
3540-3331-5325 || Gabriel (M, ΩR)
3540-3331-5325 || Gabriel (M, ΩR) || XXXX

Trades (13)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (4)
1. 2 Comp bred mareanie with pokerus for shiny rockruff, OT Hardensoul ID 005643 /u/never91
2. BeastBall HA dratini for Shiny Sandalit OT : Xakari ID No: 329252 /u/hodgexx
3. Deino for HA Eevee /u/mannoroth0913
4. shiny Rockruff for 3 EV training items. Anklet, belt, lens /u/thedemitroll
[+] Competitive / Casual (9)
1. Gamestop Genesect Code for Hp/Def/Spd/Spa/Spe ev training items on random pokemon /u/dragyn
2. NA Arceus Code for 31/0/31/31/31/31 Eevee. Dream Ball female with 4x egg moves /u/Strontoria
3. Na Volcanion Code for Shiny Eevee, 31/4/31/30/24/31, OT: Terrence, TID: 21501, /u/Strafingfire
4. Self Caught Reshiram for Self caught Shiny milotec /u/swiftieatheart
5. Shiny Milotic OT Charlotte. ID No 48528 for Shiny Lucario. OT Cronkhy | 07334 /u/pyrocat
6. Self Obtained Genesect. OT GF. ID No 11916 for 2015 xyz shiny Xerneas OT XY&Z ID No10295 /u/mcdiggit
7. Pokemon Infected with PokeRus for Shiny Male Sandalit OT: Palmsy ID: 918557 Self Caught /u/palmsyPKMN
8. HA maraenie+pokerus for Beastball litwick+leftovers /u/Daganzi
9. Deino+HA gible for BB Caravanha+ Ice stone /u/porktrading
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (29 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Moon ball riolu/Love ball Eevee/ HA Moonball Vulpix giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 29 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Gibicus's Information


Friend codes:
