
SW-1506-6876-8491 || Nérine (SW)
SW-1506-6876-8491 || Nérine (SW) || XXXX

Trades (109)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (109)
1. Moon Barboach, Heavy Ekans, Lure Gulpin, Lure Meowth, Friend Vulpix, Friend Weedle and Love Weedle, Heavy Vulpix and Lure Vulpix for Moon Carnivine, Clamperl, Dratini, Geodude, Goldeen, Grimer, Gulpin, Swinub and Tangela /u/JuliusPrime
2. Safari Teddiursa, Serviper for Moon Spoink, Kangaskhan /u/Cute1234562002
3. Dream HA Wurmple for Moon Farfetch'd /u/username---password
4. Moon Caterpie, Mankey, Phanpy, Sableye, Sandshrew and Lure Spinarak for Moon Doduo, Marill, Sentret, Weedle, Exeggcute, and Sunkern /u/Rosedrops
5. Dive HA Omanyte for NA Mew Code /u/Threexbb
6. Nest Chikorita for Dive HA Cranidos /u/gatsbypoolparty
7. DBHA Drifloon, Croagunk for Bouffalant, HA Rufflet /u/daekashi
8. Repeat HA Pansear, Dive HA Foongus, Dive HA Slowpoke, Lure Lickitung for Dive HA Kabuto, Dive HA Trubbish, Dive HA Swablu, Moon Kricketot /u/HKG_Teddy
9. HA Mr. Mime for Geodude Breedject /u/koolaid02
10. Fast Pidgey, Moon Heracross, Level Kangaskhan for Safari Kecleon, Diglett, Sandshrew /u/Patoan91
11. Premier HA Shieldon for Dream HA Eevee /u/my_belle_peche
12. Kangaskhan for Archen /u/realsteele870
13. Love Growlithe, Lapras, Clamperl for Dream HA Wobbuffet, Fast Drowzee, Love Machop /u/moonlightcat18
14. Moon Miltank, Level Buizel for DBHA Shelmet, Mareep /u/jeuxinterdits
15. Dive Chikorita for DBHA Girafarig, Oddish, Doduo /u/moomooreporter
16. Dive Chikorita, Premier HA Shieldon, Level Buizel for Premier Totodile, Nest HA Omanyte, Fast Burmy /u/HKG_Teddy
17. HA Lickitung for HA Turtwig /u/strom_z
18. DBHA Clamperl for DBHA Lapras /u/endemicpandemic
19. DBHA Houndour for DBHA Ponyta /u/Sturmrufer
20. Love Lapras, Fast Ponyta, Lure Shellder, Moon Dratini for Fast Shinx, Love Shinx, Friend Onix, Heavy Kangaskhan /u/Ayy_Llamao
21. DBHA Ducklett, Combee for DBHA Krabby, Omanyte /u/dshmss
22. HA Scyther for HA Chimchar /u/Deadshuriken
23. Weedle (level/moon) Vulpix (lure/fast) Meowth (level/love) Ledyba (lure/moon) Teddiursa (friend/level) Delibird (fast) Gulpin (lure/friend/moon) Chikorita (dive) Cyndaquil (dive) Seel (DBHA) Grimer (DBHA) Petilil (DBHA for Moon Cherubi, Combee , Corsola, Diglett, Lickitung, Luvdisc, Makuhita, Minun, Mr. Mime, Natu, Onix, Plusle, Psyduck, Seel, Shellder, Shuckle, Slakoth, Slowpoke, Slugma, Spinda /u/USMCancer
24. Shiny Stone for Thunder Stone /u/zigle4
25. Level Smeargle for Timer HA Patrat /u/PKMNTrainerKayla
26. 2 Shiny Stones, Safety Goggles, Tyranitarite for 3 Dusk Stones, Prism Scale, Ability Capsule /u/Tsjawatnu
27. Dusk Stone for Dawn Stone /u/SourPachPenguin
28. Sun Stone, Moon Stone for HA Torchic /u/Ardi-sama
29. HA Burmy for HA Oshawott /u/MixQQ
30. Razor Fang for Razor Claw /u/JagGentlemann
31. Razor Fang for Dragon Scale /u/Px_Phantom
32. DBHA Drowzee, Hoothoot, Shellos, Ducklett (4EM) for DBHA Vulpix, Whismur, Tentacool, Snubbull (4EM) /u/cy78shum
33. DBHA Zangoose, Spiritomb for Lure Slowpoke, Level Seedot /u/zablek
34. Shiny Stone for Master Ball /u/HomeGus
35. Fast Burmy, Lure Burmy, Moon Burmy, Moon Barboach, Level Bidoof, Level Buizel, Love Drowzee, Love Cubone, Love Corsola for 3 Ability Capsules /u/PKMNTrainerArchie
36. DBHA Venipede, Spoink, Zangoose, Corphish for 2 Ability Capsules /u/Aqua_Az
37. Level Yanma for Dive HA Feebas /u/heyimapotato
38. Friend Growlithe, Lapras, Larvitar for HA 4EM Piplup, Oshawott, Torchic /u/Ketzaren
39. Level Stantler for Dive HA Basculin (Blue) /u/Aeryllis
40. DBHA Skorupi, Aron for Ability Capsule /u/Aaron91532
41. DBHA Ponyta for Luxury 5IV Squirtle /u/Gazier
42. DBHA Zubat for Lure Larvitar /u/Gazier
43. Premier Totodile for Net Totodile /u/moomooreporter
44. Dive HA Basculin for Repeat HA Patrat /u/Whimms
45. DBHA Geodude for Heavy Slakoth /u/buckembarnes
46. DBHA Petilil, Spearow for DBHA Tympole (4EM), Friend Heracross /u/Sakisd7
47. Premier Totodile, Dive Chikorita for Net Chikorita, Level Lapras, Heavy Gligar, Sandile /u/endemicpandemic
48. Dusk Stone for Egg Moves Honedge /u/KYuuma12
49. Dive Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, HA Feebas for Level Sentret, Kricketot, Buneary, Abra (25%) / Friend Rattata / Lure Goldeen, Hoothoot, Qwilfish, Murkrow /u/Calebroz
50. Water Stone for Thunder Stone /u/backpackvega
51. DBHA Spearow, Alomomola, Zigzagoon Weedle for Light Ball, Everstone, Destiny Knot /u/thirstgod
52. Heal HA Patrat for Dive HA Patrat /u/TriplesWithDip
53. Timer HA Patrat, Dive HA Anorith, Dive HA Kabuto for Nest HA Kabuto, Net HA Tirtouga, DBHA Glameow /u/34loppyXsoko
54. Dive HA Kabuto for Heal HA Aerodactyl /u/DavidxK11
55. Dive HA Basculin Blue for Timer HA Kangaskhan /u/Kerstrom
56. Nest HA Omanyte, Dive Patrat, Timer Patrat, Repeat Patrat, Repeat Patrat for Great Chikorita, Heal HA Lileep, Net Kangaskhan /u/moomooreporter
57. Premier Totodile for Luxury HA Aerodactyl /u/Moonlightcat18
58. DB Koffing, DBHA Timburr for Timer HA Eevee /u/Schynxx
59. Love Misdreavus, Friend Seedot, Moon Teddiursa, Level Yanma for DBHA Vulpix (4EM), Fast Misdreavus, Lure Mr. Mime and Friend Zigzagoon! /u/Kerstrom
60. DBHA Timburr, Geodude for DBHA 4EM Makuhita, Plusle /u/Sakisd7
61. Heal HA Aerodactyl, Nest HA Kabuto, Nest HA Omanyte for Nest Cyndaquil, Nest Totodile, Premier Chikorita /u/Calebroz
62. Heal HA Lileep, Dive Cyndaquil, Premier HA Shieldon for Great/Luxury/Timer Totodile /u/DavidxK11
63. Dive HA Anorith for Luxury HA Anorith /u/-NovaStar-
64. Dive HA Tirtouga for Premier HA Cranidos /u/SnakesNSerpents
65. Heal HA Aerodactyl for Net Cyndaquil /u/slytherinhouse8
66. Dive, Repeat, Premier, Timer Patrat for Dive HA Shieldon, Net HA Omanyte /u/namida7
67. Razor Fang for Life Orb /u/rebellionmarch
68. Dive HA Omanyte, Tirtouga for Luxury HA Kabuto, Cranidos /u/theflamesof
69. HA Patrat for Friend Dratini /u/-Solis-
70. Nest Omanyte, Premier Shieldon, Dive/Timer/Heal Patrat HA for Nest Anorith, Nest Lileep, Luxury Shelmet, Luxury Sentret, Heal HA Kangaskhan /u/endemicpandemic
71. Heal HA Karrablast for Fast Magby /u/Charlotte_the_witch
72. Moon Sudowoodo, Heal/Great HA Karrablast for Lure Slugma, Premier/Dusk Sentret /u/Calebroz
73. uxury Ball HA Kangaskhan, Luxury Ball HA Shelmet, Great Ball HA Karrablast, Net Ball Chikorita for Nest Ball HA Kangaskhan, Ultra Ball HA Shelmet, Dive Ball HA Qwilfish, Luxury Ball Chikorita /u/QuoteMissy
74. Net Omanyte, Dive HA Shieldon, Dive/Repeat/Heal/Timer HA Patrat, Net/Timer/Luxury HA Kangaskhan and Dive HA Basculin for Nest HA Aerodactyl, Luxury HA Tirtouga, Heal HA Omanyte, Heal HA Cranidos, Dusk HA Aerodactyl /u/Novical
75. Grea/Heal HA Karrablast, Ultra HA Shelmet for Net HA Cranidos /u/Novical
76. Nest HA Kangaskhan, Dive HA Qwilfish for Dusk HA Basculin, Luxury HA Karrablast /u/moomooreporter
77. Luxury Chikorita, Dive HA Qwilfish for Ultra HA Snorlax, Dive HA Basculin (Red) /u/Moonlightcat18
78. Great HA Karrablast, Dusk HA Kangaskhan for Net HA Basculin (Blue), Luxury HA Patrat /u/Hare_vs_Tortoise
79. Dive HA Shieldon, Net HA Tirtouga, Net/Nest/Dusk HA Kangaskhan, Dusk HA Sentret, Dive HA Qwilfish, Dive Castform, Great/Heal HA Karrablast, Ultra HA Shelmet for Net HA Shieldon, Net HA Aerodactyl, Dive HA Lileep, Heal HA Tirtouga, Dive Winter Deerling, Ultra HA Patrat /u/endemicpandemic
80. Heal HA Karrablast for Dive HA Carvanha /u/erwincole
81. Misdreavus breedject for Helioptile breedject /u/Tepyon
82. Razor Fang for King's Rock /u/Gllower
83. Dive HA Omanyte, Anorith, Cranidos, Kabuto, Tirtouga for Great/Ultra Cyndaquil, Ultra/Repeat Totodile, Timer Chikorita /u/anciem
84. DBHA Meditite for DBHA Wailmer /u/treck0
85. Net HA Kangaskhan, Dive HA Minun, Nest HA Maractus, Dive Castform for Nest HA Tropius, Nest HA Foongus, Dive HA Shellos (East), Great HA Basculin (Red) /u/JuliusPrime
86. Egg Moves Lileep, Foongus for HA Tauros, Bouffalant /u/pft7
87. Oranguru, Petilil for Pokerus /u/ExerNemesis
88. Litten for Alolan Sandshrew /u/MariaTheFictionkin
89. Popplio for Rowlet /u/minik2
90. Litten for Cyndaquil /u/Foxlery
91. Love HA Formantis for Level HA Diglett /u/jotaro321
92. Moon HA Drampa for Moon HA Mimikyu /u/CandyDetector
93. Alolan Vulpix for Timid Abra /u/DaGanzi
94. Heavy Ball for Love HA Morelull, Lure Dhelmise /u/richi3f
95. Moon HA Vuplix, Leppa Berry for Love Stufful, Dusk Stone /u/MegaEevee
96. Moon HA Drampa for Luxury HA Jangmo-o /u/Zingerburgerkfc1
97. Moon HA Drampa, Love HA Morelull for Love HA Eevee, Love Komala /u/buckembarnes
98. Level HA Mudbray for Beast Dratini /u/MegaBluto
99. Love Stufful for Moon HA Mareanie /u/lycilla
100. Lure Dhelmise, Level HA Sandyghast, Moon HA Eevee, Level HA Mudbray for Beast HA Mareanie /u/HKG_Teddy
101. Level HA Sandygast for Friend Drampa /u/Radekore
102. Beast Dratini, Wishiwashi for Fast, Level Jangmo-o /u/buckembarnes
103. Love HA Fomantis for Friend HA Vulpix /u/zericherry
104. Beast Dratini for Beast Dhelmise /u/Lally525
105. Heavy Togedemaru, Beast Axew for Love Jangmo-o, Friend Snivy /u/MegaBluto
106. Moon/Heavy Cubone, Beast HA Yungoos for Moon Oshawott, Litwick, Honedge /u/lycilla
107. Love HA Bruxish for Heavy HA Geodude /u/Pikamilk
108. HA Eevee for IV Mareanie /u/cheangalang
109. Fast HA Togedemaru for Love HA Salandit /u/seadrop
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (28)

1. Shiny Cubchoo /u/Jozcef
2. Shiny Honedge /u/Djhninja
3. Shiny Tympole /u/wwwaz37
4. Shiny Magikarp /u/SlashAgris
5. Shiny Marill /u/Dracojuwel
6. Shiny Zubat /u/megavoidfangs
7. Shiny Ralts /u/PencilFrog
8. Shiny Drowzee /u/willster191
9. Shiny Inkay /u/alienowitch
10. Shiny Charmander /u/wahza93
11. Shiny Chimchar /u/LuxrayShiny
12. Shiny Absol /u/stormin2192
13. Shiny Spinarak /u/CapsFan1989
14. Shiny Scyther /u/derpingtoaster
15. Shiny Beldum /u/zanothe
16. Shiny Honedge /u/wilkins1952
17. Shiny Kangaskhan /u/lazytv8
18. Shiny Larvitar /u/doritoburrrito
19. Shiny Kangaskhan /u/acuario_rr
20. Shiny Trubbish /u/sticknstone1
21. Shiny Archen /u/Saorisen
22. Shiny Deino /u/Saorisen
23. Shiny Ralts /u/endemicpandemic
24. Shiny Eevee /u/savannah_allie
25. Shiny Lickitung /u/xyxit
26. Shiny Drilbur /u/3Anton3
27. Shiny Porygon /u/Kyteday
28. Shiny Axew /u/GottaCatchEmAll04

Giveaways/Contests (77 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Assorted DBHA Females (Sub: pokemontrades, 32 given)
2. Alola Starters Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 45 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (14)

1. Evolve Electabuzz /u/mqntro
2. Evolve Haunter /u/TheNightwing_
3. Evolve Haunter /u/ZuliussFX
4. Evolve Poliwhirl /u/omegsnate
5. Evolve Machoke /u/Towelie29
6. Evolve Kadabra /u/ToiletMaster
7. Evolve Haunter /u/iyasuu
8. Evolve Rhydon, Gligar /u/erwincole
9. Evolve Haunter /u/XYORASXY
10. Evolve Scyther /u/TheRealAK86
11. Evolve Clamperl, Scyther, Magmar, Rhydon, Seadra, Slowpoke, Gurrdurr, Dusclops /u/cjw68
12. Evolve Haunter /u/Spicyartichoke
13. Evolve Kadabra, Machoke /u/HandsmeBWnderful
14. Evolve Magmar, Electabuzz /u/Fearless-Fairness

Misc (11)

1. Shiny Aerodactyl
2. Shiny Larvitar
3. Shiny Amaura
4. Shiny Magikarp [2662]
5. Shiny Furfrou [1830]
6. Shiny Mankey [1830]
7. Shiny Lapras [2662]
8. Shiny Lotad [1830]
9. Shiny Eevee [2662]
10. Shiny Machop
11. Shiny Miltank [1830]


Hibicakes's Information


Friend codes:
