
SW-2816-7115-9020 || Kal-El (SP)
SW-2816-7115-9020 || Kal-El (SP) || XXXX

Trades (27)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (27)
1. Alolan Geodude w/ Galvanize (HA) for 4IV skarmory /u/Goodjobbob27
2. Moon Ball Meowth and Moon Ball Sandygast for JPN Mild ditto /u/ddahron
3. Beast Ball Grubbin and Love Ball Vanillite for Friend Ball Magby and Lure Ball Poliwag /u/Drich1999
4. 1 silver bottlecap for Breedject Litwick Egg /u/dbrown24
5. 1 Gold Bottlecap for 6IV Togepi /u/dbrown24
6. 5IV Level Ball Cutiefly for Alolan Mewoth /u/KingLaksh
7. Jolly Kartana for Adamant Buzzwole /u/RedditDittoLEL
8. Alolan Sandshrew w/Slush Rush (HA) for Nest Ball Morelull /u/thatguyy002
9. Destiny Knot for Pikachu 5IV /u/BloodRedWallflower
10. Friend Ball Grimer for Dusk Ball Sableye /u/rurebw
11. JPN Larvitar for Amaura (Fossil Pokemon) /u/pseudotypical
12. Beast Ball Lapras for Beast Ball Togepi /u/Chissoff
13. Rocky Helmet and Prism Scale for Absol /u/havent
14. Friend Ball Grimer for Dewpider /u/Milady_Snowdrop
15. 1 Gold Bottlecap for Trapinch /u/19joner
16. Level Ball Cutiefly for 5IV Horsea /u/donutman1996
17. 4IV HA Grimer for Cubone /u/TheRealNebus
18. HA Galvanize Geodude for Mareanie /u/Crimsonfists849
19. Timid Nihilego for Timid Xurkitree /u/clutchsometimes
20. Fast Ball Emolga, Love Ball Vanillite, and Friend Ball Zubat for Moon Ball Deino, Lure Ball Marill, and Lure Ball Totodile /u/DemonicTrashcan
21. Jolly Kartana for Relaxed Celesteela /u/rickflors
22. HA Togedamaru for Growlithe /u/Brolurk9
23. Smoochum and Pineco for Phanpy and Meditite /u/flames7501
24. Shuppet or Banette w/Frisk for Emolga and Ferroseed /u/Soto2K1
25. Yvetall for Mesprit /u/DigyPT
26. Roselia for HA Torchic /u/MartyParty03
27. Heatmor and Croagunk for Chikorita and Charmander /u/totallyundermind
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (5 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. I had a lot of Venipedes and decided to give them out (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Helped user mizellaneous fill in some dex entries /u/mizellaneous

Misc (6)

1. Item Traded - User dannypea needed a Pomeg berry
2. Item Trade - User Gray_FoxSW20 wanted an Ice Stone
3. Tradeback - Trade evovled my Porygon to Porygon-2
4. Tradeback - I needed to fill some of my pokedex entries
5. Tradeback - I needed to evolve my slowpoke into slowking by trading
6. Move Tutor - User needed to tutor Serperior Dragon Pulse but was unable. I helped him out. I got a Chimchar in return.


Freshboi214's Information


Friend codes:
