
SW-2036-8861-6174 || Brandon (M, SP)
SW-2036-8861-6174 || Brandon (M, SP) || 3952

Trades (183)

[+] Events (62)
1. Event Jirachi for Gold Bottlecap /u/IAmBestPony
2. Shaymin for Shiny Nosepass /u/Joeldstar
3. Manaphy for Shiny Froakie and Shiny Ralts /u/meltedmochi
4. Meloetta for Stephen's Beldum /u/LeighPouse
5. NA Lycanroc Code for Type: Null /u/magicalcattime
6. Event Lycanroc for Shiny Noibat /u/Beakershell
7. Comp. Electivire for NA Charizard Code /u/Derfy2o9
8. Shiny Wimpod for Original Hat Pikachu /u/trapinchfissure
9. NA Celebi Code for Hoopa, Vivillon, XYZ Set -- Gengar, Gardevoir, Tyranitar, Mawile /u/andrewlay
10. Hoopa for Shiny Raikou /u/RCRACER24
11. Shiny Tododile for Hoopa /u/vincens98
12. NA Silvally Code for Shiny Phantump /u/michaelsaurs90
13. Original Hat Pikachu for Mac Hoopa /u/Cecy
14. Hoopa, Pokeball Vivillon, SUM2015 Dragonite for Shiny Gastly, Shiny Mimikyu, Shiny Drilbur, Shiny Shuppet, Shiny Litwick /u/Beakershell
15. Shiny Raikou for Shiny -- Cofagrigus, Camerupt, Charmander, Murkrow, Spiritomb, Drifloon /u/Ali8Fiyad
16. Shiny Fletchling for Shiny Pumpkaboo /u/fervidgecko
17. Alola Hat Pikachu for Meloetta /u/smugen
18. 2 NA Silvally Codes for Shiny Litten /u/Morgan-Meme-Machine
19. Alexander Hoopa for Shiny Froslass and Shiny Dusclops /u/kenlynw123
20. Shiny Skarmory + 2 Gold bottlecaps for GAMESTP Raikou /u/jojo_iso
21. GAMESTP Raikou for Shinies -- 2x Ralts, Rockruff, Exeggcute, Bulbasaur /u/Ali8Fayad
22. Marshadow and Shiny Ditto for Shiny Mewtwo /u/ALLtheNER
23. Shiny Wimpod for Victini and Jirachi /u/minato994
24. Jirachi for Shiny Charmander /u/Von_Condersmite
25. Victini for Shinies -- Snivy and Litwick /u/slowerthanzero
26. Shiny Alolan Ninetales for OCT 2014 Gengar /u/princessmudkip
27. Hoopa for XYZ Yveltal /u/tg0006
28. WIN2011 Celebi for Shiny Cobalion /u/Twodio
29. 7 BR Shinies for RNG'd HK/TW Tapu Koko, 2 Scrap Codes /u/xtakeru
30. 4 NA Marshadow codes for 3 Marshadow redeems /u/raystt
31. Marshadow and Shiny Aegislash for Full Totem Set and Shiny Silvally Event /u/AceRene
32. Marshadow for Shiny Fletchling /u/Sime
33. Darkrai for Ilex Celebi /u/LilMilky
34. Totem Kommo-o for Event Yveltal /u/Dragonflare25
35. Shiny Salamence and Shiny Litwick for ASH Pikachu (Soul Silver) /u/DemiseBehindBlueEyes
36. HK Rayquaza for 13 Shinies /u/buckembarnes
37. Shiny Numel for GF Celebi /u/toxiclaws
38. 2 Shinies for NA Silvally /u/SeaLionMermaid
39. Shiny Vulpix for NA Entei /u/thecuteoneishere
40. TRU Ash Pikachu for Worlds17 Exeggutor /u/Foxypuff
41. 5 Shinies for Wishmkr Jirachi /u/Shendio
42. 2 Shinies for NA Lycanroc /u/ErnestoBen
43. 4 Shinies for 20ths Jirachi and Genesect /u/JukaiKoutan
44. Shiny Tapu Koko (RNG'D) for 2018Legends Heatran and Entei /u/Fergus-Forsyth
45. 10 X/Y Codes for KOR Groudon, JPN Kyogre /u/Lightning00
46. 3 Shinies for Mew, Pumpkaboo /u/NameNowTaken
47. GF Mew+Jirachi, Marshadow for Plasma Genesect and WIN2013 Keldeo /u/jordan_pancakes
48. 20th Genesect for SPR2013 Meloetta /u/BryanPMcgrew
49. 3 XY Codes for Jolly Marshadow /u/transcendentyo
50. Ilex Celebi for SPR2014 Magmar /u/NameNowTaken
51. NA Silvally for 20th Celebi /u/edudlive
52. 2 Shinies for 20th Genesect /u/Animekitty421
53. 10 XY Codes for 2 Lugia redeems /u/SonicBlader
54. NA Entei for NA Dialga /u/toxiclaws
55. Lonely Stakataka for Kanto Hatchu and XYZ Yveltal /u/LedLeonhart
56. GF Genesect for JPN Kanto Pikachu /u/edudlive
57. Fuura Lugia for Spring2014 Magmar/Electabuzz /u/TheRyria
58. Shiny Rowlet for Hope Diancie /u/Bmdenma
59. XYZ Yveltal, Marshadow for OCT2014 Diancie /u/Vyath
60. 2 SRd Dialgas for Tohoku Pikachu and codes /u/Billymaier
61. Shiny Eevee for Shiny Riolu /u/HamstersInSinnoh
62. NA Koko, Fuura Lugia, NA Heatran for Plasma Deoxys /u/samstator
[+] Shinies (92)
1. Full set of Apriballs for Shiny Fennekin /u/Grin4u
2. Pokeball Vivillon for Shiny Eevee /u/Carl0s1
3. Event Hoopa for Shiny Charizard /u/NiminimA2
4. Shiny Arcanine and Shiny Golduck for 2 NA Lycanroc Codes /u/spellground
5. 1 NA Lycanroc Code for Shiny Nidoran (Female) /u/aklassen_mh
6. Shiny Charizard for Shiny Incineroar /u/Ovoid76
7. 2 Victinis, Keldeo, Event Pinsir for Shiny Aerodactyl, Shiny Treeko, Shiny Tyrunt, SHiny Eevee /u/trollolly
8. Timid Ash-Greninja for Shiny Litwick /u/log94
9. Shiny Espeon for Shiny Hawlucha /u/Nobyuki
10. Shiny Nidoqueen for Shiny Growlithe /u/taranteeeno
11. Shiny Delphox for Shiny Beartic /u/taptop
12. Shiny Pichu for Shiny Riolu /u/Smitty8858
13. Shiny Roselia for Shiny Pichu /u/NPBrot
14. Genesect and Arceus and Darkrai for Shiny Tyranitar and Shiny Aggron and Shiny Cubone /u/Killer_Whale_Penguin
15. 6IV Numel for Shiny Smeargle /u/Santiago1041
16. Shiny Kanto Vulpix for Shiny Poochyena /u/maplewars
17. Shiny Arcanine for Shiny Ralts /u/SaintRocker96
18. Shiny Ralts for Shiny Rowlet /u/grimug
19. Shiny Fraxure for Shiny Foongus /u/NPBrot
20. Shiny Poochyena for Shiny Squirtle /u/NPBrot
21. Shiny Lilligant for Shiny Oranguru /u/meltedmochi
22. Magearna for Shiny Honedge /u/snuffles24
23. Event Munchlax for Shiny Popplio /u/trollolly
24. Shiny Tyranitar for Shiny Nosepass /u/snuffles24
25. Shiny Oranguru for Shiny Treecko /u/JeuTheIdit
26. Shinies -- Tyrantrum, Honedge, Chimchar for Shinies -- Abra, Wimpod, Pinsir /u/vee4Phoenix
27. Shiny Squirtle for Shiny Tododile /u/JeuTheIdit
28. Moon Ball Code for Shiny Cyndaquil and Shiny Mudkip /u/JeuTheIdit
29. DB's: Swablu, Mudkip, Axew, Dratini, Pachirisu for Shiny Tododile /u/Drewedlulz
30. Shiny Riolu and Shiny Tododile for Event Pumpkaboo and Event Dragonite /u/nufc98
31. Shiny Ralts for Event Entei /u/elspethh
32. Shiny NA Tapu Koko for Shiny Klink /u/perverockstar
33. Shiny Sandile for Shiny Axew /u/kenlynw123
34. Shiny Klink for Shiny Shinx /u/Fazza1234
35. Shiny HA Treecko for Shiny Mimikyu /u/lighttstrarr
36. Shiny Hawlucha for Event Rayquaza /u/Zutone88
37. Shiny Alolan Sandslash for Shiny Skarmory /u/bballigator
38. Shiny Probopass for Shiny Bulbasaur /u/NPBrot
39. Shiny Chandelure for Shiny Deino /u/YuseiFudoOfficial
40. Shiny Mimikyu, Shiny Bulbasaur, Shiny Cyndaquil for Shiny Salamence, Shiny Gardevoir, Shiny Milotic /u/kenlynw123
41. Shiny Event Rayquaza for Shiny Moltres /u/threw1
42. Shiny Tapu Koko for Shiny Feraligatr, BR Lucario /u/TJFell
43. Lucky Egg for Shiny Fletchling /u/BlueOdesta
44. Shiny Axew for NA Silvally Code /u/jjcolfax
45. Shiny Yamask for Shiny Aegislash /u/Agrast
46. Shinies -- Pumpkaboo, Popplio, Milotic for Shinies -- Froakie and Nidoran /u/robyn_herbert
47. Shiny Cofagrigus for Shiny Aerodactyl /u/robyn_herbert
48. Shiny Bulbasaur for Shiny Alolan Ninetales /u/Pelleas
49. Shinies -- Camerupt, Exeggcute, Trevenant for Shinies -- Trapinch, Roserade, Kanghaskan /u/dharlette
50. Meloetta and Ash Greninja for Shinies -- 2x Jangmo-o, Female Salandit /u/Von_Condersmite
51. 6 IV Ditto for Shiny Abra /u/RobbyJohnson
52. shiny Jangmo-o for shiny Froakie /u/theflamesof
53. Shiny Drifloon for Shiny Rotom /u/ShadowSkeet
54. Shiny Trapinch for Shiny Growlithe /u/jumbaju
55. Comp. Hawlucha for Shiny Goomy /u/Carl0s1
56. Shinies -- Absol and Froakie for Shinies -- Buneary and Cubone /u/Spigglez
57. Shiny Rotom for Shiny Wimpod /u/dharlette
58. Thundurus for Shiny Magcargo /u/Gandaiva
59. Shinies -- Nidoran, Growlithe for Shinies -- Axew, Charmander /u/theflamesof
60. Shiny Charmander for Shiny Honedge and Shiny Dratini /u/Ziatoro
61. Shiny Mudkip for Shiny Scyther /u/spacez52
62. Shiny Mewtwo for Shinies -- Weedle and Croagunk /u/andyjim
63. Shinies -- Gardevoir and Litten for Manaphy and Fancy Vivillon /u/marcio_sierra
64. Shiny Buneary for Shiny Marill /u/robyn_herbert
65. Shiny Rockruff for Shiny Scraggy /u/UmiMizuAi
66. Greninja and Delphox for Shiny Popplio /u/Syces
67. Shiny Cubone for Shiny Metagross /u/Allisgreat
68. Shiny Pinsir for Shiny Kangaskhan /u/EpicNoob517
69. Shinies -- Ralts, Froakie, Honedge for Shinies -- Larvitar and Karrablast /u/EpicNoob517
70. Shiny Ditto for Shiny Oricorio /u/Pablolll
71. Shiny Decidueye for Shiny Fennekin /u/SeaLionMermaid
72. 4 Scrap Codes for Shiny Guzzlord /u/lycilla
73. Shiny Dusclops for Totem Lurantis /u/ScumbagEcnav
74. Shiny Magby for Shiny Xurkitree /u/silener0502
75. Shiny Fennekin for Shiny Espurr /u/OniWanKinetic
76. Shinies -- Salazzle, Ralts, Scyther for Shiny Pheromosa /u/Mnais91
77. Shiny Xurkitree and Shiny Axew for Darkrai and Meloetta /u/SeaLionMermaid
78. Shiny HP-Fire Treecko for Shiny Rowlett /u/Galvith
79. Shiny Cobalion for Shiny Eevee and Gible /u/tinchys
80. Shiny Armaldo for Shiny Electrike /u/cjameson83
81. 2 Shiny UBs for 6 Shinies -- Jangmo-o, Roselia, Cutiefly, Grubbin, Cubone, Oshawott /u/dharlette
82. Shiny Aerodacyl for Shiny Beldum /u/CanOfFish78
83. Shiny A-Vulpix and A-Sandshrew for Shiny Stufful and Sandyghast /u/MRBlobbable
84. 7 E/R Codes for Perfect Shiny Salazzle /u/Shiny_Sylveon
85. 1 NA XY Code for 6IV Shiny Sandile /u/micahelsaurs90
86. Shiny Machop for Shiny Tyranitar /u/goyange
87. nothing for shiny Regirock /u/silener0502
88. 1 code for shiny rockruff /u/patchespatch04
89. nothing for shiny Bronzong /u/absol_ow
90. shiny Sandile for shiny Roggenrola /u/CanOfFish78
91. Shiny Beldum for Shiny Eevee and Shiny Sneasel /u/Zyphir42
92. 1 NA XY Code for Shiny Rayquaza /u/VicktyLusi
[+] Competitive / Casual (29)
1. Hippopotas for Electivire /u/Pardalord
2. Pal Lycanroc Code for Shiny Golduck /u/LordAizenS
3. HA Dratini for Shiny Kanto Vulpix /u/fggtsthrwwyaccnt
4. HA Magby for Jolly Terrakion /u/SlappaDatBass
5. DBHA Axew and DBHA Eevee for 6 IV Turtonator /u/cdude2
6. DBHA Axew for Sneasel /u/RestingGyaradosFace
7. DBHA Alolan Vulpix for Shiny Fraxure /u/Dolittle28
8. Terrakion for Shiny Chimchar /u/bnhershy
9. Alolan Marowak for 6 IV Tododile /u/Pillow_Starcraft
10. Everstone, Destiny Knot for 4 IV Ditto /u/trex7576
11. Shiny Espeon for BR Heliolisk /u/Killer_Whale_Penguin
12. 5 IV Numel w/ Metal Coat for Rockruff w/ Aerodactylite /u/GettoKuma
13. HA Darmanitan for Moon Ball Code /u/Primus618
14. Fastball Turtonator 6IV, HA Litwick Beast Ball, HA Beast Ball 6 IV, Love Ball HA Vulpix Perfect 5 IV, HA Yungoos Friend Ball Perfect 5 IV for 6 IV Ditto /u/Azure4405
15. Shiny Beartic, Shiny Aegislash, Shiny Aggron, Master Ball for 5 IV SR'd Tapu Koko /u/yooos2
16. Steven's Beldum for Win2011 Celebi /u/Sarverious
17. 6 IV Rowlet and 5 IV Aerodactyl for XYZ Xerneas /u/bedbugssex
18. shiny Abra for Lugia /u/The_Foolish_Fool
19. HA Tepig and HA Magby for Jolly Kartana /u/MEGASHOE
20. HA Alolan Sandshrew for 6 IV Brionne /u/Ferny730jr
21. Buneary for Scraggy /u/squirttlesquad
22. Scrafty for Shiny Sandile /u/Sedma
23. Jolly Kartana for Naughty Pheromosa /u/ShugoSV
24. Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos for Hoopa /u/gibberingfool
25. Ho-oh and Lunala for Lugia and Thundurus /u/FudgeCheese12
26. DBHA Aerodactyl for Shiny Ditto /u/uNaughtyDogu
27. 6 IV Lucario for Shiny Yamask /u/Darian_Ashkevron
28. Shiny Amoonguss for Shiny Rowlet /u/RVinceZ
29. 5 Breedables for Shiny Diito and Shiny Vulpix /u/pnkocn
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Evolved their Kadabra /u/kiperia

Misc (0)


GeckoDragon96's Information


Friend codes:
