
3110-9375-3917 || Isco (αS), Thiago (UM)
3110-9375-3917 || Isco (αS), Thiago (UM) || 1807

Trades (168)

[+] Events (20)
1. 4 IV Kyogre with Masterball for Bank Celebi /u/raymogi
2. French Comp shiny Totodile for Bank Celebi /u/fidofishy5
3. Darkrai Code for 5IV HA: feebas, Mudkip, riolu, smeargle, and Fennekin /u/Colev0
4. shiny 5IV magikarp, shiny 5IV tyrunt, Dialga for UK Darkai /u/Jack1t
5. 5IV shiny Lapras, female HA Slowpoke, moonball female sneasel for Diancie /u/jimimags77
6. shiny Dratini and 5IV female HA shiny espurr for Shaymin /u/mrhoth
7. Shiny female Buneary and shiny male Litleo for Shaymin with proof /u/mrhoth
8. CoroRayquaza Code for Bank Celebi, Event Beldum, Comp shiny Tepig, Comp shiny Flabebe, semi comp? shinies: aerodactyl, snorlax, and porygon /u/cubanpete26
9. 21 non competitive BankBalls for NA Event Shiny Gengar /u/xSince86x
10. Comp Shiny Scatterbug for Scrap Shaymin /u/ajkyle56
11. trophy shinies: ivysaur and Ekans, Comp shiny: hoppip, and semi comp shiny: cyndaquil for 2 Dragonite codes /u/tammaro12345
12. A lot of female breedables and 2 EM males for 2 Dragonite codes /u/xogg
13. Semi comp shiny togepi Chimchar and litleo and Trophy shiny Tyrunt for 2 Dragonite Codes /u/xchicowx
14. 4 Dragonite Codes for Draco Plate Arceus /u/Expo911
15. Event Steven's Beldum for Semi-Comp shinies: Chimchar, Pancham, and Shellder /u/poliwhirl_sil
16. NA gengar and PC Hiroshima Magikarp and Comp shiny pidgey and skrelp for Hoopa Code and redeem /u/enriquepaz13
17. Semi Comp shiny Charmander and Lapras for Hoopa /u/Blood_Diet
18. GAME Darkrai for Custom XYZ Spanish Set /u/Great_Plattsy
19. 6 Comp Shinies:: Aerodactyl, Togepi, Smeargle, Lileep, Feebas, HP Fire Snivy for XYZ Event Trio /u/PikaCuber
20. Comp Shiny Treecko and Torchic for NA Darkrai code /u/Lukari13
[+] Shinies (57)
1. Landorus and Kyurem for Shiny 5IV totodile /u/underpantscannon
2. HA Unova starters set for shiny HA Pichu /u/Pancham4
3. Latias with latiasite for HA shiny eevee /u/Vz-Rei
4. Lugia and Thundrus for Shiny HA Shuppet and shiny HA Meowstic /u/mattlayton1986
5. Trophy shiny chansey for trophy shiny tyrogue /u/crystux2221
6. shiny almost 5 IV ha eevee for HA female comp shiny politoed /u/darkninja96
7. 4IV HA female Amaura and 5IV HA male tyrunt for 5IV HA shiny Mankey /u/justTDUBBit
8. 5 IV HA female shiny Espurr and male 5IV shiny espurr no HA for Spanish Shiny 5IV tyrunt and 5IV shiny female Cyndaquil /u/Lukari13
9. tradeback Cresselia, numerous pokemon to complete other user's pokedex for shiny semi comp male oddish /u/crawver
10. HA female swinub for HA female litleo /u/elvistejeraf
11. 5IV friendball female Snubbull and 5IV safari ball female Igglybuff for HA female shiny goomy /u/Beleniel
12. HA Chimchar with 2 EMs, DBHA Corphish with 4 EMs, and DBHA Absol with 4 EMs for Shiny Skrelp /u/Yerrmom
13. 6IV HA Chespin for Shiny HA Lileep /u/ominousfire
14. 4IV DBHA Kangaskhan for shiny 3IV Starly /u/KiroTelexia
15. 5IV Pichu and 5IV honedge for shiny zubat /u/YoshiIsJason
16. 5IV DBHA female Caterpie and almost 5IV DBHA female Togetic for Shiny HA spritzee /u/death117
17. Moonball female Gastly and Dreamball female Murkrow for shiny Swablu /u/magns774
18. Shiny Litleo and Shiny Ponyta for shiny Smeargle with special moves /u/Theirah
19. 6IV docile HA chimchar for trophy shiny zigzagoon /u/SalomonG18
20. 6IV Bulbasaur and 5IV rotom for 4IV shiny froakie /u/Fushen
21. 5IV HA female Amaura with 4 EMs for shiny Bulbasaur and shiny Carvanha /u/Heavyminded
22. 6IV Luxury Ball female Pancham with 4 EMs for shiny 5IV hoppip /u/Heavyminded
23. Premier Ball HA female snorunt, Healball HA female Swirlix, and Luxury Ball HA purrloin for shiny Cyndaquil /u/sylgrace
24. DBHA female Lapras for shiny wartortle /u/rheemster
25. 5IV non Ha female Amaura with 4 EMs for trophy shiny Furfrou /u/whlzki
26. DBHA female Lapras with no EMs for Shiny Pidgey /u/Mayor_Hikari
27. DBHA female Togepi and Luxury Ball HA purrloin for semi comp shiny snorunt /u/Laggers13
28. Quiet 5IV DBHA female Lapras for Trophy shiny spiritomb /u/Kanniin
29. DBHA female timid Lapras for Trophy shiny Whismur /u/umizoomy
30. Moonball female Misdreavus for trophy shiny inkay /u/boork
31. DBHA female Buneary with 4 EMs and DBHA female Lapras for shiny Froakie /u/BR33zy91
32. Semi Comp shiny Litleo for Semi Comp shiny Eevee /u/umizoomy
33. 4IV DBHA female Drifloon and 5 5IV DBHA Females: Shinx, Sableye, Sandshrew, Wooper, and Sentret for Semi Comp shinies: Chespin, Chimchar, and Totodile /u/matthewtunc
34. DBHA female Sentret and Drifloon for Trophy Shiny Marill and Rattata /u/cptnmarvelous
35. DBHA female: sentret, taillow, luxio for semi comp shiny Natu /u/willster191
36. Trophy shiny horsea for Trophy shiny ekans /u/surgex10
37. 5IV rotom and 4IV pachirisu for shiny growlithe /u/mannydm
38. trophy shiny Dugtrio and semi comp shiny Togepi for Trophy shiny: meowth, pichu and aerodactyl /u/PerkeleCrow
39. male eevee with 4 EMs and Heavy all female Diglett for trophy shiny Zorua /u/DiamondFarm
40. Comp shiny Togepi for comp shiny Helioptle /u/Raesear
41. DBHA female togepi for semi comp shiny teddiursa /u/SevenCardStud
42. Level up Service for Honedge and Snubbull with specific level up moves for Semi Comp shiny Snubbull /u/death117
43. HA males: totodile, turtwig, and piplup for semi comp shiny grimer /u/iPissVelvet
44. DBHA female: Wooper, Meowth, and Elektrike for Trophy Shiny Minccino /u/ProjectROXO
45. DBHA Chansey and DBHA female Gible for Trophy shiny Heracross /u/struos
46. DBHA Milktank and DBHA female Murkrow for trophy shiny Rhydon /u/Pillow_Starcraft
47. DBHA Milktank and DBHA female Lickitung for Trophy Shiny Marowak /u/erublack
48. Friend Ball Larvitar, Level Ball Ekans and Vigoroth, Love Ball Cleffa, Moon Ball Munchlax females for Trophy SHiny: Machop, Wailmer, and Gible /u/Strafingfire
49. Heavy Ball Ralts, DBHA lickitung females for Trophy Shiny Solrock /u/PikaCuber
50. DBHA Spheal and Fardefetch'd for Trophy shiny scyther /u/pokesol
51. Moonball females: houndour, Misdreavus, and sneasel for Trophy shiny Poocheyna and Hariyama /u/txeptirea
52. DBHA: Horsea, Delibird, Exeggcute, and shinx for Trophy shiny: Bellsprout, Grumpig and Ponyta /u/Stevoo299
53. DBHA Tailow, DB Cherubi, Moonball Horsea for Shiny palpitoad /u/storm_born_
54. DBHA Gible, Smeargle, Fast Ball Growlithe, Sport Ball Scyther for Shiny Corphish /u/VEONFROMTHEPACK
55. DB Misdreavus, DBHA Larvitar, Corsola for Shiny Pidgey /u/Falco_Lau
56. Male HA Amaura for Shiny Vulpix /u/GammaVector
57. HA Snorunt, DBHA Timburr, Pachirisu, Heavy Ball Machop, Machop with EMs for Trophy Shiny Totodile and Wingull /u/Leezyan
[+] Competitive / Casual (75)
1. Japanese Female lvl 1 Larvitar for Lvl 1 HA Male Charmander /u/lEpsilonl
2. Dratini for Cyndaquil /u/mattabitan
3. BankBall 4IV chatot for 4IV Kabuto /u/Galamidor
4. HA Chikorita and HA Cyndaquil for HA Squirtle and HA Chespin /u/II-Aura-II
5. 4IV Gible for 5IV Snivy /u/NyahChaan
6. masterball for Yveltal /u/SmellyFartado
7. Grovyle for HA fletchling /u/BurnTheCows
8. 5 IV dreamball eevee for 5 IV HA swablu /u/sasukeuchiha12
9. 5 IV swablu with Masterball for Comp shiny Lapras /u/Sir_Moram
10. 5 IV kabuto for 4 IV ha Phantump /u/lEpsilonl
11. Summer Deerling for Dreamball Buneary /u/Hoodenize
12. 5 IV charmander for HA female Chikorita /u/HeartPump
13. Sudowoodo for dreamball igglybuff /u/ScarySwampert
14. Heavyball Munchlac 4 IV 4 EMs for Dreamball 5 IV snubbul 4 EMs /u/radiowarrrr
15. Male Amaura for Comp HA female totodile /u/thunderblood
16. Friendball electabuzz, fastball lickitung, loveball magikarp, friendball clefairy for Dreamball Growlothe, Dreamball togepi, dreamball shinx, dreamball larvitar /u/Akrisn
17. Legendary dogs and Golems Trios for 5IV Jolly HA Female Teddiursa, 5IV Jolly HA Female Gible, 4 iv gastly, 4 iv eevee, 4 iv staryu 4 iv swirlix /u/AnimaWish
18. Nicknamed Terrakion for Nest ball tropius with detiny knot /u/NinjaKnight92
19. HA female 5 IV poliwag for HA female 5 IV slowpoke /u/Bomboloero
20. HA dreamball chansey for ability capsule /u/Drake_Bugatti
21. HA female fletchling for 5 IV rotom /u/midnightmotivation
22. 5 IV friendball Snubbull for 5 IV HA nidoran /u/Parkimus
23. 5 IV friend ball snubbull and a 3 IV sport ball female scyther for Dreamball 5 IV female corphish and 4 IV Dreamball eevee /u/Garguns
24. 5 IV sportball Scyther and 5 IV Dreamball female HA igglybuff for 5 IV HA female smeargle and HA dreamball female Murkrow /u/J-AnideM
25. 5 IV HA female Slowpoke for 5 IV pichu /u/AlpieTheBoss
26. Dreamball chansey with Seismic Toss for trophy shiny Dugtrio /u/mattbay98
27. 5 IV gastly, 5 IV HA female Slowpoke for 6 IV bulbasaur /u/ZeLeedleLee
28. HA 5IV female dratini for HA 5 IV female Fletchling /u/Lyelt
29. 5 IV HA staryu for 4 IV female HA amaura /u/GaryMuhfuknOak
30. many Gen1-2 pokemon, Shiny hitmonlee for 5IV shiny blue flabebe /u/Great_Plattsby
31. blastoise for burmy /u/coolguy9001
32. scyther with normal Gem for HA female abra /u/terunakanishi
33. 5IV HA female Poliwag for 5IV HA female Gligar /u/jfr0726
34. HA female 5IV buneary in dreamball for HA female 5IV swinub /u/HickCore
35. 5 IV Sportball female scyther and 5IV healball HA female Swirlix for 5 IV HA female Squirtle /u/jfr0726
36. Sportball female Scyther, 5IV female HA Espurr, 5IV female HA Poliwag for moonball sneasel, HA dreamball smeargle, HA female bulbasaur /u/ZeLeedleLee
37. Rayquaza and Giratina for 5 Iv female ha amaura and a dreamball Mawile /u/Herr_Macan
38. houndour, blitzle, dive ball pyroar female for Dreamball HA Vulpix and dreamball not HA kabuto both female /u/LermanCT
39. HA female 5IV poliwag and female Dreamball HA 4IV nidoran for HA shroomish and HA snorunt, both 5 IV /u/PhiladelphiaC
40. 5IV HA female Dratini with 4 EMs for 5IV moonball female Gastly /u/LordoftheGypsy
41. Dreamball HA females: Larvitar, murkrow, buneary, snubbull for Shiny HA Dreamball Ralts and duskball shiny Gastly /u/nekomaroo
42. Dreamball HA female jigglypuff for DBHA 5IV female Swablu /u/fawksohai
43. DBHA smeargle female for DBHA sandshrew female /u/lompkins
44. DBHA female Murkrow, Snubbull, Larvitar for HA female amaura and heracross /u/ZeLeedleLee
45. HA female Froakie, moonball snorlax female, fall deerling for DBHA females: houndour, sneasel, meowth, kangaskhan, seel, skitty, ponyta, cubone, and tailow /u/2Fat-free
46. Friendball female Snubbull for DBHA corsola female /u/alypalyola
47. 5IV Korean shiny Espurr with 4 EMs for DBHA female carvanha and /u/Great_Plattsby
48. DBHA females for DBHA females /u/pr0th1
49. HA healball female 5IV Espurr for DBHA male Aeodactyl /u/Threexbb
50. female Sportball scyther for Luxury ball HA female gligar /u/DysenteryDingo
51. DBHA Snubbull for HA luxury ball Pichu with Volt tackle /u/skuggeland
52. DBHA murkrow for DBHA Milktank /u/AwesomeBantha
53. 5 IV male HA Dratini for HA female pancham /u/DeathTusk
54. HA poliwag female for HA fletchling female /u/CanelasReddit
55. Safari ball female igglybuff for DBHA cherubi female /u/hahcore
56. DBHA female snubbull Friendball Snubbull, both female and 5IV for Moonball female Misdreavus 5IV /u/SlowQueen
57. 5IV female HA poliwag and diveball HA female 5iv dratini for 5IV female HA bunnelby and honedge missing speed IV /u/HilariousPicklez
58. HA female 5 IV espurr for Luxury ball 5IV female honedge /u/PhasicErection
59. Heavy ball female ralts and safari ball female igglybuff for DBHA numel and DBHA shellder /u/gmpsmendes
60. Zekrom and Deoxys for Ho-oh and Reshiram /u/Yu-GoBB
61. Safari ball female igglybuff and 5IV hA male chimchar for HA female piplup /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
62. DBHA male Nidoran for Female Love ball Mawile /u/juicewahhh
63. Lombre, Shedinja, Ninjask for Luxury Ball female Purrloin, HA male Bulbasaur, Heavy Ball Male Machop /u/Threexbb
64. DBHA female Absol 5IV for DBHA female spheal 5IV /u/Syberous
65. HA poliwag male for HA scraggy female /u/nimiel
66. Togepi with 4 EMs for Charmander HA female /u/Alan199
67. Dragon Dance Scraggy for DBHA wooper /u/chidokid
68. HA exeggcute for Dialga /u/Jozektor
69. DBHA female Delibird for DBHA female Elekid /u/nothing-creative
70. HA female espurr for HA Diveball female Poliwag /u/quantumgiant
71. DB female Kabuto for HA female Turtwig /u/Nachito625
72. DBHA female shinx and Sandshrew for DBHA female Smoochum and Bagon /u/Pr0th1
73. DBHA female: sentret, shinx, and sandshrew and HA Nidoran (F) for DBHA female: lickitung, timburr, and Duskball pinsir /u/swagk3713
74. Sportball female scyther for male Horsea with EMs /u/dragonite153
75. Nestball female Chikorita for Luxuryball female HA Cranidos /u/slytherinhouse8
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (16)
1. GAME Darkrai Code for Bank Celebi and Hayley's Mew /u/MjrAwsm
2. Articuno, Moltres, Tornadus, Virizion, Terrakion, and Cobalion for Shiny Bulbasaur and Shiny Squirtle /u/emeril322
3. Japanese Xerneas for WISHMAKR Jirachi /u/undergroundmonorail
4. Feb2012 Mewtwo event, Palkia, Groudon for Darkrai code /u/Sangafox
5. WISHMAKR Jirachi for Comp Shiny: swablu, Treecko, and ralts /u/Kumquatterie
6. Yveltal and Reshiram for Darkrai code /u/Sangafox
7. Bold Bank Celebi for WISHMAKR Jirachi /u/jaimeg7
8. Shiny Gastly, shiny Charmander, shiny ampharos, and Bank Celebi for SMR2010 Jirachi /u/nolannice
9. Diancie for 2 WISHMAKR Jirachis /u/vibrantrobot
10. DBHA female shinx for trophy shiny nincada /u/nicholasdunphy
11. Scrap Shaymin for Shiny RNG'd 6iv Zapdos /u/iPippy
12. 3 Dragonite Codes for shiny RNG's Articuno /u/BejittoSSJ5
13. WISHMAKR Jirachi for Dragonite Code /u/March1392
14. 3 Dragonite Codes for RNG'd Shiny Moltres /u/Epoke28
15. comp Shiny: Timburr, Togepi, and Carvanha for Trophy Shiny RNG'd Lugia /u/dragonite153
16. 6 trophy shinies: Wooper, Togepi, Totodile, Chespin. Skidoo, and Amaura for Gamestop Raikou /u/Laer_Uial

Egg Hatches (40)

1. Shiny Egg hatch /u/ShadowSkeet
2. Shiny Hatched Chinchou egg /u/Schwarzmilan
3. Shiny Hatched Drifloon Egg /u/sylgrace
4. Shiny Hatched Elekid Egg /u/Mushy_64
5. Shiny Hatched Amaura Egg /u/Heavyminded
6. Shiny Hatched Tauros Egg /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
7. Shiny Hatched Zorua Egg /u/UmiMizuAi
8. Shiny Hatched Larvesta Egg /u/ash12367
9. Shiny Hatched Marill egg /u/willster191
10. Shiny Hatched Squirtle Egg /u/hadouz
11. Shiny Hatched Seedot Egg /u/eraco
12. Shiny Hatched Ralts Egg /u/eraco
13. Shiny Hatched Litleo Egg /u/Jodzysip
14. Shiny Hatched Larvesta Egg /u/Scored1
15. Shiny Hatched Starly Egg /u/Alan199
16. Shiny Hatched Shuckle Egg /u/TheDecimated
17. Shiny Hatched Swirlix Egg /u/eraco
18. Shiny Hatched Eevee Egg /u/Nachito625
19. Shiny Hatched Eevee Egg /u/Ridelm
20. Shiny Hatched Phantump Egg /u/The_Givurr
21. Riolu hatch /u/EggsAway
22. Aerodactyl hatch /u/dragonite153
23. Froakie Hatch /u/bosniangurl
24. Scyther Hatch /u/ShadowSkeet
25. Charmander Hatch /u/Zhakien
26. Scyther Egg hatch /u/DoomBeta
27. Nidoran Egg hatch /u/EggsAway
28. Shiny Hatched Venonat Egg /u/cuttingedge4321
29. Shiny Hatched Squirtle Egg /u/SlashAgris
30. Shiny Hatched Froakie Egg /u/Harile_
31. Shiny Hatched Houndour Egg /u/Myst-Da-Zs
32. Shiny Hatched Burmy Egg /u/Tacanacy
33. Shiny Hatched Eevee Egg /u/Lillu89
34. Shiny Hatched Fletchling Egg /u/pologarzanavarro
35. Shiny hatched Tynamo Egg /u/andyjim
36. Shiny Hatched Growlithe Egg /u/MisterLenz
37. Shiny Hatched Larvesta and Foongus Eggs /u/wingzerocats
38. Shiny Hatched Sneasel Egg /u/fostja6tus
39. Shiny hatched Eevee Egg /u/MarksmanMoi
40. Shiny Hatched 2 Swinub Eggs /u/Rayzen_M

Giveaways/Contests (60 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. 3 4IV HA female Poliwags and 6 Friendball Snubbulls (Sub: pokemontrades, 10 given)
2. Gave different kinds of pokemon listed in the thread (Sub: pokemontrades, 6 given)
3. Gave away Dreamball or HA pokemon (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)
4. Gave DBHA or HA breedables (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
5. Gave away a variety of HA or Dreamball none HA breedables (Sub: pokemontrades, 12 given)
6. Gave away Breedjects (Sub: pokemontrades, 12 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (2)

1. Let User see Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno for pokedex /u/TrueAzaroth16
2. Let User see Articuno and Zapdos for Pokedex /u/AZJackaL

Misc (1)

1. Gave Metagrossite in exchange for a shiny Chansey


Garguns Apr 4, 2015 2:54:46 AM

HalaMadrid97 is a very nice and friendly trader!

HalaMadrid97's Information


Friend codes:

  • 3110-9375-3917


  • IGN: Isco TSV: 1807