
SW-7598-8645-7190 || HighMans (S)
SW-7598-8645-7190 || HighMans (S) || 3682

Trades (21)

[+] Events (8)
1. Shiny Stunky for Diancie Code /u/REbones714
2. 1x Diancie Code for Dialga, Latios, Lugia and Ho-Oh /u/TG_Cid
3. Shiny Rotom for 2x diancie codes /u/matthewosx
4. SR'd Diancie Service for 1x Diancie NA Code, Comp. Shelmet /u/Voltagic
5. SR'd Diancie for Diancie Codes /u/ParaQuant
6. 1x Diancie Code for Cobalion, heatran and landorus-thernian forme /u/thejjustinj
7. GF UT Jirachi for HA Torchic /u/bumbalicious
8. Anniversary Shaymin for HA Bulbasaur with Giga Drain /u/sagejonathan
[+] Shinies (2)
1. Shiny Dedenne for Blazekinite /u/khennlionhart
2. Shiny Eevee for 5x Lucky Eggs /u/pangotron
[+] Competitive / Casual (3)
1. Dream Ball Togepi for Beldum Egg /u/alittlebossa
2. Razor Claw for Quick Claw /u/arwong
3. Power Lens and Weight for 2x Moonstones 3x Sun Stones /u/TheGrateMoose
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (8)
1. 2x Diancie Codes for Zekrom and Jirachi /u/thejjustinj
2. Wishmaker Jirachi for Hayley's Mew /u/suremen
3. 5x Mews and 2x Phiones for Keledo and 2x Bank Celebi's /u/blackaurora
4. 1x Mew for RNG Zekrom /u/Statue_left
5. RNG'd Zekrom and Thundurs for 9x Scrap Codes /u/Raesear
6. 3x Bank Celebis, Plasma Deoxys, and Pokeball Viv for 5x Scraps /u/dantelukas
7. World's Aegislash for Tru Arceus /u/ajkyle56
8. Tru Arceus for Tru Arceus /u/cubanpete26

Egg Hatches (10)

1. Hatched Egg /u/Demosthenes13
2. Hatched Egg /u/Ellie_1
3. Hatched Egg /u/Awful_Person
4. Hatched Egg /u/safairy0
5. Hatched Egg /u/magusblack
6. Hatched Egg /u/baldomaro
7. Hatched Egg /u/doritoburrito
8. Hatched egg /u/rilokileyfan1988
9. Egg Hatch /u/Pancham4
10. Egg Hatch /u/Grilda

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Got a free reedeem! :) /u/moag14

Misc (3)

1. Tradeback to evolve Spritzee and Alakazam
2. Dex tradeback and shiny togepi for 2x Diancie Codes
3. Item Trade (Master Ball for Dusk and Shiny Stone)


Alkar188 Nov 12, 2014 9:58:31 PM

Traded a 5IV Torchic for a 5IV shiny froakie. Nice and patient trader, I would definitely trade with him again :)

Auride Nov 9, 2014 5:24:56 AM

Kindly did a tradeback with me of a Landorus-T for my Castform. Responsive and patient.

HighMans's Information


Friend codes:
