
1349-6456-4977 || Sammy (αS), Samantha (M)
1349-6456-4977 || Sammy (αS), Samantha (M) || 2993

Trades (148)

[+] Events (93)
1. Sred Timid 5IV Thunderus for Custom Serena's Fennekin and 2 redeemed Serena's Fennekin /u/Gloorp
2. Wise Glasses for Bank Emboar /u/Earendil503
3. Focus Band And Focus Sash for Bank Serperior /u/Earendil503
4. Houndour and gible egg for Bank Samurott /u/ThermalTrickster
5. HA Female Rhydon Luxury Ball for Gamestop Shiny Gengar /u/Nehxas
6. SR-ed Terrakion for Serena's Fennekin /u/HardChibi
7. Self-caught Mesprit and Dexoys for Tough Bugs Pinsir and Heracross /u/ajkyle56
8. Sr-ed Lugia Zekrom Dialga for 2 OCT 14 Diancie, UK Darkrai /u/pr0th1
9. 5 custom 5iv bankball breedables and shiny axew for Touched Gamezard Charizard /u/reemover
10. Breedable cryogonal and numel for Steven's Beldum /u/Ustrina
11. Jolly bold modest synchronizers for Steven's Beldum /u/xBsh3rx
12. 2 custom shinies for WSCK Linoone /u/broccoliYT
13. 3 shinies for US Pokeball Vivillon /u/umizoomy
14. Shiny Feebas for US Pokeball vivillon /u/BejittoSSJ5
15. 5 comp shiny for UK Charizard Code /u/endy1102
16. 20 Bankball females for Netherland Charizard redeemed /u/kinniie
17. 2 NA dragonite codes for WCSK Linoone /u/puh7777
18. Shiny comp Emolga luxury ha ivsaur and nest ball ha wartortle for NA June Dragonite code /u/LolwutPie
19. Manesh Hoopa Code for Scrap Victini /u/joelrjohnson
20. 35 comp shinies for Water Tribe Manaphy /u/broccoliYT
21. Manesh Hoopa Code for Scrap Keldeo and Bank Celebi /u/Dan202903
22. Comp Shiny fletchling for Serena's Fennekin /u/ajkyle56
23. 2 comp shinies for XY Torchic /u/XiaoXiaoo
24. 7 custom comp shinies for Serena's Pancham /u/XiaoXiaoo
25. Shiny Gastly and Amaura for XYZ Shiny Xerneas and Yveltal /u/innh125
26. 18 shinies for 2 KOR Giratina /u/dwnes
27. 4 6iv shinies for XYZ Shiny Xerneas /u/endy1102
28. 2 PGL Delibird codes for PC Shiny Diancie /u/endy1102
29. Shiny Houndour and Zorua for Mac Hoopa /u/Blood_Diet
30. SG Arceus code for Gamescon Malamar /u/ZeroPointLibra
31. 2 shiny comp larvestas for 2 HK Shiny Jirachi Redeem /u/xchicowx
32. 6 SG Mew Codes for Scrap Eevee Code /u/Teh_Kniight
33. 2 PGL Dragonite Codes and SG Mew Code for Adamant PC Shiny Ho-Oh /u/rgq_exsl8971
34. 20 bred eggs for Gamezard Charizard Redeem /u/steelfather
35. 6iv shiny espurr for Scrap Shiny Eevee Redemption /u/endy1102
36. 4 SG Mew Codes for Scrap Shiny Eevee Code /u/capnknuckles1
37. 2 comp shinies for 2 Scrap Shiny Eevee Redeems /u/ghlyt
38. OCT14 Diancie, NA Sr-ed Mew Redeem for 2 Scrap Eevee Codes /u/radioactive28
39. Custom Regi Bank Trio for Mega Campaign Sableye /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
40. SG Pikachu Cafe Code for VGC Pachirisu /u/vincentasm
41. 25 custom nature set GF Shaymins for 6 Chymia's Gardevoir Codes /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
42. Cynthia's Garchomp PGL Code and NA Shiny Mewtwo Newsletter Code for PC Mega Campaign Altaria /u/YUKIJP
43. Comp shiny scatterbug (Polar) and Shiny scatterbug (Elegant) for Jarvis Gengar code redemption /u/Great_Plattsby
44. 40 DBHA Bankball Females for Nebel Volcanion Code /u/Droidem
45. 5 comp shinies for PGL Miltank Code /u/v3220
46. 3 shinies for Chymia Gardevoir Code Redeem /u/eraco
47. 14 comp shinies for Nebel Volcanion Code Redeem and 6 Shiny Gardevoir Code Redeems /u/GrafKarpador
48. Dahara Giratina for Scrap Shiny Eevee Code /u/Emm1096
49. HA Female Luxury Ball Fletchling Breedable for Scrap Shiny Eevee Redeem /u/pandaglassjaw
50. 4 comp shinies for PAL Aldora Moltres and Articuno /u/Leon_zz
51. 4 comp shinies for 2 Custom PAL Happy Meowths and PAL Aldora Moltres /u/Dearundead
52. Comp shiny fennekin for 1 Custom PAL Happy Meowth /u/miher1
53. 11 comp shinies for PGL Cynthia's Garchomp Code /u/Kingddd91
54. 4 comp shinies for 2 HK Shiny Jirachi Redeems /u/KabuAtama
55. 2 comp shinies for 2 NA Arceus Codes /u/sourpower00
56. 20th Anniversary Celebi and 4 shinies for 8 NA Arceus codes /u/hanglooser
57. 9 comp shinies for PGL N's Darmanitan Code /u/flaw1ess1994
58. 17 shinies for PGL Cynthia's Garchomp Code and 4 Happy Hour PAL Meowths /u/Opelucid
59. 9 comp shinies and GF Shaymin Language Set for PGL Cynthia's Garchomp Code and PGL N's Darmanitan Code /u/Yella-jacket
60. 2 language sets of GF Victini for Scrap Eevee /u/philvpham10
61. 6 comp shinies for PGL Darmanitan Code /u/DestinySaber
62. WCSK Linoone and JUN15 Dragonite for Ghetsis's Hydregion and Giovanni's Nidoqueen /u/Moag14
63. 5 shinies for PGL N's Darmanitan Code /u/giraffe196
64. WCSK Linnone and JUN15 dragonite for for Ghestis Hydregion and Giovanni’s Nidoqueen /u/Droidem
65. Chymia Shiny Gardevoir for Shiny Tapu Koko Code and Charity Pikachu Code /u/trollolly
66. 3 comp shinies for Heavy Ball code /u/jtn1123
67. NA Shiny Yveltal for Heavy Ball code /u/crazedcatguy
68. Shiny Yamask and Honedge for Shiny Lunar Magikarp redeem /u/Hunter00015
69. 20th anniversary manaphy for Lunar Magikarp Code /u/waysofmt
70. 5 NA Arceus codes & 1 NA Volcanion code for OCT14 Diancie /u/KoRayven
71. 20th anniversary darkrai and shaymin for Donation Pikachu and Shiny Tapu Koko redeem /u/kenneth52045
72. 20th Anniversary Celebi for Shiny Tapu Koko Redeem /u/doritoburrrito
73. 6 comp shinies for SUM2014 Pinsirs /u/CazadorV
74. OCT14 Diancie and Galileo Shiny Rayquaza for PC Eeveelutions Sylveon /u/Voidwing
75. PGL Whitney's Miltank for PC Eeveelutions Vaporeon /u/valere1213
76. PC Shiny Ho-Oh and 20th Anniversary Arceus for PC Eeeveelutions Sylveon and Umbreon and Shiny Tapu Koko code /u/dexter228
77. 3 comp shinies gligars for 3 Happy Hour Meowths /u/DestinySaber
78. 2 comp shinies for HK Shiny Tapu Koko Code Redeem /u/Animekitty421
79. Chymia's shiny gardevoir for Lillie's Vulpix /u/Animekitty421
80. 20 bred eggs for SPRING 2015 Charizard Redeem /u/steelfather
81. Movie Election Greninja for Pokemon Centre Tohoku Victini and Sakuji Lunatone /u/JoeyLin1215
82. 3 bankball pokemon for 3 na salazzle codes /u/PrimordialMew24
83. Spring 2015 Shiny Charizard, PC Hiroshima Gyarados and Cynthia's Garchomp for Worlds17 Exeggutor /u/spellground
84. SG Volcanion, Hope Diancie and SPRING 2015 Shiny Charizard for SUM2013 RNG-ed 5iv Dialga /u/valere1213
85. Language set of Original Hat Ash Pikachus for PGL Lance's Dragonite /u/ObliviousLush
86. Maxsoft shiny rayquaza, comp shinies and 20th anniversary jirachi for Worlds17 Exeggutor /u/December26th
87. 16 pokemon for living dex help for 8+1 target bullseye charizard codes /u/dempom
88. 20th anniversary keldeo darkrai arceus and unova hat pikachu for 2 KOR wifi mallow's steenee /u/euijun
89. PC Mega Campaign Sableye for 2 PC Shiny Mimikyu /u/ExiaWind
90. Scrap Shaymin for SUM2013 Palkia /u/FoxyPuff
91. 10 +1 NA Charizard codes for PC Mimikyu /u/toujours_poke
92. 3 comp shinies for 4 Niconico corsola redeems /u/awsmbeast
93. 2 20th anniversary victini and darkrai for 2 LINE Rotoms + Redeems /u/spellground
[+] Shinies (10)
1. HA Starters for Shiny tentacool /u/HDJSosa
2. EV Service and levelling up 9 pokemon for Semi comp shiny Honedge and Female Litleo /u/juchem69z
3. Masterball for Shiny feebas /u/overworld99
4. Shiny Horsea for Shiny Scyther /u/Jodzysip
5. Shiny Horsea for Shiny Mawile /u/galironxero
6. 4 perfect breedables for Shiny Comp Mienfoo /u/Akrisn
7. Shiny Squirtle for Shiny Sableye /u/zelstad
8. Comp shiny scatterbug for Comp shiny zubat /u/savannah_allie
9. Weakness competition megastone code for rng-ed shiny mareanie /u/Joeldstar
10. may megastone code for 2 rng-ed shinies mimikyu and drampa /u/Joeldstar
[+] Competitive / Casual (37)
1. Bankball female sableye for Bankball female Bagon /u/EzyLy
2. HA Dream Ball Female Shroomish for HA Dream Ball Female Seedot /u/Dracojuwel
3. 5IV ♀ Levelball Mareep 3Eggmoves Quiet 5IV ♀ Heavyball Miltank 3Eggmoves Jolly 5IV ♀ Loveball Sentret 3Eggmoves +Nature 5IV ♀ Safariball Seviper 3Eggmoves +Nature 5IV ♀ Dreamball Maractus 3Eggmoves +Nature 5IV ♀ Dreamball Emolga 3Eggmoves +Nature 5IV ♀ Dreamball Shuppet 3Eggmoves +Nature 5IV ♀ Dreamball Pachirisu 3Eggmoves +Nature for Shiny mareep ponyta and scatterbug /u/_greenie
4. Bankball houndour for Bankball larvitar /u/Alpha-jd
5. Dream Ball Shroomish for Heavy Ball Shellder /u/ponpon_patapon
6. Dreamball HA Pidove for Dreamball HA Spinda /u/Paparos
7. Dream ball Chansey, dream ball Pachirisu, dream ball Sableye, love ball swablu and moon ball Houndour for Fast ball smeargle and houndour, moon ball weedle and taillow and DB mawile /u/Rosedrops
8. Dream ball Vanillite for Moon ball Shinx /u/DinosaursareBack
9. DBHA Mukrow for DBHA Swinb /u/mingst
10. Ability Capusle for Competitive Dragalge /u/luladin
11. fast ball Pichu, fem fast ball Buizel, fem DB HA Milktank, and fem DB HA Snover for DBHA petill, marill, DBHA Venipede and lapras /u/kinniie
12. Moon ball Misdreavus for DBHA Aipom /u/mipanda3
13. DBHA Cleffa, Ducklett, Pidove for DBHA Magby /u/KayParfait
14. DBHA Sneasal for DBHA Finneon /u/AgentKazy
15. Heavy Ball Larvitar for DBHA Pawniard /u/Rorykieth74
16. Moon ball horsea for DBHA Gligar /u/turnip8961
17. HA Diveball poliwag for Fast ball ponyta /u/Graffitix
18. DBHA Caravanha Heavy Ball Numel for DB HA omanyte /u/LermanCT
19. 3 bankball females for DBHA Skitty and Eevee /u/ltimebombl
20. Timid Synchronizer for DBHA Roselia /u/keskisormi
21. Dive ball magikarp for Luxury ball HA Foongus /u/TeamLaw
22. HA Fletchinder for BR Hydregion /u/TheBeetus1216
23. Bankball buizel chinchou for DBHA Timburr /u/jacksonquade
24. Fast ball dratini for DBHA Scraggy /u/gmpsmendes
25. Ability capusle for BR Dragonite and Snorlax /u/bankai509
26. Dragonite Code for Gamezard code /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
27. bankball females for bankball females /u/MegaArticuno
28. sports ball pinsir for DBHA Audino /u/sabishyryu
29. bankball females for bankball females /u/Cute1234562002
30. Destiny Knot for DBHA Axew /u/PKMNTrainerKayla
31. Random HA pokemon for Razor Claw Razor Fang and Sachet /u/Detryy
32. Level ball bidoof for Fast ball mareep /u/GoodMuse
33. DBHA Skitty for Loveball zubat /u/doloresphase
34. Dive Ball HA Vanilite for Dive Ball HA Gligar /u/gatsbypoolparty
35. 4 comp shinies for RNG comp shiny Togepi and Softboiled Cleffa /u/Robotic_Chimera
36. 3 DBHA for Love Ball Munchlax /u/ffernii
37. Fast Ball seedot and Beast Ball HA Beldum for Ability Capusle /u/Gazier
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (8)
1. Masterballs and ability capusles for Wishmaker Jirachi /u/PhoenixMaster95
2. Maxsoft Shiny Rayquaza Codes for Hayley's Phione, Event Zoroark /u/cgw1710
3. 2 custom shinies for 2 Hayley's Phiones /u/ZiR1402
4. 3 custom shinies for Hayley's mew /u/ZiR1402
5. Serena Fennekin for Hayleys mew /u/ZiR1402
6. Hayley's mew, comp shinies:Buizel, drilbur, drowsee, ghastly and DB Skitty ,cottonee, glameow. for PC Hiroshima Gyarados /u/Hatenai_Sora
7. Shiny sableye for Wishmaker Jirachi /u/Upper90175
8. 2 Hiroshima Magikarp for Pokebox Swablu /u/lavaburst14

Egg Hatches (20)

1. hatched shiny porygon /u/Pancham4
2. hatched fletching /u/Tiara_poke
3. hatched omanyte /u/therealMattaPod
4. hatched flabebe /u/wuyi317605
5. hatched wingull /u/junior8686
6. Hatched a shiny mareep /u/TheHappiestAlex
7. Hatched a shiny snivy /u/MerryFellows
8. Hatched a shiny klefki /u/Mattfred88
9. Hatched a shiny charmander /u/Scarshield
10. Hatched a shiny ralts /u/ohnosakura
11. Hatched a shiny Yamask /u/Blackballroom
12. Hatched a shiny ralts /u/KippyRanger
13. Hatched a shiny bulbasaur /u/Joeldstar
14. Hatched a shiny alolan vulpix /u/Lightning00
15. Hatched a shiny eevee /u/NPBrot
16. hatched shiny pumpkaboo /u/vee4Phoenix
17. hatched shiny axew /u/lupinko
18. hatched shiny growlithe /u/trollolly
19. hatched shiny eevee /u/nattipun
20. hatched shiny dwebble /u/savannah_allie

Giveaways/Contests (45 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Bankball females giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades)
2. Level Ball Shinx giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)
3. Farmed NA Wifi Celebis for 15 users (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
4. Bankball females giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (6)

1. Helped trade some pokemon needed for evolution /u/LeaveMeAloney
2. Helped tradeback a scyther to evolve into scizor /u/dusts00
3. Helped user tradeback egg /u/Crash2Desktop
4. Traded back a sableye egg /u/nightbox001
5. Traded to evolve Haunter and Kadabra /u/mahoang
6. Trade evolved feebas to milotic /u/Parvutleda

Misc (0)


Lilchupz Aug 22, 2015 9:37:37 AM

Thanks for hatching my Shiny Totodile after accidentally sending you the wrong one! Patient and reliable! :D

DpwnShift Apr 16, 2015 11:35:25 AM

No problems at all once our timezones synced up - hope to trade with them again!

Haunani14's Information



Friend codes:

  • 1349-6456-4977


  • IGN: Sammy TSV: 2993
  • IGN: Samantha TSV: 0518