
3711-9421-8110 || Ben (X), Taternut (αS)
3711-9421-8110 || Ben (X), Taternut (αS) || 3780, 2391

Trades (57)

[+] Events (4)
1. Game Darkrai for RNG'd Tornadus, Landorus, and Thundurus /u/Euramexerican
2. Dragonite Code for Comp Shiny Buneary /u/DeathMTX
3. Shiny Comp Heracross for Rayquaza Code /u/BIGxPAPAxN
4. Custom Level Ball Growlithe, Comp Shiny Purrloin for WSCK Linoone, Fancy Viv /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
[+] Shinies (5)
1. Shiny 6IV Mareep for Shiny 6IV Cleffa /u/Xlxluckyxix
2. Shiny Porygon for Shiny Dratini /u/enriquepaz13
3. Comp Shiny Solosis for Comp Shiny Phanpy /u/key_blader8
4. Comp Shiny Scyther for 6IV Female Charmander, Comp Munchlax, HP Ice Electrike /u/giokiwi
5. 3 Shinies: Munna, Pancham, and Spearow for ESV Checks for 53 Eggs /u/Booshes
[+] Competitive / Casual (46)
1. Timbur for Ralts and Houndour /u/LeRozita
2. Shroomish for Frillish /u/loutwo2
3. Venipede for Wooper /u/Paxin15
4. Bulbasaur, Onix, Snover, Kabuto for Move Tutor Services /u/Augun
5. Poliwag for Abra /u/imRedemptiion
6. Staryu for Snover /u/RiverRacer
7. HP Fire Snivy for Shiny Snivy /u/The_M4G
8. 3 Heartscales for Koffing, Aipom, and Sandile /u/giokiwi
9. Moon ball Ralts for Spinarak /u/DatMooneh
10. Amaura for Totodile /u/3Anton3
11. Amaura for Scyther /u/willster191
12. Ralts and Pawniard for Honedge /u/GoWwz
13. Amaura for Exeggcute /u/setsuna12x
14. Ralts and Phanpy for Up-Grade and Metal Coat /u/quantumgiant
15. EV Training for Reshiram /u/Fushen
16. Scyther for Rhyhorn/Tangela /u/Spencerbro12
17. HP fire gothita for Mudkip, Dratini, Slowpoke /u/Cherrycakez
18. EV training for Chimchar, Carvahna /u/Yangchi2436
19. Dream Ball Pachirisu for Dragonite Code /u/Dusts00
20. Dream Ball Exeggcute for Dream Ball Abra /u/Spencerbro12
21. HA Totodile, Snivy, Amaura, Croagunk, Pinsir for BP Move Tutor Services /u/Lilchupz
22. HA Gible, Chimchar, and Swinub for Protector, Dragon Scale, and Up-grade /u/Detryy
23. HA Corpfish, Bunnelby, and Croagunk for Choice Scarf, Choice Band, Assault Vet /u/Detryy
24. Comp Politoed for HA DB Female Eevee /u/250lespaul
25. 6 IV HP Ice Solos, 5 IV HP fire Solosis for Comp Yamask, Porygon, Pinsir, Togepi, and Slowpoke /u/SoySuace
26. Comp DBHA Female Lileep for Semi-Comp DBHA Female Aerodactyl and DBHA Sneasel /u/DeathMTX
27. Semi-Comp Articuno for Masterball, 2 PP Max /u/Sharkbyte12
28. TR comp Yamask, PokeDex data on 5 pokes for Comp Meditite /u/Nikipound
29. Damp Rock for Masterball /u/Pieflavor69
30. Ultra Ball female HA Stunfisk for 5IV Tynamo, HP Ice Tynamo /u/BlueDryBones1
31. HA Vulpix, Tangela, Exeggcute, Mienfoo for Razor Claw, Safety Goggles, 2x Life Orb /u/Detryy
32. Deepsea Tooth, Metal Coat for Custom 5IV Feebas / Hippopotas /u/JoseVanguard
33. Comp Female Custom Tynamo for Comp Safari Ball female scyther and Comp Bold Togepi /u/Parkimus
34. Meditite, MB Ghastly, Heracross for Masterball x 2, Ability Capsule /u/Detryy
35. HA Foongus for Leftovers /u/eggaluv
36. Comp Heavy Ball Aipom for Breedject Grimer and DBHA Spearow /u/ZeLeedleLee
37. HA Amaura, comp solosis, breedject snover for BR Hawlucha /u/sureshotnova
38. HA Pancham for Comp Pinsir /u/Jae-pkmnX
39. PP Max and Marill breedject for Comp DBHA Female Dratini /u/makesumnoize
40. HP Ground Electrike for Comp Sableye, Comp Ralts /u/Malinhion
41. Snover, Klefki for PP Max, Heart Scale /u/Detryy
42. HA EM'd Timburr for Breedject Tyrunt /u/ineedditto
43. Jolly, Calm, and Modest Dittos + DBHA Female Aerodactyl for Females: Dive Ball Squirtle, Moon Ball Houndour, Fast Ball Pineco, Friend Ball Roselia /u/gamerking272
44. Nest Ball Tangela, DBHA Exeggcute for BP Tutor Services (64) /u/MegaEevee
45. Comp Phanpy and Scyther for Comp Female Moon Ball Chatot /u/argenis318
46. Tangela + Clefairy for Tyrunt + Nidoran /u/MerryFellows
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (2)
1. SR'd 27/x/31/31/31/31 Dialga for RNG'd comp: Shiny Terrakion, HP Ice Defog Zapdos, HP Fire Latios, Defog Latias, HP Ice Heatran /u/Admiral_Fish
2. Shiny Pancham and Shiny Magikarp "Deoxys" for 2 Wishmkr Jirachi's /u/xchicowx

Egg Hatches (5)

1. Hatched Shiny HP Ice Electrike /u/Yelena25
2. Hatched Shiny Comp Snubull /u/radiowarrrr
3. Hatched Shiny Comp Honedge /u/Fruit_Loopita
4. Hatched Shiny Comp Bagon /u/SilverBlossom
5. Hatched Shiny Skiddo /u/infiniteshadow

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


MerryFellows Sep 25, 2015 8:36:53 AM

We traded two Pokemon and everything was as promised. The person communicated quickly and was polite, very trustworthy. The trade itself went smoothly! They also kindly directed me to the template that they were using for their spreadsheet when I asked. A very helpful trader!

nikipound Aug 4, 2015 3:23:00 AM

Very helpful and knowledgable. Would trade with again.

spencerbro12 Jul 20, 2015 12:02:30 AM

Trade was completed quickly and smoothly, I would happily trade with them again!

GaryMuhfuknOak's Information


Friend codes:
