petilil, Phanpy, Pineco, Pinsir, Rattata, Relicanth, Riolu, Roselia, Sandshrew, Shellder, Shellos (West), Shelmet, Shieldon, Shuppet, Skitty, Snorlax, Snorunt, Snover, Spearow, Spiritomb, Stantler, Tentacool, Tirtouga, Torkoal, Tympole, Wailmer, Weedle, and Zigzagoon for Comp 5IV DBHA Ledyba, Igglybuff, Emolga with 4EM, Comp 5IV HA with 4EM Cyndaquil, Plusle, Minun, Kecleon, Duskull, Turtwig, Chimchar, Pansear, Panpour, Gothita /u/emmessjee8
78. Comp 5IV DBHA Female Diglett with 4EM for Comp 5IV Lux Minior (Blue) /u/xiibo
79. Comp 5IV DBHA with 4EM: Riolu, Swinub, and Axew for Comp 5IV DBHA Kanto Starters /u/bridgiepika
80. 6IV DBHA Skitty and Alomomola, and Comp 5IV DBHA Belllsprout, Barboach, Basculin, Farfetch'd, and Lotad for Comp 5IV LuxHA with 4EM: Morelull, Oricorio, Wimpod, Togedemaru, Mudbray, Wishiwashi, and Yungoos /u/Skreya
81. Comp 5IV DBHA Female Pawniard with 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Female Scraggy with 4EM /u/Nobleosha
82. Comp 5IV DBHA Female Weepingbell, Flaafy, Swinub, and Shuckle all with 3-4EM for Comp 5IV Males with EM: Rattata, Vulpix, Geodude, and Natu /u/emmessjee8
83. DBHA Shellder, Krabby, Torkoal, and Croagunk for Comp 5IV DBHA Tyrogue and Golett /u/shugo405
84. DBHA Female Skorupi, Delibird, and Basculin (Blue) for Comp 5IV DBHA Illumise /u/M23Pokemon
85. Lugia and Landorus for Comp Natured Moltres and Articuno /u/Diooo
86. DBHA Natu and Whismur and LuxHA Yamask, Foongus, and Chespin for Comp 5IV HP Ice Female Salandit w/ 4EM /u/Bendiez
87. Comp 5IV Adamant Technician Scyther, a Comp 5IV Modest Anticipation Eevee, a Comp 5IV Lightning Rod Cubone, and a Comp 5IV Naive HA Froakie for Timid Silvally /u/vfactor95
88. Naive Tornadus with Heat Wave and Knock Off for Hyper Trained Timid Tapu LeLe + 3 Rare Candies /u/bundleofsocks
89. DBHA Bellsprout, Spoink, Skitty, Illumise, Volbeat, and Dwebble for LuxHA Comp 5IV Female Dewpider w/ 4EM and DBHA Comp 5IV Lunatone w/ 4EM /u/HashG8
90. DBHA Snubbull, Slakoth, and Dwebble each w/ 4EM for LuxHA Comp 5IV Mareanie w/ 4EM /u/nahcap
91. Comp 5IV Gastly, Misdreavus, Honedge, and Gligar for Jolly Dusk Ball Mewtwo /u/RayHarryhausen
92. Comp 5IV DBHA Horsea and Mantine for Comp 5IV LuxHA Carbink and Rufflet /u/Gaiden325
93. Comp 5IV DBHA Bellsprout, Mantine, and Corphish for Imperfect 5IV DBHA Female Wingull, Chatot, and Meditite /u/Fennwitty
94. Comp 5IV DBHA Eevee w/ 4EM for LuxHA Female Supersize Pumpkaboo w/ 3WM /u/dbrown24
95. Comp 5IV DBHA Stantler, Snorlax, Houndour, and Doduo for Modest Dive Ball Kyogre and 6IV DBHA Heatmor w/4 EM /u/Stevoo299
96. Comp 5IV DBHA Drifloon, Skarmory, and Corphish all w/ 4EM and Jolly Zekrom for Jolly Luxury Ball Rayquaza and Dive Ball Suicune /u/jayk1406
97. Breedject DBHA w/ 4 EM: Grimer (Kanto), Meowth (Kanto), Weedle, Zubat, Paras, Psyduck, Mankey, Growlithe, Machop, Tentacool, Doduo, Seel, Shellder, Gastly, Drowzee, Koffing, Chansey, Pinsir, Magikarp, Lapras, Stantler, Burmy, Ledyba, Spinarak, Castform, Hoppip, Phanpy, Klefki, Marill, Misdreavus, Corsola, Surskit, Carvanha, Spinda, Seviper, and Gible for Comp 5IV DBHA Klink and Comp 5IV Female LuxHA w/ 4EM: Pikipek, Crabrawler, Cutiefly, Fomantis, Stufful, Bounsweet, Comfey, Sandygast, and Pyukumuku /u/Millenio
98. DBHA Cubone and Paras w/ EM for DBHA Vanillite w/ 4EM /u/Gaiden325
99. LuxHA Female Vullaby, Minccino, Espurr, Frillish, Patrat, Litwick, Swirlix, Hawlucha, and Clauncher all w/ 4EM for DB Duskull and Plusle, Lux Summer/Autumn/Winter Deerlings, LuxHA Squirtle and Bulbasaur, Pichu, and Monkeys /u/Gaiden325
100. Comp 5IV DBHA Skitty, Nosepass, Mantine, Cleffa, Mr. Mime, Spinarak, Wooper, Phanpy, Chansey, Hippopotas, Magikarp, and Pinsir w/ 4EM for Comp 5IV LuxHA Gothita and Female Squirtle w/ 4EM /u/hikarii
101. DBHA Caterpie, Weedle, Pinsir, Marril, Heracross, Meditite, Snorlax, Electrike, Zangoose, Seviper, Mankey, Mr. Mime, Kricketot, Croagunk, Hippopotas, and Karrablast for Comp 5IV Lunatone, Solrock, Throh, and Sawk /u/ErnestoBen
102. DBHA Oddish, Meowth, Psyduck, Mankey, Machop, Doduo, Shellder, Krabby, and Rhyhorn w/ 4EM for Comp 5IV DBHA Porygon, Beldum, and Bronzor /u/rufusdrumknott
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (30)

1. Hatched a Feebas /u/toonkirby
2. Hatched a Tyrunt /u/ActualFact
3. Hatched a Ralts /u/kirkov22
4. Hatches a Phantump /u/xyxit
5. Hatched a Pinsir /u/PvtPrimate
6. Hatched a Kabuto /u/Haunani14
7. Hatched an Eevee /u/WenSnake
8. Hatched a Snorunt /u/rokubiraijuu
9. Hatched a Zubat /u/lazytv8
10. Hatched a Tyrunt /u/SeraCross
11. Hatched a Scatterbug /u/henrxv
12. Hatched a Mimikyu /u/gossexus
13. Hatched a Tangela /u/Hades91
14. Hatched a Bounsweet /u/seralite
15. Hatched a Honedge /u/hjan3312
16. Hatched a Minun /u/PinkOveralls
17. Hatched a Grubbin /u/poobana
18. Hatched a Charmander /u/Kimopoleis
19. Hatched a Kangaskhan /u/Q10609
20. Hatched a Sandygast /u/metodst
21. Hatched a Grimer /u/Flareblitz12
22. Hatched an Eevee /u/Myo-yeon
23. Hatched a Fennekin /u/chang0471
24. Hatched a Mareanie /u/jerickson88
25. Hatched a Mimikyu /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
26. Hatched a Drilbur /u/Q10609
27. Hatched a Amaura /u/fernnifer
28. Hatched a Shuckel /u/ogreel
29. Hatched a Snorlax /u/Drethin
30. Hatched a Honedge /u/Kwaiden11

Giveaways/Contests (45 Pokémon given, 111 eggs given)

1. Bagon Mawile Eevee Torchic Froakie! Semi-FFA. (Sub: SVExchange, 111 given)
2. 60 5IV Perfect Pokemon! (Sub: pokemontrades, 45 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


spacez52 Feb 25, 2017 8:09:06 PM

Foxlery is amazing. Shared their Spreadsheet template as well as being an effective communicator about trades.

PinkOveralls Feb 11, 2017 8:11:25 PM

Hatched my shiny minun very quickly, thank you!

seralite Feb 4, 2017 3:49:20 AM

hatched a shiny bounsweet for me, thanks!!

Hades91 Jan 30, 2017 2:47:28 AM

Quickly hatched a shiny Diglett. Thanks again!

Sakisd7 Oct 9, 2016 4:00:34 PM

I received a Shiny Froakie from Foxlery and during the trade i was traded even more cool DB Females! Such a generous and trustworthy user, thank you once again!

JunkBoy86 Oct 8, 2016 4:22:59 PM

Very nice and trustworthy. I would highly recommend trading with Foxlery :)

WenSnake Oct 5, 2016 1:21:13 AM

Made time to hatch my Eevee shiny for me and give it the requested nickname!

Haunani14 Sep 18, 2016 3:46:09 AM

Hatched my shiny kabuto, fast and friendly hatcher thanks again. :)

sagejonathan Sep 13, 2016 5:09:19 PM

Reliable trader and makes the entire process smooth an easy. I traded my comp. Aerodactyl for an NA Arceus code and I recieved a perfect code quickly and even with picture proof!

kirkov22 Sep 11, 2016 4:41:23 AM

Great hatcher. Prompt & flexible. <3 My shiny Ralts.

JiaJ7N Sep 4, 2016 8:33:33 PM

100% trusted trader! Got a perfect 5V Chansey from him/her with my imperfect 5V Bulbasaur <3

Foxlery's Information


Glad to be a part of this wonderful community :)

Friend codes:

  • 4485-1312-3888


  • IGN: Foxlery TSV: 3795
  • IGN: Foxlery TSV: 3889