SW-5379-4864-6294, 1435-9977-4312 || luke (US)
SW-5379-4864-6294, 1435-9977-4312 || luke (US) || 2760

Trades (32)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (3)
1. HA Shiny GMAX Charizard and HA Shiny GMAX Orbeetle for Shiny Alolan Persian and Melmetal /u/Diooo
2. Shiny Mandibuzz for Shiny Lapras /u/Drockie5
3. Moon Ball Dreepy for 3 Masterballs /u/Seraphye
[+] Competitive / Casual (29)
1. Toxic Orb for Beast Ball Alolan Vulpix with HA and Level Ball Timburr with HA /u/whotakemy
2. HA Espurr for Sunstone /u/Slybandito
3. Timid 5IV Zorua for Ralts w/ Synchronize /u/peppermint1201
4. Friend Ball Dreepy for Beast Ball Togepi /u/Caradhruin
5. Dreepy, GMeowth, Komo-o, Mr. Rime; all holding XL Candy for HA Rowlett, HA Espurr in dream ball /u/hansuna
6. Beast Ball Charmander for Fast Ball Growlithe /u/czarmageddon69
7. Heavy Ball Duraludon and Heavy Ball Drilbur for Lure Ball Arrokuda and Fast Ball Falinks /u/BonusDucks1999
8. Beast Ball Tympole for Heavy Ball Honedge /u/WindowSouls
9. Beast Ball Galarian Farfetch’d for Moon Ball Espurr /u/Lukari13
10. Fossilized Drake for Beast Ball Sableye w/Prankster /u/BlueRaven506
11. 6IV Rotom in BeastBall for 6IV Scorbunny /u/Amshi01
12. 6IV Chamander in BeastBall and 6IV Rotom in BeastBall for 2 bottle caps /u/CPULink
13. Level Ball Shuckle and Dream Ball Shuckle for Moon Ball Orangaru and Solrock /u/EEK_Oh_a_shadow
14. Moon Ball Charmander and Moon Ball Togepi for Ability Capsule /u/RebelAkatsuki
15. Moon Ball Dreepy for Dream Ball /u/schwing-
16. Dream Ball Bronzor for Beast Ball Shellder w/ egg moves /u/ramenoverrice
17. 6IV HA Charmander w/egg moves in Beast Ball and 6IV Sobble w/egg moves for Level Ball and Beast Ball /u/gone_kamping
18. Beast Ball Dwebble and Level Ball Rufflet for Heavy Ball Falinks and Beast Ball Cufant /u/Cute1234562002
19. HA GMAX Hatterene for 6IV GMAX Charizard /u/Jarimzul
20. 4IV 0SPD Beast Ball Galarian Slowpoke for Heavy Ball Rookidee w/Roost /u/RampagingBees
21. Level Ball 0spd torkal w/drought, timid charmander, ha growlithe, beast jango, shellder w/egg moves. for Adamant Mint and one of each fossil /u/samuelthegreatone
22. 4IV 0SPD Beast Ball Slowpoke for Modest Mint /u/WhisperingHopeAway
23. Masterball for Level Dream and Friend Balls /u/muleLove
24. Moon ball Solosis for Moon ball Honedge /u/RebelAkatsuki
25. Level Ball Torkoal for Moon Ball Cottonee /u/candletom
26. Fast Ball Rotom for Beast Ball /u/timelyespresso
27. 4IV 0SPD 0ATK Ditto for 3 ability capsules a lureball and a fastball and masterball /u/FLOOPERXD
28. Moon Ball Dreepy and Larvitar for Bottle Cap /u/Detryy
29. Level ball Torkoal 0spd, level ball Rufflet, beast ball 0 spd Slowpoke for Moon ball /u/Yaskiyo
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (6)

1. Shiny Torchic /u/kasuomi
2. Shiny Lotad /u/ShinriNoHikari
3. Shiny Slowpoke /u/UmiMizuAi
4. Shiny Scatterbug /u/iiiidan
5. Shiny Togepi /u/patchespatch04
6. Shiny Aipom /u/Kirkus-Y

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 14 eggs given)

1. Various Shiny eggs after hatching some snivies (Sub: SVExchange, 14 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


iIIidAn Jan 24, 2015 6:03:21 AM

Thanks for the hatch!

IN_DARKEST_NIGHT's Information


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