
4270-1094-6203 || John (S)
4270-1094-6203 || John (S) || 3897

Trades (139)

[+] Events (74)
1. 8 Competitive Shinies for 2 Darkrai Codes /u/endy1102
2. 2 Darkrai Codes for SR'd Suicune /u/Jigerly
3. XYZ Trio SR'd for Natures for 7/11 Latios /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
4. XYZ Trio SR'd for Nature for 1 Manesh Hoopa Code and Hope Diancie SR'd for Nature/IVs /u/pr0th1
5. 4 XY&Z Sets (FRE, ITA, KOR, JPN), Sr'd for Nature for 1 Hope Diancie Language Set /u/cubanpete26
6. 1 XY&Z Xerneas SR'd for Nature for 2 MacHoopas /u/AaronGerr
7. 7 6IV Shinies for 2 Korean WiFi Giratina /u/endy1102
8. XY&Z Trio SR'd for Nature for GAME Darkrai /u/HalaMadrid97
9. 2 XYZ Event Sets SR'd for nature for 1 Maxsoft Arceus Code /u/antonyv7
10. 1 XY&Z Set SR'd for nature for 1 GAME Charizard /u/pikamonn
11. 4 XYZ Sets SR'd for Nature for 2 Maxsoft Arceus Codes and 2 Hong Kong Jirachi Codes /u/xtakeru
12. 6 Comp Shinies (5IV) for 1 Hong Kong Jirachi Code /u/broccoliYT
13. 4 Custom-Bred Shinies for 1 Kotone Yasue's Tyranitar (PC Tyranitar) /u/Mystica_
14. 2 XY&Z Sets SR'd for Nature for 1 Shiny Cresselia /u/Xlxluckyxix
15. Redeemed 1 HK Jirachi for 1 Shiny 5IV Chikorita /u/chuni_pok
16. Redeemed 2 HK Jirachi Codes for 2 PAL Hoopa Codes /u/DeathMTX
17. Redeemed 1 HK Jirachi and SR'd for nature for 1 Fancy Vivillion /u/Dark_Lucario
18. 2 Maxsoft Arceus Codes for 1 PokeLab Charmander /u/Free-Brownies
19. 2 XY&Z Sets SRd for Nature for 2 PAL Hoopas, and 5 Comp Shinies /u/EggsAway
20. 6 XY&Z Sets SRd for Nature for 1 PC Shiny Diancie /u/TheDecimated
21. Language Set of XY&Z Trio SRd for Nature for 1 NOV2014 Diancie (Semi Comp) and 1 7-SPOT Latios /u/KageNoRaito
22. Redeemed 6 HK Jirachi and Maxsoft Arceus for Delibird Code /u/jaimeg7
23. 1 MacHoopa for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/coolswampert
24. 1 Shiny 5IV Heracross for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/jal865
25. 1 Shiny 5IV Scyther and 1 Shiny 5IV Charmander for 2 PAL Mew Codes /u/Tingeybob
26. 5 NA Mew Codes for 1 Mega Campaign Altaria /u/Setchtay
27. 2 PAL Mew Codes for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/endy1102
28. 1 Shiny 5IV Larvitar for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/PandaGrahams
29. 1 Shiny 5IV Houndour for 1 NA Mew Code /u/bogiefresh44
30. 1 Shiny 5IV Charmander for 1 NA Mew Code /u/aliengem
31. Shiny 5IV Charmander for 1 NA Mew Code /u/Erika021
32. 1 Shiny 5IV Slowpoke for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/ObjectOpera
33. 1 5IV Shiny Larvitar for 1 PAL Mew Code /u/MrAaronRiding
34. Shiny 5IV Bagon for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/drsteam
35. 1 Shiny 5IV Larvesta for 1 NA Mew Code /u/TheButteryNipple
36. 1 Shiny 5IV Blitzle for 1 NA Mew Code /u/bogiefresh44
37. 1 Shiny 5IV Fennekin for 1 NA Mew Code /u/aliengem
38. 1 PAL Mew Code for 1 NA Mew Code /u/Robster1908
39. 1 Shiny 5IV Larvesta and 1 Shiny 5IV Cubone for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/xKyo
40. 1 Shiny 5IV Pawniard for 1 NA Mew Code /u/bogiefresh44
41. 1 7/11 Latios for 1 PokeViv, 1 Fancy Viv, HA Johto Bank Trio /u/IntentionOfAbyss
42. 1 Shiny 5IV Smeargle for 1 NA Mew Code /u/Jhueller
43. 1 Shiny 5IV Larvesta and 1 Shiny 5IV Heracross for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/Deeznutsformayor
44. 1 Shiny 5IV Bulbasaur for 1 NA Mew Code /u/maschwa
45. 1 Shiny 5IV Bagon for 1 NA Mew Code /u/Guddifrank
46. 3 XYZ Xerneas, 2 XYZ Yveltal, 2 XYZ Zygarde SR'd for Nature for 1 M18 Arceus (Almost 5IV Comp) /u/Boltbeam
47. 4 NA Mew Codes for RNG'd Shiny 5IV Virizion /u/Laer_Uial
48. 1 XYZ Xerneas SR'd for Nature for 1 GAME Hoopa SR'd for Nature /u/Ho-ohsMeMoney
49. 1 NA Mew Code for 1 Bank Celebi /u/Stragin
50. 3 5IV Shinies for 1 GAME Charizard /u/galironxero
51. 1 6IV and 1 5IV Comp Shiny for 3 20th Anniversary Celebi /u/SunExplosion
52. 1 6IV Comp Shiny and 2 5IV Comp Shinies for 4 20th Anniversary Celebi /u/xiumintea
53. 8 20th Anniversary Mews (+Redemption) for 1 PC Mega Lucario /u/giratinaaltered
54. 1 PAL Mew Code and 2 5IV Comp Shinies for 1 Semi-Comp 20th Anniversary Celebi /u/Kissy9
55. 3 5IV Shinies for 3 20th Anniversary Celebis /u/KoRayven
56. 1 HA Regi Trio with Custom OT for 1 PC Shiny Ho-Oh /u/koto_om
57. 3 Comp Shinies for 1 Tough Bug Set /u/cannibaleyes
58. 16 Raw Scraps for 1 World's Sharpedo /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
59. 1 6IV Shiny for OCT2014 Gengar /u/danriverapv
60. Redeemed 6 NA Mews for HK Jirachi /u/jaimeg7
61. Redeemed 1 VC Mew for 1 Gamestop Dragonite /u/Free-Brownies
62. Redeemed 2 Scrap Eevee for 1 Gamestop Dragonite /u/pr0th1
63. M19 Gardevoir Code and Redemption for PGL Miltank Code /u/Storvacker
64. Redeemed 1 PGL Landorus for 1 Hope Diancie /u/Free-Brownies
65. Redeemed 2 Jarvis Gengar Codes for 1 HK Pikachu /u/Free-Brownies
66. Redeemed Jarvis Gengar Code for 2 Shiny 5IV Scatterbug /u/Haunani14
67. 1 5IV Shiny and 1 6IV Shiny for 11 Assorted NA Shaymin /u/CyaniedShotgun
68. 11 Gardevoir Codes for 8 Happy Hour Meowths /u/taylorjt13
69. Redeemed 21 Gardevoir Codes for Tanabata 2016 Jirachi /u/xtakeru
70. Redeemed Tapu Koko and Corocoro Charizard Codes for 1 Donation Pikachu Code /u/TheRiyria
71. 2 20th Anniversary Shaymin RNG'd for Perfect HP Spreads for 1 KOR Alola Wifi Set /u/expiredjellybean
72. 10 TSV Shinies for PGL Darmanitan /u/DestinySaber
73. RNG'd NA XYZ Trio for PGL Delibird /u/Xamarqand
74. Shiny Reshiram for PC Easter Egg, EST2013 Giratina, JPN Shiny Tapu Koko /u/Milady_Snowdrop
[+] Shinies (12)
1. Shiny 5IV Lure Ball Chinchou with 4EMs for Shiny 5 IV HA Tyrunt with 4 EMs /u/Kellyluar
2. Shiny 5 IV Drem Ball Joltik with EM for Shiny 6 IV Repeat Ball Fletchling with EM /u/harryng2103
3. Shiny 5IV 4EM Skiddo for Shiny 5 IV 4EM Tepig /u/Lukari13
4. Shiny 5IV Male DB Sableye and Non-Shiny Female 5IV Variant for Shiny HP Fire Amaura /u/justTDuBBit
5. Shiny 5 IV 4EM Buneary for 5IV Charmander, Houndour, Cubchoo, Swablu, and Machop /u/LinDunguin
6. Shiny Fast Ball Smeargle for 5IV DBHA Poochyena, DBHA Skitty, DBHA Exeggcute, and Safari Yanma /u/mexican_honey_badger
7. 5 Assorted 5IV Shinies for 25 Assorted Breedables /u/gmpsmendes
8. Shiny 5IV Flabebe for Shiny 5IV Sneasal /u/vemulaneelesh
9. Shiny 5IV Cubchoo for Shiny 5IV Barboach /u/Booshes
10. Shiny 5IV Cubchoo for Shiny 5IV Hawlucha /u/patchespatch04
11. 3 Comp 5IV Shinies for 3 PAL Bird Redemptions /u/Jamie-McL
12. 4 Custom 5IV Shinies for 2 RNG'd Shiny Legendaries /u/Upper90175
[+] Competitive / Casual (47)
1. Swablu for Machop /u/donking233
2. 5IV Shiny Growlithe with Egg Moves for 4IV Kangaskhan, 4IV Froakie, 4IV Sableye, all in Bankballs /u/Ustrina
3. 5 IV Kangaskhan in Level Ball for 5 IV Pineco in Heavy Ball with EMs /u/fliippyy
4. Shiny 5 IV Buneary with 4 EMs in Dream Ball for Shiny HP Fire HA Magnemite /u/Apatheee
5. 5 IV Dream Ball Weedle for 5 IV Trapinch /u/doakes37
6. Shiny 5IV Weedle in Dream Ball for Got female 5IV Larvesta, Joltik, and Fletchling /u/Darkraioverlord
7. 5IV 4 EM Bankball Buneary for 5IV Bankball Cleffa /u/not_an_aardvark
8. 5 IV Imperfect Growlithe with 4EMs in Moon Ball for 5 IV Imperfect Dratini with 4 EMs in Luxury Ball /u/overworld99
9. Female 5 IV Imperfect Murkrow with 4 EMs in Moon Ball for Female 5 IV Imperfect Larvitar with 4 EMS in Heavy Ball /u/tifamaroo
10. 5IV Bankball Chinchou with 4EMs for 5IV Duskball Yamask with 4EMs /u/giokiwi
11. 5IV BB 4EM Chinchou, 5 IV BB 4EM Horsea, 5IV Premier Ball Shiny Phantump for 5IV Vanillite, 5IV Smeargle with Dark Void, 5IV Shiny Furfrou /u/ominousfire
12. 5IV Level Ball Kangaskhan and 5IV Dream Ball Sableye both with EM for 5IV Luxury Ball Pinsir and 5IV Level Ball Shroomish /u/ConkerMike
13. 5 IV Level Ball Kanmgaskhan for Dawn Stone, Dusk Stone, Shiny Stone /u/mrb30061a
14. 5IV 4EM Lure Ball Chinchou for 5 IV 4EM Luxury Ball Bouffalant /u/mz_valkyrie
15. 144 BP Worth Items for 9 Breedables /u/Righteous_Bread
16. 5IV 4EM Druddigon, Joltik, Lileep, Murkrow in Bank/Dream Balls for 5IV 4EM Chimchar, Cottonee, Cottonee, Cubone /u/cubanpete26
17. 5IV Shiny Flabebe for Kanto Dex Data and a shiny Hitmonlee /u/HalaMadrid97
18. Female 5IV Skiddo with 4EMs for Some Pokemon towards my National Dex /u/Skippythebeast
19. 6 IV Druddigon and Kangaskhan, Shiny 5IV Drilbur, 5IV Smeargle for About 70 Dex Entries /u/andrewsailor
20. 5IV DB Sand Rush Drilbur for 5IV Contrary Snivy /u/henrxv
21. 5 IV DBHA Feebas for 5IV Fletchling /u/kayparfait
22. 5 IV DB Joltik for 5IV Fastball Mareep /u/WhiteOps02
23. 5 IV Drilbur, 5IV Phanpy, 6IV Druddigon for 5IV Litleo, 5IV Bellsprout, 5IV Corsola /u/jacksoncabot
24. 5 IV DBHA Gible for 5 IV DB Pachirisu /u/thelink955
25. 5IV DBHA Sableye and Carvanha for 5IV Shiny KOR Espurr /u/HalaMadrid97
26. 5 IV Female Flabebe for 5IV Febale Hoppip /u/NyahChaan
27. Male DBHA 4EM Sableye for Male 5IV Heavy Ball Snorlax /u/pschris7
28. 5 IV DBHA Sableye for 5IV DB Aipom /u/slyced
29. 5IV Flabebe and Timburr for 5IV Shroomish and Larvitar /u/-Mobius-
30. 5IV Moon Ball Murkrow for 5IV Karrablast /u/SirViper
31. 5IV Deino for 5IV Skarmory /u/Kevmo2000
32. 5IV Gible for 5IV Castform /u/mexican-honey-badger
33. 5 IV Gible for 5IV Frillish /u/loutwo2
34. 5IV Phanpy and Houndour, 6IV Sableye for 5IV Blitzle, Krabby, and Cubone /u/phoenix0wright
35. 6IV DBHA Gible for 6IV HP Ice Solosis /u/GaryMuhfuknOak
36. 9 Assorted 5/6 IV Bankballs/Dream Balls for 9 Assorted 5IV Dream Balls /u/Fad1990
37. 5IV Weedle for 5IV Bulbasaur /u/tretman
38. Pinsirite for Toxic Orb /u/Section_80
39. Rocky Helmet and Choice Scarf for 5IV Mantine and Buneary /u/Jozcef
40. 5IV Female Lileep, Phanpy, Murkrow, and Aron for Shiny 5IV Caterpie and Elekid /u/ourcertifiablegenre
41. 5IV 4EM Lure Chinchou for 5IV Level Growlithe /u/FreakBurger
42. 5IV Female Luxury Charmander w/ 4EMs for Shiny 5IV Mienshao /u/Akrisn
43. 5IV Machop and 5IV DBHA Heracross for 5IV Safari Croagunk, 5IV DBHA Sentret, and Safari Lapras /u/magns774
44. Female DBHA Timburr for Female Moon Ball Heracross /u/maiqtheprevaricator
45. 1 Nugget for 1 Abra /u/blackaurora
46. 1 HA Alolan Vulpix for 1 Abra /u/mistedsunset
47. Dive Alolan Vulpix for Love Eevee /u/soulwyvern
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (6)
1. SPR2012 Reshiram for SMR2012 Keldeo /u/Earendil503
2. 15 NA/Pal Mew Codes for 2 OCT2014 Gengar and 1 Liberty Garden Victin /u/xchixowx
3. 10 NA Mew Codes for Win13 ITA Keldeo /u/xchicowx
4. 1 Comp Shiny Miltank for 1 French Hayley's Mew /u/Ony126
5. Satay King Pikachu + PC Lucario for Ruby Anniversary Groudon /u/Voltagic
6. Ruby Anniversary Groudon for PC Piplup /u/iamaDeinonychusAMA

Egg Hatches (50)

1. Hatched an egg for /u/Gym_Leader_Erika /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
2. Hatched a Shuppet for /u/YuukiNai /u/YuukiNai
3. Hatched a Litwick for /u/Seankle /u/Seankle
4. Hatched a Scraggy for /u/eddiy /u/eddiy
5. Hatched a Cottonee for /u/Kitryn /u/Kitryn
6. Hatched a Honedge for /u/kdj2413 /u/kdj2413
7. Hatched a Purrloin for /u/kath0601 /u/0601
8. Hatched an Electrike for /u/kkang1014 /u/kkang1014
9. Hatched a Torkoal for /u/UmiMizuAi /u/UmiMizuAi
10. Hatched a Swablu for /u/Sara-L /u/Sara-L
11. Hatched a Seel for /u/eddiy /u/eddiy
12. Hatched a Mareep for /u/TeriyakiNinja007 /u/TeriyakiNinja007
13. Hatched a Skrelp for /u/SilverWolf3432 /u/SilverWolf3432
14. Hatched a Carbink for /u/Sancheztadore /u/Sancheztadore
15. Hatched a Bulbasaur for /u/lucas1867 /u/lucas1867
16. Hatched a Stunfisk for /u/Spheale /u/Spheale
17. Hatched a Ghastly for /u/fire_Damage /u/fire_Damage
18. Hatched a Seel for /u/patchespatch04 /u/patchespatch04
19. Hatched a Poliwag for /u/Cryomine /u/Cryomine
20. Hatched a Solrock for /u/overworld99 /u/overworld99
21. Hatched a Buneary for /u/kfloria /u/kfloria
22. Hatched a Beldum for /u/james26x /u/james26x
23. Hatched a Spinarak for /u/eddiy /u/eddiy
24. Hatched a Skarmory for /u/elfassigaming /u/elfassigaming
25. Hatched a Froakie for /u/eraco /u/eraco
26. Hatched an Eevee for /u/Neckes /u/Neckes
27. Hatched a Ralts for /u/nakyung71 /u/nakyung71
28. Hatched a Hawlucha for /u/kinfeof11 /u/kinfeof11
29. Hatched a Snover for /u/kuladiamond2000 /u/kuladiamond2000
30. Hatched a Larvitar for /u/skuggeland /u/skuggeland
31. Hatches a Cottonee for /u/Mocha-Cola /u/Mocha-Cola
32. Hatched a Sableye for /u/fkfkvktm310 /u/fkfkvktm310
33. Hatched a Bagon for /u/WenSnake /u/WenSnake
34. Hatched a Pawniard for /u/WenSnake /u/WenSnake
35. Hatched a Relicanth for /u/Agyle /u/Agyle
36. Hatched a Squirtle for /u/Kangsar /u/Kangsar
37. Hatched a Venipede for /u/Zangoose1 /u/Zangoose1
38. Hatched a shiny Shellder for /u/IAMADeinoychusAMA /u/IAMADeinoychusAMA
39. Hatched a Caterpie for /u/wookibooki /u/wookibooki
40. Hatched a Sneasal for /u/MerryFellows /u/MerryFellows
41. Hatched a Nidoran for /u/user1288 /u/user1288
42. Hatched a Chespin for /u/crossover123 /u/crossover123
43. Hatched a Chespin for /u/Tacanacy /u/Tacanacy
44. Hatched a Smeargle for /u/daknabiwall1 /u/daknabiwall1
45. Hatched an Eevee for /u/PencilFrog /u/PencilFrog
46. Hatched a Tentacool for /u/aleexs /u/aleexs
47. Hatched an Eevee for /u/ghgonzales /u/ghgonzalez
48. Hatched an Eevee for /u/wingzercoats /u/wingzercoats
49. Hatched a Scatterbug for /u/patchespatch04 /u/patchespatch04
50. Hatched an Eevee for /u/poliwhirl_sil /u/poliwhirl_sil

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


IAMADeinonychusAMA Feb 20, 2016 2:30:59 AM

Chill dude, would trade with again

endy1102 Apr 20, 2015 5:50:16 AM

great trader

Earendil503 Apr 17, 2015 2:49:03 AM

A kind and highly communicative individual with whom I exchanged a SMR2012 Keldeo for a SPR2012 Reshiram. Thanks again for a pleasant trading experience! :)

Darkraioverlord Jan 21, 2015 4:51:02 AM

Traded my 3 5iv breedables for his competitive shiny weedle. would trade with again :)

TeriyakiNinja007 Jan 20, 2015 5:20:43 AM

kindly hatched a shiny Mareep for me :) friendly, prompt and trustworthy. Thanks again!

soundslikearaptor Jan 19, 2015 4:15:46 AM

Received a shiny Froakie and (after going FFA) non-shiny Kangaskhan in this giveaway.

The giveaway seemed very well organized, and he was a fast and friendly trader! 10/10!

Aiseya Jan 19, 2015 4:06:04 AM

I was given an awesome pair of pokemon in a FFA giveaway--Sableye and Froakie! Very much appreciated. :)

Great_Plattsby's Information


Friend codes:

  • 4270-1094-6203


  • IGN: John TSV: 2979