
2895-9201-4839 || Femi (Y, αS, S, M, US, UM)
2895-9201-4839 || Femi (Y, αS, S, M, US, UM) || 0668, 1798

Trades (96)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (96)
1. Chespin (HA: Bulletproof) for Turtwig (HA: Shell Armor) /u/KeroseneZanchu
2. Fennekin (Female, HA: Magician) for Eevee (DBHA: Anticipation, Female) /u/histronics
3. Roselia (HA: Leaf Guard) for Pichu (Sports Ball) /u/Alpha-jd
4. Togepi (Female, A: Serene Grace) for Charmander (Female, HA: Solar Power) /u/ErkelByte
5. Sylveon (Female, HA: Pixelate) for Magmar (Repeat Ball) and Piplup (HA: Defiant) /u/slytherinhouse8
6. Helioptile (A:Solar Power) for Bouffalant (A: Reckless) /u/mattdoode
7. 3 Flying Type Pokemon Eggs for Eevee (DBA: Adaptibility) /u/AgentKiwi
8. Growlithe (Female) for Gourgeist (Supersize, Spooky 2014 Event) /u/RisingTaide
9. Cubchoo (HA: Rattled, Dive Ball, Female) for Deerling (Summer Form) /u/swags789
10. Lotad (Nest Ball, Female) for Amaura (HA, Male) /u/ZeLeedleLee
11. Rocky Helmet for Amaura (HA: Snow Warning, Female) /u/Scored1
12. Chespin (HA: Bulletproof, Female), Squirtle (HA: Rain Dish, Female) for Chikorita (HA: Leaf Guard, Male), Cyndaquil (HA: Flash Fire, Male) /u/HalaMadrid97
13. Chespin (HA: Bulletproof, Female) for Totodile (HA: Sheer Force, Male) /u/Ryuthar
14. Nidoran (HA: Hustle, Female) for Darmanitan (A: Zen Mode, Female) /u/dragonite153
15. Squirtle (HA: Rain Dish, Male) for Chimchar (HA: Iron Fist, Male) /u/Section_80
16. Chespin (HA: Bullet Proof, Female), Cubchoo (HA: Rattled, Female) and Squirtle (HA: Rain Dish, Female) for Feebas (HA: Adaptability, Female), Anorith (HA: Swift Swim, Female) and Mudkip (HA: Damp, Female) /u/theJexican18
17. Vulpix (HA: Drought, Female) and Poliwag (HA: Swift Swim, Female) for Omanyte (HA: Battle Armor, Male) and Kabuto (HA: Swift Swim, Male) /u/Arnonmameri12
18. Chespin (HA: Bullet Proof, Male), Poliwag (HA: Swift Swim, Male) for Tepig (HA: Thick Fat, Male) /u/PepperedBiscotti
19. Smeragle (IV's in Attack, Defense and Sp.Atk) for Smeragle (Move: Dark Void) /u/cinnamonice
20. Eevee for Meowth /u/Kpheg5953
21. Mankey (DBHA, Female) for Venipede (DBHA, Female) /u/mexican_honey_badger
22. Piplup (Female, HA: Defiant) for Pinser (Female, Sports Ball) /u/Anderswelten
23. Horsea (Female, Moon Ball) for Scyther (Female, Sports Ball) /u/Barnlogabeth
24. Feebas (DBHA, Female), Smeargle (DBHA, Female) and Slowpoke (DBHA, Female) for Mime Jr (Lure Ball, Female), Growlithe (Level Ball, Female) and Ralts (Moon Ball, Female) /u/Bioshia
25. Vulpix (HA: Drought) for Sync Pokemon (Timid Nature) /u/FernStone
26. Larvitar and Sports Ball Scyther for 3 Sync Pokemon (Natures: Sassy, Relaxed, Adamant) /u/KiritoRX
27. Dratini (DBHA:Marvel Scale) and Snivy (Contrary) for 2 Sync Pokemon (Natures: Careful and Brave) /u/Bianadra
28. Sports Ball Scyther and Froakie (HA: Protean) for 2 Synch Pokemon (Natures: Lax and Imprish) /u/joesatchwannabe
29. Sports Ball Pinsir for Love Ball Kangaskhan /u/DefiantEmpoleon
30. Cubone (DBHA: Battle Armor) for Drifloon (DBHA: Flame Boost) /u/Potato5lyfe
31. Growlithe (Level Ball, Female) for Carvanha (DBHA, Female) /u/aaronfaren
32. Cubone (DBHA:Battle Armor) for Sandile (DBHA: Anger Point) /u/NotoriousFish
33. Level Ball Growlithe for Fast Ball Mareep /u/GoodMuse
34. Repeat Ball Fennekin (Female, HA: Magician) for Safari Ball Aron /u/sabishyryu
35. Venipede (HA: Speed Boost) for Lure Ball Horsea /u/Dark-2-Light
36. Zigzagoon (DBHA: Quick Feet) for Gligar (DBHA: Immunity) /u/Crystal_Shapeshifter
37. Cubone (DBHA: Battle Armor), Smeargle (DBHA: Moody) for Moon Ball Houndour, Safari Ball Larvitar /u/ShadowReaper1157
38. Level Ball Yanma for Sports Ball Weedle /u/Cute1234562002
39. Stary (HA: Reckess) for Fast Ball Weedle /u/Fireburner03
40. Moon Ball Houndour, DBHA Mankey and DBHA Zigzagoon for Heavy Ball Machop and DBHA Sableye /u/Lundrity
41. Nest Ball Chespin for Fast Ball Ponyta and Love Ball Igglybuff /u/superrandystar
42. DBHA Sandile and DBHA Venipede for Fast Ball Magby /u/Barnlogabeth
43. Sports Ball Scyther, Moon Ball Horsea, DBHA Carvanha, DBHA Venipede and DBHA Gligar for DBHA Buneary, DBHA Stantler, DBHA Misdreavus, DBHA Shelmet and DBHA Kangaskhan /u/Mikelpmr
44. DBHA Feebas for DBHA Corphish /u/Fireburner03
45. Fast Ball Magby for DBHA Spoink and DBHA Scraggy /u/gmpsmendes
46. DBHA Feebas, DBHA Venipede and Love Ball Ralts for DBHA Riolu /u/You_Got_Jammed
47. DBHA Spoink for DBHA Stunky /u/LillyLove221
48. Safari Ball Larvitar for DBHA Skorupi /u/Nelxor
49. DBHA Miltank, DBHA Cubone, DBHA Kangaskan and DBHA Karrablast for DBHA Corsola, DBHA Sigilyph, DBHA Lickitung and DBHA Spiritomb /u/vemulaneelesh
50. DBHA Gligar for DBHA Gible /u/Fireburner03
51. DBHA Anorith for DBHA Nidoran, Safari Ball Hippopatas and Level Ball Kangashan /u/JoseVanguard
52. DBHA Miltank for DBHA Cherubi /u/vemulaneelesh
53. Safari Ball Aron for Level Ball Meowth /u/hatsunemiku598
54. Level Ball Vulpix for Heavy Ball Vulpix /u/IntentionOfAbyss
55. Nidoran, Paras, Sentret and Sneasel (All Male/For EMs) for Cacnea (Safari Ball), Budew (Friend Ball) and Nidoran (Heavy Ball) /u/gmpsmendes
56. DBHA Paras for DBHA Whismur /u/I-am-Beans
57. DBHA Anorith for Level Ball Mawile, Level Ball Rhyhorn, Level Ball Krabby, and Moon Ball Shinx /u/maiqtheprevaricator
58. DBHA Corsola for DBHA Timburr /u/namida7
59. Love Ball Kangaskhan, Level ball Growlithe, Level ball Rhyhorn and Level ball Mawile for Friend ball Shroomish, DBHA Qwilfish, DBHA Houndour and DBHA Chinchou /u/Mikelpmr
60. DBHA Cubone for DBHA Audino /u/KageNoRaito
61. Loveball Pichu, Heavyball Lapras, and Moonball Teddiursa for Lure Ball Magikarp, Lure Ball Lapras and Heavy Ball Phanpy /u/wendhere
62. Moon Ball Kangaskhan for DBHA Koffing /u/hatsunemiku598
63. DBHA Dratini, Cubone, Gible and Gligar for Safari Ball Riolu, DBHA Abra /u/driesiwiesi
64. DBHA Venonat, Chatot, Spheal for DBHA Aipom, Cubone and Skorupi /u/PokemonTheo
65. DBHA: Cubone, Zubat, and Pineco for DBHA: Grimer, Shellder and Heracross /u/bongor0267
66. DBHA Vulpix for DBHA Venipede /u/bongor0267
67. DBHA Stunky, DBHA Pineco and DBHA Corsola for DBHA: Glameow Shelmet Sentret /u/Mcgumbo42
68. DBHA Shellos, Dive Ball Cubchoo for DBHA Druddigon /u/vemulaneelesh
69. DBHA Sableye, Abra, Carvanha, Corpish for DBHA Ekans and DBHA Aerodactyl /u/Strafingfire
70. Moon Ball Poochyena, Moon Ball Kangaskhan for Safari Ball Sandshew, Level Ball Cubone /u/LuxrayShiny
71. Fast Ball Growlithe for Dive Ball Ducklett /u/user1288
72. DBHA Anorith and Fast Ball Pichu for Sports Ball Paras and Net Ball Tirtouga /u/Trainer_Alan
73. Level Ball Growlithe for Shinx and Feroseed /u/LeRozita
74. Moon Ball Teddiursa for DBHA Finneon /u/asphyxiati0n76
75. Timer Ball HA Anorith for Great Ball HA Cranidos /u/PKMNTrainerKayla
76. Great Ball HA Cranidos, Timer Ball HA Anorith for Dive Ball HA Cranidos, Nest Ball HA Lileep /u/MegaArticuno
77. Timer Ball HA Anorith for Dive Ball HA Omanyte /u/PKMN-Trainer-Mimi
78. Timer Ball HA Anorith for Dream Ball HA Lileep /u/Strafingfire
79. Safari Ball Lotad and Shroomish for DBHA Maractus and Illumise /u/AgentKazy
80. DBHA Sandile for Sport Ball Nincada /u/Mcgumbo42
81. Fast Ball Magby and Elekid for Moon Ball Misdreavus, Fast Ball Numel and Safari Ball Bagon /u/Mikelpmr
82. Safari Ball Riolu for DBHA Gulpin and DBHA Alomomola /u/AgentKazy
83. Friend Ball Gible and Level Ball Chikorita for Lure Ball HA Carvanha and Level Ball HA Sandile /u/CrawlingBacon
84. Moon Ball Komala for Friend Ball Bruxish /u/BigKnox
85. Safari Ball Lotad for Safari Ball Tauros /u/Menarin
86. Moon Ball Sneasel and Sport Ball Scyther for Level Ball Tauros and Beast Ball Magnemite /u/zane-c
87. Friend Ball Eevee for Love Ball Comfey /u/Shootysmurf
88. Friend Ball Yanma for Friend Ball HA Snivy /u/TheJayggernaught
89. DBHA Paras and DBHA Pineco for Repeat Ball Larvesta and HA Natu /u/gcritic
90. Love Ball HA Stufful for Level Ball HA Dratini /u/otakustratosx
91. Moon Ball Teddiursa for Level Ball Combee /u/shamaela
92. Beast Ball Vanillite for Level Ball Jangmo-o /u/JuliusPrime
93. Friend Ball Passimian for Level Ball Mimikyu /u/Quazord
94. Fast Ball Buizel for Lure Ball Totodile /u/MaddieeeK
95. DBHA Feebas for Fast Ball Growlithe with Burn Up /u/raysian_sensation
96. DBHA Lileep and DBHA Sandile for Friend Ball Chikorita and DB Porygon /u/lindoo1
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (18)

1. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Aron /u/CapsFan1989
2. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Froakie and Turtwig /u/Mushy_64
3. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Zubat /u/Nachito625
4. TSV: 1798, Hatched Shiny Eevee /u/GalaxyHunter17
5. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Skarmory /u/Booshes
6. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Rotom /u/BairnOwl
7. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Dratini /u/Vlkruss6
8. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Tyrouge /u/sinneraki
9. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Fennekin /u/Humminglady
10. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Pumpkaboo /u/MasterGohan
11. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Chansey /u/UmiMizuAi
12. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Scraggy /u/Numblebee
13. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Chatot /u/GaryMuhfuknOak
14. TSV: 1798, Hatched Shiny Zorua /u/nyni
15. TSV: 1798, Hatch Shiny Tyrunt /u/theshyghost
16. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Beldum /u/theshyghost
17. TSV: 0668, Hatched Shiny Pumpkaboo /u/cancercub
18. TSV: 1798, Hatched Shiny Pumpkaboo /u/Humminglady

Giveaways/Contests (200 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Supersized Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 28 given)
2. Supersize Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist Giveaway 2! (Sub: pokemontrades, 14 given)
3. 2Spooky4m3 Contest: Guess My 3 Favorite Pokemon! (Sub: pokemontrades, 6 given)
4. 🐣 Bank Ball Mystery Egg Giveaway 🐣 (Sub: pokemontrades, 56 given)
5. Farfetch'd and Gourgeist Thanksgiveaway! (Sub: pokemontrades, 19 given)
6. Farfetch'd and Gourgeist Giveaway 2! (Sub: pokemontrades, 20 given)
7. 🎁 Mystery Gift Egg Giveaway! 🎁 (Sub: pokemontrades, 54 given)
8. Latias/Latios code and Lugia/Ho-Oh codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 3 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (6)

1. Tradeback evolved Kadabra into Alakazam /u/swagk3713
2. Tradeback evolved Machoke into Machamp /u/iPissVelvet
3. Tradeback evolved Machoke into Machamp /u/SupaFlyBirdy
4. Tradeback evolved Electabuzz into Electivire /u/Dyrmagnos
5. Tradeback evolved Alolan Graveler into Alolan Golem /u/HailZem
6. Tradeback evolved Electabuzz into Electivire and Haunter into Gengar /u/Phantomfury

Misc (6)

1. Item: [LF] Assault Vest and Weakness Policy
2. Tradeback Evolution/Compensation
3. Tradeback Filling Pokedex/Compensation
4. Item: [LF] Rocky Helmet and Shell Bells [FT] Pokemon on Spreadsheet
5. [LF] Jaw Fossil
6. Tradeback Evolution and Completing Dex/Compensation


Velideon May 12, 2016 6:00:32 PM

Hatched a shiny Snivy for me. Thanks again!

Velideon Mar 6, 2016 12:14:23 AM

Hatched a shiny Rotom for me. Fast and reliable hatcher!

wingzerocats Feb 13, 2016 9:47:10 PM

Kindly hatched my Shiny Eevee for me. Thanks again for the help!

PencilFrog Dec 19, 2015 10:32:03 PM

Hatched my Porygon for me within minutes of asking! Thanks so much once again :D

jem529 Nov 16, 2015 3:04:55 AM

Ty for the Corsola egg from your giveaway :)

theshyghost Sep 30, 2015 3:37:01 AM

Hatched my shiny Tyrunt. Very quick response and very friendly. Muchos thank yous!

fiskpotatis98 Jul 29, 2015 9:50:51 PM

Great guy that traded me a friend ball Ekans. Very quick and polite. Would recommend!

II-Aura-II's Information


Hello and welcome to my FlairHQ page! As you can see I like doing trades, love bank balls and enjoy hatching eggs. If you see a Pokemon you're interested in (maybe seen in a thread, comment or my current spreadsheet) please make a post in any of my threads and we may be able to set up a trade. If you'd like, please leave a comment so I know if I'm doing well with my trades and if I need any improvements. Thanks for visiting my FlairHQ!

Friend codes:

  • 2895-9201-4839


  • IGN: Femi (Y) TSV: 0668
  • IGN: Femi (αS) TSV: 1798
  • IGN: Femi (S)
  • IGN: Femi (M)
  • IGN: Femi (US)