
SW-1601-4943-8217 || Marley (SW)
SW-1601-4943-8217 || Marley (SW) || XXXX

Trades (136)

[+] Events (56)
1. 5IV Shiny HA Porygon for Two UT Bank Celebis /u/Krisknows
2. 5th Gen Melloetta, Darkrai, Mewtwo, and Genesect Events for 5IV Shinys Rotom, Honedge, Goomy, Helioptile, and Gengar, and Breedable Eevee and Sableye /u/XiaoXiaoo
3. Two UT Torchics with Blazikenites for 5IV HA Gligar /u/shorthouse20
4. 3 UT Bank Celebi and one Touched Torchic with Blazikenite events for Perfect TR HP Ice Shiny Mareep with Ems /u/calvin835
5. 5IV Shiny Mudkip, 2 Celebis, and semi-competitive Shiny Porygon for Custom Shiny TR Aron with Ems and Shiny TR Feroseed with Ems /u/writingcookie43
6. Bank Celebi for Breedable HP Fire Froakie /u/doritoburrrito
7. Custom 5IV Shiny HA Chimchar with Ems for Spring 2014 GAME Magmar with Magmarizer /u/hahapedrox
8. SR'd 3IV Naive Diance with Normal Gem for NA Eon Ticket Code /u/salomachiku
9. 12 Farmed Fancy Vivillons for 1 GAME Code /u/froakiedokie
10. 2 Event Pinsirs for Perfect HP Fire Shiny Bulbasaur /u/basler04
11. 5 Event Pinsirs for 5 Event Heracross /u/krisknows
12. 4 UT Pokeball Vivillons for Perfect HP Ice Shiny Electrike /u/eraco
13. 3 UT Pokeball Vivillons for 5IV Shiny Torchic with Ems /u/Statue_left
14. 5IV Shiny HA Greninja with Ems for Diance Code /u/puffybush
15. UT Bank Celebi for 5IV Shiny Eevee with Ems /u/crylic899
16. 2 NA Diances one Timid one Naive for 5IV Shiny Scyther with an Ability Capsule /u/Neckes
17. Diance code and UT Bank Celebi for 2 UT Wish maker Jirachis /u/knifeof11
18. UT Genesect for UT Coro Ray /u/jaimeg7
19. FB Kanga code for 2 Coroquaza codes and 2 Serena's Fenekins /u/Gloorp
20. 4 Scrap Codes for Spring 2015 Charizard and Competitive Shiny Ralts /u/pr0th1
21. 2 Scrap codes for Custom Shiny Tyrunt and Tyrunt Breedable /u/cubanpete26
22. 2 CoroRay codes, Shiny Competitive Swirlix, Chimchar, and Beldum for 2 Zuckerzards /u/BejittoSSJ5
23. Game Magmar for HP Shiny Magnemite, HP Shiny Elecktrike, HP Shiny Treecko, and Shiny Noibat /u/Mushy_64
24. Serena's Fenniken for Competitive Shiny Pawniard and Lucario /u/3Anton3
25. 3 Pinsirs and 2 Pokevivs for Competitive Shiny Rotom, Spheal, and Swinub /u/infiniteshadow
26. One Pokeviv and One Pinsir 2014 Event each for 4 Dragonite codes Redeemed /u/henrxv
27. Perfect Shiny HP Ice Pichu for Shiny Xerneas event /u/endy1102
28. 3 SUM2014 Pinsirs for Competitive Shiny Dratini, and 2 Pidgeys /u/Dark_Lucario
29. 1 SUM2014 Pinsir and 2 JUN2015 Dragonites for Competitive Shiny Deino, Fletchling, and Zorua /u/peatsahad
30. 2 UT Beldums without Metagrossites for Perfect HP Ice Pichu and Perfect HP Fire Bulbasaur /u/beardandfeared
31. Face Book Charizard (Zuckerzard) for Perfect Shiny HP Fire Magnemite, and HP Grass Magnemite, and perfect HP Grass Magby, and HP Ice Rotom /u/Dark_Lucario
32. Redeemed a NA Mew code for Adamant 5IV Gible /u/ChilvalrousWalnut
33. Mew Code for Perfect HP Fire HA Roselia /u/LeFishyDerps
34. Summer2014 Pinsir for Competitive Shiny Eevee /u/YTolun
35. XY Charizard for Event Infernape and Arceus /u/Dark_Lucario
36. 3 McHoopas and Competituve Shiny Squirtle for SR'd Bold GF Mew /u/HowYouSoGudd
37. Event Heracross and Pinsir and GF Celebi for 3 Custom Shiny Bagons /u/wilkins1952
38. GF Jirachi for NA Mew Code /u/LogicallyUnfit
39. GF Jirachi and Competitive Shiny Sneasel for Competitive Shiny Growlithe and Carvanha /u/snowkae
40. SR'd Perfect 5IV Calm Jirachi for 8 Mew codes /u/PhoenixMaster95
41. 2 NA HA Bird Trio code sets for 5+5 NA Darkrai codes /u/Vicarous
42. 1 NA Mew Code for 1 NA Darkrai code /u/Raish0
43. 1 NA Mew code for 1 NA Darkrai code /u/Uniqueusername12
44. NA Mew code for NA Darkrai code /u/rapc28
45. NA Mew code for NA Wi-FI Shiny Yveltal /u/Sterbucks
46. NA Darkrai Code for NA Arceus Code /u/outsiderofc
47. NA Darkrai Code for NA Arceus Code /u/Evergreenlover
48. NA Darkrai Code for NA Arceus /u/charlie2170
49. NA Darkrai Code for NA Arceus Code /u/Tito2007d
50. NA Darkrai Code for NA Arceus Code /u/Firewulf08
51. 20th Anniversy Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi for Competitive Shiny Rotom, Vulpix Minior, and Semi-competitive Shiny Sandshrew /u/Joeldstar
52. SR'd HP Ice Calm 20th Anniversary Shaymin for Shiny Extreme Speed Entei Event from 2011 /u/TheLtSurge
53. 20th Anniversary GF Mew and Celebi for 11 Breedables, x2 Cubones, x2 Dewpiders, Deino, Growlithe, Darumaka, Corphish, and Salazzle /u/GaleWindscar
54. 2 Heatran Regigigas Codes NA for 2 Shiny Zygarde Codes NA /u/JM3412
55. 1 Heatran Regigigas code NA for 1 Entei Rakoi code NA /u/emperorfett
56. (20th Anniversary Keldeo for Shiny Zeraora /u/raviteja101
[+] Shinies (57)
1. Trophy Shiny Fletchling for Trophy Shiny Froakie /u/snoralex
2. 6IV Misdreavus with EMs for 4IV Shiny Eevee /u/Sepiolith
3. 5IV Shiny Tyranitar with Ems for 5IV Shiny Volcorona /u/402awesomeguy
4. 5IV Shiny Goodra EV Trained and Trophy Shiny Garbodor for NN EV Trained Shiny Froakie /u/Demosthenes13
5. 5IV Shiny Piplup for 5IV Shiny Ralts with Ems /u/turnktail
6. 4IV Shiny Porygon for 5IV Shiny Feebas with Ems /u/kenken28
7. 5IV Shiny HA Eevee for 4-5IV Shiny Espeon, Trophy Druddigon, 5IV Phanpy, Light Clay, Manectite, and Eviolite /u/fartnoises
8. 4IV Shiny Trevenant NN Weirdwood for 5IV Shiny Cottonee NN Flufpocalyps /u/hurudora
9. 6IV Froakie Egg with SV 3584 for 5IV Drifloon with Ems /u/jir4chi
10. Trophy Shiny Horsea for Ability Capsule /u/lexlols
11. Trophy Shiny Vaporeon for Gardevoirite /u/Misthollow
12. 5IV HA Froakie Egg with SV 2144 for Female Dreamball 5IV HA Lucario and Riolu Male /u/kanchill
13. 5IV Shiny Scyther for 5IV Shiny HA Eevee with EM /u/Burger_Baron
14. 5IV Shiny HA Eevee for 5IV Shiny HA Vulpix /u/Fluffy_na_Inu
15. 5IV Shiny Honedge for 5IV Shiny HA Greninja /u/benjain
16. Almost Perfect Shiny Porygon for Almost Perfect Shiny Medicham with Ems NN Chun Lee /u/RussianPie
17. 5IV Shiny Rotom for 5IV Shiny HA Beldum /u/BejittoSSJ5
18. 5IV Shiny HA Sableye with Ems for 5IV Shiny Cyndaquil with Ems and Trophy Shiny Electrode /u/agtman
19. Imperfect 5IV Shiny HA Froakie and Imperfect Shiny Trevenant for 5IV Shiny HA Eevee with Ems from 5th Gen /u/XiaoXiaoo
20. 6IV Shiny HA Porygon for 5IV Shiny Gyrados /u/PikachuAteYou
21. 5IV Shiny Spheal with EMs for 5IV Shiny Ralts with Ems /u/ProfessorVoldemort
22. 5IV Shiny Poliwag for 5IV Shiny Shelldar with Ems /u/iScythe
23. Trophy Shiny Froakie for Checking 6 egg's SVs /u/ProfessorVoldemort
24. 6IV Shiny HA Froakie and 5IV Shiny HA Sableye with Ems for Shiny TR Duskull, 5IV Shiny Joltik, and 5IV Shiny Aipom /u/xxmickmasterxx
25. Perfect Shiny HP Ground for Perfect Shiny TR HP Fire Solosis /u/LMWXNO
26. Throphy Shiny Geodude for 2 Breedable Pichus /u/Icarusqt
27. 5IV Shiny Aipom with Ems and Trophy Shiny Floatzel for 5IV Shiny Squirtle with Ems and EV Trained /u/MRBlobbable
28. Trophy Shiny Pyroar for Ability Capsule /u/tjmil28
29. Trophy Shiny Politoed for 18 Egg's SVs /u/BejittoSSJ5
30. 6IV Shiny HA Froakie for 6IV Shiny HA Slowpoke with Ems /u/sentony93
31. 5IV Shiny HA Gligar for 5IV Shiny HA Drilbur /u/soulsemi
32. 6IV HA Shiny Froakie and 4IV Shiny Espeon for HP Fire Shiny Venasaur and breed able Charmander /u/flamingtoastjpn
33. 5IV Shiny HA Chimchar with Ems for 5IV Shiny Azumarill with Ems /u/matt090
34. 5IV Shiny Charmander with Ems for 5IV Shiny Kangaskhan with Ems /u/xjarox
35. 5IV Shiny HA Chimchar with Ems for 6IV Shiny Mawile with Ems /u/EpsilonTheGreat
36. 5IV Shiny HA Froakie for 5IV Shiny HA Blaziken /u/Chaoticgamer18
37. 5IV Shiny HA Dreamball Riolu with Ems for 5IV Shiny Larvitar with Ems /u/lando2016
38. Breedable Bulbasaur and Squirtle for Perfect TR Shiny HA Slowpoke and 5IV Shiny HA Treecko with Ems /u/Awful_person
39. Semi-competitive Shiny 5IV Carnavine with EMs for 5IV Shiny Cottonee with EMs /u/pmvb123
40. 4IV Shiny Charmander with EMs for 30 Eggs' Shiny Values checked /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
41. 5IV Shiny Sableye with EMs for 5IV Dream Ball Shiny Ralts with EMs /u/Heavyminded
42. Competitive Shiny Beldum for Competitive Shiny Mienfoo /u/3Anton3
43. Perfect TR Shiny Slowbro and HP Ice Chimchar for 2 Custom Shiny Onix with Metal Coats /u/galironxero
44. Competitive Shiny Squirtle and Breedable Squirtle for Breedable Snivy, Starly, Pawniard, and Dratini /u/1switzereva
45. Competitive Shiny Bulbasaur for Perfect HP Fire Shiny Froakie /u/gmpsmendes
46. Competitive Shiny TR Porygon for Competitive Shiny Phanpy /u/key_blader8
47. Competitive Shiny Riolu and Porygon for Competitive Shiny Chansey and Aipom /u/s_10
48. Trophy Shiny Floatzel for Competitive Spiritomb, Taillow, and Growlithe /u/eraco
49. Competitive Shiny Marill and Porygon for Competitive Shiny Rotom and Shinx /u/Onizuak31
50. Trophy Shiny Geodude for Competitive 5IV Sigilyph, Honedge, and Elekid /u/eraco
51. Bank Ball Vulpix, Hoppip, Farfetch'd, and 5 Sentrets for Competitive Shiny Starly /u/IntentionOfAbyss
52. Custom Shiny Squirtle for Perfect HP Snivy, and Pidgey /u/ShadowSkeet
53. Competitive Shiny Squirtle for Competitive Shiny Fenniken /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
54. Semi-Competitive Shiny Pichu with EMs for 5IV Shiny Igglybuff /u/granite_grizz
55. Competitive Shiny Pidgey for NN'd Competitive Shiny Deino /u/rawrzorzz
56. Custom Shiny Buneary and Onix nicknamed Lola and Pyrite for 6 Perfect HP Ice Eevee eggs /u/ThePokeBro
57. Competitive Shiny Charmander for Competitive Shiny Aron /u/MisterLenz
[+] Competitive / Casual (22)
1. Breedable Duskull for Breedable Houndour /u/rhaegar91-
2. Breedable Fletchling and Froakie for 96BP, tw0 48BP items, Scope Lens, and Focus sash /u/mfray
3. Breedable Pinsir for Breedable Scyther /u/HappinyonSteroids
4. Breedable Pinsir and Haunter for Dubious Disc and Upgrade /u/fcbayernmuenchen
5. Breedable Pinsir and Sableye for 2 Assault Vests /u/hailguthix
6. Breedable Froakie for Breedable Skarmory /u/crazy13603
7. Breedable Froakie for 8 Egg's SV checked /u/quicksandpull
8. Breedable Sableye for Breedable HP Steel Froakie /u/BejittoSSJ5
9. breedable Sableye for Assault Vest /u/pikasu
10. Nick Named Competitive Sableye for Breedable Porygon /u/go4ino
11. Breedable Cottonee for 5 Egg's SV checked /u/krisknows
12. Breedable Squirtle for Breedable Charmander /u/hahapedrox
13. Masterball and Perfect Breedable Ralts for Competitive Jellicent as an egg /u/MrApolux
14. Breedable Squirtle for 6 egg's SV checked /u/MjrAwsm
15. Bank Ball Ralts for Eviolite /u/epicsteve2142
16. DreamBall HA Aerodactly for Breedable Skarmory /u/mewtwo31
17. Breedable Scrafty for Leftovers /u/solitudeproject
18. Trophy Shiny Psyduck for 25 Eggs SVs check /u/logiatros
19. Breedable Squirtle and Ralts for 5IV Competitive Craniados and DreamBall HA Female Craniados /u/sagejonathan
20. Breedable DreamBall Buneary for 5IV HA Torchich with EMs. /u/quinell25
21. 2 Power Weights (32BP$ for Competitive Samdshrew with EMs /u/Ustrina
22. 6IV HA Venipede for Almost perfect 0 speed Quite Grubbin /u/Quazord
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. RNG'd Meloetta for 13 codes /u/xXD3sT1nYXx

Egg Hatches (28)

1. Hatched Shiny Venipede /u/Dangler025
2. Hatched Shiny Squirtle /u/Calvin835
3. Hatched Shiny Electrike /u/sumemr
4. Hatched Shiny Klefki /u/ek93922
5. Hatched Shiny Sableye /u/Chezerony
6. Hatched Shiny Honedge /u/JukainPwns
7. Hatched Shiny Magikarp /u/nevermore93
8. Hatched Shiny Eevee /u/Homeyjojo
9. Hatched Shiny Shelldar /u/WxDynastyxW
10. Hatched Shiny Absol /u/soliloki
11. Hatched Shiny Froakie /u/bl0bby
12. Hatched Shiny Hawlucha /u/Pkmn99
13. Hatched Shiny Chikorita /u/ogng
14. Hatched Shiny Klefki /u/safairy0
15. Hatched Shiny Heracross /u/Gangsterious
16. Hatched Shiny Dratini /u/GalacticCannibal
17. Hatched Shiny Tyrunt /u/Zetraex
18. Hatched Shiny Petili /u/writingcookie43
19. Hatched Shiny Clefa /u/goldsushi44
20. Hatched Shiny Ghastly /u/Pancham4
21. Hatched Shiny Cyndaquil /u/Zetraex
22. Hatched Shiny Snubbull /u/fad1990
23. Hatched Shiny Aerodactly /u/MilesPikachu
24. Hatched Shiny Helioptile /u/Pancham4
25. Hatched Shiny Clauncher /u/quicksandpull
26. Hatched Shiny Ghastly /u/Mysta-Da-Zs
27. Hatched a Shiny Conttonee /u/pmvb123
28. Hatched Shiny Cubone /u/s_10

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Dark_Lucario Jan 10, 2016 6:36:46 PM

Traded Pinsirx3 for my shinies 1:1, thanks for the event

granite_grizz Jan 10, 2016 6:02:20 PM

Traded my shiny igglybuff for a shiny pichu. Good trade.

Neckes Dec 28, 2014 11:38:41 PM

5\5 Redeemed two Diancie for me, with good natures and everything! All is good. Thanks!

s_10 Dec 20, 2014 2:33:42 AM

Hatched my shiny cubone for me. Quick and reliable, thanks so much! :D

salomachiku Dec 14, 2014 10:53:35 AM

traded NA eon ticket for diancie. thanks for the trade

LeeSin4TheLoss Dec 13, 2014 1:57:15 AM

Great trader and very understanding. Would trade with again! 10/10

pmvb123 Dec 12, 2014 1:16:29 AM

Traded a shiny Carnivine for my shiny Cottonee. Thanks for the trade !

pmvb123 Dec 12, 2014 12:28:02 AM

Hatched a Shiny Cottonee for me. Thanks again :)

HatsuneLuka's Information


My Favorite Pokemon Is Scizor!

My previous reference: http://www.reddit.com/r/poketradereferences/comments/2di1iz/hatsunelukas_reference/

Friend codes:

  • 1461-7630-3139
  • 0705-3612-0599


  • IGN: Max TSV: 1273
  • IGN: Marley TSV: 0990
  • IGN: HatsuneLuka TSV: 3991