
0791-1167-1940 || Dalton (Y), Ice (S)
0791-1167-1940 || Dalton (Y), Ice (S) || 3848, 2317

Trades (88)

[+] Events (32)
1. NA Gengar Code for Dreamball Females /u/cdawg561
2. Honedge and Fletchling for NA Diancie Code /u/whistlebiower
3. Shiny Shroomish, Heracross, Growlithe, Larvitar, Ralts for Bank Celebi, Fancy Vivillon /u/MudkipBeats
4. Shiny Eevee and Shiny Helioptile for Scrap Code Shaymin /u/WreckItMike
5. Shinies of Trapinch, Growlithe, Larvitar, Taillow, Sentret for Event Torchic, Gengar, Pokeball Vivillon /u/iIIidAn
6. Shinies of: Aerodactyl, Riolu, Growlithe, Skarmory, Abra for 2 Bank Celebi /u/giberson74
7. Shinies of: Gastly, Ralts, Shroomish for Event Torchic /u/Sockernater
8. Shinies of Various Pokemon for NA Tyrunt Code /u/shypan
9. Shiny Frillish for Shaymin /u/ParaQuant
10. Shinies of: Klefki, Shroomish, Larvitar, Murkrow, Trapinch for Scrap Code /u/Raesear
11. Shiny Riolu for Event Gourgeist /u/jullan898
12. Various Shinies for Scrap Codes /u/iIIidAn
13. Shinies of: Shroomish, Growlithe, Gastly for Scrap Codes /u/kurttr
14. Nidoran(M), Pikachu, Poochyena, Shellder for Serena's Fennekin /u/toujours_poke
15. Shinies of Shroomish and Froakie for Serena's Fennekin /u/kingdude181
16. Shinies of Bagon, Charmander, Eevee, Ralts for Scrap Code /u/a_casserole
17. Various Shinies for Game Darkrai Code /u/Wolfehhh
18. Various Shinies for Bank Celebis /u/overworld99
19. Shinies of Croagunk and Nosepass for Scrap Code /u/BasedNoface
20. Shiny Nosepass for Scrap Keldeo /u/eraco
21. Shinies of Honedge, Lapras, Chimchar, Audino, Swablu for Darkrai Code /u/DiamondFarm
22. Darkrai Code for Comp. Shinies and Unova Set /u/go4ino
23. Amaura Code for Shiny Event Rayquaza and Charizard /u/Gloorp
24. Shiny Chimchar, Bagon, and Axew for GameZard Code /u/Jodzysip
25. Shinies of Eeve, Venipede, Growlithe, and Riolu for Gamestop Dragonite Code /u/xogg
26. Shinies of Shroomish, Trapinch, Skrelp, Aerodactyl for Gamestop Dragonite Code /u/Hydigomed
27. Shinies of Charmander for Gamestop Dragonite Code /u/JRBiscuit
28. 2 Gamestop Dragonite Codes for Gamestop Charizard /u/T_E_E
29. Shiny Charmander & Croagunk for Event Shiny Yveltal /u/tawmie123
30. Shiny Buneary for Arceus Code /u/SaintRocker96
31. Shiny Riolu and Gligar for Arceus Codes /u/sirweiss
32. Shiny Honedge for Arceus Code /u/kenderley
[+] Shinies (6)
1. Klefki for Tyrunt /u/AugustoCSP
2. Growlithe Egg for Furfrou /u/GeoffreyfactorX
3. Shiny Hippopotas for Carvanha /u/KHP747
4. Shiny Hippopotas and Aerodactyl for Shiny Feebas and Sableye /u/gmpsmendes
5. Shiny Eevee and Shiny Hippopotas for Growlithe and Scizor /u/matthewtunc
6. Shiny Mawile for 3 Dragonite Codes /u/skidooelan
[+] Competitive / Casual (49)
1. Lapras for Sableye /u/knifeof11
2. Sableye for Joltik /u/whiteops0
3. Pumpkaboo for Snorunt /u/mrogersj5
4. Growlithe & Lapras for Litwick /u/Hydigomed
5. Noibat for Phantump /u/MapleSyrup413
6. Lapras for Frillish /u/Sethinatorz
7. Dreamball Females for Dreamball Females /u/EggsAway
8. Snorunt for Shroomish /u/zDecoy
9. Dreamball Females for Dreamball Females /u/Cu4utl3
10. Snorunt for Feebas /u/danray2352
11. Aipom for Wurmple /u/TeriyakiNinja007
12. Dreamball Females for Dreamball Females /u/Paparos
13. Heracross for Hoot-Hoot /u/Mareykan
14. Dreamball Females for Dreamball Females /u/maquinaazul
15. Dratini for Oshawott /u/harryng2103
16. Roselia for Oshawott /u/DarkTenshiDT
17. Sableye for Fennekin /u/cherrycakez
18. Heracross for Oshawott /u/derickyong
19. Lotad and Sableye for Skrelp and Throh /u/Shinokiba
20. Mawile for Audino /u/Lolileena
21. Alomomola and Gastly for Sableye and Karrablast /u/Drethin
22. Dreamball Females for Dreamball Females /u/dosquared
23. Dreamball Females for Dreamball Females /u/Righteous_Bread
24. Zubat for Cottonee /u/Adeln
25. Skarmory and Ralts for Igglybuff and Shuckle /u/enicholas
26. Lucky Egg for Shroomish /u/homerb1
27. Pumpkaboo and Sableye for Bagon and Pinsir /u/coolbean7
28. Mawile and Gligar for Flame and Toxic Orb /u/Osef_s
29. Destiny Knot for Oshawott /u/arcerath
30. Drilbur for Charmander /u/xXSoulReiko16Xx
31. Gligar for Gothita /u/DunderMifflinPC
32. Gible and Honedge for Xerneas /u/asianfrommit
33. Slowpoke and Venonat for Pawniard and Snover /u/ShinriNoHikari
34. Eevee for Electrike /u/bhjammin
35. Larvitar for Eject Button /u/harryng2103
36. Mawile for Sableye /u/IEatCanadianMoney
37. Sandshrew for Rotom /u/Jason10005
38. Bagon, Aerodactyl, Heracross for Vulpix, Kangaskhan, Tangela /u/DallyTayTay
39. Cubone for Toxicroak /u/ElMaster1604
40. Honedge for Larvitar /u/shzam707
41. Riolu for Froakie /u/Cometbringer
42. Charmander for Torchic /u/Drake_Bugatti
43. Lileep Egg for Buizel /u/harryng2103
44. Lileep Egg for Bagon /u/IPPUsama
45. Lileep Egg for Shroomish /u/ArgoXavier
46. Lileep Egg for Phantump /u/lurkerton3000
47. Lileep Egg for Horsea /u/NyahChaan
48. Growlithe Egg for Dratini /u/hypermc12
49. Growlithe Egg for Chinchou /u/Great_Plattsby
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Various Shinies for Summer2013 Shiny Palkia and Giratina /u/ambrosius23

Egg Hatches (247)

1. Honedge /u/Myst-Da-Zs
2. Scatterbug /u/AllySpawn
3. Buneary /u/crylic899
4. Vulpix /u/mini-munch
5. Mareep /u/ShinySheimi
6. Zorua /u/Ellie_1
7. Torkoal /u/UmiMizuAi
8. Ralts /u/RBHas
9. Chikorita /u/palmspringsmaid
10. Eevee /u/AikaTsukiyushi
11. Bulbasaur /u/Zangoose1
12. Riolu /u/doritoburrrito
13. Mawile /u/zndjtmvlf
14. Magikarp /u/palmspringsmaid
15. Scyther /u/AchernarTurais
16. Tangela /u/tonynART
17. Electrike /u/TrainerWren
18. Staryu /u/ffvn9
19. Electrike /u/wonbh0308
20. Bagon /u/oswld
21. Togepi /u/TAFly
22. Swablu /u/driesiwiesi
23. Chikorita /u/snoozypants
24. Charmander /u/Shadowclaimer
25. Buizel /u/morganbay
26. Minun /u/bbslaughter
27. Cleffa /u/ReinierVGC
28. Clauncher /u/Umbra-Profess
29. Audino /u/CrownedAce
30. Goomy /u/ksg4440
31. Bulbasaur /u/SpazzAttaakk
32. Pinsir /u/key_blader8
33. Honedge /u/00612
34. Nincada /u/matthewtunc
35. Ralts /u/eddiy
36. Shieldon /u/Godreig
37. Spinarak /u/Godreig
38. Chansey /u/johnsonWWW
39. Horsea /u/eddiy
40. Drifloon /u/sylgrace
41. Zubat /u/eddiy
42. Starly /u/haroo0929
43. Absol /u/TheDudeZach
44. Snorlax /u/MRBlobbable
45. Beldum /u/alexroarzzz
46. Solrock /u/underpantscannon
47. Tangela /u/Umbra-Profess
48. Charmander /u/alexroarzzz
49. Feebas /u/RStrikerNB
50. Darumaka /u/andrewlay
51. Snorlax /u/eddiy
52. Mienfoo /u/Akrisn
53. Scatterbug /u/jun0806
54. Spoink /u/Agyle
55. Skarmory /u/goddess_gyuri
56. Bulbasaur /u/willster191
57. Pachirisu /u/LonelyZeta
58. Tentacool /u/togawe
59. Growlithe /u/poliwhirl_sil
60. Kangaskhan /u/kwanjin
61. Marill /u/jesus121300
62. Drowzee /u/s_10
63. Honedge /u/Fluicor
64. Fennekin /u/UmiMizuAi
65. Gastly /u/Tanith5
66. Tyrunt /u/TheTalkingAbsol
67. Bunnelby /u/ArchangelPT
68. Horsea /u/TacoMan901
69. Bulbasaur /u/ArchangelPT
70. Mantyke /u/Acrylami
71. Pichu /u/skuggeland
72. Honedge /u/emchun
73. Sneasel /u/willster191
74. Growlithe /u/vamwerefairy
75. Tympole /u/Kangsar
76. Abra /u/Kangsar
77. Squirtle /u/iPippy
78. Seviper /u/MasterGohan
79. Bellsprout /u/Humminglady
80. Horsea /u/ctHannaBanana
81. Electrike /u/dwnes
82. Riolu /u/willster191
83. Scatterbug /u/ffvn9
84. Amaura /u/Tanith5
85. Pidove /u/DeathMTX
86. Heatmor /u/sinneraki
87. Litwick /u/Dark_Lucario
88. Torchic /u/waterwingss
89. Eevee /u/MRBlobbable
90. Scatterbug /u/s_10
91. Gastly /u/willster191
92. Squirtle /u/PrincessOddish
93. Gastly /u/willster191
94. Starly /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
95. Duskull /u/Yottyan
96. Cacnea /u/jun0806
97. Honedge /u/dbqhtxm
98. Purrloin /u/tonynART
99. Togepi /u/michaelsaurs90
100. Smoochum /u/wuyi317605
101. Rhyhorn /u/Neckes
102. Froakie /u/bosniangurl
103. Klefki /u/Rubaszny_Mike
104. Aerodactyl /u/Markus1999B
105. Heracross /u/manaty_poke
106. Eevee /u/Neckes
107. Fletchling /u/Akisame-kun
108. Shellos (East) /u/Lugia61617
109. Vulpix /u/lawtrafalgar02
110. Mienfoo /u/andyjim
111. Ferroseed /u/wingzerocats
112. Ferroseed /u/wingzerocats
113. Feebas /u/Ellie_1
114. Kangaskhan /u/Dark_Lucario
115. Kabuto /u/shangry-la
116. Beldum /u/Blood_Diet
117. Poochyena /u/wwwaz37
118. Tropius /u/wwwaz37
119. Munchlax /u/BurstLance
120. Wailmer /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
121. Tepig /u/cricketchick_2002
122. Froakie /u/XInceptor
123. Pansage /u/Aviram6661
124. Kabuto /u/changesaccountsoften
125. Eevee /u/sugar8ay
126. Ralts /u/YTolun
127. Aerodactyl /u/Great_Plattsby
128. Emolga /u/CaelumKrieger
129. Lileep /u/MisterLenz
130. Eevee /u/Xathyr
131. Bulbasaur /u/princessdaiisy
132. Snorlax /u/gaara090389
133. Fennekin /u/Akisame-kun
134. Tyrunt /u/pokemytatas
135. Houndour /u/MisterLenz
136. Bulbasaur /u/ghlyt
137. Minccino /u/s_10
138. Feebas /u/CaelumKrieger
139. Rattata /u/Tacanacy
140. Kangaskhan /u/ozone-poke
141. Makuhita /u/june304101
142. Deino /u/kojicarlos
143. Chinchou /u/snowkae
144. Klefki /u/Wizli
145. Deino /u/3Anton3
146. Ekans /u/Jjgierh
147. Frillish /u/sugar8ay
148. Kabuto /u/DarthBaelfire
149. Snivy /u/kewligirl95
150. Amaura /u/KingAllant
151. Staryu /u/eloqenwarner
152. Eevee /u/rawrzorzz
153. Mankey /u/Jjgierh
154. Chinchou /u/oohoneydukesoo
155. Snorlax /u/shooelie
156. Shieldon /u/fostja6tus
157. Togepi /u/rowellv88
158. Squirtle /u/Amber_Mary
159. Spearow /u/deviltaker
160. Solosis /u/Terryus1
161. Elekid /u/SnekazZ
162. Spheal /u/Blackballroom
163. Larvitar /u/theantipode
164. Dratini /u/Gaetano9704
165. Eevee /u/AlbertSoa
166. Aerodactyl & Bulbasaur /u/MrFuji92
167. Gligar /u/xyxit
168. Fletchling /u/Raevix
169. Durant /u/seohun
170. Deino /u/v3220
171. Goomy /u/Blackballroom
172. Ponyta /u/Dark_Lord_Zubat
173. Smeargle /u/HandsmeBWnderful
174. Chimchar /u/Grin4U
175. Wailmer /u/Nachito625
176. Pumpkaboo /u/theta105
177. Horsea /u/ltownsoccer11
178. Honedge /u/cheapspades
179. Ralts /u/bumbalicious
180. Ralts /u/derpingtoaster
181. Cubone /u/Aarux
182. Marill /u/gododgers2002
183. Trapinch /u/Crystal_Shapeshifter
184. Gastly /u/kppoke
185. Petilil /u/chang0471
186. Espurr /u/miher1
187. Totodile /u/sabercallisto
188. Larvesta /u/chang0471
189. Scyther /u/ryanthomas917
190. Eevee /u/RaydenSmash
191. Chikorita /u/crazy-cat-prince
192. Chikorita /u/crazy-cat-prince
193. Dratini /u/gossexus
194. Scatterbug /u/savannah_allie
195. Koffing /u/colspan
196. Koffing /u/colspan
197. Gible /u/ronnknee
198. Eevee /u/willster191
199. Squirtle /u/Kyteday
200. Cyndaquil /u/willster191
201. Togepi /u/ryanthomas917
202. Buneary /u/lokoskanker
203. Togepi /u/willster191
204. Teddiursa /u/lazytv8
205. Elekid /u/silener0502
206. Slugma /u/willster191
207. Bulbasaur /u/Qweebo
208. Shuppet /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
209. Snorunt /u/Malinhion
210. Magikarp /u/MysticHomer
211. Squirtle /u/pandaglassjaw
212. Hawlucha /u/KaiTheLoneWolf
213. Vulpix /u/theforbidden_one
214. Snorunt /u/Aequitas_Aeternae
215. Froakie /u/LurkerRex
216. Caterpie /u/thedorkesthour
217. Deerling /u/FrostByte_Manuel
218. Mawile /u/-BloodyRed-
219. Cryogonal /u/Kingddd91
220. Kabuto /u/amoran5156
221. Fennekin /u/lazytv8
222. Petilil /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
223. Scatterbug /u/unanify
224. Anorith /u/-Cubie-
225. Bounsweet /u/U_Need_A_Brojob
226. Dewpider /u/CrazY_BOOM_SticK
227. Shellder /u/Kalamitykatt
228. Abra /u/SkittyScatty
229. Chikorita /u/EdoRada
230. Stufful /u/Blackballroom
231. Magikarp /u/Gen7TSV2073
232. Magikarp /u/JFSushi
233. Chimchar /u/ShadowSkeet
234. Feebas /u/Clone394
235. Dratini /u/akaliiswaifu
236. Eevee /u/proflayton123
237. Deino /u/NPBrot
238. Shroomish /u/NicholasOsta
239. Misdreavus /u/proflayton123
240. Scyther /u/littlefabi
241. Aerodactyl /u/vee4Phoenix
242. Gligar /u/transcendentyo
243. Growlithe /u/log94
244. Chikorita /u/ConquestofGaul
245. Litwick /u/ariel7275
246. Helioptile /u/Grin4U
247. Kabuto /u/Zygloman

Giveaways/Contests (28 Pokémon given, 238 eggs given)

1. Lapras, Pumpkaboo, Gastly, and Ralts (Sub: SVExchange, 38 given)
2. Eevee and Pachirisu (Sub: SVExchange, 39 given)
3. Drifloon, Frillish, Snorunt, Pumpkaboo, and Phantump (Sub: SVExchange, 129 given)
4. Spinarak (Sub: SVExchange, 32 given)
5. Cutiefly (Sub: pokemontrades, 28 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


LurkerRex Oct 17, 2016 3:31:30 AM

Lightning fast response and hatch! 11/10, would recommend.

MysticHomer Oct 11, 2016 10:06:34 AM

They were very quick to respond to my request and then to do the hatch. Awesome hatcher, highly recommended!

silener0502 Sep 24, 2016 4:29:16 AM

Thank you Will for hatching a elekid for me. Quick and nice !

lazytv8 Sep 24, 2016 2:28:10 AM

Was very friendly and helpful with hatching my shiny teddiursa. :)

Crystal_Shapeshifter Aug 14, 2016 3:16:46 AM

Responded very quickly and hatched my shiny Trapinch for me. Was very kind and friendly =)

Grin4U Jul 31, 2016 2:14:48 AM

Hatched my Chimchar! Thanks

Dark_Lord_Zubat Jul 29, 2016 7:03:02 AM

Hatched and nicknamed my Ponyta c:

Raevix Jul 21, 2016 11:12:42 AM

Hatched my shiny Fletchling <3

SnekazZ Jul 10, 2016 10:37:10 AM

Awesome Hatcher! Thank you for my shiny Elekid :)

oohoneydukesoo Jun 16, 2016 4:30:39 AM

Super fast hatching my shiny Chinchou! thank you!

Tacanacy Jun 4, 2016 7:21:32 PM

Hatched a Shiny Rattata for me. Thanks again.

princessdaiisy Mar 19, 2016 9:05:24 PM

Hatched my shiny Bulbasaur in no time at all. Thank you again!!!

CaelumKrieger Mar 9, 2016 3:15:46 AM

Hatched a shiny Emolga, a very nice and kind person thank you for your help!

Dark_Lucario Dec 14, 2015 10:30:23 PM

Hatched a Shiny Kangaskhan for me. Thanks again

wingzerocats Dec 10, 2015 5:22:49 AM

Hatched 2 shiny Ferroseed for me. Thanks again for your time and help!

Akisame-kun Nov 26, 2015 6:55:29 AM

Hatched my shiny Fletchling. Extremely quick and nice. Thank you so much! :D

Rubaszny_Mike Nov 8, 2015 12:13:07 PM

Hatched a shiny Klefki for me. It was a pleasure from start to end. Very nice and efficient hatcher

IAMADeinonychusAMA Sep 24, 2015 6:59:19 PM

Thanks for hatching my Starly! Great hatcher.

s_10 Sep 16, 2015 12:46:09 AM

Hatched a shiny scatterbug for me. Nice and efficient hatcher and replied right away. THanks so much!! :D 10/10

waterwingss Sep 12, 2015 10:50:25 PM

Hatched my shiny Torchic! Very quick response. Thanks again :)

Dark_Lucario Sep 8, 2015 7:49:23 PM

Hatched a shiny Litwick for me. Thanks again

willster191 Aug 21, 2015 8:25:06 PM

Hatched my Riolu very quickly, within ten minutes of my original request. Thanks!

ctHannaBanana Aug 20, 2015 3:06:45 AM

Responded very quickly and hatched my shiny Horsea for me! :) Also super friendly

MasterGohan Aug 11, 2015 8:54:51 PM

Hatched a shiny Seviper for me! Very fast and helpful. Thanks again!!

iPippy Aug 10, 2015 1:25:01 AM

Friendly with very fast response. 10/10 would hatch again.

emchun Aug 4, 2015 10:20:01 AM

Hatched a shiny Honedge for me. Responded immediately after I posted. An awesome hatcher! Thank you very much :)

Acrylami Aug 3, 2015 9:48:08 PM

Hatched a shiny Mantyke for me! Instant response, fast hatching, and very nice! Thank you again!

Tanith5 Jul 21, 2015 10:55:47 PM

Hatched a shiny Gastly for me. Very fast response time; reliable hatcher!

s_10 Jul 10, 2015 9:56:36 PM

Hatched a shiny drowzee for me. Responding right after I posted! Nice and awesome hatcher. Thanks so much!! :D 10/10

TeriyakiNinja007 May 12, 2015 6:11:16 AM

kindly gave me a Growlithe egg from her FFA giveaway here. Kind and prompt, would definitely recommend. Thanks agan!

TeriyakiNinja007 May 12, 2015 6:11:12 AM

kindly gave me a Growlithe egg from her FFA giveaway here. Kind and prompt, would definitely recommend. Thanks agan!

mexican_honey_badger May 7, 2015 7:59:15 PM

Got a shiny Growlithe, I made the mistake of hatching it on the wrong TSV and FreakBurger was kind enough to help me trade it back and again to the correct TSV. Recommended!

Taeshi May 6, 2015 8:59:13 PM

Got a shiny Growlithe from their giveaway! Very quick to respond and very kind trader, thanks so much again!

Umbra-Profess Apr 18, 2015 7:48:33 PM

Helped me hatch a Shiny Tangela. Quick and easy! Thanks again.

SlowQueen Mar 28, 2015 8:52:21 PM

I got a FFA Lileep egg! The giveaway was really well run and very fair :) Thank you!

keskisormi Mar 25, 2015 7:03:02 PM

Got a shiny lileep from their giveaway, thanks again! C:

ourcertifiablegenre Mar 25, 2015 2:56:10 AM

gave me a shiny lileep egg! was very nice, quick to respond, and easy to trade with.

thanks again (:

Umbra-Profess Mar 3, 2015 7:47:56 AM

Helped me hatch a Shiny Clauncher. Quick and easy.

snoozypants Feb 14, 2015 8:46:02 AM

Hatched a shiny for me very quickly - very nice and quick to respond! :)

Meitachi Jan 25, 2015 10:20:45 PM

Picked up a beautiful Spinarak from her Moon Buggiesss giveaway! Always enthusiastic and super nice, thank you so much! Your giveaways are always a ton of fun :D

TrainerWren Jan 25, 2015 8:24:47 AM

Hatched my shiny Electrike for me! ;u; Quick and friendly. Thank you so much!

GBDetective Jan 25, 2015 3:45:21 AM

Gave me a fantastic Moon Ball Spinarak in one of her giveaways! Fast to respond and very nice! Thank you again~

Drethin Jan 22, 2015 7:24:22 AM

Quick, easy trade. Thanks a bunch :)

TeriyakiNinja007 Jan 19, 2015 6:01:48 AM

kindly traded me a female DB HA Aipom for my female DB HA Wurmple. Friendly and prompt - a great trader. Thanks again!

nuggetmobile Jan 16, 2015 12:21:39 AM

They were nice :D Gave time out of their day to giveaway eggs and help people find out their TSVs!

ShaddyPups Jan 14, 2015 9:07:54 AM

Thanks for the amazing snorunt! Very quick to respond, polite, an awesome person! Highly recommend!

Meitachi Jan 14, 2015 8:56:15 AM

Thank you very much for the shiny Snorunt! 10/10, polite and awesome with an unmatched level of enthusiasm :D

changesaccountsoften Jan 13, 2015 6:31:23 AM

Gifted me an egg that matched my TSV. Thank you!

Delamire Jan 13, 2015 3:47:44 AM

Gave me a beautiful shiny frillish egg!

alypalyola Jan 12, 2015 10:24:51 PM

Gave me a dream ball Snorunt in a giveaway. Thanks again :)

Funblock Jan 12, 2015 8:39:07 PM

Gave me a shiny Phantump. Thank you very much!

peatsahad Jan 12, 2015 8:22:29 AM

Received an awesome shiny Snorunt from a giveaway. Thanks again!

FreakBurger's Information


Helloo! eve/

Friend codes:

  • 0791-1167-1940


  • IGN: Dalton TSV: 3848
  • IGN: Lorena TSV: 0521
  • IGN: Will TSV: 1947
  • IGN: Gwen TSV: 3874